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File: b2b3fb417300438⋯.jpeg (95.6 KB, 620x499, 620:499, 489A3743-065C-4C23-854B-F….jpeg)

5103f1  No.48200

So is Assange’s lawyer trying to prevent his extradition or are the Feds salting this to prevent Trump from pardoning Assange upon his arrival in the US ?


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fe2ac0  No.48245


Assange doesn't have to be in the US to receive a presidential pardon.

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33878f  No.48270

Unless Assange is a secret lubavticher, don't count on a pardon.

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5103f1  No.48275


There’s a certain political capital to pardoning Assange after he’s been imprisoned in the United States. Right now American press can pretend there isn’t a problem or have to take a side since Julian is locked up by the UK, but as soon as he’s locked up in the US they’ll all be put on the spot. This is just one issue.

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889e77  No.48440

File: 00fc660bc6b4a61⋯.jpg (68.87 KB, 800x534, 400:267, assange targeted (1).jpg)

this is a weird story… apparently the it was fake news? it appears to be the other way around

>>Update: The story appears to have changed dramatically. According to Assange's lawyer, Rohrabacher, it was him that informed Gen. Kelly that "Assange would provide information about the purloined DNC emails in exchange for a pardon," but never heard back from the White House.


Assange has also publicly claimed that Russia was not involved several times and Wikileaks also offered a reward for info on Seth Rich's murder.

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889e77  No.48444

File: 30ffdd5c3d6e5c5⋯.jpg (21.12 KB, 400x264, 50:33, julian-assange-cat.jpg)


youre not being paranoid. assange does have a lot of enemies.

but the truth has more enemies. i have never seen any info whatsoever on assange admitting to rape tho. the case has been dropped by sweden and is no longer relevant. and who cares if he is a narcissist? he has provided an invaluable service to society and he put his own life and freedom on the line to back it up. if that makes him a narcissist then being a narcissist is awesome

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32ed99  No.48549

File: 76c2c91dd9b5e76⋯.jpg (23.08 KB, 480x320, 3:2, GDLLCBC5IEI6TGGUQRAIRUJV6I.jpg)

Free assange

This case is going to be a giant fail for US, they should have never even bothered.

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897ce1  No.48645

File: 49982902d7b6fd4⋯.jpeg (166.04 KB, 945x613, 945:613, 659DF4C1-109A-45D3-9578-A….jpeg)

Anybody think Assange will reveal the source of the DNC leak?

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fe2ac0  No.48646


I doubt it. He's made way too much money and fame off of posting things like, "Will reveal X soon! Stay tuned!" and then never doing anything. If he really wanted to make secrets public, he would. He wouldn't wait. He'd just do it.

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643b67  No.48649


Well he did reveal Vault 7, biggest bombshell (and totally ignored by the Free Press) in Intelligence history after a work up.

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db72dd  No.49118

File: 5e6e50f178f4792⋯.jpeg (7.92 KB, 219x166, 219:166, download (24).jpeg)


Uh 10 million leaked documents revealed in 10 years? Not enough for you?

Go away retard

>Former Rep. Dana Rohrabacher confirms he offered Trump to pardon Julian Assange:


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1bd486  No.49172


Hello Glownigger

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1bd486  No.49173


Hello glownigger

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16c0e3  No.49181


Assange is a hero just because of how buttblasted he makes glowniggers like you.

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1347ab  No.83759

File: 80b32d01c860f43⋯.jpg (95.49 KB, 475x746, 475:746, julianassange.jpg)

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