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e5c1f5  No.50387

(Sorry mods if post before was a bit over-dramatic but this is real)

UK advisor to recommend government to ban 8kun, 4chan, others (this guy has apparently only spoken to the Daily Telegraph and not other sites, and article does not mention chans by name, but you can see they are going to great pain to avoid naming/"giving coverage", since other sites that mention this guy do blame chans, and the register-to-comment media seem are all uniting on the new PR line that "anonymity is extremist"):


(should use torbrowser or I2P anyway otherwise might as well be on fake anonymous halfchan)



ϟϟ Extremist online forums that radicalise the young could be banned, says terror law watchdog ϟϟ

> The Government is being urged proscribing extremist internet forums in the same way as it tackled groups that radicalised young people

> Extremist internet forums could be banned in the same way as groups like Al-Muhajiroun which was led by hate preacher Anjem Choudary under proposals from a Government watchdog.

> Jonathan Hall, the independent reviewer of terrorism legislation, said the Government should consider proscribing the forums because of the way they could help radicalise people and provide a potential catalyst for terrorist attacks.

> The forums have been used by extremists such as Tobias Rathjen who shot dead nine people in Germany and Brenton Tarrant, the New Zealand mosque terrorist killer, to post racist and violent material to incite supporters.

> Mr Hall said: “What I am saying is that if it was possible to ban an internet forum, that would send a powerful signal to the internet service providers and the like that it should not be posted. It is something that needs to be looked at.”

> He believed such a crackdown could make it more difficult for people to find forums where they could be radicalised.

> Mr Hall also called for a return to indeterminate sentences, known as Imprisonment for Public Protection (IPPs), for the most dangerous terrorists.

> This would mean they would not be released until the parole board determined they were no longer a risk to the public - which could mean they were never let out.

> “They do have a value for the most dangerous terrorist offenders,” said Mr Hall. “There is a case that they should not be released until the parole board says they are ready to be released.”

> He also warned there was a risk under the Government’s plans to end automatic early release of terrorists that they could leave prison without being put under “licence,” where they would be supervised by the probation service and could be recalled to jail for any breaches.

> He said the service’s use of licence with its threat of recall to prison was a “very powerful” tool to manage terrorists and protect the public.

> “What I would like to see is that prisoners are released before the expiry of their sentence so that they are on a period of licence that would allow probation service to manage their risk,” he added.

Source: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2020/02/21/extremist-online-forums-radicalise-young-could-banned-says-terror/

Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20200223010742/https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2020/02/21/extremist-online-forums-radicalise-young-could-banned-says-terror/

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8b4f0b  No.50409

8kunt is dead anyways

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000000  No.50418


They will lose permanently in this generation and will all be hunted, tortured and killed. And they know that. That is why they are so afraid. There is no future for any of them.


Your desperation is showing.

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214f10  No.50432

Anonymity brings truth.

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d261d9  No.50471


ϟϟ Also on this page… ϟϟ

At a glance | How to spot a terrorist, according to US airport security

> Excessive yawning, strong body odour and arrogance are among the suspicious signs that US airport staff are trained to associate with potential terrorists, a leaked document revealed in 2015.

> The TSA Screening of Passengers by Observation Techniques (SPOT) guidance, used by staff to root out potential terrorists, lists a total of 17 “stress factors”, each of which are worth one point, 15 “fear factors”, worth two points, and six “deception factors”, worth three. If a traveller scores four or more points, they should be referred for selective screening, according to the instructions.

> The 17 stress factors are:

> Arrives later for flight

> Avoids eye contact with security personnel

> Exaggerated yawning as the individual approached the screening process

> Excessive fidgeting, clock watching, head-turning, shuffling feet, leg shaking

> Excessive perspiration inconsistent with the environment

> Face pale from recent shaving of beard

> Facial flushing while undergoing screening

> Faster eye blink rate when individual requested to submit to screening procedures

> Increased breathing rate, panting

> Obvious “Adam’s Apple” jump when requested to submit to screening procedures

> Protruding or beating neck arteries

> Repetitive touching of face

> Rubbing or wringing of hands

> Strong body odour

> Sweaty palms

> Trembling

> Whistling as the individual approaches the screening process

> The 15 fear factors are:

> Bag appears to be heavier than expected or does not suit the individual’s appearance

