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The holocaust never happened

File: 2f7867de648b901⋯.gif (4.81 KB, 324x216, 3:2, se}nsf2.gif)

35d8c4  No.49915[Last 50 Posts]

Here in sweden things are getting pretty bad, immigrants and jews are taking complete control and the true movements such as the NMR are a joke and dare not do anything in terms of armed resistance or standing up to muslim invaders. Our country is truly the most cucked of all countries where the great replacement is in full motion.

I'm not quite sure how to precede but how would you brethren stand up to this growing threat?

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000000  No.49938


Pay mudslimes to kill jews. Deceive, bribe, do anything that you can to achieve that goal. Remember that complete societal collapse is better than living as slaves to the jewish system.

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4df8d6  No.49941

File: 829519d6699226a⋯.jpg (295.62 KB, 1242x1234, 621:617, Hitler - Violence.jpg)

pic related

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7bedcc  No.49983

Accept God* into your heart, or die.

*Old testament God, the one who destroys nations and enslaves his enemies.

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09da5e  No.49994


>how to stand up to this threat

you dont open your door to the enemy

dont invite jews to live in your lands

why the fuck would you let a middle east cult settle on nordic lands ?

same thing with the muslims that they are bringing in now

you dont open your door to them

be the fucking vikings your ancestors once were and kick their filthy asses out

why the fuck do you allow a middle east cult to write your own laws ?

kikes should never be allowed into any country's government

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d29e35  No.49995


>being jewish

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c3b2fe  No.49998


ok boomer

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c3b2fe  No.50000

Accept God into your heart.

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35d8c4  No.50001


Had there been more of us we could perhaps have kicked them out, but we are pretty much just like any other country. The Jew controls the government and manipulates a HUGE majority of the people.

But when our spark comes I will truly make sure to do my best in kicking the filth out.

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000000  No.50016


See this thread to understand what is happening in your country. Invest the time to read everything. >>48689

You can not defeat an enemy you can not see. The first step is exposure.

Help three people to understand where all of the opinions they are exposed to are emanating from. They have been deceived by the illusion of a diversity of opinions from university professors, NGOs, the raido, tv, print and social media arriving at the illusion of a single consensus. Tell them to distrust messages on social media, newspapers, and reporters on TV. Tell them to instead search within their hearts for what they feel is right and wrong. Instruct them to ignore all speech controls dissuading them from sticking up for themselves and to ask anyone calling them a hater why that person feels it is ok to attack the Swedish culture by replacing Swedish culture it with an alien non Swedish culture. Multiculturalism is the dilution and destruction of the host culture. It is negative and it is not a virtue. It is an attack.

Social media is a social engineering operation which is why the opinions on there seem so extremely leftist, the idea is the further left they portray themselves the further right you seem for not moving left along with the herd. Do not buy into their manipulation.

Tell the three people you have discussed this issue with that it is up to you and them together to save your SAVE SWEDEN. Tell them it is imperative that they tell three other people as quickly as possible the following day and that they pass the same message along and join your group. Tell them it is imperative to stick together no matter what.

Ensure your message is spread to young people, blue collar men, weight lifters, military, firefighters, police, and construction workers. Spread your message in the church and organize in the church. The pope is league with the nation destroyers. Do not allow him to manipulate your faith leaders with the globalist nonsense a hell on earth awaits when they have total control. Just look what they are doing now.

Use an encrypted communication channel to communicate and organize such as protonmail. Use a censorship resistant communication channel like your own 8kun broad, gab, or minds. Create leaders in each town to disseminate instructions and rally your members. Expect infiltrators who intend to make you look bad with extreme messages and violence to enter your ranks, get them in line or boot them out. Do not allow anyone to compel you to do or say anything illegal. When your numbers are large enough, start organizing marches in the streets. Make your voices heard loud and clear do not ever back down or apologize to anyone for protecting your heritage and endeavoring to save your country and culture.

