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The holocaust never happened

File: eb9b2f86de03678⋯.jpg (32.18 KB, 400x400, 1:1, tp7DWprW_400x400.jpg)

c85fe2  No.4237



You Need:

1. A Rifle

2. Reliable Transportation

Show Up and We will Prevail

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dc5987  No.5005


I try to drink 5 liters per day, thank you.

sometimes I fall short and drink about 3 or 4.

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305a2a  No.5009

File: a5a1ab12dfc1943⋯.jpg (110.36 KB, 723x999, 241:333, sample-04506ea3bcdb8e5f2a5….jpg)

that's a nice bandana design

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dc5987  No.5015

File: 0a4fa5d6f8345e7⋯.pdf (67.34 KB, The Declaration of Reforma….pdf)

File: ecf69749c2026f5⋯.webm (14.03 MB, 224x126, 16:9, TCO presents - Boogaloo T….webm)

OP's links converted to pdf and webm for your convenience

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dc5987  No.5016

File: 18eb456cc53c2fa⋯.pdf (39.09 KB, The Revolution.pdf)


Actually, OP's link takes you to this page (pdf) and then there's a link which takes you to ^^Above…

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305a2a  No.5838

File: 7b6c51e6663b5c2⋯.jpg (160.73 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, sample-78cb50844f051ab0d73….jpg)

read p for half a year and /pol/ has been disappointing ever since

day after day it's just endless threads with frustrated and helpless news commentary, religious arguments, failed political ideology posturing, redpill threads thinking "if only leftists knew what we knew, they'd be with us" bullshit, schemey ploys to 'outjew the jew' and larping for lonely bored faggots

at the end of the day, lawful forces end criminal forces

"women protest, men revolt."

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bf810a  No.8685


>honeypot recruitment

>not deleted

Jim honeypot confirmed.

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305a2a  No.13203

File: 9dcfdd65625c2af⋯.png (797.14 KB, 772x1199, 772:1199, EM5TLTRX0AARsbP.png)

File: 875e8048b37afec⋯.jpg (167.48 KB, 763x1199, 7:11, EM5SzaiWkAIHU0z.jpg)

File: 67d42bfcf0086f0⋯.jpg (218.64 KB, 966x1032, 161:172, EM5UZXEWkAAavUV.jpg)

File: 0b625660bc1a5c5⋯.png (269.04 KB, 874x2491, 874:2491, religion.png)

File: cf30d01f4aa1624⋯.png (237.9 KB, 849x2833, 849:2833, Definition GSRM (or GSRRM,….png)


interesting reading nonethelesst

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589c38  No.13213

File: 89f8530f4f61d4e⋯.jpg (71.54 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote-a-lot-of-writers-and….jpg)




Mr. Spooky Fed!

Come and go arrest

Me eee EEE



Mr. Spooky Fed

You only make me go REEEEEEE

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000000  No.13303


>Posts a link to youtube and some 1 page pdfs.

This honey pot is comedy gold.

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77f1ba  No.13315

File: eb67f3200698761⋯.jpg (39.64 KB, 520x348, 130:87, scatapult_kek.jpg)


just for kicks, it would be fun to use a catapult and some scrap sheet metal to bring down something like LA.

This would be such a level over 9,000 move, that all the power from the grid would flow from the plant into the catapulter!

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dfe7e0  No.13318



>in a few months

>next winter


Stop … just … stop.

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77f1ba  No.13325

File: dda05b56ff80e03⋯.jpeg (77.83 KB, 600x393, 200:131, boogaloo.jpeg)



When the Fedniggers take down organized crime syndacates, they always get the top guy and his underbosses, parade them on talmudvision and shortly thereafter skirt them off to some prison where they tend to live for a while.

However, MQSSQD has convinced everyone that when it comes to taking down the global crime syndacate, it's best to let them all run back to their immunity-zone, hide in the desert and fuck child prostitutes and send them billions of dollars in aide because Q.


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dfe7e0  No.13369



There's always a "when". IT NEVER FUCKING HAPPENS!

