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File: ea1cbbb65081cad⋯.jpg (410.74 KB, 1021x483, 1021:483, cvg BANNER.jpg)

File: 1f93410a73fd118⋯.jpg (77.94 KB, 506x611, 506:611, World Tour.jpg)

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dac378  No.40967[Last 50 Posts]

Thread 10

ten bread anniversary edition

MAP - Wuhan Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Global Cases (by JHU CSSE)


Corona Virus Spreadsheet


WHO (World Health Organization) Situation Reports


CDC (Center for Disease Control) Situaltion Summary


European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control


Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention


Report Website of Central State Organs (Needs Chinese to English Translation)


Data Statistics from Inside China


MAP - BNO - Tracking coronavirus: Map, data and timeline


BNO Newsroom Twitter Updates



Coronavirus update: as of 9teenth Feb 2020 1940 GMT (Sauce: John Hopkins CSSE and BNODesk https://twitter.com/BNODesk) and quadratic equations mathsfags in breads


- 902 fatalities anticipated for 9th data release (thanks mathsfag you were correct >>39947 )

- 41,084 infections anticipated for 9th (close – 40,533)

Predictions for 10th:

47733 / 997

I think closer to 45-46k as they are dropping that number running out of test kits.

Official current numbers

- 40,533 confirmed cases

- 910 dieded

- 6,494 Serious cundushuns

- 3,218 didn't died

- 23,589 Suspected

- Vast majority of cases in China (bullshit numbers –x5-10x for real ones)

- 25 countries reporting cases (up from 15 in bread #6)

- ISISrael when?

- Dr. Li Wenliang died

- Dr (((Plummer))) died in nigfrica-

- Big SO2 emissions confirm high body count

Cities and PROVINCES Locked down:


JIANGXI PROVINCE 43,000,000 (added 7th)

LAONING PROVINCE 44,000,000 (added 7th)


GUANGZHOU population 14,000,000 (added 9th)

BEIJING population 24,000,000

WUHAN population 11,000,000

HUANGGANG population 7,000,000

JINGZHOU population 6,000,000

SHANTOU population 5,500,000

XIAOGAN population 5,000,000

LICHUAN population 4,500,000

YICHANG population 4,000,000

XIANNING population 3,000,000

HUANGSHI population 2,500,000

TIANMEN population 1,731,000

XIANGTAO population 1,200,000

EZHOU population 1,000,000 as of 2010

QIANJIANG population 1,000,000

DAYE population 1,000,000

YANGXIN COUNTY population 1,000,000

ENSHI population 750,000

ZHIJIANG population 500,000

CHIBI population 500,000

Event Cancellations:

Everything in China (schools, concerts, playgrounds, Shanghai disneyland, 70k cinemas)

Most workplaces closed

Hyundai and other large automakers cancelled production due to supply chain shortages

Hong Kong has closed all public places

Corona-Chan official Scoreboard As of Feb 9rd, 2020 1940 GMT(Source: John Hopkins CSSE/BNO)

Mainland China: 40,171

Japan: 96 (cruise ship chan possibly over 170 in few days – excluded +100)

Singapore: 43 (30 on 7th)

Thailand: 32 (stopped reporting for tourism sheckels along with rest of SEA bamboo niggers)

Worst Korea: 27

Hong Kong: 36 (up from 26)

Taiwan: 18

Malaysia: 17 and rising

Shitposting land: 15

Vietnam: 14 (+4 since 7th)

Deutsches Reich: 14

Burgers: 12

Frogs: 11 (up from 7 on 7th)

Macau: 10

Leafs: 7

Sandniggers: 7 (up 2)

Pooperpower 2020: 3 (stable)

Pastaniggers: 3

Phillipines: 3 (new contender enters the race with one dead)

Bongs: 4 (new contender)

Ivan: 2 (new contender enters)

ISISrael: 2? (unconfirmed but footage available of 2x entries to hospital)

Spain: 2

Cambodia: 1

Nepal: 1

Sri Lanka: 1

Sweden (yes): 1

Spurdoland: 1

Belgium: 1


• Japan, Sichuan province, China, and Heilongjiang province, China: The total includes asymptomatic cases, which are not included in the government’s official count. 13 such cases in Heilongjiang province, 4 in Japan, and 1 in Sichuan province.

