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File: 17d2ea72e912fff⋯.jpg (30.31 KB, 810x539, 810:539, 0_11-Dead-In-Multiple-Shoo….jpg)

863556  No.49033

Ok, who has the manifesto of Tobias Rathjen? The guy was warning of satanic abuse, mind control, shitskins, ets so he had a pretty good idea of how the world works. He posted a 24 page manifesto. He shot m,uslims hanging out at hookah bars, so no humans were harmed during his killing spree (which /pol/ has determined to be self defense)has anyone had any luck finding it or the website he posted it on?

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299b8f  No.49044


I would not be surprised glow in the darks would pull another NZ-style false flag to push for gun bans over here. Did not see this in the news yet but I figure since it worked in NZ why wouldn't the glow in the darks try it over here?

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5e3f1a  No.49050

File: 4de39e306bd7c98⋯.jpg (87.14 KB, 1024x613, 1024:613, a means ass.jpg)



>hates muslims

No surprises there.

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863556  No.49054


>why wouldn't the glow in the darks try it over here?

because theyve tried it over and over since Trump was elected and they've failed to get popular support. They've actually accomplished the opposite- they've immunized American gun owners from being swayed by mass shootings.

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df0fd6  No.49065

File: a43035854373321⋯.jpg (564.81 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, EOuyHW2UcAAwO4D.jpg)

File: 21d0bd334fbf32c⋯.jpeg (69.44 KB, 618x824, 3:4, d1b1e64219cbfade1dd381fce….jpeg)


They've also castrated American gun owners to the point where they pose no threat to the system.

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4e4a0d  No.49066

I'm sort of surprised I cant find the video he posted. I remember seeing a bitchute mirror on halfchan, was expecting to be able to find it here.

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df0fd6  No.49067


Anglin posted an English translation as well as a pastebin of the original.





They're all clearly the ramblings of a schizophrenic who was influenced by '90s conspiracy con men.

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4e4a0d  No.49084


Awesome, thanks for the link.

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59205a  No.49134

Are there any videos of this? I haven't seen hardly anything at all on it so far.

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bb764e  No.49148

I am currently in the process of writing a manifesto.

This is an excerpt from it.

" It is the penis which gives men the ability to rationalize, it is the penis which gives men the ability to do math, and it is the penis which gives men the ability to feel entirely and wholly devoted. To his country, to his hometown, to his family, and to his partner - yes it is the penis which gives him the ability to feel genuine love. Though a man's love may falter, though his desire for coochie often seems unsatiable and cannot ever entirely be satisfied by just one woman, though he may cheat on his country by buying chinese knock off sneakers from shady online vendors and selling them to niggers, he still makes sacrifices for and actively tries to make those who he has devoted himself to happy. The female on the other hand knows nothing of loyalty, and her devotion is always lacking in conviction, as can be gleaned from the infamous phenomenon known as war bride syndrome. When a woman's lover, who she knew for years and even had kids with is killed, she immediately starts developing feelings for one of the men responsible for his death - in many cases the one directly responsible for his death. To any man the thought of developing feelings for one who took his lover away is deeply repulsive, and yet for women, it comes as naturally as breathing, they lack loyalty, to their country, to their village, but most importantly to their lovers. In our overly feminized society, it is often pointed out that vulnerability is important to physical and emotional intimacy and woman, with 2 self lubricated holes - one without teeth that can be easily fucked with or without their consent, they certainly are not lacking in vulnerability, but love is not so simple as being vulnerable, one must expose one's vulnerabilities to another in order to fully experience all it has to offer, but without also being able to make use of the vulnerabilities of others one will be missing half of the puzzle. It is both the ability to penetrate and be penetrated which allows one to develop feelings of love for others, the ability to exploit vulnerabilies, while also having vulnerabilities of ones own.

Without a penis, one simply cannot do the former, and without at least one self lubricating hole, preferably one without teeth, one cannot do the other at the highest level of competence either. In order to get women to stop sleeping around behind men's backs, fucking chads and polluting the gene pool with square jawed, muscle bound, offspring, of intellect so inferior to that of a supreme gentleman like myself that they wil forever be barred from the opportunity to experience the euphoria i feel in this moment, not because of any phony god's blessing, but because as i write this, i am enlightened, by my own intelligence.


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bb764e  No.49150


"we must give women semen laced with nanomachines capable of altering their genetic makeup and in doing so give them a dick and balls in addition to their vaginas. Pregnant dickgirls make the best waifus, to the point where even if she's a tsundere, she won't be trash like asuka was so long as she has the penis to fall back on"

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c55aa4  No.49182


10/10 literally any mass murder commited by the author of such a masterpiece is 100% justified.

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2bbc71  No.49195

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2bbc71  No.49196



nvm it's late and I thought it was serious for a moment

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2bbc71  No.49197


>calling bronies cia niggers

So many neckbeards feel insulted right now.

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ababe5  No.49523

To see the Rathjen website go to Daily Stormer dot SU and follow the links.

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f40b74  No.49537

The only thing that matters now:

Died whites die? Yes or no.

>inb4 implying abrahamitic religion B is better than A or C.

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f53d1c  No.49635


>Died whites die?

Yes, Tobias killed himself and his mother.

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2cb66c  No.49667


Then only those two lives were lost. RIP.

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883171  No.49685


Despite being a nutjob he did more for the good of mankind than 99% of normal people ever will. Rest in peace, Tobias.

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883171  No.49689

It goes to show that even the little people with small or broken brains can do great things for society. Let's have a moment of silence in contemplation of this happening.

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128a57  No.49828


Thanks for the links.

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5e3f1a  No.50439


>>calling bronies cia niggers

Kids today. It's a real thing. Evan mcmuffin was caught running a brony website during the 2016 happenings.

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8fe73c  No.55346


The original PDF can be downloaded from the archive of his homepage:


Here is a mirror of his video message to America:


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2dfad2  No.79836

>Are there any videos of this? I haven't seen hardly anything at all on it so far.


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df7c92  No.80723

File: 7dfeb0160893960⋯.gif (946.81 KB, 500x390, 50:39, 7dfeb0160893960a09f2b338ba….gif)



>gun owners

>no threat to the system

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