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77f1ba  No.13370







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0a4e0b  No.36434

>not having a biological view of politics

>not realizing social justice<feminism<progressivism<frankfurt school<marxism<frankism<judaism is the articulated sophistry of feminine evolutionary group survival strategies (which jews excel at ever noticed how jewish men when angry sound like crazy women?) of consumption, redistribution, 'equality' (state scale mothering-being babied/inordinate sacrifice to [and inordinate demands for being] 'needy', 'vulnerable', 'helpless' 'babies'/minorities) through nagging (of men's wallets, always), begging (exchange without giving), tantrums (hysteria, disapproval, shaming), gossip (slander, lies, pseudoscience, bogus accusations), rallies (protests and hashtags), 'magical' chanting (slogan rhymes, hashtags, controlled news),etc.

have you noticed which countries fall to this bullshit first? the ones where men don't value and demonstrate masculinity (sweden, england, canada), so act like women (signal>demonstrate), talk like women(approval>truth), approach problems like women(personalize>generalize), 'solve' problems like women (social force>physical force), revealing women's perception of the world as made up of beliefs -as opposed to physical and natural laws- and that changing of beliefs (warping definitions, circulating baseless concepts) somehow changes the world

this explains the tendency for pacifism (demanding physical changes without physical force in a physical universe) and other contradictory shit ("women can't be independent without your support", "women can't be strong without protective measures")

it goes downhill when men are too weak (veiled as tolerance) or greedy (veiled as rights), in other words, stop being men (truth>gossip, power>numbers)

a people without law (from truth) and power (from violence) to enforce those laws will be destroyed (dysgenic>eugenic) by arbitrary discretion (from lies and pseudoscience) and numbers (from conspiring groups rallying people with outrage [imagined violations], greed [promised entitlements, free consumption], etc.)

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9f03e1  No.36461

>hm let me market a revolution to those already initiated instead of those who we could use but aren't already with us.

How to spot a honeypot 101.

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b5f294  No.37041

This has been around for a while. Some good concepts but severely overly wordy. Needs to be about 2 pages max with extra as appendices. Also revolution is started by a cohesive elite bound by brotherhood and common purpose. Propertarianism suffers from the libertarian curse of the founders being loner misanthropes. The movement needs a bunch of Chad Washingtons on board. Basically it needs to win over the white veteran crowd. To do that youre going to need rallies and a speeches for a couple years before weapons even come out of the lockers.

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b4f11f  No.37046

File: 04234d81b17204b⋯.webm (7.71 MB, 640x360, 16:9, we dont even have enough ….webm)

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e838d2  No.37063


> 1. nope

> 2. no can do

Why do they make prevailing so difficult

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b9feae  No.37136


Made me el oh el.

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b15c62  No.37230


>Show Up

Where, exactly?

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7ac508  No.37241

File: d00b9747c71d7f8⋯.png (208.1 KB, 419x424, 419:424, glow.png)


Jesus Christ, man!

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000000  No.80913



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8570ae  No.81154

File: 3e483379b0c8940⋯.png (288.95 KB, 1280x1279, 1280:1279, dotr.png)


<posts his shitty 2D waifu

>complains about the state of /pol/

Kill yourself, you dumb fucking nigger. If you want it to get better, contribute. Do you have any alternatives? Do you have any ideas on how to get people on our side? Or you will just wait until shit hits the fan and someone blows your brains out? What will it be, fag? What exactly do you want to see here? If you have nothing interesting to say and just whine about how fucked /pol/ is, get outside and start doing something with the knowledge you acquiered before the shoah happened.

But no. I bet you're still here shitting up the board with your niggerbabble, either do world a favour by spreading the truth or sit in the corner while kikes rape white children like a cuckold that you are.

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d99a0a  No.81178

File: 0c0957b3007d8b5⋯.png (963.03 KB, 831x887, 831:887, 1584949053020.png)


Did mommy not stock up on corona virus tendies 4 u, sweetie?

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d99a0a  No.81180


>spreading the truth

>probably 18yrs old

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647586  No.81191



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b32238  No.81409

File: d18c5e92f4fa2ac⋯.jpg (93.98 KB, 1078x976, 539:488, 1584924120415.jpg)



fucking goons

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c4bf27  No.81433


This is yet another reason that tor should be permanently banned.

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7bba52  No.93019


the final solution is propertarianism

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53b9ac  No.93020

File: 2f4097e3720d923⋯.jpg (93.63 KB, 600x830, 60:83, IMG_20200405_062524_789.jpg)

>Totally not the feds

This makes me concerned they're going to pull some kind of (((false flag))) terror attack later this year and pin the blame on you know who to do God knows what with crazy new laws and police state shit that will be rolling out due to the current situation.

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9e1507  No.93073


Fedposting is worstposting.

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9e1507  No.93074


Jim Watkins is a fat MASONIC NIGGER who rapes children.


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5748ac  No.93159

File: 9f16ddf598b12e5⋯.png (498.64 KB, 1862x1536, 931:768, k_brownies.png)


>Show Up

Yeah, we know how this works. Fuck off.

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9e1507  No.94034


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1d4012  No.95289

File: 3d4459fcf81d58c⋯.gif (2.95 MB, 400x229, 400:229, tumblr_peaq24PtJA1xo0w8zo1….gif)


Water's boiling, frogs

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