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File: 9984a0fb8230b51⋯.png (21.42 KB, 443x461, 443:461, z54jv4.png)

a71f64  No.51585[Last 50 Posts]

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47ba7e  No.51621

trump voters are all zionist nigger lovers who hate White people.

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560315  No.51727


To be fair. The disintegration of the Democratic Party would bring a red tide that would make Hitler very proud.

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30f02b  No.51736

File: 28e93f6ce6e4c95⋯.png (430.22 KB, 1212x946, 606:473, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 30b2199aa100c99⋯.png (9.54 KB, 716x280, 179:70, ClipboardImage.png)

File: efff9b86681215b⋯.jpg (796.36 KB, 874x1416, 437:708, plato-the-republic.jpg)


This guy is ridiculously optimistic since all democrat candidates are jokes except for Bernie who has an active intel operation against his campaign which will guaranteed squash his candidacy.

It's the PLAUSIBILITY OF REPUBLIC that's the important thing here. Remember; this started with Nixon. You think Newtown's obviousness was unintentional? Obama's BC - they didn't know how to merge the PDF layers? Derp. Wake up. REDUCTION OF REPUBLIC PLAUSIBILITY IS THE INTENT. I have to explain Government Science to the output of the US public school system. It doesn't matter. There's no one smart enough in any position of power to stop this thing. You'll still be holding onto the fucking flag while they're constructing their new state.

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fb3218  No.51743


This would be best acceleration possible.

Fired people do not have much left to do except revolt, economy would go to shit.

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597993  No.51809


Thanks to social media we already know who are the traitors to America

Should we execute them all and include their families, in order to protect the nation?

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d273b3  No.51849

File: 944fa3fc79b47a5⋯.jpg (454.03 KB, 3017x961, 3017:961, 944fa3fc79b47a544ab860e0c3….jpg)

We are stuck in a tunnel not of our own making.

We've been abandoned by a malicious guide promising riches beyond our wildest dreams.

One night he stole everything we brought on our journey and left us to die in the dark.

That thief likely went back to his origin from whence we came.

We can be free from his grasp if we move forward through the darkness.

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dbfe16  No.51851


that is great news that is more than great those zio loving traitor whites low IQ trump voters shouldn't be anywhere near the white house we need even lower IQ women of color to run this country down the drain that is the fastest way to accelerate and remember israel's biggest ally who is that? yes it is murica and this is why murica needs to die as fast as possible, so Israel has to fend for itself like normal countries and those evangelical retards need to be killed in large numbers by niggers and Jews, any sensible white people will move to white/atheist areas and from there the revolution begins, christ cucks slaves of the jews deserve to die, feel the bern niggers.

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a71f64  No.51889


He's not really optimistic, just honest. Leftists did the same in Cuba, Venezuela, and other South American countries.

People weren't violently opposed to communism because of it's aesthetics, they were opposed to it because they systematically discriminated against. The deplatforming tactics that are currently done by woke corporations were the same tactics employed by left-wing governments. That's why they sought help from organizations like the CIA.





Here's the thing, they won't allow you to revolt at all. They're going to immediately act on crushing dissent entirely once they possess power. They will go above and beyond.

You think that they're suddently going to be pro-1A and 2A once they hold power? Not at all. Look at Virginia.

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684108  No.51895


>Here's the thing, they won't allow you to revolt at all

Who said that was an option for them? You can't fight your own country and win.

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496b55  No.51896

File: 14c54f2174389dc⋯.webm (649.52 KB, 512x304, 32:19, truly wonderful.webm)


>Here's the thing, they won't allow you to revolt at all.

It wouldn't be a revolt if they did.

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a0a663  No.51901

File: 8c14739c14ed39c⋯.pdf (55.28 KB, Politico - 06 Feb 2020 - T….pdf)

Politico - 06 Feb 2020 - The New Rules - An Unsettling New Theory There Is No Swing Voter.pdf

Interesting article on possible 2020 outcome

It was over 27,000 characters, so I just made a pdf (attached) out of it instead of having 6 posts of greentext, but you can use the links below if you don't trust my pdf


gross fat chick wrote the article and there's a picture of her in the article.

have your eyebleach handy

Source: https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2020/02/06/rachel-bitecofer-profile-election-forecasting-new-theory-108944?fbclid=IwAR21dBR4yTQ7AtsdN8wWv7HH4ZLuGQ0w2SfgwcU7dYm8aDjON3G-hwvQHnU

Archive: http://archive.md/dCfpo

There is no independent candidate atm to take away voters from either party, so I am going to guess that the results will be in favor of the accelerationists

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a339d9  No.51915

File: d81a02bf9497754⋯.jpg (289.93 KB, 1242x1774, 621:887, ERiAH6zWoAASuz8(2).jpg)

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c17f30  No.51928

That's never going to happen. But realistically, there's a better chance of hate speech laws under the ZOG Emperor, specifically relating to jews, as we already saw from his executive order about combating "antisemitism" on college campuses.

