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TORfags are on timeout. Let's be honest, it doesnt protect youy anyway

File: 97eb464415e2434⋯.jpg (74.71 KB, 667x900, 667:900, corona-virus.jpg)

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557ca6  No.42106

Thread 11

Asleep at the wheel edition

Confirmed: 43,210 ◄ Dead: 1019 ◄


06:57: 2 new cases in Japan

02:37: 1 new case in Vietnam

01:14: 1 new case in California, United States

01:00: 1 new case in South Korea



Infection could reach 60% of world population


CDC mistakenly released infected patient in San Diego, California


Emergency declared in Santa Clara, California


Chinese officials scrambling to keep food flowing



Virus spreads through pipes


Incubation period of 24 days, longer than expected


Aerosolized, airborne transmission


Infected come out negative 50 to 70% of the time



China changes definition of confirmed to lower the numbers


Japan confirms China doesn't count suspected in death toll


Crematorium: 127 bodies, 48 suspected and only 8 confirmed




Observation: 187,728

Suspected: 21,675

Critical: 7,333




C: 42,737 ◄ D: 1017 ◄



C: 473 ◄ D: 2 ◄

Diamond Princess 135 Hong Kong 49 Singapore 45 Thailand 32 Japan 28 South Korea 28 Malaysia 18 Taiwan 18 Australia 15 Vietnam 15 Germany 14 United States 13 France 11 Macau 10 United Arab Emirates 8 United Kingdom 8 Canada 7 Philippines 3 India 3 Italy 3 Russia 2 Spain 2 Belgium 1 Nepal 1 Sweden 1 Cambodia 1 Finland 1 Sri Lanka 1


More: https://pastebin.com/raw/qy5RFpVX

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557ca6  No.42107

Previous CopyPasta:

MAP - Wuhan Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Global Cases (by JHU CSSE)


Corona Virus Spreadsheet


WHO (World Health Organization) Situation Reports


CDC (Center for Disease Control) Situaltion Summary


European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control


Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention


Report Website of Central State Organs (Needs Chinese to English Translation)


Data Statistics from Inside China


MAP - BNO - Tracking coronavirus: Map, data and timeline


BNO Newsroom Twitter Updates



Coronavirus update: as of 9teenth Feb 2020 1940 GMT (Sauce: John Hopkins CSSE and BNODesk https://twitter.com/BNODesk) and quadratic equations mathsfags in breads


- 902 fatalities anticipated for 9th data release (thanks mathsfag you were correct >>39947 )

- 41,084 infections anticipated for 9th (close – 40,533)

Predictions for 10th:

47733 / 997

I think closer to 45-46k as they are dropping that number running out of test kits.

Official current numbers

- 40,533 confirmed cases

- 910 dieded

- 6,494 Serious cundushuns

- 3,218 didn't died

- 23,589 Suspected

- Vast majority of cases in China (bullshit numbers –x5-10x for real ones)

- 25 countries reporting cases (up from 15 in bread #6)

- ISISrael when?

- Dr. Li Wenliang died

- Dr (((Plummer))) died in nigfrica-

- Big SO2 emissions confirm high body count

Cities and PROVINCES Locked down:


JIANGXI PROVINCE 43,000,000 (added 7th)

LAONING PROVINCE 44,000,000 (added 7th)


GUANGZHOU population 14,000,000 (added 9th)

BEIJING population 24,000,000

WUHAN population 11,000,000

HUANGGANG population 7,000,000

JINGZHOU population 6,000,000

SHANTOU population 5,500,000

XIAOGAN population 5,000,000

LICHUAN population 4,500,000

YICHANG population 4,000,000

XIANNING population 3,000,000

HUANGSHI population 2,500,000

TIANMEN population 1,731,000

XIANGTAO population 1,200,000

EZHOU population 1,000,000 as of 2010

QIANJIANG population 1,000,000

DAYE population 1,000,000

YANGXIN COUNTY population 1,000,000

ENSHI population 750,000

ZHIJIANG population 500,000

CHIBI population 500,000

Event Cancellations:

Everything in China (schools, concerts, playgrounds, Shanghai disneyland, 70k cinemas)

Most workplaces closed

Hyundai and other large automakers cancelled production due to supply chain shortages

