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The holocaust never happened

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d7a74d  No.49696

The skinhead movement was the biggest youth rebellion against the mass immigration to western countries. Sure it was degenerate, but it was still some sort of resistance.

First of all:

>how is a youth subculture created?

Most subcultures are defined by a taste of music and the message in this music. The nazi skinhead movement had 2 sorts of music, Oi and Viking rock. What were these songs about? Oi was mostly about partying and being a rebel. Viking rock was anti immigration, masculine, inspired heroic deaths etc.

The subculture will be shaped by the music and it’s message, so what do we have to do to create a modern nationalist youth movement?

First of all we need to take a look at what is popular today, and how to integrate that with our message. What do we want for our young generation? We don’t want it to turn into another skinhead movement since that was degenerate. Sure there were some good aspects with that movement and we should keep those.

The good apsects:

>never back down



>interest in history and to preserve our heritage

We need our young people today to stand up for themselves and reject degeneracy. They need to be in gangs or männerbund if you’d like to call it that.

Second of all:

>style of clothing

Subcultures also has a unique clothing style. The skinhead had their shaved heads, bomber jackets, boots, ben sherman, levy jeans. That was cool in the 80s and 90s, but it wouldn’t work today. Idk a lot about fashion so I’ll leave this up for discussion. Should the new nationalist clothing style be fashionable or more of a military style?

I want all of you to do your part in creating this new youth culture, make music, clothes, youtube videos that speaks to the youth, etc.

ITT: Discussion about how to create this new youth culture, and what worked with the previous nationalist subculture.

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04b3d0  No.49706

First of all, grow some fucking hair. You're not a fucking monk and Hitler wasn't a skinhead either.

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d7a74d  No.49717


I have Hitler Jugend haircut

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759180  No.49834


>Style of clothing

I think we should all wear big white jump suits with neon LED lights built into the front and back painting a massive red target on both sides.

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000000  No.49943


If you are concerned about style and looks, you are already trailing the path of the losers. image is nothing. Actions are what matters.

those looking to fit in just because "it looks good" or because frivolous matters such as image are the same kind of retarded youth that got us in this whole modern shitshow of a world.

Looks must NEVER matter. Only actions, facts and beliefs matter.

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2a912b  No.49978


Vaporwave is a thing. Along the same lines, we could have more futuristic/slick outfits as a way of showing that we are paving the way to a new era: the future we wanted but didn't get.

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2a912b  No.49982

File: e79b655b00cb2fc⋯.jpg (71.68 KB, 2072x1000, 259:125, 61lzspf4NZL._AC_UY1000_.jpg)

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000000  No.50035

Hello FBI/Infragard.

Pol has never been tied to any groups. Fuck off.

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46ceb0  No.50054



Hey nigger, got off my fucking board and crawl back to the hole you came from

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1c306f  No.50055


>pnd isn't basically a pol board

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173b34  No.50074

File: 3d492c963a41038⋯.png (64.14 KB, 206x124, 103:62, BTTF DUFF PINE vsml.png)


we've got one who can c

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ecf047  No.50089


t. low IQ retard.

Pol is only used by redditors

It is called /pol/

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ff0071  No.50103


/sig/ movement like rise above, it targets the degeneracy pretty well, and its great optics, its a great starting point. Very hard to infiltrate and subvert too because it does not rely on leadership that much. Since the focus is mostly personal self improvement.

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d7a74d  No.50105


How do we spread it?

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ff0071  No.50109


I have no idea to be honest, it seems that the only ones who have a slight interest are those who are in some way connected to us. We have to remember that there are already millions who have a few minor thoughts in their brains.

But the aged oneswho loved degeneracy, and hedonism, you cannot get those. Its like trying to advertise underwear to a nudist colony. But some zoomers look upon their parents and upon society and see garbage, and wish to escape it. If you marketed yourself like that for them you could perhaps reach them.

And then you would just need a gym, and a location.

But most people HATE it if you tell them "you cannot join us if you keep on drinking soda and watching porn"

therein lies the whole problem. We cannot simply walk up to a person and tell him "hey you are destroying your life with this shit, quit it lol", most are also brash and arrogant like children. That is why going from degeneracy into wholesomeness was usually met with violence.

If you dont want violence. Well then, you could just do advertising to the tune of "hey, you dont want to be a degenerate do you? Join our gym"

and in that gym you have informational evenings of sorts, telling about the many dangers of society. One can start off slowly on some basic things that they werent indoctrinated against, like weed, alcohol, soda's and porn. Move your way up to other categories as well if they trust you. And if they actually keep up. Things like that I think.

