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File: 07b9360d5981510⋯.jpg (158.68 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, augustus-caesar-587488458.jpg)

29da99  No.51481

You know what? Fuck it, i am done being a nice person, everywhere i go i am rejected and treated like shit by the majority of my species with only a small exception of people that treat me with some decency, and everywhere i look there are subhumans, big dumb fat drones that have been molded by the destructive consumerist society that we live in. Selfishness and greed are now the cornerstone of how the modern world works. It disgusts me, i am disgusted when i look outside the window and i am disgusted when i look into the mirror because i know that i too am to blame for this decadence. What we need more than ever is discipline and eugenics to build a better society for our descendants, we need a system similar to the ancient Spartans that makes sure only the strongest and most intelligent are worthy to breed. The next step is genetic engineering and cybernetic enhancements so that we may merge with A.I. and become Gods. And then, ONLY THEN, will we be civilized and worthy again.

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ecc2a0  No.51488



>also oy vey ✡transhumanism✡ is great, goyim

>support our hoax ideology

Back to reddit.

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3ff730  No.51496

There is no "nice." I know it's hard but you really ought to get over it.

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09614b  No.51501



I thought you were going to decide to be an asshole to everybody.


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412fd0  No.51505


okay sourpuss

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17361b  No.51517

File: 28991dc453316eb⋯.jpg (61.93 KB, 960x640, 3:2, 136583.jpg)

Shoo shoo happa gentleman.

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17361b  No.51518

Forgot to sage. My bad.

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51c568  No.51553

This, children, is the reason you are NOT supposed to shill this site or other imageboards to cuckchanners, and why you are supposed to bully them, sage, and report them, until they leave. Fuck off niggerkikepill faggot, if you were a true aryan everyone would respect you. Kill yourself.

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4f7a63  No.51569

I hate to say this but have sex incel-nerd

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fb1ed0  No.51593


back to plebbit faggot

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3f38e0  No.51624


/pol/ isn't a blog to share about your period.

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3f38e0  No.51626

File: 0903bf893bb66b8⋯.jpg (173.97 KB, 712x1024, 89:128, back to reddit.jpg)


>muh dick

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4f7a63  No.51632



Any more incel tears?

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fb1ed0  No.51656

File: d84909b147461c0⋯.jpg (70.37 KB, 366x472, 183:236, l6hdXrc.jpg)

back to crystalcafe cunt

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3f38e0  No.51661


>i'll use more buzzwords from reddit. that will show them!

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2762f6  No.51671


You must have a very short penis.

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3f38e0  No.51676


Probably shorter than the sum of those in your mouth.

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94ea79  No.51679

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fb7aef  No.51717

File: bec45590fd50191⋯.png (31.11 KB, 162x103, 162:103, fuckem.png)


>merge with A.I.

This is the opposite of the rest of your nasty screed. This will be a very mainstream hipster thing when it comes. Only the strong will survive.

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1a4c95  No.51822

File: ab6c5afc6edb0fc⋯.mp4 (309.85 KB, 640x360, 16:9, beeffishstick_20200221_3.mp4)


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fb1ed0  No.51913



back to tumblr faggot

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1a4c95  No.51936


I'm making from of OP, faggot.

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fb1ed0  No.51949


NO you will not make 8kun home! you HAVE to go back!

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