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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 6b6f7043cab8c6c⋯.jpg (48.8 KB, 575x390, 115:78, terror to zog.jpg)

c3f5b8  No.63737[Last 50 Posts]

What do you think of white prison gangs? I support them as part of a white revolution. The members I know have been extremely based and red-pilled, especially on the JQ. In fact I learned a lot of my current beliefs because I have friends, who have family that are members and helped red pill me. However, I have seen some cringe pro-ZOG bootlickers who screech autistically that they are "degenerates". Are those faggots typical of the people who post here?

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75ac99  No.63743

As long as they are pro-white no matter what . 100% genetic oriented, I dont really care. As of now, I would ally anyone, as long as they are pro-white.

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c3f5b8  No.63750


thanks based bro.

I am sick of white nationalists being divisive. We need to stick together. Focus on fighting the kikes and their minions who want to exterminate us, not attacking a fellow white for smoking weed or being a "strasserist"

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e73b6d  No.63778

not negative.

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c60d01  No.63782

Dear c3f5b8

1: There is only one thing that matters. The hardware. i.e the genetic purity.

2: Spend time on getting a family, protect it, make children, get a stable economy and stay away from niggers. That should be your only priority in life since that is the only thing that will give you real joy, family and safety. This means that: If nationalism can help you get safety and security then that is what you should aim for. Otherwise find some other way to secure that safety.

3: /pol/ is not here to recruit you, it is here to enlighten you and make you do right decisions in your life based on: a beliefsystem with objectively solid basis on natural reason..

4: All of us here struggle with our own demons, and in a way that is what brought us here together. Remember, all of us have our own insecurities that can get triggered by pointless debate. The nerdy hacker gets insecure by the muscular tattooed guy, but he in turn gets insecure by the hackers internet skills. Does this mean we have to fight? Some grew up without mom/dad, others never went to school, some are incels, some are depressed, others are in jail, etc etc. If anything, you could be using this as an inspiration to understand others struggle too, as a way to channel your feelings of solidarity to your fellow ancestral kinsmen. Such sympathy and empathy is what the white man was designed for, which is why we connect so well here and why it is exploited as "cuckholdry" by the rest of the world.


At the end of the day - what we are all trying to do here is to protect our RACE and thereby create safety once and for all. The genetic strength will ensure the bond needed for that.

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09219e  No.63794

Low IQ brutes. Your prison population typically holds people of a shared IQ value, so you get your 80 IQ niggers and whites in there. Cull them to get those genes out of the population,

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c3f5b8  No.63798


This is the kind of shit I am talking about. We don't need you. FUCK OFF.

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e73b6d  No.63831


>the average American white a century ago was around 80 IQ by modern standards

Some of thats because people are getting better trained at taking the tests not "getting smarter". It's called the flynn effect.

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b7712b  No.63842

In my opinion white prison gangs are not ideologically driven. They stick together because that is how your survive incarceration. Also if I can get you to tattoo a swastika on your head I own you for life. Normies will never accept you.

I used to work in a remand center, the blacks, muslims etc all just group with their own kind.

The truth though is they are also red pilled because they are amongst the few people in society that live in the true animal kingdom. The truth is closest in my opinion to the movie shot caller. Most of them are also in the sin bin because of prior degenerate behaviour.

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558933  No.63845


I don't get it, you use generally lower IQs as an excuse to not want minorities in your country but then when someone uses your own logic on the low IQ members of your own race you chimp out, does it matter or doesn't it? You can't have it both ways.

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c60d01  No.63846


even if what you said was true, and we are supposed to hate the sub-par IQ individuals. Does that mean I'm supposed to hate 50% of the white race because it has less than IQ100? That is not going to happen. Hating 50% of the white population is WG.

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c60d01  No.63848


There are other aryan traits of value too, such as height, metabolic system, creativity, temperament, attitude, physical strength, beauty and etc…

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558933  No.63855


All which are individually better in different races, we're simply the jack of all trades but a master of none. Thats why the self professed melting pot nation of the world also happens to be the strongest one, because leeching the masters of their fields that other nations spent resources raising and training and using them to benefit your own nation is a successful strategy while simply being content with mediocrity across all fields will only see you outclassed by the masters in a single field that exist across the world.

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c60d01  No.63872


Worlds strongest men: Europeans

Morlds tallest men: Europeans

Best metabolic system: Europeans

Have best attitude: Europeans

Most beautiful: Europeans.

All of which whites are better than other races. I agree that niggers and jews arent really humans and we shouldnt compare how fast we run compared to cheetas.

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ba87d6  No.63878

I have far more respect for the most of the White men on the inside than the White "men" on the outside. And don't worry about the "degeneracy" wailing; the ones that do it are the ones that embody it the most.

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558933  No.63879

File: a03db920d8759a7⋯.jpg (1.31 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, NFL-HD-Wallpapers-05.jpg)

File: 408b8bd9a58607a⋯.jpg (214.5 KB, 1200x820, 60:41, 4dc2ea2e7735129231972626e1….jpg)


You can't honestly believe this can you? How do you even explain such a gross over representation of blacks in competitive sports if not for their genetic inclination towards strength and endurance? How can you be perfectly fine to acknowledge their genetic shortcomings but refuse to accept the benefits they've received in lieu of those shortcomings that lead them to surpass you in those areas?

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b60966  No.63909


>How do you even explain such a gross over representation of blacks in competitive sports if not for their genetic inclination towards strength and endurance?