• Japan: The total includes 70 people from the “Diamond Princess” cruise ship. They are not included in the government’s official count.

• North Korea: Unconfirmed reports about 1, 5, or 7 cases in North Korea cannot be verified. If cases are confirmed by the North Korean government, they will be added to this list.

• Die Ewige Jüdische Lügenpresse only reports Thailand/SEAbamboo nigger export cases as ‘from a non-asian country’ currently

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dac378  No.40971

Welcome back faggets.

Continued OP:

Closed Borders:



Post Summary from bread 9_


corona vidya idea


chink calling out CCP

>>39947 >>40413

prediction (was right on the money bar infected numbers being lower - less test kits needs to be factor).


anon gets last mask, chinks fuming


(((plummer))) died in apefrica


Tianjin Baodi district on lockdown




number crunching



hospital leak on halfcuck


fever effect reduction


ACE-2 theory


sex doll troll (kek)


jewSA today article

masks running out n' shiet


salt preserving meat


africa n shiet




absolutely quadratic


SEAniggers no reporto


SO2 leaks from burning yellow jews in fields




>>40278 (100 moar)

cruise ship shit (burger + JP edition)


nigger mystery death illness (48 hours ur dieded)


best korea 5 dieded


yids dealing with corona case #2


Corona-Chan has 9 days lifespan on surfaces according to krauts



industry shutdown


court threats DEATH SENTENCE


Anon got the predictions close to perfect


infected staff numbers


dead ducks or some shit


400 gorillion

Guangzhou closed, no more aliexpress you faggots


where is winnie the poo


Guo Wengui spills on burning bodies and death toll video related with clear audio >>40823

>>40062 >>40681

1st US chink dies


100 per day at crematorium


CCP yellow jew media kvetching about auslanders being meannnies


airborne transmission confirmed (no shit)



food delivery


chink yelled at for no mask


misc animal death and situation videos


misc some older




spraying trucks


spraying and us gov redpilling on Corona-Chan


wuhan empty drone view




chinks fighting/stoning? people from another village


official telling hospitalfags no one can leave


CCP chink lying about shit


burger evac flight inside shots and wechat monitoring


more chicken death and jew zealand cancels lobster shipments (kek)


chinks locking doors from outside to quarantine people




Big tiddie corona-chan


Tintin in wuhan (kek)


misc drawfagging


WHO shitposting


new flag for yellow jews




DIY mask kekz

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43dced  No.40974


Learn how to format.

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e787a8  No.40975








When GLOWNIGGERS can’t shut down /pnd/ they try desperately to control the narrative. SO2 is fungicide you dumb fucking faggots. You have seen the videos of them fogging whole neighborhoods with SO2. I am right, you are wrong...it won’t matter in the end.

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43dced  No.40976


Oh look, it's the spambot again.

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021735  No.40978

File: 6060dc93b0ca72c⋯.png (316.49 KB, 602x653, 602:653, 34556.png)

File: f5be1d354a63fbe⋯.png (317.14 KB, 588x641, 588:641, 4355476.png)

File: 785af7616d14458⋯.jpg (44.62 KB, 600x488, 75:61, 1580654966935.jpg)


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a4b350  No.40979


Look, man, I understand. You fucking love Resident Evil. Biology doesn't work like that, motherfucker.

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e787a8  No.40980


Wow, you really are stupid. Did you somehow forget that this was biologically engineered? Of course ‘biology’ wouldn’t do this naturally…THAT IS WHAT MAKES IT UNNATURAL YOU DUMB FUCKING FAGGOT.

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e787a8  No.40981

Also, never seen Resident Evil.

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322a4e  No.40982

Guo Wengui, Tom Cotton, etc. coming out and trying to stir the pot lead me to believe this was a zionist operation.

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a4b350  No.40983

File: 6ad20341d0f78f6⋯.jpg (99.31 KB, 1280x881, 1280:881, kys.jpg)

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dac378  No.40984

File: f20d4178ca01898⋯.jpg (47.61 KB, 364x387, 364:387, XIPINGU.jpg)

File: 118ea4b51bbaf35⋯.jpg (178.01 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, we wuz africa so2 burning ….jpg)

>>40903 >>40890

Missed these gems of drawfaggery

Sorry for the niggardly formatting, tired and busy as fuck.