Hong Kong has closed all public places

Corona-Chan official Scoreboard As of Feb 9rd, 2020 1940 GMT(Source: John Hopkins CSSE/BNO)

Mainland China: 40,171

Japan: 96 (cruise ship chan possibly over 170 in few days – excluded +100)

Singapore: 43 (30 on 7th)

Thailand: 32 (stopped reporting for tourism sheckels along with rest of SEA bamboo niggers)

Worst Korea: 27

Hong Kong: 36 (up from 26)

Taiwan: 18

Malaysia: 17 and rising

Shitposting land: 15

Vietnam: 14 (+4 since 7th)

Deutsches Reich: 14

Burgers: 12

Frogs: 11 (up from 7 on 7th)

Macau: 10

Leafs: 7

Sandniggers: 7 (up 2)

Pooperpower 2020: 3 (stable)

Pastaniggers: 3

Phillipines: 3 (new contender enters the race with one dead)

Bongs: 4 (new contender)

Ivan: 2 (new contender enters)

ISISrael: 2? (unconfirmed but footage available of 2x entries to hospital)

Spain: 2

Cambodia: 1

Nepal: 1

Sri Lanka: 1

Sweden (yes): 1

Spurdoland: 1

Belgium: 1


• Japan, Sichuan province, China, and Heilongjiang province, China: The total includes asymptomatic cases, which are not included in the government’s official count. 13 such cases in Heilongjiang province, 4 in Japan, and 1 in Sichuan province.

• Japan: The total includes 70 people from the “Diamond Princess” cruise ship. They are not included in the government’s official count.

• North Korea: Unconfirmed reports about 1, 5, or 7 cases in North Korea cannot be verified. If cases are confirmed by the North Korean government, they will be added to this list.

• Die Ewige Jüdische Lügenpresse only reports Thailand/SEAbamboo nigger export cases as ‘from a non-asian country’ currently

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557ca6  No.42109

Previous Threads:










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459b4d  No.42112


Covered in fungi? Are you picturing mushrooms again? Why are you picturing mushrooms when we discussed right before this that fungi are a entire class of organisms with different characteristics...different forms and different manifestations.

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dd3399  No.42116


Do not start the fungus bullshit in this thread too


Explain how fungus DNA which is orders of magnitudes larger than virus DNA fits into it.

Explain how a virus which is much smaller than a cell could act like a much larger multi-cellular organism such as a fungus.

Show where in the Viruses' genome fungus DNA is spliced in, >>41070 posted the genome for reference.

Everyone else take note, the shill cannot respond to these or any of the previously asked questions BTFOing the fungus FUD. The shill will not answer these questions, do not feed the shill.

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557ca6  No.42117

File: b5383ea3be7f90a⋯.png (14.17 KB, 634x417, 634:417, Selection_214.png)

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d12a26  No.42119


This is exactly what I have been suspecting the last few days. Either agencies are corrupted and solely depend on lobbyists or agencies legitimately fear once the truth comes out it will cause mass panic and global economic catastrophe for which there will be no turning back. Either scenario we will continue to see a lot of cover-ups and white wash on this topic.

Sorry I reached the 750 post limit so I will paste my comment into the next thread.

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dafb9a  No.42122


I suspect one of my friends might be correct, industry will start moving out of China and into India. They'll lobby the Indian government to shut down their borders and make sure the virus doesn't spread over there so they can continue propping up their corporations and hiring low wage slave workers.

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0cdede  No.42123

Fuck me it posted.

>>42120 >>42120 >>42120 >>42120 >>42120 >>42120

Bread 11

Or just stay here. I don't care and want to make a dedicated board at this rate, fucking niggermods leaving spam up.


more fungus fag BTFO here too

>>40829 >>40830 >>40836 >>40848 >>40706 >>40925 >>40921 >>40838

>>41514 >>41515 >>41054 >>41070 >>41069 >>41075 >>41083

New board is going to be created in order to moderate this thread properly in near future if chodemonkey gets server working properly again as the mods here are fucking garbage when it comes to the spammer.