Negros, Foreigners and Minorities aren't successful in sport because of genetic advantages, but because the political establishment and political correctness have made it illegal to be against them. The majority of big sport organizations and clubs are pushing for radical political correctness and the replacement of homegrown players with foreigners against the wishes of the fans. You can see this in European Soccer really good, where for every big game the players have to go through a ceremony glorifying political correctness, while the fans in the stands make monkey sounds. The reason this is done is because for many people their sport team has become their replacement tribe after decades of leftist policy have eroded the traditional family and social bonds. And what better way to take over a tribe, if you can just buy the team and replace the players with the diversity you want to push onto the fans?

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073e76  No.63929


So its an unfalsifiable conspiracy how convenient, I bet the trans athletes going into womens sports and beating the everloving shit out of them and taking every medal is just a political correctness conspiracy to elevate trannies and has nothing to do with their superior strength either right?

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034935  No.63933


Imagine being this delusional. Blacks are inferior to whites in regards to intelligence. Whites are inferior to black in regards to physical strength overall. Keep coping.

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41a1e2  No.63976


they are garbage low IQ druggies the result of black culture raping white society they need to be euthanized

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4848cb  No.63986

This thread is growing off-topic into matters of genetics. Someone put in some fucking effort.

We had thousands of years of the bible for a reason. A tatted up white prison gang member needs a spiritual path if you want to ever integrate them into a community or have productive, constructive interactions with them. They're basically outsiders when they're out of prison. If there's no way for them to start from the bottom and rise through some sort of hierarchy or occupy some decent station, they're fucked and we're all left with dispossessed pariah.

In a society with a proper spiritual hierarchy, inter-class respect (excluding the 'pariahs' for now) forming a core of society, white prison gang ex-convicts are generally simple to deal with – you end the privatization of prisons that lets them become these fucking hellscapes for the harmless convicts, some spiritual teachings or bible for everyone, hang the pedos and cannibals and a few other criminals, and strict disciplinary measures for every prisoner – turn them into a troop probably doing manual labor and living like soldiers with the discipline of one.

That's my take.

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c3f5b8  No.63987


I can't describe my hate for you in words, you are worse than ANY nigger or kike, FUCK YOU,

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8741a2  No.64001


Gay outdated take with your own contradictory modern morality thrown in just to fuck it up even more. The answer to spirituality in the modern world is not going back to the ancient sand niggers book of bedtime stories.

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7d9a20  No.64017

File: ec41b6d9206f202⋯.jpg (173.11 KB, 800x1320, 20:33, phelps_chest_custom-d239ac….jpg)

File: e2f5f65c751f8aa⋯.jpg (539.78 KB, 1067x1600, 1067:1600, Usain-Bolt-2008.jpg)


Whites have to potential to be stronger, its just that they often aren't due to lack of reason to be, where affirmative action basketball-americans have all the reason to be. This isn't to say that other races have no advantages in certain types of activity, however. Blacks have a higher center of mass, which is located at the navel, and are therefore better at running, however whites have a lower center of mass and are much better at swimming, which is why you always see the stereotype that blacks can't swim.

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5c23ce  No.64028

>>63986 me

By "some sort of hierarchy" I don't mean endless rising through the ranks – I mean a better and worse position.


I'm not suggesting the bible explicitly, just that it existed for thousands of years as the moral compass for a good fucking reason. There has to be spirituality. I could have been more clear.

So are you going to say how it's outdated? It seems like you were saying two things: my view is "gay outdated" and "[sandnigger bedtime stories]".

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8741a2  No.64044


>So are you going to say how it's outdated?

God himself impregnated a preteen and you're talking about hanging pedos, need I say more?

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46e7a1  No.64051

File: b6542bb38e4248f⋯.png (177.63 KB, 518x934, 259:467, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 29b042a5f6b362f⋯.png (308.89 KB, 674x799, 674:799, ClipboardImage.png)


>but the fact remains that they get better results.

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ba9f85  No.64097


Did you not read what I said? I'll say it more clearly: what is outdated about it besides the sandnigger bedtime stories, or is that it? I have already clarified that there has to be spirituality, not the bible.

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6964ef  No.64106

File: b81103365dbb49c⋯.gif (765.71 KB, 430x200, 43:20, 1582420505957.gif)

OPie did it again

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8741a2  No.64122


If you take away the sandnigger stories then whats left? You say it was a moral compass for thousands of years for a good reason and then are eager to entirely disregard it for going against modern morality, it just doesn't make sense.

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db3f8a  No.64133


It's really besides the point. "Take away the stories then what's left?" is exactly the fucking issue I'm talking about. The Talmud and Quran are clearly worse, and they were trying to proselytize others into their shit for over a thousand years – so you have the counter that is the Christian bible. It's a step above, and the Virgin Mary isn't about fucking kids at all. I'm not here to defend the Bible; I'm saying there has to be spirituality that addresses the lowest and lower and gives a way to the higher.

Anything else?

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8741a2  No.64137


The bible itself isn't about fucking kids at all either considering it makes it no mention of it while making sure to include that mixed fabrics are prohibited, christianity is in no way a step above other religions its believers have simply strayed from its message where islamic cultures for example still at least try to remain true to the quran.

If all you want is a spirituality that allows people to kneel at their bedside and silently beg their sky daddy to murder that co-worker they hate then we already have that, if you're wanting something more then you aren't doing a very good job explaining what that is.

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66aefe  No.64150


Whites have longer/enduring muscles fibers and blacks have shorter/faster ones. The world's heaviest lifters are indeed White and Whites will always hold the record along with being able to walk/run for longer periods even though niggers have the speed records. Basketball niggers are selected to be freakishly tall and that is not desirable unless in such a specific context like basketball. (Although of course I do not desire niggers to exist at all.)

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d2b68e  No.64151


Why are you still characterizing me as Christian? Let me say it more clearly: Fuck the Bible. There has to be better. There is better. Do you have any suggestions?