In other news, newbread came out better IRL today. Humidity is important for baking new bread, anons.

On another note, did anyone notice the spamming of fungus bullshit from cuckchan to try discredit fullchan (not that stupid), then the DDoS timing when it failed? Just my 2c

Bodies burning (SO2 satellite detection) seems to be one of the only hard data points available to spill the real numbers. Muh 6 gorillion being BTFO by CCP, who would've thought?


SO2 spraying out in the country in middle of nowhere? Why are there no massive detections in the cities then? You've been explained to multiple times that fungus is massive compared to a virus let alone all the other in incompatibilities. It's like a whale having sex with a chihuahua. Not happening. Either your Q-tard tier intellect or a hired CCPnigger. Either way get the fuck out of my thread with that multiple-time disproven horse shit.

inb4 muh censor glowniggers

>pic related

is (jew)

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e787a8  No.40985


You mean the video of that hippy dippy KIKE Project Camelot fomenting WWIII by saying that this was an engineered weapon distributed against the disgusting bugs by (((whites))) in ‘disguise’ as White didn’t clue you in? I mean, most of us KNOW that the bugs are like retarded incompetent children who don’t have a clue what they are doing and that they did this to themselves, right?


Filtered KIKE faggot…you must be raging that the truth about the virus is coming out…did you have a personal part in its engineering or something or was it just a portfolio investment for you?

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c575d6  No.40987


>When GLOWNIGGERS can’t shut down /pnd/ they try desperately to control the narrative.

like what you're trying to do now with this cuckchan shit? fuck off retard. filtered

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a4b350  No.40988

File: 336ed00f528ce3c⋯.jpg (16.67 KB, 432x320, 27:20, toad_warrior.jpg)


Oh no, look out, a super fungus is on the loose. He's going to kill us all.

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e787a8  No.40989


It is not burning fucking bodies you retard. Not even a fucking forest fire or the heaviest industrial areas in the USA put out that much SO2…there is nothing on the planet (outside of an active sulfur volcano that might put out that much SO2. Also, the DDoS happen BOTH TIMES I posted information on the fungus…not as a result of it being posted…you are dumb as fuck and panicked that you must control the narrative at this point.

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696b35  No.40990


>muh glowniggers

You've yet to provide any evidence, fungus fag.

>SO2 is fungicide

>they're spraying it to kill fungi

Then why the fuck are they spraying that shit in the fields outside of Wuhan?


>bio-engineering = magic

Again, cramming fungi RNA/DNA which is a billion times the size of a virus is physically impossible.


>Also, never seen Resident Evil.

<Didn't know that Resident Evil is a game, and then adapted into a movie

Boomer confirmed.

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e787a8  No.40991


That is because it takes time to get the papers published and things have to be double and triple checked.

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be8645  No.40992

File: d0e906c3d7639cf⋯.webm (294.23 KB, 640x352, 20:11, 1464102878214.webm)


>I win if I tell them they're filtered

A fungus can be effectively managed by producing a mist of anti-fungal agents, which just so happen to be mass produced and harmless to people.

Propylene Glycol

Go drink a quart of bleach to protect yourself from infection.

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322a4e  No.40993


Well, I meant that the biological attack was carried out to appear as if the Chinese government did it to themselves. Any intelligence service worth being considered a legitimate intelligence service would know where China has a viral weapons lab.

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e787a8  No.40994


Just because someone doesn’t watch your kike shitshows doesn’t mean that they are a boomer.

Desperation…I can fucking SMELL IT ON YOU GUYS…

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dac378  No.40995

File: d8f029a5005e8e3⋯.mp4 (816.68 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Youre-All-Going-To-Die-Dow….mp4)

Ooops forgot bread archive links, new #9 archive added. Have fun you glorious faggets. I gotta shoot for a while.

P.s. Fuck off cuckchan boomer fungusnigger who doens't know what Res is.