Old bread links/archives

Previous Threads

Thread 001 Archive: http://archive.md/XA3Pe

Thread 002 Archive: http://archive.md/Sv3st

Thread 002b Archive: https://archive.ph/e4Ad5 (Niggermod Edition)

Thread 003 Archive: http://archive.md/Hvchk

Thread 004 Link: https://8kun.top/pnd/res/31384.html

Thread 004 Archive: https://archive.ph/ltbQP

Thread 005 Link: https://8kun.top/pnd/res/32777.html

Thread 005 Archive: http://archive.ph/cJTlt

Thread 006 Link: https://8kun.top/pnd/res/34058.html

Thread 006 Archive: http://archive.ph/CFWPb

Thread 007 Link: https://8kun.top/pnd/res/35750.html

Thread 007 Archive: http://archive.ph/RZBmI

Thread 008 Archive: http://archive.ph/gsJHR

Thread 008 Link: https://8kun.top/pnd/res/37590.html

Thread 009 Archive: http://archive.ph/FNZIL

Thread 009 Link: https://8kun.top/pnd/res/37590.html

Thread 010 Link: https://8kun.top/pnd/res/40967.html

Thread 010 Archive: http://archive.ph/plJtc


>industry leaving china

Already been happening for a while. They are untrustworthy, average income rising too much etc etc

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557ca6  No.42125


This is going to fuck China one way or another, no doubt about it. Since Foxconn didn't open yesterday supply chains are spooked now. It'll take several months at a minimum to ramp up production anywhere else, and good luck if it is a ground up build. Unless of course there are riots over here because the consoomers didn't get their fresh shiny new iDevice. Oh the horror.

buy masks yesterday

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244622  No.42129


No, not mushrooms, but tiny spores of fungi. But even tiny spores only effect those in very close proximity. Face it, China is too massive to have tiny fungi spores covering every corner of the city, all over the streets, in every alley, in every transportation route etc etc. And lets say it was fungi, why would it be spreading like a virus from one country to the next so fast? Other countries would have to have that same fungi as well. That is highly unlikely. I'm certain this was a bioweapon from a yet to be confirmed origin (whether it was released on purpose or by accident, by China or by another State which is all up for debate as of now).

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459b4d  No.42134


>repeating the same lies over and over (BTFO; pretending I said things I did not) makes it true.

Stop making factious arguments regarding this situation. I never said that a ‘fungus DNA’ (which is immaterial since this is a RNA problem) could fit inside a virus.


You are playing the straw man game, making statements that I never made, that only you made so that you can control the discourse.

FUCK YOU BUG/KIKE for prioritizing your own personal financial situation over HUMAN LIFE.



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459b4d  No.42137


This totally depends on the character and how long this has been going on. Why would you assume that being covered in a virus was ‘ideologically sound’ but being covered in a fungi was not ‘ideologically sound’.

I also never made the case that it was a fungus ALONE…I said it was a chimera that has fungal properties inserted in its RNA/DNA. Not sure why this is so hard to understand since I have made the same case over and over and over again.

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ae8a5b  No.42140


I'm going to laugh my ass off if consumers are forced to start using a laptop or PC to communicate over the internet once again. Smartphonefags ruined the internet in my opinion.

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557ca6  No.42141

File: 28b5ad7f25d31a7⋯.jpg (25.19 KB, 600x455, 120:91, working_class_scum.jpg)


>own personal financial situation over HUMAN LIFE

The unwashed masses do the exact same friend. That is what is ultimately concerning to me. When they can't take their fun tokens to their local neighborhood importMart™ and buy things- they get panicky. Panicky people are fun time people.


You've made your point. Now move on.

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0cdede  No.42143


You said it had fungus DNA spliced in you nigger. Stop lying. Everyone can read the fucking DNA chain as it's public, THERE IS NO FUNGAL SHIT IN IT. What part of that do you not understand? The sequence is known, there is no fungal bullshit. So fuck off

You got utterly BTFO and NEVER address any of the counterpoints, just continue posting.

When teh new board is up, you can have the whole thread to yourself because anons won't be in this bread anymore. They will just come back and link the real discussion bunker that you are not welcome in.


As per >>42116


Explain how fungus DNA which is orders of magnitudes larger than virus DNA fits into it.

Explain how a virus which is much smaller than a cell could act like a much larger multi-cellular organism such as a fungus.

Show where in the Viruses' genome fungus DNA is spliced in, >>41070 posted the genome for reference.