Expect to be called Hitler. Expect to be vilified. Expect droves of twitter lunatics to attack you and try to get you fired from your job. Never identify with Hitler or speak fondly of him. Say the he has nothing to do with you and comparing you to him because of your race is RACIST and leave it at that. Never apologize for who you are and what you are trying to accomplish. The enemy isn't your countrymen whose mind has been poisoned by psychological warfare. Your enemy is the smug aristocracy who has inflicted great harm on your homeland and intends to break down and destroy your culture, then break down and replace your government.

You might see what you are trying to achieve as a task so enormous that it can not be done but that is one of many illusions we live beneath. You can do anything with a little charisma and the bright shining light of truth on your side. In two weeks you can raise an army, take back your country, and shock the world so long as everyone keeps their word to each other and stands strong together no matter what.

Day 01: 1

Day 02: 1*3=3

Day 03: 3*3=9

Day 04: 9*3=27

Day 05: 27*3=81

Day 06: 81*3=243

Day 07: 243*3=729

Day 08: 729*3=2187

Day 09: 2187*3=6561

Day 10: 19683*3=59,049

Day 11: 59049*3=177,147

Day 12: 177147*3=531,441

Day 13: 531441*3=1,594,323

Day 14: 1594323*3=4,782,969


You are the spark. You need to start the fire. Organize.

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1e5c56  No.50026

We're not far behind, esp if Bloomberg wins. NOBODY EVEN KNOWS about this pro immigration group he founded in 2010. It's straight out of the Protocols.

> https://fraudscrookscriminals.com/2019/11/27/michael-bloombergs-ready-made-network-of-cities-in-support-of-his-open-borders-agenda/

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1e5c56  No.50029

Bookmark and follow these for the latest in immigration news. This one older woman dedicates herself to keeping track of the latest schemes to flood America. She's been doing this for 12 years and has an impressive archive.



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000000  No.50031


>The Jew didn't turn your women into whores who voted to import Muslims to rape them.

Please read the book attached here. Tavistock has in fact lowered women intentionally. Every policy prescription that is anti-christian has been advanced by them. >>48689


Bloomberg and Steyr are members of the aristocracy. They are the enemy.



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f8cf78  No.50051


>Tavistock has in fact lowered women intentionally.

Bullshit. The essence of leftism is to raise the status of women. This is in fact how we identify their shills. We ask them questions that require them to acknowledge the true nature of women: amoral, without honor, emotionally equivalent to apes, and unsuited to be anything other than property under the authority of a strong male figure, either father or husband.

>book starts at 1913

Because there were only roses and butterflies before the federal reserve? No. The roots of the evil that befell the west go back way further than that, to 1820 and the destruction of the British monarchy, 1776 with "all men created equal" lol, or even to the 11th century AD, with chivalry and other such nonsense.

A nation that cannot control its women, cannot control invaders.

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5f8016  No.50057


>how would you brethren stand up to this growing threat?

in all elections women and immigrants vote for this shit, so democratic solution seems to be impossible without one very charismatic leader, maybe some widespread nonviolent resitance? nonviolent resistance could not be labeled as terrorism, and in modern society nonviolent actions could paralyze pretty much anything

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7f89f3  No.50058

File: f676e26894b2d8e⋯.png (142.73 KB, 279x356, 279:356, politics baybay.png)


>The Jew didn't turn your women into whores who voted to import Muslims to rape them


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1c1df9  No.50430


Why do single women vote to import military-aged male invaders?

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000000  No.54136


>Bullshit. The essence of leftism is to raise the status of women.

And what is advancing a woman in the eyes of the left?

Tricking her into becoming a wage slave

Tricking her into not having kids

Tricking her into becoming an obnoxious unapproachable feminist maniac

Tricking her into believing men are the enemy

Tricking her into behaving like a man and working in roles that men are intended to work in

Tricking women into behaving like whores so they get diseases

Tricking women into race mixing so their offspring has a lower average IQ

Starting to get the pattern? Every attack of the Jew is represented as a virtue. However, the end result is deleterious.

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000000  No.54139


>Why do single women vote to import military-aged male invaders?

Because the persistent PSYWAR in their universities, magazines, tv, and social media tells them it is virtuous to do so.