<"I'm not here to defend the Bible"

Germanic folklore religion and stories, philosophy, metaphysics, logic, history, western literature, law and some politics or political theory might be all the spirituality people in prison or anywhere need, for all I know.

Historically I think Christianity and the Bible are better alternatives amongst the Abrahamic religions and there was need to choose the better alternative as a defense against the lesser ideologies cross-generationally; but this is an irrelevant point.

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c5e6e7  No.64158

File: 3ac0918ac5294cd⋯.png (44.63 KB, 393x293, 393:293, laughing at mutts.png)

>Let's side with criminals because they're white

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66aefe  No.64163


There are no criminals, stop being a judgemental retarded boomer.

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c5e6e7  No.64200

File: 7830a06dd3163cf⋯.png (267.03 KB, 610x598, 305:299, Fail.png)


>Robbers and Rapists aren't a thing


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e73b6d  No.64204


As a wise Hitlerist once said, we're better off with criminals and anarchists among our ranks than burgeoise cowards. Rapists maybe not, but robbers? Depends who and how they robbed. Brüder Schweigen is an example.

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153549  No.64228

I think Wes Watson is worth looking into.

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b60966  No.64249


Are you fucking retarded? First you claim its a conspiracy, then you give the best proof yourself that politics are fucking with sports by pushing insane men into women sports to create the narrative that they are "true women" and you ignore it?

Trannies are not put into women sports because they are better, they are put into it to back up the claim that these Frankensteins are women. That they beat real women is only seen as a bonus by the fanatics who have pushed for it, because they can sell stars as role models.


There is no reason to be butthurt about the truth. Life isn't a game where a nice gamedeveloper made sure that all races are equal by giving them a compensation for their flaws. Niggers are overrepresented in sports, because physical activities are the only abilities they can specialize in, not because they are better than other races in it. If niggers had been superior in anything, they wouldn't have ended up as the dedicated slave race for the rest of humanity long before gun powder was invented.

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a61b1a  No.64273

File: 4d3f72250e0374d⋯.jpg (101.96 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Finish_Race.jpg)


The only reason robbers and rapists exist is that we have a kike legal system that prevents us from killing them. Before the law-jew poked his nose into our affairs, Europeans were already genetically purging the race by executing cut-purses and other evildoers.

It was the Jew who created a system for "rehabilitation," which means sending useless eaters and those who rape children away for a decade or two on vacation, followed by their release back into society.

In a healthy society, we would just accept that some people come out wrong. Wring their necks as dispassionately as possible, and we would gradually have fewer going wrong.

Obviously, not every criminal is evil or irredeemable. A man who steals a bit of money, especially if he needs it and doesn't hurt anyone who matters, a better solution could certainly be found. For the white robbers and rapists, however, a nice, cheap rope is a civilization-saving device.

Pic is vaguely unrelated.

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e7d068  No.64281


The U.S has the worst rape filled prisons in the world subjecting its prisoners to slave labor because they're owned privately yet the rate of incarceration is 783 of 100,000 and a recidivism rate of roughly 75%. Meanwhile norway gives its prisoners what equates to their own small apartment with a TV and computer and a view of nature instead of concrete walls and their incarceration rate is 72 of 100,000 with a recidivism rate of 20%. Its almost like crime doesn't decrease based on how inhumanely you treat criminals and on the contrary causes them to remain criminals that commit more crimes because they're made to feel like nobody even cares about them or making sure they're rehabilitated.

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a61b1a  No.64319

File: e954df4f27b9e47⋯.jpg (63.44 KB, 1068x712, 3:2, Norwegian_ISIS.jpg)


>completely irrelevant and mostly false stats that really have nothing to do with the comment you were replying to

The idea that Norwegian prisons are summer camps is a lie American liberals use to pwn American conservatives. Norway – which until 20 minutes ago was a tiny white ethnostate – has one prison, Bastoy, that meets your description. It also has torture chambers full of HIV-positive rapists who will skin you alive if you're ever tossed into the hole with them.

Stop getting your ideas from retarded bullshit Michael Moore movies, faggot.

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4b5627  No.64373


No, you fucking piece of shit kike. The shit you are promoting literally comes from Judaism. The people who deserve to die are judgmental, conservative boomer assholes like you. Our race would do well to exterminate all the "law and order" types, they are the absolute fucking worst.

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a61b1a  No.64470

File: c31aec519a62510⋯.jpg (1.95 MB, 2970x1980, 3:2, It_Has_Come_to_This_How_Ba….jpg)


You know who hates "law and order types"?


If you were of European descent, you would know that we naturally create lawful and productive societies. Heeb communism and mass immigration screw that up for us, but in our natural state we are internally peaceful and cooperative.

We didn't get this for free. Europeans 1,000 years ago were savages. We culled our own for centuries until most of the nig-style chimpout genes were gone. It is into these peaceful societies that (((marxism))) and (((immigration))) and (((((((((civil rights))))))))) have introduced their disorder, leading to the present situation.

In a white ethnostate, lawbreakers are almost guaranteed to be evil souls. Death by the rope is too good for them. In Muttstani countries like the ones we have now, all hell is loose and there's no telling why a white criminal did what he did.

I'll make this simpler for your nig brain:

IF White Nation = TRUE

THEN Hang Criminal Scum

IF White Nation = FALSE

THEN Who Gives a Shit

You will never be white

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0affa2  No.64547


>all the statistics are fabricated and norway has secret torture dungeons because I say so

sure pal

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4ba31f  No.64568


Holy shit you’ve been doing this for years you fucked up schizo faggot. You need to be put out of your misery already.

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b7b1f5  No.64741


The greatest white gang there has ever been is the Federal Government Of The United states, all years after the fall/integration of Chicago mafia.