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902db1  No.51943

File: f668d0543129096⋯.gif (998.68 KB, 400x300, 4:3, 0ff7214ff3a2a9577c9b53da86….gif)


Accelerationist don't support voting dummy.

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902db1  No.51944


Start working out and stop eating garbage you fat nigger.

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30f02b  No.51978

File: 49501bf26d60d82⋯.jpg (202.6 KB, 1280x1091, 1280:1091, fellow white people.jpg)


Social media is Pandora's box. All the truth comes flooding out. It's healthy, when used correctly.

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b83a3c  No.52002


They are in for a big surprise because as much as social media is popular in big metro areas, much of fly-over America still has old dial up connections and many don't rely on social media for relationships. As much as some people may have illusions that most Trump supporters are following his Twitter account there is still a silent majority out there that don't care for social media at all and never used those services. I think its safe to say this is a police state's wet dream but outside some mandatory Social Credit Score won't happen. So I assume lefties are calling for China's Social Credit Score system now? Wonderful. Let the rest of America know about that and see how far that gets you come next election.

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000000  No.52059


Kill all leftists instead of arguing what to do.

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c253bb  No.52062


Okie dokie, Mr FBI man. /pnd/ is a board of peace.

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47ba7e  No.52063

File: ad94f7ea08cf6e8⋯.png (1.09 MB, 825x3003, 25:91, Screenshot_2020-02-04 Kosh….png)


Shut the fuck up boomer.

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c253bb  No.52065


There are about 9 million Americans still on dial-up and, while they may not follow Trump's twitter or whatever, they've got family who do. My grandfather never used the internet in his entire 90 year lifespan, but he and I still talked about news and events and he knew what was going on.

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a71f64  No.52079


Are you a fed or something Luciano? I'm surprised that you still haven't been v@ for making death threats for 5+ years despite people knowing about your name and location.


>That's never going to happen.

It already happens. Leftists currently fire you from private corporations for attending non-Trump right-wing rallies and demonstrations. You think that they're going to stop at the state level and suddenly become pro-1A/2A? Fat chance. Look at Virginia.

Leftists always go above and beyond when it comes to their activism because they know how to play politics, US conservatives don't because they assume that their opposition acts in good faith.

Keep in mind that Obama installed left-wing activist judges that blocked Trump's bills, he even started the entire Russia hoax.


That's why you need to vote your way in. A shitty republican is better than any democrat.

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47ba7e  No.52080

File: 071fb080e904067⋯.png (841.22 KB, 820x3601, 820:3601, Screenshot_2020-02-01 The ….png)


>A shitty republican is better than any democrat.

Recognize this pattern.

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a71f64  No.52109


>The republicans are cucks! Better let the dems win to make everything worse for those that are on the right of Marx.-some simpleton associated with failures like Cantwell and TRS.

Do you see a right-wing surge in Virginia and California?

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47ba7e  No.52122


We've already been down your road. For decades. I don't care about your money.

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a71f64  No.52140


And it's been a road more successful than failed accelerationism and doomsday prepping from James Mason and any of those delusional wignats. Funny how Mason's welfare leeching didn't destabilize society at all. You do realize that Cantwell is also a self-admitted fed informant, right? His purpose is prevent people like you from getting into power or acting on your activism. Don't be surprised if any of his friends tell you to vote for a left-wing candidate that would remove your 2A/1A rights. (like they currently do in Virginia)

Even if you feel that you're going to lose, you have to make your enemies work hard for their victory.

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67c9d3  No.52161

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>A shitty republican is better than any democrat.

Jim Traficant, a Democrat, was better than even the best Republican currently holding office.

That being said, the entire jew-party system is a sham, and neither party represents White interests - no, not even Steve King or whoever else it's fashionable to make-believe is pro-White.

