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File: 9fd79fc66158bc2⋯.jpg (82.78 KB, 584x800, 73:100, l_4527.jpg)

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56357e  No.64484




These companies reach WORLDWIDE

Not only are they worldwide but they, some would argue, HIGHLY impact every country

It is safe to say the people who own these companies hold a great amount of power

But what if all this power was in one family?

2)The patriarch of this family is Stanley Wojcicki

He is a physicist

But not just any old physicist

His passion is experimental particle physics

More specifically, his obsession is with the particle accelerator


3)The particle accelerator is a machine that uses electromagnetic fields to accelerate charged particles to very high energies

Stan Wojcicki's involvement with one specific particle accelerator, housed at CERN in Switzerland, is DEEP

It is the largest machine ever built by man

4)There, 11,000 top scientists from all over the world are working to recreate the Big Bang

Before Steven Hawking passed he suggested this action could cause "catastrophic vacuum decay" that would lead space&time to collapse

Not surprisingly, their logo is 666

This is no joke

5)The matriarch of this family is Dr.Esther Wojcicki

She built a CA journalism program into one of the largest in the nation

Has been California Teacher of the Year

Her publications have won multiple awards including

best in nation from Time magazine

And writes for HuffPost

6)Esther Wojcicki…

Graduated from Berkley

Sits on the boards of many foundations

Does Ted Talks

Writes books

Is the founder of many Initiatives

Raised two of the nation's richest women.

Even mentored Steve Jobs' daughter

She clearly has LARGE amounts of influence

7) Now on to the daughters of this couple

Their eldest,Susan, is the CEO of YouTube

She has been…

#1 on Adweek Top 50 Execs list

#6 on Forbes list of the World's 100 Most Powerful Women

#10 on Fortune's list of Most Powerful Women

And has a networth of 500M

8)Youtube has 1.9 Billion monthly users…worldwide

This is quite a reach

Imagine if a person had that sort of influence &hated our president

Imagine if a person had that sort of reach& had plans for a liberal America

Imagine if that person wanted to hide truth from people.

9)Anne,Susan's younger sister, is quite a big shot herself

She is the co-founder&CEO of 23andMe

You know …the company where you willingly send in your saliva for them to have&learn everything about you & your family genes?

This company also has their fingers in every country

10)23andMe worked with GlaxoSmithKline using YOUR DNA to develop new "medicines"

GlaxoSmithKline also works with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation making vaccines

You know.. they billionaire who said we needed to reduce the population?

I'm sure they mean no harm

11) & as if the wasn't enough power for one family…

Her Russian exhusband, Sergey Brin,is the Co-founder of Google

In fact this is how they "met"

She just happened to rent her garage to ole Sergey to do his google work

Brin is the 10th-richest person in the world: 53Billion

12) No explaining needs to be done to show how FAR REACHING Google is.

It is worldwide to say the least.

Interestingly, the Google Chrome logo is very similar to the CERN logo.


How ironic

13) So …

We have ONE FAMILY who has WORLDWIDE access to:


Our email

Our search history

Our entertainment

Our research interests

World troubling physics

Bias journalism

Influencing impressionable young

and creating vaccines

and our movements and every move

and our opinions and politics and if we're politically incorrect

But I'm sure it's all just a coincidence

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56357e  No.64486

Bill Gates has his fingers in the Corona virus remember all the voat threads linking Bill Gates to being responsible for Corona virus? Remember him predicting a pandemic that would wipe out 33million not to long ago? Bill Gates, 23andMe, Glaxo Smith Kline all involved in Corona virus

Remember Nasim Agdham and the cat in the suit meme post to 4chan and Eric Harris meme post to 8chan before the YouTube shooting?

Remember YouTube purging channels and videos the night before the shooting?

How did Susan Wojcicki and YouTube know before the shooting there would be a shooting?

What was done before the shooting to prevent loss of life? Absolutely nothing?

Susan and YouTube wanted that shooting to happen for nefarious reasons.

Eric Scmidt is Jewish, the Wojcicki's are Jewish, Larry Page is Jewish, Sergey Brin is Jewish, Mark Zuckerberg is Jewish, Sharyl Sandberg is Jewish it seems that Jewish are behind the suffering and crimes and Jewish have an ethnic monopoly on all our lives.