> Bulges in clothing

> Cold penetrating stare

> Constantly looking at other travellers or associates

> Exaggerated emotions or inappropriate behaviour such as crying, excessive laughter or chatter

> Exaggerated, repetitive grooming gestures

> Hesitation/indecision on entering checkpoint

> Individuals who are seemingly unrelated but display identical dress or luggage

> Powerful grip of a bag or hand inside the bag

> Rigid posture, minimal body movements with arms close to side

> Scans area, appearing to look for security personnel

> Shows unusual interest in security officers and their work routine

> Displays arrogance and verbally expresses contempt for the screening process

> Wearing improper attire for location

> Widely open staring eyes

> And the six deceptions factors are:

> Appears to be confused or disoriented

> Appears to be in disguise

> Asks security-related questions

> Does not respond to authoritative commands

> Maintains covert ties with others

> Repeatedly pats upper body with hands

Source: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2020/02/21/extremist-online-forums-radicalise-young-could-banned-says-terror/

Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20200223010742/https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2020/02/21/extremist-online-forums-radicalise-young-could-banned-says-terror/

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14049b  No.50476

File: e09805f13b96e1a⋯.jpg (140.01 KB, 648x484, 162:121, e09.jpg)

>black 4chan

they already perma ban everyone for saying anything to the right of mao outside of /b/ and /pol/

they have literal tranny mods

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14049b  No.50479

File: d8d9e410d22be29⋯.jpg (19.5 KB, 474x344, 237:172, who.jpg)



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000000  No.50482

can we please make using the word "chans" bannable? they're called imageboards you fucking retarded gorilla niggerfaggots, they have always been called imageboards and none of you discuck using faggots are going to change that. it's a psyop to make it sound more normalnig friendly, fucking filter it already

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9c2095  No.50505


Imageboard or IB is the technical term. "Chan" is a colloquialism that dates back to the very beginning. Stop pretending to be an oldfag.

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000000  No.50530


no, fuck off. nobody has ever used the term chan to describe an alternative to cuckchan. everyone just copies the suffix because 4chan did it first. the word was never used anywhere on 8chan until shortly before it got shoah'd when all the normalnigs and redditards were flocking to it.

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d261d9  No.50534

since we are wildly off topic


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5fb388  No.50579

Britbongs just going to push more people underground and make it harder to track them. Well done, retards. The forbidden fruit is always the sweetest.


Tornigger is right. For once.

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3d84cd  No.50590


>actually correct torposter

Never thought I'd see the day.

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5fb388  No.50594


Kek, it was unexpected.

Newfags can't into board culture and should be banned to lurkmoar, they stand out so much. I remember earlier /pol/ days they would be ostracized and put in their place vehemently - even kampfy would ban those faggots later on. Cuckchan and outside niggers need to lurk two years for a fucking reason.

I can understand them in happening threads if they have good info but but elsewhere they need to fuck off.

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000000  No.52753

Well UK is full of mentally retarded faggots

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9c2095  No.52794


4chan opened in 2003. 8chan didn't show up until 2013. The word "chan" was established for a fucking decade before 8chan (the newfag IB) fell off the immigrant boat. If you think that because 8chan wasn't doing something until 2019 then it wasn't a thing, then you are literally the newest of newfags.

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000000  No.52825

might as well try to bring this thread back on topic unlike the niggers in here arguing over autistic names

i'm not even surprised, UK has been a police state for almost a decade at this point, of course they're going to try to ban everything they don't control/understand, because they're either kikes, boomers, or kike boomers.

>advertising firecucks as more free than chrome

they're both shit, get unjewgled chromium or waterfox if you don't want to get spied on


stop trying to act like a fucking oldfag


used the term chan to describe imageboards, they were always called imageboards and always will be called imageboards, because there have always been other sites that didn't take the chan suffix because they didn't give a fuck and wanted to separate themselves from that shithole. quit trying to defend your faggot vocabulary and accept that you're retarded. better yet, keep using it so we can disregard everything you niggers have to say since there's no better way to out yourself as a subhuman nigger loving faggot.

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03b214  No.52836


lol wrong. 2chan, 4chan, 7chan, 420chan, and every other chan created before 8chan called itself "a chan".