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3f4ff6  No.52175

Imagine actually supporting accelerationism. Imagine thinking you belong here when you’re shilling for everything jews want.

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3f4ff6  No.52177




Kill yourself, jew.

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3f4ff6  No.52179


>someone who lies to me about what he believes is better than someone who doesn’t lie to me about what he believes

>also you must always worship jews

>you can’t do anything else

This is a paid shill.

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fb3218  No.52206


>Here's the thing, they won't allow you to revolt at all.

Then it is over as kikes will never give you candidate who does anything good for goyim. But I don't believe in demoralization kikes like you.

The only reason to vote for is to destabilize the system.

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c253bb  No.52266




Take your meds.

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47ba7e  No.52276


>And it's been a road more successful

No, it isn't. That's why you're so desperate to stay on it. Fish for votes somewhere else. Or are you here because it isn't going so well other places?

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12e1a3  No.52366


Could you imagine them unmasking hundreds of thousands of people, or quite possibly many many more, that suddenly cannot retreat and probably don't have a lot left to lose, socially at least? This would be the accelerationist even of the century.

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3f4ff6  No.52385


>I am paid by jews to post here

Okay, reported. You’ve proven everything I said is fact.

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c1d9e2  No.52402

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


If you think the system is really out to get the most pro-Israel president ever and his supporters, than you should probably be on meds, and given that you clearly buy into semitic shams, I'm sure you think Dr. Goldstein's pills will actually help you.

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fb3218  No.52730


How did you reach to the conclusion that I support the orange kike? I don't and fuck off.

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7f8c3f  No.54178


They literally already have asked for this, it's not just one lefty, or one lefty politician its been in their agenda as per places like VOX and so on, they want it oddly using Facebook, twitter, et al.

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d05ec1  No.54196

File: 4e6eb98bcdd1bba⋯.jpg (136.79 KB, 640x640, 1:1, western-civilization-is.jpg)


nah all americans in general are sadly

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6da77d  No.54202

File: 0778294665bd680⋯.png (32.55 KB, 623x887, 623:887, China vs ZOG.png)



Vox kvetches about China's system the same way all the BASED conservatives who are standing up the Chicom puppetmasters do.


We already have a worse system than China, and the ZOG Emperor is doing nothing about it all, instead, he's saying that "MAGA" stands for Microsoft, Apple, Google, and Amazon.

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7c1ece  No.54203

File: d199a39a5e21e8c⋯.mp4 (4.14 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Poway.mp4)


> To all accelerationists who want to vote for left-wing candidates

>implying there is a candidate who isn't left wing

die juden

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e3339b  No.54341


Nope they're just people who don't want Dem in, also cattle but that's murrica.

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7f8c3f  No.54417


That photo is a blatant lie, I wish you idiots would stop trying to say ZOG doesn't fucking own china they do and have since Mao and they own them still more thoroughly than they do us, they have trained their populace not to do any of the shit on that list, we can still say all of that shit in plenty of places on the internet and in public just not where leftists of any stripe have power, It is a false equivalence.

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6da77d  No.54434


If jewry still had major influence over China, it wouldn't be in ZOG's crosshairs the way it is today.

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7f8c3f  No.54436


It's not, China is shilled hard at every fucking level by any ZOG-controlled media organization or otherwise, which shows one of two things they wanht us to know thats what they plan for us or want us to watch what they do to it, it does not imply that they do not control it in the slightest, it is fully under Jewish control and will remain so until they are done with it, IE when it is dead and barren.

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6da77d  No.54438


Did you miss those CIA protests that were being praised by everyone from Trump to Soros, or do you think that was a legitimate uprising?

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279121  No.54447


Fuck off, retard.

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7f8c3f  No.54450


In Hong Kong, which is not, yet, at least, part of china proper. It was not targeting china it was keeping a source of possible intel on china, free of full chinese control. Not something I care about very much, only care as much as I do because it can be used against china in the event they attempt war on us regardless of who is in power here or there. So no I didn't miss it, it failed to have any effect on china proper, it barely even affected their economy or their social situation anywhere but Hong Kong. not much of a useful or productive enterprise for the CIA or anybody else to have done. I would point out that the fact that both Trump and Soros praised it, two people whom we know are on opposite sides of the Globalist/Zionist duality likely means it was legitimate and both sides planned on using it to their benefit, highly unlikely that it was fomented or funded or otherwise by the CIA, at least initially.