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fd9d54  No.64745

OP's pic is not a racist skin head

hes a doc martin skin head which are just non-racist faggots who shave their head and wear doc martins

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ec895d  No.64754


Only white supreme boards would feature a gay-as-shit picture of a pro swimmer. Cull yourselves homos

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fb8587  No.64821


only a fag would think a picture of a guy shirtless is gay. fuck off faggot

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fb8587  No.64825


hahaha. look at this fucking zog christ kike slave.

europeans being domesticated and peaceful is what led to this in the first place. you really think our ancestors would have accepted zog control and immigration? nah, the would have revolted immediatly. the fact that you praise this peace and decadent weakness shows youre eiter a shill or a skinny nerd.

cops will forever be the enemy of whites. The police as an instinitution are a completely new idea and have only been around in a couple hundred years. in an ideal white society we wouldnt even need pigs as there'd be little crime and people would be carrying firearms with them anyway

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172981  No.64833

File: c954cf8980815ed⋯.png (773 KB, 1119x1209, 373:403, TylerBingham.png)


> Opinion on white prison gangs

Another organization created by Jews to do their bidding just like the KKK and MI6.




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b59f33  No.64954


Why don't you ask Irv Rubin what happens to Jews when they go to Prison.

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b59f33  No.64955


Ask Earl Krugel about the awesome time he had in goyim jail

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b59f33  No.64960


Not totally true, The people that end up running it aren't low IQ. Also a lot of fraudsters in there.

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80fda7  No.65023


>In 1978, Rubin offered a $500 bounty to anyone who would wound or kill a member of the American Nazi Party.

>a memorable October 22, 1997, appearance on the Jerry Springer Show where he and his bodyguards scuffled with members of the Ku Klux Klan


The American Nazi Party was run by a Jew. The KKK was founded by a Jew.




If you dig down far enough into the origin of social turbulence it's all jew mind games and financing.

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b59f33  No.65053


>We used to kill people like that in the HRE

Whose we? You weren't even alive in the HRE, fuckin LARPer.

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1a4bb2  No.65057


>it's all jew mind games and financing

They truly are superior irl trolls.

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3b1a14  No.65106


>imprison all racially proud White men for minor transgressions like using meth while letting niggers, spics, kikes and hippies largely unpunished for similar and worse crimes

>force them to stick together and integrate to prison culture merely so that they have a chance to survive among hordes of violent brown criminals

>all White "supremacists" are criminally inclined gansters

Gee I wonder…

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3b1a14  No.65112



>and Rapists

More like:

>infrequent drug users

>people who exercised their constitutional rights a bit too much and bought a magazine of bullets they forgot to declare on the local ZOG station

>people who successfully defended their life and/or property yet the (((Judge))) did not see it that way because there was no video footage of it

>people who got in a fistfight with a particularly provocative nigger, spic or antifa

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1e1e6e  No.65130


bottom-tier cannon fodder for our cause. everytime i meet a brother who looks like that pic i ask him, "how the fuck are you able to take on the kikes when you can be seen a mile away?" they never have an answer. say what you will about prison muslims but they aren't fucking each other and turning their skin grotesque with ink. aside from that silly hat they where, they can at least blend in. white skin is a blessing and shouldn't be marked like that.

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4b630d  No.65276

Everyone got a part to play in the larger perspective and from view of nature.Like a musician in a symphony orchestra. Those "low iq" people got their role to play without a doubt. Since that is how nature made them. If everyone was the same like keyboard warriors nothing would ever happen.

So to the idiots that think they are superior to everyone else who are not just a keyboard warrior. You can go and fuck yourself. Retardo.

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4b630d  No.65277


They always play both sides, how do you think they manage to keep the power.

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46e7a1  No.65287


Those are libertarians, not liberals.

In America: liberals = socially left, economically left. libertarians = socially left, economically right. conservatives = socially right, economically right. Populists = socially right, economically left.

IQ is not everything, dumbass. Besides the fact that conservatives are retarded one can witness when they go to /qresearch/ or just talk to a qboomer. National Socialists would score differently from conservatives and liberals, one of the reason conservatives and liberals have lower IQ than libertarians is because conservatives and liberals are both mainstream ideologies while libertarian is more fringe. A less mainstream ideology means with more independent thinking.

And many people on /pol/ are libertarians turned into natsocs.

A libertarian society is 90 IQ by next 100 years.

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c804f4  No.65362


>what do you think of white prison gangs?

Most of the members are degenerates who committed serious crimes to get incarcerated. That being said, they're also racially conscious, redpilled by the very prison experience that multiculti bullshit never works and that tribalism is the name of the game just to survive in prison. Many are just straight wiggers who joined to survive because blacks and spics will not take kindly to a stray white man, but there are some who are well versed in who the problem is and what needs to be done about it.

They're a double edged sword, useful but at the same time criminal. You don't want them as neighbors but you want them as a fellow fighter.


>overrepresentation of blacks in sporrts if not for their genetic inclination towards strength and endurance

Most sports don't have to do with strength though. Baseball, Hockey, tennis, basketball and soccer have no massive strength requirement. The only real strength requirement is in football and that's because you just need sumo bulkers to tackle others. JFL at endurance as well, blacks are the best sprinters but whites are better at long runs. Even when it comes to physical sports like boxxing, greats like Muhammad Ali weren't great for their strength but for technique and ability to take a massive beating on the ropes until the opponent tired out.

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ba5ec5  No.65413


Anyone in prison was dumb enough to get caught and so even when foregoing *what* they're inside for they've already established that they're not reliable people. Frankly they're the niggers of our race, interpersonally they're a nightmare, they give white people a bad name by being as dumb as niggers and looking like fucking cholos, tattoos are disgusting regardless of their content. It's got nothing to do with 'white nationalists being divisive' and everything to do with them being shit people, discrimination is a fine thing to engage in when it keeps scum out of your days.

