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583879  No.59354



>Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan vowed Monday to keep the doors open for migrants heading for Europe, promising he will not hinder anyone heading for the border with Greece.

>He warned Europe that it will have prepare to shoulder its part of the migrant “burden.”

>“After we opened the doors, there were multiple calls saying ‘close the doors’,” he said. “I told them ‘it’s done. It’s finished. The doors are now open. Now, you will have to take your share of the burden’.”

>Some 13,000 migrants, including Afghans, Syrians and Iraqis, massed at Turkey’s border with Greece over the weekend after Erdogan announced Turkey would no longer prevent them from heading towards Europe’s hearland.

>The move follows years of threats made by Erdogan to punish Europe for not furnishing his Islamist government with money and political support by opening Turkey’s borders — behind which are 3.5 million or more migrants waiting to travel to head west.

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f57c20  No.59358


>hoax title

Great going. This isn't reddit. He didn't declare war. He simply decided to do what European nations are already doing. War implies fighting; there is no fighting. There's one side slaughtering the other side without any resistance. That's genocide.

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4935da  No.59392


That's it then. Time to slaughter kebab.

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22bde1  No.59394


Why do I have a feeling the EU will welcome this with open arms!?

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3da6d1  No.59399

In other news, President Ergodan is scheduled to be knighted by the Queen this coming friday

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0f87a0  No.59405


I do wish Europeans had guns so they could fight back properly and effectively. This is one of the reasons you should never give up the guns (lots of people are concerned about tyranny but tyranny doesn't just come from oppressive governments, it can come from foreign invaders as well). If you are European I would highly recommend VPN > Tor and checking out some online tutorials to make your own guns (do it discretely, pay for supplies in cash only, get supplies one at a time from random hardware stores, hide them very well and don't brag). Also bear spray is another great alternative because if you can knock down and disable a bear 12 feet away just imagine what it would do to an invader that tries to attack you. It would fuck that sandnigger up for days!

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c1d247  No.59422


Germany once had awesome gun laws, but then the USA together with the UK and the Soviet Union invaded and destroyed them.

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0650e1  No.59426


Yes, the migrants are killing Europeans.

Fighting back against invaders is not genocide.

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2198f1  No.59447


Your Slavic cousins do. So it's time to set petty differences apart and support them in stopping this and future invasions once and for all. And if they do reach Europe well then this is a board of peace so we should form peaceful welcoming committees.

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8f251e  No.59480

File: 7b90da44cc2781e⋯.jpg (122.53 KB, 625x604, 625:604, OP in a nutshell.jpg)

OP is a clickbating faggot brainlet redditor.

But since this is the only thread on the migrant floodgates being opened, let's make use of it.

First off, the response Greece and Bulgaria have is what's interesting.

King Roach officially canceling the migrant deal after de-facto canceling it some months before is not that much of a shock. It's more like limp-wristed EU-cuckery failing to bring the results. Who knew effectively bribing the roaches to make the shitskin-invasion problem go away would blow up in their faces?

Now, Greece has an oversized military by NATO standards, ie and adequately sized military by any rational standard.

I trust they are going to put it to good use.

Most Greek islands in the aegean sea have been more than fully saturated with shitskins for a while now. And with the land border to Turkey no being zergrushed by subhumans, I fully expect the Greeks to turn off the media and turn on the fun switched on these savages.

The Bulgarians I do not know all that much about, but I expect them to at least weld their borders shut.

The smartest move right now would be to turn the migrant camps into coof-camps and watch the problem disappear.

Good luck, Gyros-fags!

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a04531  No.59606

Is this asshole still in NATO?


Erdogan is the leader of Turkey. He is responsible for what happens within Turkey's borders. He has provided maps and instructions for rapefugees to enter Europe without permission. This is invasion. From the article, he says:

>The doors are now open.

So yes, a declaration of war.

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a04531  No.59607

>The move follows years of threats made by Erdogan to punish Europe for not furnishing his Islamist government with money and political support

It is attempted Islamic subjugation to collect the Jizya. Islam does not understand peace. It must be exterminated from the world, forever.

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000000  No.77801

>British agent Rothschild golem Soros who was trained at the London School of Economics finances White Helmets Terror Organization

>Rothschilds and Kissigner stroke the ego of halfwit useful idiot John McCain who pushes for war with Syria

>halfwit useful idiot John McCain meets with Mossad Agent who controls ISIS at CIA CODEWORD "PIZZA SPECIAL" in Turkey

>Rockefeller TV NBC represents halfwit useful idiot John McCain as a hero for visiting Syria, which is apparently a building in Turkey labeled with the CODEWORD PIZZA SPECIAL

>so called "Intelligence" agencies false flag Syria with a fake chemical attack

>ISIS and Al-Qaeda are given arms made by Israel.

>ISIS and Al-Qaeda are given medical care in Israeli hospitals.

>ISIS and Al-Qaeda are given the truck of plumber from Texas

>ISIS and Al-Qaeda are branded as "Freedom Fighters" and given US taxpayer money

>British agent Rothschild golem Soros uses false flag as a pretext to destroy Europe with subhuman IQ niggers and Muslims

>President tries to pull out of Syria

>Useful idiot kike puppet homo Zionist all hail Israel Lindsey Graham insists on staying in a state of perpetual war on behalf of Israel

>Every TV network, which are all controlled by the Crown throw a tantrum about not staying in a state of endless war

>MI6 agent who founded and trained the White Helmets Terror Org is suicided in Turkey

>Evil kikes in the communist "democrat" party impeach the president to keep the American tax payer financing the destruction of Syria and simultaneous destruction of Europe by Soros

>President kike puppet breaks down and steals Syria's oil but stops supporting ISIS supposedly

>President kike puppet provides financing to Syrian White Helmets terror organization that mixes with ISIS and Al-Qaeda

>Edrogan tries to let through a few thousand Muslims

>the problem is Edrogan

Not sticking up for Edrogan but there are other foolish agents at work within this system that is keeping it going.

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936a62  No.77845

File: 5a48f51e00cd404⋯.jpg (585.69 KB, 1000x1110, 100:111, OC_muttoman_empire_1_.jpg)

muttoman empire two:islamic boogaloo

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75719b  No.77867

It is not war. it is just encouraging an invasion.

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140c4f  No.77870


>Saying as a military commander "attack them" is not declaring war.

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d042d2  No.77872


>an invasion isn’t war

You’re not even human.

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