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af04a8  No.54454


Israel just gave the Chinese a 25 yr lease to run one of their most important ports. Oddly enough it's in the same area US Warships refuel.

It sets them up perfectly to steal secrets and gives Israel the ability to false flag us into war and conflict which mean more debt and death..

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7f8c3f  No.54462


Nah you fuck off, any nation that was completely communist, which is wholly jewish and then moves to a crony capitalistic socialismalso controlled by jews is wholly controlled by jews now and until every commie there is dead, and they have cleansed themselves of the jewish menace within, disagree if you wish but I really don't care.

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527dc0  No.54518


interesting article

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615ea9  No.54810

File: f76e083c36f91ca⋯.jpg (154.33 KB, 572x800, 143:200, Capitalism and Communism.jpg)


>crony capitalistic socialism

But TRUE capitalism is great, right? Nothing is worse than judeo-capitalists who think they're somehow better than judeo-communists. If believers in jewish economic systems were ever killed en masse, you'd be right up against the wall with the commies.

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7f8c3f  No.54854


No capitalism is simply the default and an entirely voluntary system of exchange. Its been used since the very first instance of trade between any two humans or any two beings period. The problem with communism is that it's not voluntary at all, at least not in any implementation men are capable of. Not possible at all a pipe dream if i ever heard it

The problem with capitalism today is that every fucking idiot thinks capitalism is entirely jewish, when your own idol, and truly great leader Adolf Hitler kept it running while cleaning out the filth that corrupted it and then continued to keep it running.

No, your problem is that we LET, I say let because everyone knew what these fuckers did and would do just a few generations ago, jews rose to the top of it using a combination of greed, unscrupulousness, flat out being better at managing money (because stupid christfags forced them to be bankers), and also being bankers. We all know they used that position, and the money that came with it to corrupt our societies from the top down. To change it so that it is no longer fair as we set it to be and only benefits them, the traitor rich whites and those they allow to rise amongst them.

I am sick of the false equivalences and assumptions from you idiots I keep seeing over and over again here you are either a jewish shill or an absolute moron. I'm not a National Socialist, not yet, at least, because what I want you pussy bitches will oppose, and more than likely fight tooth and nail to stop what really needs to be done. Oh, sure you faggot cunts will be all for exterminating jews but would you do the same for niggers?

how about chinks?


every other Other?

The correct answer is no you wouldn't because your goal is not the preservation of our race, the white european race for all time above all else, no its for the preservation of all races, sure in their own nations and such, where they are still a threat, but still you place that above even your own, whether they deserve to live, are a threat or can try their way at being just as successful as the jews at infiltrating and corrupting institutions.

No, in my opinion you are soft lefty faggot motherfuckers who won't do whats necessary to truly preserve the white race going forward and don't have the balls to, take your National Socialism and shove it up your ass, get back to me when you clearly want to eliminate all external threats on this planet for good.

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d5fd09  No.79833


To be fair. The disintegration of the Democratic Party would bring a red tide that would make Hitler very proud.

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b04b64  No.79882


>Hitler kept capitalism running while cleaning out the filth

So you have no idea how Fascism and National Socialism works?

>I hate all races

So you are a Kike then?

Oy vey.

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496ae2  No.79915


President Carter fired a bunch of CIA people. They all went to work for the Reagan/Bush campaign as well as conspiring against Carter (read 'October Surprise').

If there is an election (yes, IF) and if a democrat wins, and if this is done, the outcome will be … thought-provoking.

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bb7772  No.80088



Someone tell me again /pnd/ hasn't been thoroughly infiltrated by anarcho-communists posing as neo-nazis?

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7f8c3f  No.91076


No I know how it works, they did keep capitalism running in that they modified it to serve the people and not the largely jewish elite, that does not change what it is, it is still capitalism, and if you actually admitted that perhaps people wouldn't believe that Hitler was a commie who believed it would work for Germans alone.

Do i hate all races? No, I am perfectly willing to let them be to live as they desire, if they are willing to do the same, evidence has shown they are not, not anymore, at least. Given that fact the only logical option is to pursue the extermination of all non-whites completely, nothing great will be lost no great sciences, nor intelligent people who could change the world, not a fucking thing, is this realistic within a lifetime if one avoids nukes? no, but it can be furthered greatly through conventional weaponry, perhaps making them much easier to control, because this ends one of two ways death or domination and I prefer domination.

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1db941  No.91372


I think those fucking sweet numerals tell you everything you need to know.

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