Good luck to them massacring every other incarcerated racial group but beyond that they're not worth thinking about.


I have a feeling he might disagree.

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5da3e0  No.71240


This thread is very important. You are a complete piece of shit if you don't stand with our white brothers in prison gangs so this thread is good for showing who is a real white nationalist.

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5e8bc8  No.71304


Hold up strasserists get the rope just like the rest of the Bolsheviks, Communism will not survive in any form.

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000000  No.71328


Exactly. In stressful situations, people naturally sort out by race. Whatever a person did or didn't do to end up in jail, whites have a right to protect themselves, or they will be targeted.

That's why they want whites to be atomized and not stand with their own kind. It makes them vulnerable.


"education and cultural change can raise the children of 80 IQ stock to 100"

No it can't.

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e01364  No.71337

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here, have a primer on what happens when antifa goes to prison, and is sorted by race and has one of these guys as a cellie.

Videoguy is a kabbalah spic, but has spent most of his life inside so he's pretty accurate.

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66aefe  No.71503

Robert Bowers was willing to fight to the death but got caught. Typical prisoners are usually pretty dumb but either way I do not like going by the system's/law's labels and definitions and trying to make a judgement off that alone.


A lot of them are anti-racists when they get out. "Neighbors" don't mean anything.

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021375  No.71922

File: 0e94d827b654916⋯.jpg (56.4 KB, 546x800, 273:400, 060914bird.jpg)



Niggers occupy a place in sport similar to livestock, with the exception of the odd mulie bleached/talented enough to keep up with the greats. Jerome Iginla, Stephen Curry, Kapernig before he derped his entire career into the toilet… all mulattoes.

Black players are good for taking their drugs and doing what they are told without complaints, because they are natural born slaves. No nigger will EVER play like Gretzgy or Bird or Namath, there are like 2 decent nigger pitchers in the MLB and they are bleached mulies. Barry bonds was a walking chemical waste dump at the end of his career, Manny Ramirez is right now, imagine those two without their massive drug doses, trying to bring runs in like Derek Jeter. I saw Jeter live one time, I was sitting off the first base line and he was like 150 feet from me. He's tiny. You can't get a nigger on steroids to do what Derek Jeter did, because Derek is skinny and as fast as blazing shit balls, with an ability to focus on the game that niggers do not posess. Just like prime Borque or Orr would make PK Suban look like a fucking retard niglet drafted out of the fucking Timbits league.

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8143b6  No.71929


very good post

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021375  No.71937

File: 727b25f408ff7e5⋯.jpg (205.36 KB, 1200x672, 25:14, shaq.jpg)


I can't believe I actually have to explain this shit to people. Take all the top black athletes, write them down and get a highlighter, then mark all the names that are Irish. Guess how the biggest genetic freak in all of NBA history got the last name O'Neal?

A billion niggers in Africa, not one like Shaqeal O'Neal, because Shaq is a fucking 8 foot tall half Irish mulie. Blacks do not have any kind of genetic superiority in athletics beyond a talent for being used like a brainless pack animal.

You could make an argument for Samoan genetics, but not nigger genetics.

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f5b54e  No.71948


it's not belief you tard, it's literally the Truth.

minorities are artificially pushed in sports to promote a narrative.

that is except for running faster, the only thing niggers have

niggers are genetical garbage, an anachronistic obsolete race, and that's why nature came up with newer, better variants: because niggers were not good enough.

now go get that aids faggot.

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0d0ce1  No.71978

File: 202c02a4aa98424⋯.jpeg (218.3 KB, 500x652, 125:163, 3489gy298dh34598idp2.jpeg)


>How do you even explain such a gross over representation of blacks in competitive sports if not for their genetic inclination towards strength and endurance?

I'd wager that any white who can compete in bassetbawl and feetsball goes into other fields after he graduates college because he wants to do things more productive with his life than throw a ball around his entire life.

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5dae45  No.82300


Prison is for low IQ subhumans. Even death is more preferable to being sent to prison. Literally violent retard subhuman heaven, or should I say Hell since prisoners act like savages and demons instead of civilized people.

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a636c6  No.82360


>You could make an argument for Samoan genetics

I don't think I've ever seen a small Samoan before. They are huge, even when they "slim" down.

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5dae45  No.82389


I guess niggers fit in well then.

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8c47b0  No.82390

File: a4274c3663b13d1⋯.png (127.83 KB, 1081x846, 23:18, f3r.png)

This entire thread glows

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cdb6f4  No.82404


Notice that the inmate has jaundice from his hepatitis C.

there's really no reason to divide you guys into categories.

you're all white trash trailer park losers with the ladies, and although you pretend to be 'victorious', the fact of the matter is all of your women are busy letting stupid niggers impregnate them behind your uneducated backs

(including your sisters)

of course, it's expected that you'll deny it, but statistics prove that I am correct.

you're all quite literally blue collar trash, who's females disrespect you in the most intimate of ways: with their vaginas and throats.

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cdb6f4  No.82407


in fact, the ONLY reason your 'supremacist' fixation exists is because it was born from your FAILURE, your frustration and inner rage that you can't succeed, that society has taken a shit on you, that niggers and other shitskins are more desirable to your women than you are, which has led to your disenfranchisement, and resulted in your inner rage.

Victorious people DON'T struggle to be perceived as 'victorious'…

Winners don't beg to win…

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cdb6f4  No.82408

OF COURSE, failures are the only ones who need to grasp for straws, throw temper tantrums, and BEG to succeed.

the truth of the matter is women have already made their choice a long, long time ago.

(it's really about penis size, and your genitalia is diminutive when compared to negroes and Jews)

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be0cac  No.82461


the few posts above mine are mossad tier well poisoining. Jesus christ 8chan has fallen hard.

mods might as well delete this thread for the shill content. putting whtie trash on a pedestal to put the lowest common denominator in front stage is their most typical tactic.