And if you brought up enough people on this manner, you create a promo and put it on jewtube and bitchute.

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6853d0  No.50119

File: 549f9d37f756499⋯.jpg (60.87 KB, 537x807, 179:269, skingirl.jpg)


You don't get how there are still skinheads all over the place, and how it still survives. Being a skinhead is like being an emo kid, except not gay. Any fucking fag can do it, some fags and trannies actually like to do it.

If you want to "be a skinhead" you just fucking do it. Go dress like a skinhead. There is a whole fucking thing to the style and outfits they wear, and it is basically like a secret handshake. Once you have your outfit you can go to places where skinheads seem to fucking end up, like where skinhead bands are playing.

It is pretty much exactly like being emo to get laid, except not gay and you get laid by white girls. /pol/ here and on half are basically just shitty replacements for being a skinhead right now. The way you frame it, OP, is so gay and defeatist like the "it's OK to be white" thing. The point is that it is not OK for niggers to be around white people, justifying our own existence is pathetic and servile.

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6853d0  No.50126

File: bc83b1b1f30b5ff⋯.jpg (75.37 KB, 520x778, 260:389, skingirls.jpg)


I should also mention, just like with emo kids, grungy "independantly owned" cafes where they have open mics and also skate parks are places where you can sometimes see a bunch of them around. Most people don't realize the skinhead girls are skinheads because they stick to stuff that normie thots think of as "retro" or "vintage" like fishnets and nylons and feathered hair extensions. They go for a 60s sex kitten kind of thing, it is really hot.

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46ceb0  No.50161


>he doesn’t even realize why I’m telling him to fuck off

>he thinks it’s because we’re on /pnd/ and not because he spelt /pol/ as Pol, thus outing himself as an obvious transplant from some other shithole

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4a8d88  No.50243


Looks like two sluts that will jump on the first unoccupied cock as soon as you turn your head or even before that.

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faf846  No.50314

File: 8541f8bdf22b575⋯.mp4 (4.78 MB, 318x180, 53:30, high energy british nation….mp4)


Oh yes, look at those two girls who are obviously wife material. You are fucking deluded if you believe that the way to save our people is by banging skanks, and the very fact that you find that kind of thing attractive speaks volumes about the immaturity of your mind set.

If you want a cool guy social club fuck off somewhere else and take your race mixing sluts with you. Nothing short of all white traditionalist families with many well raised children will be enough to save us, and degenerate clout chasers like you are confusing our youth.

Traitors get the rope first

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d89a15  No.50336

It needs to start low key by just creating some kind of classes or groups for young people that teach them basic fucking skills and how to function in the adult world. Young people these days can't even take care of themselves, their parents never taught them anything and they have been conditioned with a form of learned helplessness that means the way to solve all of life's problems is just to get somebody else to do it for you.

We need to create some kind of clubs or institutions that aren't even necessarily political, but just training or prep for young people that includes not just adult responsibilities, but also emphasis on physical fitness and health, the importance of aesthetics over (((cosmetics))), etc. Basically the only way to do it under the radar is to do it without saying a word about politics, but just reach the disaffected young people with self improvement type shit that will steer them in the right direction while also criticizing shit that everyone hates, IE modern consumer culture and advertising. Those are acceptable targets that no one will bitch or cry about. We don't want flag and "uniforms" and all that bullshit, we just need to get them together and teach them health and fitness, self reliance, and basically all the positive shit that will lead them down the right road with telling them Hitler did nothing wrong.

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c95d8d  No.50507


And now you've given him the means by which to go unnoticed from here on out lol.

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e62444  No.50547

File: 6f4a67cfae129e0⋯.jpg (311.98 KB, 1532x798, 766:399, dude.jpg)

None of you fags are even white lol, go into academics instead of being niggers and get some fucking class otherwise you're just the same as Africans

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000000  No.50685


can someone make a concept?

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32b0ab  No.50700

Lol, none of you have the strength to reject degeneracy. It would violate your intuitions and require you to be honest about the limits of your knowledge. Nobody here will ever be unchained enough to do that.

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32b0ab  No.50703

In general authoritarian youth movements appeal to the kinds of kids who rape others, not the kinds of kids who go on to be scientifically honest in the ways that actually drive back malfeasance in this world.

