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File: 16adf21e3c80bcc⋯.jpg (184.52 KB, 960x837, 320:279, EndGameDivertisy4.jpg)

519895  No.56408

Help get the word out

Diversify the Census

Are you tired of your community being demonized for not being sufficiently "diverse?" Are you tired of cash-strapped towns being culturally enriched by "refugees" demanding translators to help them maximize their government benefits? Are you tired of liberals gloating over the "inevitable" end of the white race? If so, Diversify the Census is for you.

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519895  No.56412

File: fb5a40c73894b3e⋯.pdf (268.13 KB, Diversify the Census.pdf)

What do I need to do?

Diversify the Census asks that on the 2020 census every person who just generally thought of themselves as white enter their race/ethnicity as non-white or mixed. This is not asking you to do anything illegal. These census questions are based on self-identification. In fact it is illegal for a census taker or government worker to racially identify you or contest your self-identification.

Diversify the Census is not asking anyone to lie, we are only asking you to consider your possible ancestry more carefully. If you have ancestors that came to the US in the 1800s or earlier, odds are you have a drop or two of Native American blood. If Elizabeth Warren can claim to be an Indian so can you. Do you have black hair and brown eyes? Look at the racial identifications of criminals on Most Wanted posters. If they can be identified as white there’s no reason you can’t identify as Hispanic. Do your eyes have a bit of slant? The Mongol hordes reached all the way to central Europe. Count yourself as Asian. Got curly hair or tanner skin? Could be Mediterranean, could be a little African. Go ahead, list yourself as African-American. Maybe you just got really bleached. They claim that's a thing, who are we to argue?

But you might say, "Even if I did have other non-white ethnicities, I'm still mostly white." It doesn't matter. Just because you are primarily one race or ethnicity doesn't mean that's the one you have to identify as. The one-drop rule is considered racist but it’s pushed to its limits when people are looking for affirmative action benefits or claiming native land rights. Consider Tiger Woods, genetically he’s predominantly Asian. How often is he referred to as an Asian golfer?

Still don't feel comfortable with this? List yourself as mixed race other. Liberals are constantly deriding white ethnic pride with the claim that there is no such thing as a purebred. All you'd be doing is agreeing with them.

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519895  No.56414

File: 7b9f91b1b5ca3c1⋯.jpg (338.6 KB, 1024x707, 1024:707, 1569706049343.jpg)


So how does participating in Diversify the Census help?

First of all it helps protect majority white communities. Social Services groups use census data to identify the towns that need to have diversity inflicted upon them with a fresh batch of “refugees” Given a town that is 80% white or 40% white, which one is going to get the “privilege” of hosting, literally, a new group of parasites? Because it’s not like the people of these towns have any say in the matter.

Secondly, Congressional redistricting suffers from gerrymandering from both sides based on assumptions of how groups vote. “Minorities” are assumed to vote as a block. By making everyone a “minority” demographics become less useful as a tool for politically motivated redistricting.

Thirdly, it helps distribute government monies more equitably. If a town desperate to help its citizens wants any hand from the government they need to be sufficiently diverse to be deemed worthy of attention. This again is determined by census data. It’s not as if any bureaucratic official is ever going to visit what they consider a Podunk-town in a fly-over state. All they care about is the numbers.

Lastly, liberals say there is no conspiracy of white genocide while gleefully anticipating the day when whites are gone. They envision a brown utopia once the evil racists are purged from society. We say let’s give them what they want. Let’s give them a census that shows that the white people are gone. If nothing else it might open a few more eyes.

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519895  No.56502


Any suggestions as to other places to post this that won't result in insta-ban or doxxing? 4chan won't upload pdf but text has been posted there.

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000000  No.56534


Kill nonj-whites. Enough with peaceful solutions that don't solve anything.

Kill all non-whites.

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519895  No.56555


Most of the white population is a frog on a slow boil. Other ideas to incentivize into action

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185563  No.56573


>that pic

cooked meat was the start of all of this


if it wasn't for infrastructure they couldn't be brainwashed as easily and would face up to the actual environment around them more

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519895  No.56585


What's wrong with barbeque? Bread and circuses though, As long as there is beer in the fridge and sports on the tv.

This is where Diversify the Census hopes to help. First it will allow some areas to remain white enclaves without being "spotted out" by social services groups as areas lacking diversity. Secondly, the slow fall into extinction is going unheeded by people who don't realize how big a percentage 10% actually is when it comes to population. If we can make the census show a precipitous drop rather than the continued slow decline we might startle people into action.

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185563  No.56599


Shouldn't need to be cooked on a warm day and shouldn't be refrigerated/frozen in the first place but I know the stores cool them to begin with. This is another benefit if there wasn't the infrastructure. We can't meaningfully reach people with the same crap that got us into the mess with the first place because even if we do it won't amount to much and there's not a better demonstration than the reality about us.

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519895  No.56609

File: 2f0245372051e00⋯.jpg (14.2 KB, 301x72, 301:72, 4 captcha.JPG)


Doing nothing isn't a solution and violence isn't a solution if its one guy doing it. What do you suggest?

As a side note got the attention of the alphabets at 4chan. Got this 5 separate times (and literally dozens of captchas) trying to reply to a Diversify the Census thread there even after closing out and swiping cache. So much for being anonymous.

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619742  No.56616


>promote white genocide

K, nah.

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519895  No.56632


Just the opposite. What it promotes is adjusting numbers the government already falsifies.(eg crime statistics) by "alternative" interpretation of identity. Its says lets see if dropping white numbers from 50 to 20% spurs people into action and exposes who celebrates BEFORE they have reason to celebrate and white numbers actually are 20%

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519895  No.57369


Been doing this for years even on non-census forms. Its amazing how often you get non-white related mail/contacts from forms that claim "we only use these forms for statistical purposes only"

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