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40bd8b  No.54250

File: d93bb7d0bc389f4⋯.jpg (328.97 KB, 648x456, 27:19, white_women_highest_loyalt….jpg)

File: 4ded51f0523959e⋯.jpg (329.48 KB, 648x540, 6:5, white_women_loyalty_2.jpg)

File: 2ab90a8821d69dd⋯.jpg (287.18 KB, 648x494, 324:247, white_women_loyalty_3.jpg)


weev is that you?

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e569cc  No.54258


Literally because the Jew told them to.

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bc5749  No.54339

File: 17c6cef5753f62d⋯.jpeg (127.88 KB, 720x442, 360:221, Dhimmi_Cuckess.jpeg)


>Why do single women vote to import military-aged male invaders?

Different incentives. When barbarians storm through the gates of the city, they kill all of the civilized men. This is why men resist invaders – we do not survive invasions, and so our genes have been shaped to resist to the death.

Women, on the other hand, will still be the mothers of the next generation, even if it's conceived by invader-rape. Their genes still get into the next generation, provided they submit and do not resist the invaders.

Thus, men's incentive is always to maintain the walls and hold back invasions, while women's incentive is to back their tribe's men while they're winning, then switch over and help the invading savages decapitate the last civilized man before the next generation is conceived.

Women are on one side and one side only: The winning side.

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bc6851  No.54381

File: c172ad144e09c5f⋯.jpg (189.47 KB, 1024x644, 256:161, Siegfried_the_hero_of_the_….jpg)

Move 2 norway, sweden is for noobz

Hail odin

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c75a8a  No.79834


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7b62d2  No.80051

Det kommer in fler negrer på en månad än vad det finns medlemmar i NMR.

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2d40f0  No.80110

File: dbeec49e679e718⋯.png (10.04 KB, 1280x640, 2:1, 1280px_Flag_of_Canada_svg.png)


>Sweden is the most cucked of all countries

Close; it's a tie between you guys and us in the Glorious Socialist People's Republic of Canuckistan.

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fb3e61  No.80273


Sad, but very definitely true.

t. A fellow leaf

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e87e00  No.80468



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d8ea85  No.94343

File: 99a0dc4dd5412f5⋯.png (158.41 KB, 640x400, 8:5, FKD_0_1_640x400.png)

File: 6b52f4eb912d32c⋯.jpg (87.46 KB, 640x878, 320:439, 1586548862891.jpg)

File: 438ffe59ab0dfbb⋯.jpg (4.13 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 1586496844533s.jpg)

File: 8e9b012d4ad757f⋯.jpg (268.26 KB, 2076x2076, 1:1, Copy_of_Ellen_Pao_small_he….jpg)

File: 9bfaa40084f51bf⋯.jpg (40.41 KB, 488x235, 488:235, viruses_in_eggs.jpg)

The situation in Sweden should be approached along the lines of 4th generational warefare. You must penetrate their online resources, plunder them and use this money to finance a bioweapons program. If you drop Qurans all over the place with kisses from our beloved corona and. Ebola (if you can get it) the shitskin will pick them up and take the bug home. Carafentinyl could also be spread on areas of high shitskin/kike activity. For the most part it will be up to you. Don't worry if at first the last men bleet lamentations for the dead shitskins. It must be done this way because you are one and they are many. So Rob them blind and them use the proceeds to wage a personal war. You must use asymmetric force multipliers.

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c897d9  No.94352


>You must use asymmetric force multipliers

Don't forget psychological warfare :>)

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4c9044  No.94355

File: fdb9ca80be0e687⋯.jpg (2.94 MB, 3800x1904, 475:238, 1488208474385.jpg)

I've pondered about this issue and I think that if your fellow swedish brothers will not fight back in terms of decision making, they are doomed. But if their mind is so warped by jewish socialism there's literally nothing you can do; any militia you try to form will get disarticulated by the establishment real fast.

My advice would be to start building your plan B, if the swedes wanna take the BBC then you should flee the fucking country, woman are the ones that voice their opinions louder, and simps will try to enforce that to get advantage of them, its a fucking mess, just run away dude, pick a humble, relatively human-free place and live the rest of your days there.