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56357e  No.64487

Zach Vorhies was a Google employee who downloaded 950 pages of internal documents describing Google's censorship regime and then delivered them to the DOJ. He also disclosed these documents to the public via Project Veritas on August 2019. Rogue Google employees tried to cut off Breitbart's ad revenue stream. There is video of police, FBI, bomb squad surrounding Zach's house hours before he went public and giving those documents to the DOJ and turning bomb robots, snipers, feds, dogs against the defiant insider who exposed Google's manipulating it's algorithms to promote an anti Trump agenda and censorship of conservatives on Google and Susan Wojcicki's YouTube.

Trump tweets Covefe which translates to "i will stand up" and then Google removes and censors the word after the New York Times says the word is nonsense and then the mainstream media advocates for removing Trump due to "mental incapacity" under the 25th amendment.

A document leaked showing Google employees organizing anti Trump protests using internal company channels, company time, and office space.

The company maintains at least nine different blacklists that impact our lives, generally without input or authority from outside advisory groups, industry associations, or government agencies.

Wife of Google whistle blower, 29, who exposed Google meddling in the 2016 election was killed in a car crash by the government and law enforcement.

Epstein a professor who criticized Google's operations and ethics testified that Google's algorithms gave Hillary Clinton 2.6million votes.

Remember Google censored Tulsi Gabbard.

Deepmind is a Google AI used for planetary surveillance and Google has close ties to China a surveillance police state with a social credit score.

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56357e  No.64494

File: d1d418b4afc321d⋯.jpg (50.61 KB, 960x543, 320:181, a12.jpg)

File: b2cf80417a28b10⋯.jpg (34.03 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, EK7bmlGX0AAmkis.jpg)

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7bf154  No.64498


All jews, not just Russian jews.

Wojcicki is Polish-jew name.

Besides who formats like OP

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e04911  No.64501

These are the people the Soviets were keeping out of their elite managerial class that the "West" raged and raged and raged about because of aunty semitism. These same "Western" dupes with their half-nigger grand kids will swear up and down this is part of the "Golitsyn" thesis rather than admit the obvious – they're the jew dupes.

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56357e  No.64503

Reddit owner: Jewish

Facebook owner: Jewish

Instagram: Jewish

YouTube: Jewish

Google: Jewish

Hollywood: Jewish

NBA owner: Jewish

Individual NBA teams: 70% Jewish owned

Every Mainstream Media outlet: Jewish

Every major TV channel: Jewish

Jews are herding the goyim to keep them in check. Everything from social media to news to entertainment is a Jewish thought control matrix. But normie NPCs can't see it…So don't they deserve to be slaves for not seeing the obvious? Their Jewish masters told them YOU are the enemy for telling them the truth, and they believe it and will attack you for it because you are "le ebil neo nazi racist white supremacist hate bigot".

All major porn sites including PornHub: Jewish. What else is Jewish? (The entire financial system and banking comes to mind)

I'm just surprised the Alcohol and Tobacco industries aren't Jewish controlled. How the hell did that happen? Mostly they're owned by Europeans.

PBR (the "beer of rednecks") is owned by Jews though.

University presidents: Jewish

Law school deans: Jewish

Journalism professors: Jewish

Book publishing companies: Jewish

Magazine publishing companies: Jewish

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a60770  No.64567

File: f6d2d7c384c5819⋯.jpg (149.8 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, greta-thunberg-climate-cha….jpg)


>Trump tweets Covefe which translates to "i will stand up"

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469759  No.64573

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Right at the start Dame Dash calls out youtube for putting Lyor Cohen in charge. He signs artists that make opiate and other drug use look cool. and much m,ore.

Fucking Jews and their Nepotism.

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95521b  No.64595

>it's the jews

>satanic frankist kike kabbalists

yes, kill the jews

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7fd050  No.64599

I don’t get the blue people forced meme. You’re just taking random WASP, bourgeois, billionaires and painting some of them blue for no reason.

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7172b0  No.64603


If you thought that would work here, you were wrong. If you thought you were trolling, you were also wrong. If you thought anything whatsoever would amount from your post other than outing yourself, you were wrong.


>defending Trump

>defending Gabbard

Kill yourself.

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f3f573  No.64921

File: c3065b39f71db22⋯.png (537.87 KB, 671x606, 671:606, EurasianEconomicUnion.PNG)

File: adaacac1cf241af⋯.jpg (151.66 KB, 640x948, 160:237, duginantiwhite.jpg)

File: 4763355d292fd8a⋯.jpg (378.81 KB, 800x449, 800:449, controlledopp.jpg)


>These are the people the Soviets were keeping out of their elite managerial class

>(((Marx))), (((Trotsky))), (((Lenin)))

>90% of the first Soviet government

>Gives them a state (Jewish Autonomous Oblast)

>First to recognize Israel at the UN

>Socialist Zionists make up large majority of Israel's founders

>Including Mapam, 2nd most popular party for years, who openly praised Stalin and Mao

>And David "I am a Bolshevik" Ben-Gurion himself

>Large majority of Russian oligarchs are Jewish or Israeli dual citizens

>Every single Israeli PM and most of the government are from Russian/ex-Soviet families

>To this day Russians make up large majority of immigrants to Israel

>To this day Israel is working with China and Russia *against* the US in certain avenues, like high-tech, weapons, navy, infrastructure etc.