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ff0071  No.50708


noporn/nofap, no drugs, no alcohol, no smokes, no weed, no sugary drinks, active lifestyle. /fit/, healthy diet, mediation as well. I rejected all of the degeneracies.

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ecf047  No.50737

File: edfa7e860ceddbd⋯.png (19.11 KB, 758x499, 758:499, Professors.png)

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File: c4291c8fc9eef0c⋯.png (199.05 KB, 1278x816, 213:136, PSDT_08.19.19_highered-00-….png)


>go to academics.

>jewish runned universities only take jews in.

>in academics you are forced by the jews to create make-up proof for their narratives so they could promote poison for goyim and advance white genocide.


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633142  No.50793

Should the new nationalist clothing style be fashionable or more of a military style?

I should be both actually.

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428b30  No.50800


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302d5b  No.50842

File: cc1b87bb98d0ac4⋯.jpg (15.8 KB, 255x255, 1:1, af440311cede9b972c637577bf….jpg)


Fuck i love watching that clip. Sieg fucking Heil mates

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70a022  No.50896

> Should the new nationalist clothing style be fashionable or more of a military style?

Fashion is a Jewish meme. Dress smart and proper, how men used to. See Real Men Real Style for help.

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511f21  No.51015

File: c58f360e4b1499c⋯.jpg (414.68 KB, 588x1125, 196:375, 1765_va2.jpg)


>how men used to


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e000ab  No.51021

File: acbc7472af2d408⋯.jpg (24.68 KB, 350x675, 14:27, blackparade.jpg)

Nice thread OP, I've actually thought about this a lot, as a (bad) musician, I understand the power music has in directing culture, and I am primarily interested in POPULAR music and how it affects mass groups.

One of the most recent attacks on teenage whites this century was the murder of white, teenage music. For a while in the 2000s, we had pop punk, emo rock, grunge, indie rock, alt rock, nu metal, etc; from bands such as Fall out Boy, My Chemical Romance, Blink 182, Linkin Park etc.

Now understandably you might call these fag bands, with a huge soyboy and teenage girl following, but you need to understand how pivotal this kind of music was in nurturing and maintaining a WHITE YOUTH CULTURE. The skater and emo culture was overwhelmingly white, and it tapped into white teenage rebellion and masculine anger and harnessed it in an aggressive and effective way. And it is VERY important that these bands were widely popular, appealed to teenage girls, most of the time, the most counterculture and less easily jewed women.The girls that grew up to be doomer girls in our era, and reject leftism. A culture must incorporate its women, so while these bands were full of skinny dweeb fags who the women idolised, these skinny dweeb fags were WHITE.

What the jew did was he killed the white teenage counterculture. It saw how effective it was in promoting white brotherhood and murdered outright. None of this music exists in popular culture anymore. Now the only teen music culture is NIGGER RAP and HIPHOP. If you want to be cool, if you want to fit in, if you want to rebel, you listen to nigger rap. Teenage girls idolise and have posters of NIGGER rappers in their room instead of emo heartthrobs. It's the cool thing to do. Rock music has become lame and for nerds. The teenage rebel heart has been stolen by nigger music, direct by jew media, and no alternative music is allowed to form a new culture.

New culture starts with new art and new subculture.

One of the very first things we MUST do, is bring back rebel teenage music to form a new white counterculture. Fashion is cyclical, and I am certain that we will (or should) return to angry pop punk, emo, grunge and alternative/nu metal.

Black Metal, Classical, Jazz, all these are higher forms of music, but they do NOT appeal to the majority of 12-18 year olds, and definitely not to women. We need to win back our children and we need to do this by producing the music they want. And they want angry music, and mosh pits, and a way to express it visibly in a group. They want to skate and pierce their faces and rebel and get drunk and develop white male camaraderie at the skatepark and go after skater chads.

And there is definitely a yearning for it amongst the teenagers. What the "edgey" kids listen to nowadays is either 80s/90s alternative music, or soundcloud rap/dream pop/lofi alt rap/rock. All the good music is online underground, but it needs to burst out into the mainstream to nurture new culture.

(It doesn't just have to happen in music, the reason PewdiePie is so popular and they hate him, is because he is a seed for right-wing, goy counterculture. They are stamping out all the counterculture seeds they can, but we need to keep planting them).

We need a new Rage Against the Machine for white kids.

We need a new Nirvana for white kids.

We need a new My Chemical Romance for white kids.