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d8ea85  No.94362

The situation in Sweden should be approached along the lines of 4th generational warefare. You must penetrate their online resources, plunder them and use this money to finance a bioweapons program. If you drop Qurans all over the place with kisses from our beloved corona and. Ebola (if you can get it) the shitskin will pick them up and take the bug home. Carafentinyl could also be spread on areas of high shitskin/kike activity. For the most part it will be up to you. Don't worry if at first the last men bleet lamentations for the dead shitskins. It must be done this way because you are one and they are many. So Rob them blind and them use the proceeds to wage a personal war. You must use asymmetric force multipliers. >>94352

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a0ebdd  No.94372


bio/chem warfare is insidious. europids should organize and use existing organizations to dictate expulsion and resettlement progams to save our kind from being exterminated. fascism was the last attempt to indoctrinate our reactionary elements who are now just spun out every spring while more enemies slip through the cracks.

asymmetric warfare is the doctrine of a limp wristed fag infested paper tiger ethos. whereas half of it's members of all races crave seperation and actual civil peace with demarcated warzones for competition.

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4c9044  No.94373

>>94362 you already left your opinion here >>94343 and it was complete video game dogshit

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d8ea85  No.94377

File: e7de0c82be09450⋯.mp4 (5.8 MB, 800x450, 16:9, 1563426668221_1.mp4)


Yeah whoops typo. My bad.

>>94352 sure but the ones you are talking about may already have been subverted. They like the way they feel about sharing with others.And so you must not depend on wide support. Instead make them unwilling or unable t9 look out for themselves and the shitskins. Kind of a propaganda of the deed.


Don't worry about anything except the revolution. It can't play second fiddle to anythinv. Steal as much as you can from the enemy and then turn loose on the whole shit show. Do what ever you can to make life unbearable in Sweden for everyone.

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19057881/ the Jew fears the samurai.

I stand by my claim that all manner of holy he'll should be unleashed and that until Sweden is free of kikery and shitskins everything is permisable to this end. The chaos within you can give birth to a dancing star. Make your will the source of your morality.

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d8ea85  No.94382

File: 9b4541b5748a826⋯.jpg (187.13 KB, 720x706, 360:353, 1586539422626.jpg)

File: 23ca03035a9c391⋯.jpg (76.98 KB, 532x486, 266:243, 1585604985517.jpg)



Yeah, but it is cheap. And readily available. A few dozen hens and Sven is in bussiness.

Their world will not end with a bang, or with a whimper. It will not end in fire or ice.

Instead it will end with a loud cock-a-doodle doo lol.

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227c15  No.94386


I agree, there's little hope for them if they dont wake up first, it would take jews to stop their plans dead on its tracks or fleeing as smartly as possible.


You are fucking insane and have to stop watching so many movies.

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8d8f3e  No.94387


Svenska nationalister kan aldrig stanna i en organisation. Allting splittras och fallerar hela tiden.


Norway is about a decade behind sweden. Moving doesn't solve anything when we're on the same path.

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4c9044  No.94389

File: 2ff426d091b7f00⋯.png (234.99 KB, 2092x1270, 1046:635, OVqTzwr.png)

File: 699bfa7ca633bfc⋯.jpeg (6 MB, 4500x4602, 750:767, bz_5cd77777e056e.jpeg)

File: 245b6ee1d8efbaf⋯.jpg (1.86 MB, 3434x2959, 3434:2959, bilderberg.jpg)

File: 548243ff99b7e03⋯.jpg (81.89 KB, 736x1193, 736:1193, 5dac3827f99f9633dacc203630….jpg)

File: aa98426a172d6a3⋯.jpg (88.63 KB, 930x731, 930:731, EQ6kWyPW4AA4pCs.jpg)


Sweden is, in some cities, composed by >50% of immigrant population, I actually cant find ANY demographic breakdown of Sweden past 2017, I dont think they even bother doing a census anymore, best case scenario, they close off their borders to new inmigrants and slowly start sending them away for excuses, crime, etc. Worst case scenario we already know, after seeing the podesta emails I am confident we could be seeing a literal war in sweden and they'd somehow spin it into something completely different. As a matter of fact I live in another european country and I dont remember the last time I saw sweden in the news (YEARS). The masses dont even remember whats Sweden anymore, methinks.