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be0cac  No.82462


i thought it was because they were given the last name of their former masters? Same reason you see a lot of english sounding surnames on blacks

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541938  No.82493

why…. uhhhhh……. do you ….. talk like, like a retard?

do you uhh…………… like……… uh, smoke meth and moderate the ADL subreddit?

because like, zogbots who do it for free have have surpassed you at shilling

you're the 'goyim' now ………………….

and that's why you don't get payed to shill anymore???

muh dig dicks. I love big black dicks…………. I make sure my daughters watch black men fucking methed out eastern European slaves ………………

its the only way I can get an erection………………………..

surely my coherent rambling is 100% persuasive and is a powerful psychological trick………

200% nigger.


hah……….a. that su………….re showed them………..


check mate nazis, now go cry…………………………….

u just jealous of our superiour verbal iq……….. haha I blend right it…………………..

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be0cac  No.82500

File: 8bc8621b4db369a⋯.jpg (43.64 KB, 500x500, 1:1, artworks_000174242113_685d….jpg)


>see, i am Jewish, so I can say this with authority:

You don't say?

>it NEVER WAS 'yours'


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be0cac  No.82504

File: 82e8ef3440e8bbe⋯.jpg (131.04 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)


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be0cac  No.82511

File: bbb88a17ba04242⋯.jpg (78.37 KB, 800x544, 25:17, Lithuanian_arresting_Jew.jpg)


>dick size

>trailer trash

update your firmware kike, jesus christ. This is 20-30 year old stale stuff.

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be0cac  No.82515

File: 44cc34751f0cd2c⋯.jpg (1.4 MB, 4105x2300, 821:460, img.jpg)


>Jews and blacks

kek they are stabbing you and bombing your buildings in nyc every week

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be0cac  No.82519

File: 005d31be4dc850c⋯.jpg (34.69 KB, 496x323, 496:323, .jpg)

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be0cac  No.82523

File: 1e428ae7421442b⋯.jpg (70.68 KB, 474x638, 237:319, .jpg)


in israel they have to form gangs to patrol the street and prevent their women from dating arabs. the police turn a blind eye cause it's the only way to prevent it

already mizrahi are mixing in with the ashkenazi zionists at a rate that they were always worried about. and it's only getting worse every generation

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36b606  No.82530

File: fc85208f9dbccbb⋯.jpg (114.74 KB, 977x1200, 977:1200, apress.jpg)


Are you trying to argue that the hoods getting thrown into prison are examples of the white race with good Creativity, Temperament, and Attitude?

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c97ecd  No.82558

File: 344c5c108bf8cf6⋯.mp4 (8.88 MB, 640x352, 20:11, VID_20200325_WA0001.mp4)


t. my jewish wifes

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be0cac  No.82570



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be0cac  No.82573

File: 820c46aa8adc10b⋯.jpg (22.81 KB, 400x586, 200:293, 1luther_hehe.jpg)



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c97ecd  No.82574


Congratulations you just played yourself.


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c97ecd  No.82577


Brits spell colour and americans spell color, I shouldnt even be schooling your little skinny ass

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a05d23  No.82644

File: 0630f85c78fbe3f⋯.jpeg (112.4 KB, 602x452, 301:226, degeneratenatsocgetdroppe….jpeg)

They are useful in the way that fuel cells are useful. They can help propel, but they must be dropped before we can leave the atmosphere otherwise they drag us down. Make sense?

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aabbe1  No.82961

File: 1b259927c7502e4⋯.jpeg (7.67 KB, 225x225, 1:1, index.jpeg)

Your a fucking retard. Its about power and internal underworld prison politics and that's it, they dont join for the alt right movement or regular white families or normal politics. They use the whole nazi shtick because it displays great power like that of a lightning bolt in a field of darkness. while being the only non brown skin color in the prison. It also a very powerful thing to be a nazi type in prison because while everyone is following some kind of street gang or cartel structure, Nazi groups follow a militaristic dictatorship structure (or at least thats what they want people to think) which a tyrannical leader is a mascot and his well known symbols are used to display power. This mascot, and symbols have historicaly shown more power than anything any other gang can come up with. Criminal Figures like El Chapo and Larry Hoover what ever brown gangs use as a mascot or image none can Surpass Hitlers image wich trickles down more power than theirs.

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aabbe1  No.82966

File: 8b59a43bfca28ee⋯.jpeg (14.85 KB, 364x420, 13:15, Tyler_Bingham.jpeg)

Tyler Bingham high ranking Aryan Brotherhood member. Also a AshkeNAZI jewish person. High ranking Nazis are just AshkeNAZIs in disguise controlling stupid white people through propoganda.

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51fc0a  No.82982


So, in other words…..

Pretty much just like you, they're actually latent homosexuals, trying to spray paint a facade of false machismo ?

Got it

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3f0872  No.83027


uhhhhh….. Speaking of retards

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3f0872  No.83029

File: 8ea20ad0c49ec7e⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1080x1750, 108:175, PicsArt_03_25_09_39_29.png)

…. Couldn't you have at least waited until the SECOND or THIRD word before making a fool out of yourself by misspelling it?

'white superiority' in action

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aabbe1  No.83045

File: 4dfd56ccfb5850d⋯.jpeg (121.75 KB, 601x376, 601:376, external_content_duckduck….jpeg)


Your an obsessive OCD narcissistic know it all retard. Congratulations, you can now be the editor of your local town news paper.

You are so smart and great at the finding of grammatical errors. I hope you feel awesome about your self.