More BTFO you never replied to

>>40829 >>40830 >>40836 >>40848 >>40706 >>40925 >>40921 >>40838

>>41514 >>41515 >>41054 >>41070 >>41069 >>41075 >>41083

Fuck off nigger. Your case is DONE. Only thing keeping you relevant in this bread are niggermods.

P.s. OP you should have used CVG banner you nigger, now everyone will see my other bread.

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f43114  No.42144


Look, if it was a fungi it would likely have been sprayed via chemtrails all over the globe to start a global pandemic. It's not out of the realm of possibility but still highly unlikely. The only way to find something like that out would be to test the soil in every nation including China and start collecting evidence and comparing it, trying to find the exact same traces of fungi everywhere people are becoming infected.

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459b4d  No.42147


>move on?

It is time that anons began educating themselves if they are going to survive. Remember the point I made about the kike media lying (total lies) about the Spanish Flu? All of which is ‘retracted’ and ‘forgiven’ later? This is the same exact situation.

The ‘jew’ poisons the well and then looks for someone to take the blame.

In order to increase the mayhem and death that is exciting and makes them orgasmic THEY PROCEED TO LIE ABOUT EVERYTHING THEY KNOW ABOUT THE VIRUS/BACTERIA so that as many people die as possible.

Move on? So you want to just take their ‘word’ at face value THIS TIME and have anons just listen to more lies, like last time or all the times the jews LITERALLY poisoned the wells in Europe in our history…and I should just ‘move on’ and not force anons to consider other possibilities so that they can PROTECT THEMSELVES AND THEIR LOVED ONES?

How about you FUCK OFF YOU CALLOUS BASTARD? You need to join that miserable CENSORFUCK where ever that CUNT ends up.

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459b4d  No.42148


Now this level of thinking is where anons need to be. Remember that Ha’eretz is the ENTIRE GLOBE…not just the ‘muh state of Israel’ so they are planning on murdering the rest of human life on this planet and not just ruling the goy from ‘israel’.


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0cdede  No.42150


>doesn't address any of the counter evidence

>rambles on about le eternal kike

>muh fuuunnngiiii

muh mental patient incoherent rambling

muh censorship

Filter me you sperglord jew. Please.

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3d1d2e  No.42152

File: 92bdba346115a60⋯.mp4 (616.75 KB, 480x848, 30:53, yLs1cYh9BBrcbAfj.mp4)

File: a64fc70849d5516⋯.mp4 (751.64 KB, 544x960, 17:30, eCFunDa82l267UjJ.mp4)

File: 59447832acb6de7⋯.mp4 (1.23 MB, 368x640, 23:40, 4_U0Xts2xdYouFUG.mp4)

File: 657841e82a8ef7f⋯.mp4 (462.1 KB, 368x640, 23:40, wcnBCeTEulE8ymNK.mp4)

Is it even worth posting anything here anymore given the thread just gets shitted up by a handful of fags arguing about kikes and mushrooms.

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459b4d  No.42155


You don’t have any ‘counter evidence’ or you would say it. Showing a few photos of the RNA/DNA of the nCoV doesn’t make any sort of point. No CENSORFAGS I am going to let everyone see for themselves that you are totally worthless in every way…unless you count holding to the mainstream MSM narrative. I would rather that anons begin thinking for themselves.


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459b4d  No.42157


It would be worth it if we could get rid of the CENSORFAGS

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7bb427  No.42158


Around 6 hours or so from now they tend to stop, i think jdif dont have a night shift anymore. I think at the current pph this thread wont survive the shit slinging

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c3fc6c  No.42160


Lets say this was fungi spores being sprayed via chemtrails around the globe. The major question I have is why would this solely be infecting China yet very few cases of infection appear elsewhere around the globe? If it was sprayed indiscriminately there would be a pandemic going on everywhere around the globe by now. Which is the reason I still suspect it is highly unlikely to be fungi. Again, the only way to produce evidence is to test the soil in every country and compare it, finding the exact same spores where people are becoming infected. Unless we come up with solid evidence of that there is no way to prove this theory.