Previous Threads

Thread 001 Archive: http://archive.md/XA3Pe

Thread 002 Archive: http://archive.md/Sv3st

Thread 002b Archive: https://archive.ph/e4Ad5 (Niggermod Edition)

Thread 003 Archive: http://archive.md/Hvchk

Thread 004 Link: https://8kun.top/pnd/res/31384.html

Thread 004 Archive: https://archive.ph/ltbQP

Thread 005 Link: https://8kun.top/pnd/res/32777.html

Thread 005 Archive: http://archive.ph/cJTlt

Thread 006 Link: https://8kun.top/pnd/res/34058.html

Thread 006 Archive: http://archive.ph/CFWPb

Thread 007 Link: https://8kun.top/pnd/res/35750.html

Thread 007 Archive: http://archive.ph/RZBmI

Thread 008 Archive: http://archive.ph/gsJHR

Thread 008 Link: https://8kun.top/pnd/res/37590.html

Thread 009 Archive: http://archive.ph/FNZIL

Thread 009 Link: https://8kun.top/pnd/res/37590.html

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e787a8  No.40996






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e787a8  No.40997


Looks like you will be fucking off first.

You can apologize to me later this week.

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696b35  No.40998


You're ignoring the fact that the SO2 readings are coming outside of Wuhan.

Now why is that? Hmm?



Everyone who's on the internet knows what Resident Evil is, even 3rd world niggers.

If you don't, that means you're either a 4th world nigger or a boomer.

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dac378  No.40999


That shit is sprayed on people in huge amounts in the entertainment industry.

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dac378  No.41000


Stop feeding it sheckels (you)s and ignore it or filter it. It's not able to be reasoned with because it's paid to shit the thread up and discredit SO2 BECAUSE ITS THE ONLY CURRENT SUPPORTING DATA ON BODY COUNT AVAILABLE OUTSIDE OF CCP

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e787a8  No.41001


Yes filter me so that you won’t know what I am saying anymore and I won’t have to listen to your FEDFAGGOTRY any longer. Please…stat.

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e787a8  No.41002


Not watching it doesn’t mean I don’t know what it is…you guys are dumber than fuck

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2cdd4c  No.41003

Now this is an interesting thing: do the governments know the real numbers?

If it only affects Asians, and the world governments know this, then that would explain the lax quarantine responses, and the self quarantining being done by Chinese people.

Holding back on the real numbers while they get supply chains restructured would be a prudent thing(lol like the fucking niggers in the government would be smart enough to do that, who am i kidding)That way when it comes out, and there are runs on items, retail won't be overwhelmed, make tons of shekles, and at the end of it they can say "see goyem, don't panic we know what we are doing!"

The problem with this line of reasoning, is that it may mutate and start affecting non Asians, or it may enter OTHER sells that we have not considered yet. So right now it takes 2 weeks to incubate if you breath it in, but what if it also bonds with liver cells? and that incubation takes 5 weeks?

there are a lot of unknowns here. and i don't think the bureaucrats can foresee the risks.

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a4b350  No.41004


Motherfucker is sitting here literally sprouting off the plot of a Resident Evil game at us, claiming he doesn't know what Resident Evil is. Next he'll tell us this virus with fungus DNA (which means it's not a Virus) has a will of its own and has a grudge against Eukaryotic life from all the way back in the Oxygen Catastrophe.

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e787a8  No.41005


Many of us may be preinocculated with something similar if we were responsible for the outbreak.

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021735  No.41007

File: c98307a46013c10⋯.jpg (125.89 KB, 600x800, 3:4, EQWbakUX0AMFnql.jpg)

File: 28538621b049c2e⋯.jpg (298.63 KB, 1242x1471, 1242:1471, EQWY3rDWkAIKvsO.jpg)

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e787a8  No.41008

They could have put the pre-inoculate in anything, food, vaccines, OTC drugs…you may not have even known you had it when you were sick.

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2cdd4c  No.41009


I never considered that. So was there a vaccine that was not released in china but was available everywhere else?

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be8645  No.41010

File: 98c0011370a12ad⋯.png (553.03 KB, 1001x645, 1001:645, InfectedStaff.png)


It's a major component to vape fluids and fog machines.

It used to be listed by the EPA as a hospital air sanitizer, but they removed the page sometime around 2014


A researcher in the 40's discovered that it can potentially prevent multiple airborne infections, but (((modern))) studies show that it can cause bronchitis.



Has anyone recalculated the numbers?

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2cdd4c  No.41011


It would have had to be something that the tourists would not be exposed to. Maybe tap water? cheap alcohol?

