So how does participating in Diversify the Census help?
First of all it helps protect majority white communities. Social Services groups use census data to identify the towns that need to have diversity inflicted upon them with a fresh batch of “refugees” Given a town that is 80% white or 40% white, which one is going to get the “privilege” of hosting, literally, a new group of parasites? Because it’s not like the people of these towns have any say in the matter.
Secondly, Congressional redistricting suffers from gerrymandering from both sides based on assumptions of how groups vote. “Minorities” are assumed to vote as a block. By making everyone a “minority” demographics become less useful as a tool for politically motivated redistricting.
Thirdly, it helps distribute government monies more equitably. If a town desperate to help its citizens wants any hand from the government they need to be sufficiently diverse to be deemed worthy of attention. This again is determined by census data. It’s not as if any bureaucratic official is ever going to visit what they consider a Podunk-town in a fly-over state. All they care about is the numbers.
Lastly, liberals say there is no conspiracy of white genocide while gleefully anticipating the day when whites are gone. They envision a brown utopia once the evil racists are purged from society. We say let’s give them what they want. Let’s give them a census that shows that the white people are gone. If nothing else it might open a few more eyes.