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4c9044  No.94392

File: 9de78fdcd45c9d7⋯.jpg (52.64 KB, 501x585, 167:195, 1586617040053.jpg)

File: 89ab77d0a26c959⋯.png (28.14 KB, 385x286, 35:26, 381.png)


You have to really shut the fuck up, go to /Q/ with your samurai larps, no ones gonna release infected hens and opiated qurans to kill refugees, swedes need realistic solutions that could maybe improve on their situation, again, shut the fuck up, you almost sound like a shill.

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d8ea85  No.94433

File: d14dc974c467f62⋯.jpg (131.87 KB, 880x480, 11:6, nyannycosplay.jpg)

File: 8c4ef01f7538874⋯.jpg (120.03 KB, 728x943, 728:943, egg_inoculation_in_virolog….jpg)


>>94386 the Jew still fears the samurai. Www.tarideal.com has much of the equipment. HERE IS a video of how it works.


The chickens are for the eggs lol. You don't just let sick chickens go.version 2.0 calls for Ebola monkeys delivered to the wet markets of china. That would learn them chinks, but in order to really do the trick I bet you would need at least 100 monkeys ? I just think big, if our sweed bros want rid of the shitskins and the socialists they can have it, if they got the nuts to take the shot. One man with a small lab could beat st. Brevics high score 9000 times over. That is the point of asymmetrical warfare. Winning.

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217d05  No.94444

Probably by not posting on a glownigger honeypot. They delete all my post that point out this glownigger shithole. And this one will also be deleted. Armed action is the only solution. Remember police can only catch you by motive and linking you to how you know the victim.

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217d05  No.94446


Can’t unquad the truth (((mods))). Get rekt bootlickers.

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917698  No.94477

>>94444 (checked)




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47e616  No.94804

File: 12ecf530629fc92⋯.jpeg (5.6 KB, 211x216, 211:216, images_4_.jpeg)

File: 75c8b7b4e8915d9⋯.jpg (31.29 KB, 400x379, 400:379, s_l400.jpg)

File: 73819626f0c51fe⋯.jpg (59.72 KB, 750x490, 75:49, borrachero.jpg)

File: f5b564b02636017⋯.jpg (91.74 KB, 572x858, 2:3, 4464a7c88fbecd956aacf99f37….jpg)


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917698  No.94815


Technically maybe she is just talking about islam being compatible with her own crypto-kikenigger values.

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05f0ad  No.94827


Du har helt rätt. Ansökte om medlemskap i Moståndsrörelsen för några månader sedan, men efter att ha sett vad lite gruppen gör för aktioner så börjar jag tro att lösningen inte är hos dem.

Och som >>94387 säger; Svenska nationalister hålla aldrig samman. Lösningen på detta är en radikalare organisation, med ANONYM LEDNING OCH MEDLEMSKAP, som lik IRA på 70talet och IS på 2010talet utför planerade dåd i syfte att destabilisera. Organisationen måste vara strikt hierarkisk, med en tydlig ideologi, och ett tydligt mål, på dessa sätt lik Moståndsrörelsen, men samtidigt MER RADIKAL, och, ytterst viktigt, MER RELIGÖS. Ty, vad som ständigt splittrar svenska nationalistiska organisationer är att de icke äro ANDLIGT enade, blott IDEOLOGISKT.

Dessutom måste organisationen starkt taga avstånd ifrån rollspelande "asatroende", och kufar av alla slag. Medlemmarne skole tydligt prövas ideologiskt, att ingen gånge med i organisationen för kamratskap eller för att få vänner, utan för att han i sitt hjärta bärer den starkaste övertygelse om ras och Gud, och dessas förening.

Slutligen: Jag ser här att det än finnas få goda män kvar i Sverige, och jag hoppas att I, när dagen kommer, icke stånden hjälplösa och fega, utan söken ut och bedriven kampen, den som kräver blod.