(MCR is a pet band of mine because I am CERTAIN they are secretly fashy and subtly sow nazi sentiment into their music. I'm sure the whole of "The Black Parade". is a WW2 Natsoc allegory. Listen to "Mama" or "Cancer" and tell me it's not the perfect art for the blackened teenage soul)

We need angry, powerful, punchy, counterculture music. Rap is becoming so stale and niggerfied now, white teens are growing tired of it. Psychedelic-rock is still in it's returning infancy, but still doesn't have the anger and punch that teenagers need.

But as everything, we need to remain fluid and adaptable. We can't just copypaste 90s grunge into our current musical scene and expect it to stick. Kids have grown up with so much ubiquitous hip hop now that the next Nu-Emo or Nu-Grunge band needs to have some element of rap or hiphop in it to be an initial pull. After a few years it can transition, but you need to give them some familiarity to catch them initially. Some rap can be good, believe it or not, Run the Jewels are a rap/horror-rap duo who appeal to white listeners a lot, and the original Eminem albums still have no equal in their genre. There needs to be a mild fusion of metal/punk and hip hop.

There will be no youth skinhead music. The youth will not take to black metal anymore. Black/viking metal is a masculine music, we need to win both genders. It needs to be POPULAR, not confined to intellectuals on the web.

Youth natsoc sentiment will grow within the EMO, GRUNGE, POP-PUNK RESURGENCE.

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fc64c7  No.51034

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Black Metal, Classical, Jazz, all these are higher forms of music, but they do NOT appeal to the majority of 12-18 year olds, and definitely not to women. We need to win back our children and we need to do this by producing the music they want. And they want angry music, and mosh pits, and a way to express it visibly in a group. They want to skate and pierce their faces and rebel and get drunk and develop white male camaraderie at the skatepark and go after skater chads.


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9eb62f  No.51063

I think that the skinhead scene was mint, especially in Britain. You could still get away (imo) with wearing combat pants and bomber jackets without looking "unfashionable", I do it all the time. Even a Fred Perry is good.

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ce917e  No.51180


I don't see RAC skinheads as degenerate. Whatever instances of degeneracy there are don't characterise it as a whole. That like saying we're pedos and weebs because they post here too. They basically kept Natsoc on life support until it's resurgence today. Good music too.

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63bfcc  No.51206

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>lets make music with a message

These are never good though. I've tried to listen to shit like fashwave and its just too cringe. If you want to go down the music route you don't need to find new bands that specifically cater to the group but rather existing music that has the same message or appeal. Embed related.

>we need to look at what's popular today and integrate that to our message

Wrong, what's popular today is the antithesis of our message. Soulless crap production that pushes degeneracy is not what we want to take over. People have tried to do this with rap that denounces nigger culture but it fails because it quickly loses the appeal of "oh look its so contrarian". Some things that are good and have gotten good reception would be stuff like Hey Moon by John Maus, the message isn't political but resonates with people due to the loneliness we face in the modern world. Another good example is this gem (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cenwtYd7HFo). Emotional lyrics to a simple beat work well, better than popular beats that lack a message. Make it resonate with the sadness in people's hearts and give it a hopeful spin at the end. For more upbeat music, you make the message inspirational or motivational rather than happy or party music.

>Second of all is clothing, wat do?

Dress like white men, button down shirts (tucked in or out doesnt matter), jeans or decent pants, sneakers/loafers/oxfords for shoes. You dont want the skinhead appeal that our group would be tied to, so you go for respectability rather than a unique look. We want as many as possible to wake up and join us in a revolt against the modern world, you do this by appealing to a good accessible look instead of obscure crap. For women, push dresses, skirts and long pants in colder climates. Long hair for women, and for men you want a normal look rather than wizard tier beards, neckbeards and unkempt hair. Length doesn't matter as much as not looking like an autistic retard.

Recruitment is already our forte, fashwave memes are actually fucking great for this. Good posters focusing on heritage, art, land, etc work well but it's mostly action that will get a group to grow. IDEvropa was smart about this by organizing hikes and clean up activities for a positive image, the more of a good image you project and the more good deeds you do with the group, the easier it is to grow it.

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63bfcc  No.51217


>we need a new RATM, a new Nirvana and a new MCR

>we need angry, powerful, punchy counterculture music

The problem with these is that they become commercialized as soon as they're able to sell out. It can't be vacuous and it can't be a fan club or else the message and the energy it generates is transformed into pathetic fanboyism.