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3f0872  No.83049

File: 1e0518740d3f3d4⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1080x1220, 54:61, PicsArt_03_25_09_58_50.png)


Yeah but when he was young, Tyler was cool as shit… a real party animal.

In fact, in his High School yearbook, he was voted "Most likely to grow up and be an AshkeNAZI in disguise controlling stupid white inmates through propoganda"

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3f0872  No.83053


Wait a minute, here…………..

so you're calling me a 'Grammar NAZI' ??

…………………………….oh, the irony

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3f0872  No.83071


yourself is ONE WORD, not two

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3f0872  No.83073


Can I please be a Grammar Kike instead?

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3f0872  No.83077

(at least if I was a Grammar Kike, all the girls would know and that I can spell correctly AND have a much larger penis than a White Guy)

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ad3c19  No.83164

File: 0a0c01adaf0b58b⋯.png (85.91 KB, 237x361, 237:361, 0a0c01adaf0b58b65e6bac0dbf….png)


Imagine my surprise when I see all white people playing hockey! It's the second most violent mainstream sport! Oh wait! What's this? Rugby you say? Imagine my surprise when I see how many niggers play Rugby! But big strong niggers love their no contact allowed unless you're in the air "ape hoop", surely they are the toughest and manliest of all races! What of football where they're CLEARLY not outclassed by their white counterparts during the college years (even with mandated affirmative action), only to magically take up… what's this… a 70-30 split in the NFL? Surely it's not propaganda! Continue to be buttmad that your race owns nothing unless it gets given to you on a silver platter by another race.

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aabbe1  No.83322

File: 17fa4f45671374a⋯.jpeg (54.55 KB, 474x576, 79:96, dwh.jpeg)


>"Most likely to grow up and be an AshkeNAZI in disguise controlling stupid white inmates through propoganda" That was Davis Wolfgang Hawke

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3ad7b9  No.83480


Which is exactly why genetic diversity (ie race mixing) is so important. Why not have the average center of mass located between the two so that people in future generations are both good at swimming and running?

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47e82d  No.83505


They are degenerates anon, and realistically are no better than thugs. They can be used as muscle during the early days of the revolution, but after that they either need to be marginalized or disposed of. Just look at what Hitler had to do to Röhm and the SA with the Night of the Long Knives after the NSDAP came to power to get an example of what will probably happen to these low-IQ prison whites. I'm not saying they'll definitely have to be purged, but they certainly can't be allowed to have any institutional power in any future based nation, and realistically wouldn't even be allowed to serve in any government position such as LE/military/education/etc.

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47e82d  No.83518

File: 32d11010f2948ae⋯.png (235.92 KB, 1260x2168, 315:542, Race_Mixing.png)

File: 8444a4fc37942f3⋯.jpg (4.1 KB, 255x85, 3:1, Race_Mixing_pt_2.jpg)

File: 8c2a99082593d78⋯.jpg (415.1 KB, 1180x1180, 1:1, Mixing.jpg)

File: 0ef5cc9cb669ad9⋯.png (3.56 MB, 537x8821, 537:8821, Race_Deniers_BTFO.png)


Because heritability doesn't work that way retard.

Even when you take the 2 most developed races in the world and mix them together you get complications and problems. https://www.ucdavis.edu/news/biracial-asian-americans-and-mental-health/

Miscegenation for any race is mostly bad. Maybe you could say there were was some beneficial mixing between the Yamnaya and the southern agrarians and western europeans, but even then I wonder how much of that was cultural/institutional whether than racial.

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47e82d  No.83529

File: c56d48a155e00f4⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, No_Donations_for_Miscegena….png)


Btw I forgot to even mention that once you start racemixing you permanently alter the genetic codes of your future children so that even common problems that your general population is resistant to can become lethal to your child.

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b1a838  No.83549

File: a3e6df568869b5d⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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e8eb0a  No.83927

Most of the shit wrong with those guys is that they probably grew up around too many nigs. Violence sometimes becomes more important for them, it skews the group. As long as they're truthfully about saving the race who cares about the rest, if they just joined up cause they didnt think they'd survive prison who gives a shit about them.

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ad3c19  No.84678

File: 9d81e2d7c27f29e⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1000x665, 200:133, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ae466e80ebc7d13⋯.png (553.49 KB, 650x365, 130:73, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1c631f307ae8ddd⋯.png (1.98 MB, 1500x563, 1500:563, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9d96a7ed6cc901a⋯.png (466.13 KB, 620x330, 62:33, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6674e687f03d6de⋯.png (600.39 KB, 680x381, 680:381, ClipboardImage.png)

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dcaee6  No.84720

The entire argument any race being better than whites at anything doesn't make sense if you look at global population percentages.

Whites including Russia and Brazil are 8% of the global population. That should really put things into perspective for you.

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4e7082  No.110474


niggers arent even the strongest of their species. the weakest betacuck gorilla would destroy the worlds biggest giganigger

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f0b9a2  No.111208

white prison gangsters are just that. gangsters. they represent the worst of whites have to offer in the world. not only are they the worst of whites. they are less than niggers. they were born with the blessings of being white yet act as literal niggers.

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8a7d65  No.111402


OR the Jewdicial system puts them in there and they have to deal with it.

Watch the movie Shot Caller. it is a pretty good capsulization of the whole prison scene.

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044512  No.112258


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0203ef  No.112325


if they sell drugs to whites, they're not pro-white.

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0203ef  No.112327


if you get all your info on street gangs from television you need to get out more. like anon said, these degenerates act like niggers by choice and kill other whites by force or with drugs. Fuck them.

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12ba00  No.112693


You can sell drugs and still be pro-White.

Aryan prison gangs have done more to redpill Whites than any other group. They not only redpill hundreds of thousands of Whites in prison, but when their members are released in prison and go back to their trailer parks and public housing complexes, they redpill the Whites there as well. They are one of the main reasons why White consciousness is growing.