Hell seger. GG

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633ff0  No.94986


Lol maybe? Values is a funny word though.i don't have the best interesting the patrician traitors in mind.8

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633ff0  No.94987


Lol maybe? Values is a funny word though.i don't have the best interesting the patrician traitors in mind.8>>94815

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633ff0  No.94988

File: cf8ab6ba00ae2fa⋯.jpg (11.59 KB, 255x134, 255:134, d1366393f4bc8ae0052039da12….jpg)


Patrician values. LOL who the helll are these people? Not us?

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e1678c  No.95071


what is this, a picture for ants?

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85a81e  No.102314

File: 45d62dde87e134f⋯.png (449.14 KB, 1024x434, 512:217, lifeforce_1985_mathilda_ma….png)


Theresa May was a mistake. Bongs thought they were voting for Mathilda May. Demotic democratic deception.

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85a81e  No.102317

File: b506fee638c5386⋯.jpg (161.78 KB, 660x277, 660:277, 1519486194996.jpg)

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85a81e  No.102657

File: abb3da792d70b66⋯.jpg (23.21 KB, 366x488, 3:4, Christian_V_1646_99_Denmar….jpg)

Get a few interdasting history and politics articles published on the national benefits of Christian V and his prohibition of kike terror.

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f1d2b5  No.102998

File: fefc8dc77400046⋯.jpg (184.24 KB, 900x859, 900:859, a84ea1209645a13608eb35208a….jpg)

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867324  No.103022


ok, jew.

You just forget, that WW2 was instigated by the jews and all the peace offers from Adolf Hitler were ignored, because jews wanted as many white people dead as possible. But after all those dead white people because of the jew - the jews still claim to be the victims of WW2. You are truly the spawn of the devil!

The real conspiracy theory is the so called Holocaust, which never happened, but should have.

It is not safe to say "only a dead jew is a good jew."


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163fca  No.103070

I was minding my own business. Then one a day while riding the bus, I saw a huge blue truck with weird arabic symbols. The next day I started to have breathing problems. It was no ordinary, virus. It was COVID-19.

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163fca  No.103074


hitler was nothing more than a zionist puppet funded by the US imperialist regime designed to justify the state of israel.

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163fca  No.103075


Fake War. Fake Imperialism. Fake Ascetics.

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867324  No.103077

You fight jews, by knowing their tricks and tactics and exposing them.

The Nature of Zionism - Vladimir Stepin


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01c733  No.103080

Europe is in war currently as we speak and the governments are in too much denial to see the reality.

Europe is being attacked economically by foreign powers buying up all companies.

Europe is being attacked culturally with cuckhold propaganda. Saudi Arabia is building mosques everywhere.

Europe is being attacked genetically by unarmed migrants flooding the genetic pool. Jews are pushing for immigration 24/7.

Europe is being attacked morally by demoralizing media and sick racemixing propaganda.

Europe is being attacked from the outside and from the inside, with rape epidemics, daily terrorism, organized crimes (financed by foreign powers), dominance crimes.

Europe is attacked. It is in war.

Every single possible aspect of europe is being attacked and the governments are obviously bribed. Just the fact that they are letting older people die like this in the pandemic proves it. They will kill you and drown you in lies, just as they have killed your childrens future.

Prussia got exterminated because the prussians refused to believe that they were in an actual war with france. And now their culture is only a footnote in the historybooks, just as the swedish culture will be. Sweden will be Prussia 2.0.

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5bd46d  No.104095

File: e89a1e33e2671fd⋯.jpg (271.36 KB, 1130x832, 565:416, 1552884324737.jpg)

File: 1bcc4b360a0f370⋯.jpg (538.72 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 38_925_LEFT_1K_19809_15801….jpg)

File: 9763b31b3c265d1⋯.jpg (11.43 KB, 135x207, 15:23, unnamed_1_.jpg)

>>103080. A wiser man than I once said " and remember lads subscribe to PewDiePie". He was calling on all of us to make an equal sacrifice, and we have fallen short. Right wing death squads is the way. Join other clubs and try to meet new recruits that way? A few based dudes could remove slot of kebab.

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d46e46  No.104465

File: 6643eead1fd8109⋯.jpg (73.69 KB, 1024x819, 1024:819, Dark_Horse.jpg)


Begone kike

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