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MAP - Wuhan Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Global Cases (by JHU CSSE)
Corona Virus Spreadsheet
WHO (World Health Organization) Situation Reports
CDC (Center for Disease Control) Situaltion Summary
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Report Website of Central State Organs (Needs Chinese to English Translation)
Data Statistics from Inside China
MAP - BNO - Tracking coronavirus: Map, data and timeline
BNO Newsroom Twitter Updates
Coronavirus update: as of 9teenth Feb 2020 1940 GMT (Sauce: John Hopkins CSSE and BNODesk and quadratic equations mathsfags in breads
- 902 fatalities anticipated for 9th data release (thanks mathsfag you were correct >>39947 )
- 41,084 infections anticipated for 9th (close – 40,533)
Predictions for 10th:
47733 / 997
I think closer to 45-46k as they are dropping that number running out of test kits.
Official current numbers
- 40,533 confirmed cases
- 910 dieded
- 6,494 Serious cundushuns
- 3,218 didn't died
- 23,589 Suspected
- Vast majority of cases in China (bullshit numbers –x5-10x for real ones)
- 25 countries reporting cases (up from 15 in bread #6)
- ISISrael when?
- Dr. Li Wenliang died
- Dr (((Plummer))) died in nigfrica-
- Big SO2 emissions confirm high body count
Cities and PROVINCES Locked down:
JIANGXI PROVINCE 43,000,000 (added 7th)
LAONING PROVINCE 44,000,000 (added 7th)
GUANGZHOU population 14,000,000 (added 9th)
BEIJING population 24,000,000
WUHAN population 11,000,000
HUANGGANG population 7,000,000
JINGZHOU population 6,000,000
SHANTOU population 5,500,000
XIAOGAN population 5,000,000
LICHUAN population 4,500,000
YICHANG population 4,000,000
XIANNING population 3,000,000
HUANGSHI population 2,500,000
TIANMEN population 1,731,000
XIANGTAO population 1,200,000
EZHOU population 1,000,000 as of 2010
QIANJIANG population 1,000,000
DAYE population 1,000,000
YANGXIN COUNTY population 1,000,000
ENSHI population 750,000
ZHIJIANG population 500,000
CHIBI population 500,000
Event Cancellations:
Everything in China (schools, concerts, playgrounds, Shanghai disneyland, 70k cinemas)
Most workplaces closed
Hyundai and other large automakers cancelled production due to supply chain shortages
Hong Kong has closed all public places
Corona-Chan official Scoreboard As of Feb 9rd, 2020 1940 GMT(Source: John Hopkins CSSE/BNO)
Mainland China: 40,171
Japan: 96 (cruise ship chan possibly over 170 in few days – excluded +100)
Singapore: 43 (30 on 7th)
Thailand: 32 (stopped reporting for tourism sheckels along with rest of SEA bamboo niggers)
Worst Korea: 27
Hong Kong: 36 (up from 26)
Taiwan: 18
Malaysia: 17 and rising
Shitposting land: 15
Vietnam: 14 (+4 since 7th)
Deutsches Reich: 14
Burgers: 12
Frogs: 11 (up from 7 on 7th)
Macau: 10
Leafs: 7
Sandniggers: 7 (up 2)
Pooperpower 2020: 3 (stable)
Pastaniggers: 3
Phillipines: 3 (new contender enters the race with one dead)
Bongs: 4 (new contender)
Ivan: 2 (new contender enters)
ISISrael: 2? (unconfirmed but footage available of 2x entries to hospital)
Spain: 2
Cambodia: 1
Nepal: 1
Sri Lanka: 1
Sweden (yes): 1
Spurdoland: 1
Belgium: 1
• Japan, Sichuan province, China, and Heilongjiang province, China: The total includes asymptomatic cases, which are not included in the government’s official count. 13 such cases in Heilongjiang province, 4 in Japan, and 1 in Sichuan province.
• Japan: The total includes 70 people from the “Diamond Princess” cruise ship. They are not included in the government’s official count.
• North Korea: Unconfirmed reports about 1, 5, or 7 cases in North Korea cannot be verified. If cases are confirmed by the North Korean government, they will be added to this list.
• Die Ewige Jüdische Lügenpresse only reports Thailand/SEAbamboo nigger export cases as ‘from a non-asian country’ currently