>we need music to hit both genders, that is popular

Rap shit will be a one hit wonder best you can do with it is trip hop, pop can work well if it blends something into it like funk, synth or rock.

>psych rock is making a comeback but it's lacking anger and punch

dont throw it away, if it's making a resurgence then exploit it and make something out of it, it's harder to make the appeal work but it's doable. Stuff like Black Heat Shuuja or Mr. Elevator and the Brain Hotel. If you wanna go something that you can popularize, maybe Ska is worth looking into since it's high energy and can appeal to both men and women.

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f11dcf  No.51234


Your observation is worth considering but you fail hard in one regard…

Art cannot go backwards. It must be new. Or at least, a new iteration that speaks specifically and uniquely to the times.

We cannot go back.

We must go forward.

On to the next.

Adapt and survive.

Cling and die.

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f11dcf  No.51240


To break this down, there are two sides to this.

First of all, anything that is image first is failure from the gate.

But being able to identify allies is a requirement for the success of EVERY conflict in history.

Although what that one guy said about may as well wear all white with neon lights painting a target is a wise criticism.

When you are the weaker force, you need to be adept at being invisible. Or at least, invisible until you want to be seen.

The free Mason's have their handshakes.

I think the only thing we can have is an understanding of how to escape the mental cages most people are under.

Off the top of my head I would say finding out if being called "racist" scares them. If it does…they are no ally.

Maybe see if they can handle two sides of an argument to a topic that the masses are programmed to only consider one side of….

Flat Earth, anti vaccing, NASA hoax, holphoax. You don't have to agree with one side or the other….but can they consider an argument against the narrative without mentally collapsing?

I think the advantage (((we))) have is that (((we))) are willing to make up our own minds.

The beautiful thing about that is it can be easily concealed…and, when expressed, is brighter and louder than any burning cross.

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f11dcf  No.51241


You're right you can't tell someone to care.

What you can do is wait for them to feel the pain and despair that these hedonistic and selfish lifestyles inevitably bring.

And then simply learn to identify them.

While it is nice to have social connections and we all need that…this backlash can only be from a million minds coming to the same conclusion.ON THEIR OWN. Any other way will be infiltrated, subverted, and imprisoned. Zog is too strong in conventional warfare.

Be a light to the world. Show them how this one has failed. Show them the who, what, where's and why's.

And then show them the how of the righteous path. The righteous path being the one that works…so do…and lead by example. You know what doesn't work. You know what does. So figure it out and then let others see.

Don't reveal your hand. People don't need to see your heart. They need to see you're holding something valuable and they need to ask you questions and you need to say yes or no to their ideas.

All these desires to form from the top down is Zog looking to subvert through and through.

The only leader can be truth itself. So find the truth. And share ways for others to find the truth. Truth cannot be destroyed but it won't speak to the unworthy.

We all need to become worthy.

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e0ef9e  No.51248


Youth subcultures are created by the youth. They are marketed to and shaped by the elders that the particular youth subculture respects.

Despite the usual harping on about how youths don't respect their elders, the reality is that they really do - it just so happens that if you are bitching about it, that youth doesn't respect you in particular.

If you want to do something for the youth, the way to go about it is this: you create/perform a thing that is well-marketed towards a certain group of young people. If you want to market yourself to nerdy bookish people, make a board game or book. If you want to market yourself to muscular sportsy men, go and be an athlete. If you want to market yourself to introverted artists, draw good art and put it out there for free.

Identify the subculture, and then create works that shape it. It is only exceptionally rarely that subcultures are outright created by one work, and such things are almost always completely accidental, unintentional, and are uncorrelated with the quality of the work. For example, Napoleon Dynamite, for example, is that rare sort of work - it sparked what I call the "hipster faggot" subculture, which introduced a flood of fucking posers into nerd subcultures. Napoleon Dynamite is a shit movie, and it is unlikely that the director expected anything out of it whatsoever. However, stupid faggots flocked to go watch it, and here we are.

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8e2bb5  No.51249



Blink 1488 was pretty good TBH and pretty easy to slip into public music spaces like bars and such without setting off people's radars.

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ce500b  No.83766

I personally find shaved heads aesthetically displeasing.

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150b40  No.83924

Youth could go back to looking pleasant and upstanding like the Hitler-Jugend. We could promote taking care of our bodies and being actual men. Also who cares about what music you listen to, as long as it isn't nig nog rap or any of that other fag shit.

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