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51cdda  No.52839

File: d35dbbba062244f⋯.png (241.77 KB, 1203x743, 1203:743, Waterfox.png)

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000000  No.52886


>he thinks those are the only imageboards in existence

lurk more nigger


maybe it was a different fork I was thinking of, I know firefox has several

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06b221  No.52930


>and every other

L2reed, feggit

No one from 4chan came up with the term "chan," sure. It was usually fags from other communities saying "why can't the chans just leave us alone?" or some shit. Our communities picked it up the same way we picked up an hero - someone else said it and it made us laff. The fact that you are so disconnected and unable to adapt just tells me you're the one who doesn't belong.

Fuck. Fell for the off-topic banter and de-bait. Sage for myself being a faggot.

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a0e240  No.52946

I bet they are just upset their pedophile rings gets exposed here

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24b8d4  No.53006


>Rubbing or wringing of hands

So that's all the jews

>Strong body odour

ans all the mudslime and pajeets

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24b8d4  No.53010


>NOBODY used the term chan to describe imageboards

They did, you just ignored it or didn't like it, really it doesn't fucking matter.

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000000  No.53042


good point

http://archivecaslytosk.onion/SeH40 normielink: https://archive.today/2020.02.25-202105/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3006218/Mystery-royal-suspected-paedophile-ring-investigated-Scotland-Yard-inquiry-shut-national-security-reasons.html

http://archivecaslytosk.onion/RE1po normielink: https://archive.today/2020.02.25-201149/https://theologyonline.com/forum/politics-religion-and-the-rest/politics/42231-nearly-everyone-on-uk-paedophile-ring-list-is-a-freemason/page2

http://archivecaslytosk.onion/O6I2V normielink: https://archive.today/2020.02.25-202240/https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/ex-tory-cabinet-minister-caught-2903907

http://archivecaslytosk.onion/E7tUH normielink: https://archive.today/2014.07.29-021232/http://www.express.co.uk/comment/expresscomment/462601/Paedophile-MPs-are-mocking-British-law


http://archivecaslytosk.onion/N332e normielink: https://archive.today/2020.02.25-200645/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyril_Smith

http://archivecaslytosk.onion/RDfWi normielink: https://archive.today/2020.02.25-202120/https://newspunch.com/shocking-list-of-mps-convicted-of-child-sex-offences/

http://archivecaslytosk.onion/tr1Ww normielink: https://archive.today/2020.02.25-204022/https://timetostartcaring.com/british-politics-a-list-of-mps-convicted-of-sex-offences/

http://archivecaslytosk.onion/6y0Ds normielink: https://archive.today/2020.02.25-201337/https://sexhollands.blogspot.com/2014/06/child-abuse-timeline-part-two.html

archivecaslytosk.onion/6Yr2l normielink: https://archive.today/2020.02.25-202836/https://humansarefree.com/2019/12/pedophiles-in-parliament-documentary.html

http://archivecaslytosk.onion/b3hib normielink: https://archive.today/2020.02.25-202217/https://theukdatabase.net/councillorspolitical-party-affiliated/cover-ups/mets-paedophile-unit-seizes-video-of-ex-minister-at-sex-party/

http://archivecaslytosk.onion/Wvtrr normielink: https://archive.today/2017.06.27-153536/http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/453381/Female-MP-abused-boy-in-care

http://archivecaslytosk.onion/TSPep normielink: https://archive.today/2020.02.25-201821/https://hat4uk.wordpress.com/2013/07/10/the-paedofile-police-catch-the-small-fry-as-judges-let-the-big-fish-off/

of course just about every country:

http://archivecaslytosk.onion/t5fyk normielink: https://archive.today/2020.02.25-202600/https://newspunch.com/mp-exposed-pedophile-ring-prison-sentence/

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a0e240  No.53082


sounds like the average african-human

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a7a2da  No.53201


>Sweaty palms



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436a32  No.53209

File: 2444e038b740e46⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 600x400, 3:2, nsdontmakethewhitekidsangr….jpg)


> Extremist online forums that radicalise the young could be banned, says terror law watchdog

the enemy is continuing it's justification for it's own extermination.

meanwhile the enemy and their pet niggers continue to rape white children.

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000000  No.53568

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000000  No.53569

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000000  No.53570

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000000  No.53606



< t. ⛧ /bunker/ occult-communist ⛧

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c3aec6  No.53671

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