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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The holocaust never happened

File: 6013316cd9e2f6c⋯.jpg (68.1 KB, 675x387, 75:43, artificial-island.jpg)

0c487e  No.64555

Who in here has good ideas on how we can shape foreign policy and the current affairs? In the QTDDTOT, I mentioned that we could have somebody wealthy within the movement to fund feminists and pipeline protest groups in Israel to destabilize the region. Like a white George Soros. Rallies turned out terribly for us here in America with Charlottesville, and running for office is obviously not going to work for the most part. Another thing that a wealthy white person could do is donate some of their money to pro-white causes. But that should go without saying. As for another thing a rich person could do is buy up land for ethnostates. There is this thing called Terra Nullius where if a land is unclaimed by a country, one could claim it. Such as Marie Byrd Land in Antarctica, Bir Tawil or even create your own artificial islands (like pic related). There are these islands somewhere in the Pacific that are usually under water but I forgot the names that could also be claimed. But as for creating an ethnostate in the US, that's not possible under current conditions.

Another idea would be the right to conquest. There was a case back in the 1980s called Operation Red Dog or the Bayou of Pigs where white nationalists were involved in a failed invasion of the island of Dominica. We could perhaps hire mercenaries or arm and train white nationalists to overthrow a small government on an island somewhere to create a white Israel.

Any other ideas?

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4317f7  No.64646

File: eabc11790bd21e5⋯.jpg (27.64 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 232d42e0c53ff86b37382df254….jpg)

Remove Corruption = Right Wing Win.

Record everything = no lying. New P2P tech is used for that.

1. History and new tech: Blockchain is a Peer to Peer all-registry of events. Equals no corruption, no hiding. It's a tracking/order/placement tool for business and economy, it'll help you keep extraneous costs down. Install it for businesses, jews get shafted bcos they can't cheat or lie against it's solidity.

2. You can't cheat Blockchain, ever. Install it into government for tracking policies, payments, meetings. Govt saves money because it's efficiency is unparalleled, for once. jews get shafted bcos they can't extort or bribe.

3. We win. Bcos corruption can't fight against Blockchain. All jews are corrupt, so they die out when they can't cheat or parasite off anyone.

What we need to do, in business, encourage the use of a Blockchain ledger-tech to both your company and your partners for ease of tracking of goods and finances. They like it bcos no theft, easy tracing, saves time and money.

Blockchain ledger kills corruption, therefore it kills jews. Install which ever flavor for win.

Business motivated bcos of cost savings.

Govt motivated bcos of efficiency (of the plebs inside who have to do all the work).

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191048  No.64649

File: 6f03ce0842c411e⋯.jpg (5.09 KB, 125x125, 1:1, Wordy_Merchant.jpg)

>. . . we could have somebody wealthy. . .

Stopped reading there. Look over a list of the world's billionaires. Then move down the list of the richest people in the world. Notice anything? There are foreign dictators, Silicon Valley yids, hedge fund heebs, chinks with connections, some ultra-rich families like the Kochs, Mars and Waltons, general reptilian scum, plus more Jews.

You can become a millionaire in one lifetime by working hard, running a business and investing well. You can become a multi-millionaire by dribbling a basketball and never pissing off the Jews. You can top $100 million by making connections at the Pentagon and selling $800 hammers like Donald Rumsfeld or Dick Cheney – just remember not to piss off the Jews. Some people make a few billion by running marketing empires, like Donald My-Daughter-Literally-Sucks-Goldman-Sachs-Dick Trump. Just don't piss off the Jews. As for multi-billionaires? Be a Jew, take Jew investment, and promote the interests of Jews. You'll be fine until the Jews have you killed.

Once you're on the radar, you'd better be down with the big plan. Otherwise you're fucked. Thinking a Based Rich Man will buy us out of trouble is a form of magical wishing. Stop it right now.

Sage for yet another shit thread.

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2a902e  No.64663

File: 698fb53e8d287d1⋯.jpeg (200.33 KB, 782x730, 391:365, 5594DB6C-9EFA-4A94-9CC7-2….jpeg)


Oy vey theres no hope goy.. Give up your plans and don't fight the system. After all we know whats good for this country.. And don't forget give your money to those poor souls in israel. Were being genocided by the Arabs

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191048  No.64671

File: c1f23bfd81bb2cf⋯.jpg (104.33 KB, 625x626, 625:626, Bait_7.jpg)


Zero effort. I'm actually insulted.

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ce53b9  No.64762


Well, we could alternatively crowdfund it.

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df5ba1  No.64765


Jesus … another LARP thread …

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a24f09  No.64788

OP is a faggot

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b8fb53  No.66225

OP is a retard lmao. We're internet trolls with cheeto breath and man boobs. The fuck do we know about "shaping" foreign policy?

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3d0ba4  No.66565






One major problem with white nationalist plans is they create plans that can be easily thwarted and enable them to get arrested. You naively hand out crucial roles to other strangers, wondering why there are feds and leakers.

The worst part is that you don't learn from the past mistakes of others, you repeat them.

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cbde03  No.66677

silenced .22 inserted into brain matter of relevant parties

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d51be1  No.66798


I have an idea. We could infiltrate 4chan by becoming jannies


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b68387  No.78001


Bumping solely because of the Subject. This reminds me of the lone wolf activism thread on old 8ch. There are probably others in the catalog and I will bump those too if I come across them.

I say print fliers listing redpills. Different redpills for each flier. Fliers for different tiers of redpills. We have the curse of knowledge where we know so much that we have trouble starting normies down the same path. Remember that even the Red Team Planner text is a redpill, and a broad-spectrum one at that. Hide fliers in products at chain stores. Hide them in books wherever there are shelves of books. For entry level redpills like RTP, hand them out in person. You would be surprised how interested the average person is in being given a homemade flier.


>You can't cheat Blockchain, ever. Install it into government for tracking policies, payments, meetings. Govt saves money because it's efficiency is unparalleled, for once. jews get shafted bcos they can't extort or bribe.

>assuming cheaters won't just go around your accountability system.

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4b63f1  No.78012


>working inside the system


When jews control the system, working inside of it is futile.

They're everywhere. On the money, on newspapers, the commercials, politicians, EVERYWHERE. Fuck the system that enables them.

I work behind the system. I inform my informants, dox the degenerates and use the system against the kikes themselves.

Fuck the system, I piss on police and their monopoly of violence.

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bf1c1e  No.105962


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