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dd3399  No.42161

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom

獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾

爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李

洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活

摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门



testing if bugspray repells the fungifag

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459b4d  No.42166


According to some the CDC (and myself included) it is a pandemic. The only thing that lends itself to the bacteriophage explaination is the way that the cells explode releasing bacteriophages into the environment. Let’s entertain that idea for a moment…lets say that the ‘pneumonia’ is actually a massive hemorrhaging of all cells containing lysosomes (their target) and that they are being exhaled by the infected on a massive scale before they show the final symptoms of death. That would effectively cover entire regions in bacteriophages. Go look at the videos of the operation of bacteriophages and the way that they explode bacterial targets….this would seem to some like a pneumonia…when it was not.

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0cdede  No.42167









You anons might want to consider this bread >>42120 where fungifag isn't wanting to be present (for now) and has decided this current bread is their 'dedicated' bread.

Thing is when this bread is dead they will come to the other bread and it's just fragmenting stuff.

Solution is if there are any BOs/mods for other boards here? My old boards are down in migration so can't help there.

Would be great to migrate away from here if there is no moderation to control the autistic spergspam.


Didn't work in last bread. They are not from China but some autistic faggot paid to derail away from SO2 emissions being burning bodies.

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459b4d  No.42170


Also, I strongly doubt that the kikes are going to give us ‘solid evidence’ of their plan to genocide the rest of humanity. It might have been anything that triggered their final push…lets say, the way things ‘worked out’ in Virginia for them with the gun control agenda. IDK. They may have realized that the USA is the worlds largest army and they had to destroy us and all the other nations that represented empire before they could ‘clean up’ the rest of the globe and exterminate humanity…IDK anon. These questions are the ones I want answered.

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459b4d  No.42171



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557ca6  No.42173


What we know about the contagion factors so far:

1. Latent on Surface for unknown period of time. this kinda reinforces a bacterophage theory

2. Probably airborne (not aerosol as previous claimed)

3. ASYMPTOMATIC VIRULENCE you spread the love without feeling it

So how does contagion work? One way or another you have to get the virus into you to get infected. You've got a few different options. There is the classic spittle and sputum (i.e. coughing, sneezing, talking, etc.) that's bad enough. Anyone within eyeshot is potentially an infection vector. Where people are rightfully concerned, and where our floating petri dishes show, this is AIRBORNE not AEROSOL. Airborne means the tiny itsy bitsy little viruses are floating all about and will infect you. No sputum, no mucus, just the unsheathed virus in the environment. It is probable that the CDC knows this and why they made their statement that China is fucked.

This is no longer a question of keeping it from breaking out. It will, there's no stopping it now. The question now is risk mitigation. The Chinese knew this otherwise they wouldn't have locked their whole Country down and committed economic suicide. What is or should be forefront in anyone's mind is personal risk mitigation. How will this play out in my personal sphere of control?

Now is the time to do whatever it is that you can do to reduce your personal long term risk.

A happening of this potential scale TEOTWAWKI has multiple cascading issues associated with it that are secondary to the initial vector but become primary as time goes on. First concern is food and water. Do you have enough food and water to "bug in" for a month or two. Where this has already led is towards an economic secondary effect- that's not going to stop, those horses have already left the barn. As the supply chain breaks down more and more scarcity will occur. Scarcity scares people, which causes more scarcity. So fungus, virus, evil plan from planet X. Best be sticking some beans in your larder bros because Katrina levels of fun are coming no matter what


Did the filter stop working for you all or did I miss something?

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459b4d  No.42174


You wouldn’t have that much SO2 from burning bodies you stupid faggot. That is 9 times more than occurs in industrial cities anyplace on the globe. It is the highest concentration of SO2 on the planet. WHY WOULD THEY BE USING THIS MUCH SULFERDIOXIDE?

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7bb427  No.42175


Does that even work anymore?

I dont think he is 50 cent


You probably cant comprehend just how retarded your hypothesis is mane, for starters fungi spores dont tend to like the temperature up there let alone the UV or the other multitude of things that would instagib most life forms at those altitudes. Besides that you need to get samples from all over the world, you would need to calculate the combination that is statistically significant. ( such low probability it rules out randomness and uncertainty).

Serriously you guys are so scientifically illiterate its embarrasing for all of us.

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459b4d  No.42176


No one said it was a ‘straight fungus’ you illiterate faggot. They said it was spliced


Can you hear me now, faggot?

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72fd78  No.42211

Use the Other Thread Please






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