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aa6fdf  No.112934


Ther are degenerates! They are the lowest rung on the white ladder. HOWEVER! They are white and they WILL BE extremely useful to our movememt in the future.

RIGHT NOW, they hurt our movement. Normies can't accept that level of racism YET! We need respectable, educated, white men, without tattoos and records, as the face of the movement. They will have their place in the future, but for now they need fall back or they will hurt our future.

I say this as an uneducated, tattooed, white man. It's just hard to get more people on board when you have a swastika tattooed man infront of you. People need to be eased into it. Once you have enough. You put people like "the woods" and "aryan nation" on the front lines.

As a matter of fact "the woods" name originates from "peckerwood" a peckerwood was a white non land owner. White land owners were top tier whites, voting rights, usually wealthy Aristocrats and intellectuals. White non landowners were lower their working class, no voting rights, no education. Then niggers, no freedom, no rights, essentially cattel.

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1f09be  No.113305

Travel and war make strange bedfellows.

Things have gone to the point where we have to accept support wherever we can find it.

>>112934 put this well

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7cdf03  No.113348


>What do you think of white prison gangs?

whites going to prison are the lowest tier human filth, niggers at least have an excuse of being half animals

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1f465c  No.113631

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When you're redpilled on race, you realize that it's actually extremely inhumane to house white prisoners with black prisoners. When I see how niggered up they are (tattoos, brute culture, etc), it just makes me sad because I know it was just a necessary response to be housed in a zoo with violent soulless ape men.

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1f465c  No.113636


More to the point though, it makes no sense to put whites and blacks in the same leagues anyway. Sure we coul let literal gorillas in the NFL…and in 20 years the league would be dominated by highly trained gorillas. Sports only make sense when you are pitting Man against Man, and the definition of Man was more constrained throughout all of human history until about 100 years ago.

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8d6dc4  No.114109

Some of the people that join white prison gangs are just yo boy wiggers who think it's cool to join a prison gang while they're down. Other ones are actually about it and are proud of the color of their skin and are also really into the whole "noble white saxon warrior" stuff. You can usually tell which ones are really about it by if they go to the Odinist gatherings. If you want to patch up, start going to Odinist gatherings and see what gang is most represented there and start making friends with those guys. Learn to read runes or something and it will be easy to get in good with them because it will show you actually have an interest in learning about that stuff rather than just showing up because you think it's cool or have a passing interest in learning about various religions.

White gangs in prison serve an important role, and they help a lot of young, scared white boys gain confidence and not fear niggers. They also will protect their kind even if they're not patched up with them as long you're not a straight up punk.

Any person in here talking about "brute culture" is a straight up faggot who has lived an incredibly sheltered life. You can be smart, and still not be afraid to hurt somebody. In fact, it's the only you're ever going to survive if this fabricated reality we've created for ourselves ever crumbles.

Prison was my first real redpilling, before that I was legitimately blind to race. Within the first week of being locked up I had two niggers corner me in the bathroom because one said I disrespected him because I wouldn't just let him eat off my commissary for free. They thought I was gonna fold, but failed to realize that I'd been in the Marines before going to prison, and wasn't just some soft ass suburban white boy like he thought I was and two punk ass niggers didn't scare me. When it comes down to it, I'll swing on anyone. I threw my shirt off and told them to come on with it, and his buddy just looked at him like "what you gonna do nigga," and his black ass backed down. That nig was going around the dorm trying to start a race war over that shit and the head Aryan in our dorm came up to me and said not to worry, nobody was gonna touch me. The rest of my bit was smooth sailing. I got nothing but respect for all those guys. They serve an important purpose in prison. I realize that story reads like copypasta, but it's honest to God true.

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16e8cf  No.114356


no, you don't understand, when the white prison gangs feel it is right, they simply rape members of their group even if there is little reason.

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16e8cf  No.114361


To be honest, I think they aren't bad if they stopped raping their own members and anyone in general. Why don't they kill or heterosexually attack people and fight instead of being faggots and raping people? I think the gangs would be fine if they simply replaced using gay rape with fighting and more aggressive and entirely straight behavior.

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36eea4  No.114576


how come u didn't include best brains?

is it cos u are a low iq nog?

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79bffc  No.114689


most antifa are police and a few sjw retards. its funny trump has labeled them terrorists, shows he is quite cut off from kikery. he's the least kiked president since jfk, who was near inuf a none kike.

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301689  No.114700

Is the climate of the prison such that you are in danger without "friends" to back you up? If so join. If you are not in danger don't do it, the tattoos are cringey.

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fdc656  No.116646

Some of them are actually fairly intelligent and kind, so I've grown out of the mindset that they're just degenerates who need to be kept away from the movement. Of course, I'd prefer it if they had a more gentlemanly character, and used their organization more explicitly to support Whites rather than organized crime; but if they do good, they're good; if they are good, they are good.

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03266d  No.116647

id rather be trapped in an elevator with the leader of a white prison gang than a randomly selected black teenager

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d8d3af  No.117669


>Whites have to potential to be stronger

There is no money in strongman. That's the only reason blacks don't compete. Black people only go for the sports that pay out.

>Blacks have a higher center of mass, which is located at the navel, and are therefore better at running, however whites have a lower center of mass and are much better at swimming, which is why you always see the stereotype that blacks can't swim.

Black people have denser bones, as well, making it more difficult to stay afloat.


>Whites will always hold the record along with being able to walk/run for longer periods even though niggers have the speed records

Kenyans win almost all the marathon races; Jamaicans win most of the speed races. Black people are athletically superior to white people, sorry to say.

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d8d3af  No.117684


What about Michael Jordan and LeBron James?

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