>Chabad Lubavitch are both Putin and Trump's best buddies

wow BASED russia sure showed them

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eeb858  No.65156


It's always so interesting that whenever these "timelines" are presented the entire period between the Suez Crisis and the 1991 coup gets omitted.

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8b9983  No.66873



that girl need to sit down.

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8b9983  No.66874


Let me guess …

President of Isreal: Jewish

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cd8c1a  No.67965

Jews, statistically, are superior to whites intellectually. Average Ashkenazi IQ is 15 points higher than the average European. It's not surprising they founded a disproportionate number of tech companies and are overpresented in scientific fields generally. Its pathetic that you can't accept that and resort to conspiracy theories to discredit successful Jews.

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3339ee  No.67980


The interesting thing about Jews that found tech companies, is they're almost completely tech illiterate people. Almost like they start giant spy companies because they have money and military intel backing rather than superior intelligence.

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eeb858  No.67999


If this were true, the US wouldn't be so far behind Europe, Russia, and East Asia in tech.

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3339ee  No.68013


True, it's because the chosen people get affirmative actioned through university, which are the gatekeepers for these industries.

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6d6892  No.68053


seems a little bigoted there hasn't been a black or arab president of israel

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6d6892  No.68060


jews only have higher verbal IQ on average. they don't have abstract thinking capabilities that allow invention. this is why prior to zionists pushing einstein as the smartest person ever, jews were criticized for never having contributed to scientific fields

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f3f573  No.68061

File: 5fcb5d85e1444bc⋯.jpg (404.09 KB, 1125x1366, 1125:1366, 1556418587197.jpg)


Are the areas jews dominate - Hollywood, pop music, mainstream media etc. - examples of superior intelligence?

If they really were intellectually superior, than the modern jew-run world would be better than the European-run world that came before it. But it's not, is it? That's because the IQ shit is a myth, and it's actually just that jews are more likely to have sociopathy and similar illnesses, giving them the lack of morals that whites have (which, admittedly, can also be our greatest weakness), allowing them to have the 'chuztpah' to be a complete caricature of an evil criminal right in front of your face, never fearing retribution, backstabbing and lying their way to the top, until they inevitably push too far and get kicked out once again.

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7bf154  No.68067



I am just interested, can you link a single study saying that?

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f3f573  No.68126


Why do you even need a stat?

Look up the definition of 'chutzpah', and how they view it as a good thing.

Look up the words of Kol Nidre, their 'holiest prayer' which they recite on their 'holiest day' of the year, every year.

Look up their former Chief Rabbi Ovadia Yosef's comments on goyim. Or the Sabbataen-Frankists that at least half of all jews were once a part of, and Sabbatai Zevi himself who they considered their messiah. Or how Mercury - the god of financial gain, commerce, trickery, merchants, thieves etc. - was their most worshipped and discussed pagan god back in the day.

They have an entire religion and culture of, if not inherent, taught sociopathy.

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7bf154  No.68141


Sociopathy is a specific thing

Besides one can confuse sociopathy for something similar which is not sociopathy.

I'd want statistics just to confirm if they have actual sociopathy or something else, besides it will be a good source to show what the kikes actually are.

Besides this sociopathy is linked with certain IQ range, certain impulse control, certain type of behaviour, certain type of brain structure.

I want to know that if the jew is typical example of a sociopathic person or something else and what they do is more related to the teachings of merchants or the genes of the merchants.

Besides I hardly believe that tribalism is linked with sociopathy, as tribal behaviour is natural. It is not counted as sociopathy if a soldier kills another soldier in war.

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47951f  No.68246

File: 3ca261989cc01f6⋯.mp4 (891 KB, 480x480, 1:1, what_a_time_to_be_alive.mp4)


Good to know. It's a shame that the majority of the population don't know, don't care to know, and would just forgot in a few days if they did know, and just start consuming the media's shit again like good little cattle.

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65d8d9  No.68267


I'm glad 8 got revived. You'll never see a thread this high quality on cuckchan.

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000000  No.68268


Always kill jews and leftists.

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