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bfaf68  No.41012


They're shills

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908d9f  No.41013


>I never considered that.

You'd do well to stop considering what he has to say. This thread has no need for his insane fucking rantings.

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e787a8  No.41014


I wouldn’t say it was a vaccine…since you never had a choice. That is if it was actually ‘our side’ that did it…they need to have some cattle left alive and we are the most productive, peaceful and high trust people on the planet who are easiest to govern and control the population of…we are basically cattle. Content. Easy. Think of it in terms of farming.

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e787a8  No.41015


Why are shills basically retarded, though? I mean I think we deserve a higher quality shill already.

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c575d6  No.41016



>reddit spacing faggot returns

of course its the same sperg, why hasnt this fuckwit been banned already?

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e787a8  No.41017


Because unlike you, I have something to say. When they want me to stop talking they DDoS the entire site and I still won’t stop. I have no obligation to you at all, since you are kikes and FEDFAGGOTS but I do know a number of different people who still come here for information.

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bfaf68  No.41019

File: e60935cc90e06e7⋯.gif (255.21 KB, 634x769, 634:769, manipulated.gif)


It's just to waste your energy. Ridicule, Redpill, Repeat or Filter eventually. Don't waste energy.

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c575d6  No.41020


you have nothing to say, just like last time you sperged out about NOT KNOWING ANYTHING and shitting up the thread. you're a useless tumor who contributes nothing to the thread.

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696b35  No.41021


That makes no sense, since they've been actively trying to destablize and destroy the West.

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2cdd4c  No.41022


It's a possibility, but i am leaning away from it being a bio weapon. The chink lifestyle breeds disease. They have always had plagues in the past, and they have been hit with some of the worst ones in modern times.

Not only do they get themselves sick, but the pollute everything, and their animals get sick too.

It's an insect culture thing, an it is why manufacturing was moved there: no other culture would tolerate such filth. If it is the end of the chicoms, then (((they))) will have a massive setback.

I can also see the chicoms pushing the bio weapon narrative. It removes the blame from them. they can turn around and blame some other country or terror group, and unite the country. However, if it came out to be the result of pollution or incompetence, then the people would go insane and it would balkanize the region.

So discerning the true origin is important. However what is more important is: does this spread to white people? Is this a chicom only disease? can anyone get it? It's allegedly in india right now and i am curious what will happen there. I am also concerned that it may affect the AEC2 enzyme in the lungs, but also another enzyme in the body that takes longer to manifest. It would be terrifying if this caused organ failure in real humans after 5 weeks along with the pneumonia in insects after 2.

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e787a8  No.41023


They changed their mind. Or someone/something changed it for them. Or they honestly thought that these other races would be easy to govern in a civilized society. If you haven’t seen the change of behavior, you are about to witness it firsthand this year. It isn’t going to be ‘pretty’.

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bfaf68  No.41024

File: 539e51e7452f9c2⋯.gif (380.51 KB, 646x466, 323:233, 1572490887839.gif)

Anybody suggesting that the Wuhan Kung Flu Chop is anything but a synthetic biological pathogen at this juncture is a double doubel cuckshillnigger that is going to be abscinated.

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696b35  No.41026


>changed their mind

That's a pretty convenient explanation, and I doubt that's the case.

Also, a vaccine is extremely unlikely, considering there are still no vaccines for other related coronaviruses (Nipah, SARS, MERS).

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e787a8  No.41027


Ben Davison had an interesting one liner in one of his daily videos a few weeks back that correlated disease outbreak (with an emphasis on disease in China) to solar minimums. I guess solar minimums correlate perfectly to disease outbreaks in China…I can’t remember why he said it but it happens. It is not very plausible because why would the bug people have enough HIV that segments of it hot swapped into the CoV virus DNA…it seems really implausible. I doubt this is what happened. But the real kicker is going to be the OTHER splicing.

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ae651f  No.41029

File: 1f8f2d254fc69a9⋯.png (62.66 KB, 325x249, 325:249, good pepe.png)


why my friend, this is the help

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2cdd4c  No.41030


I think the numbers have come in from the Europe experiment: the lesser humans are worthless. What do they do? what do they accomplish?

Could Rome>>41027

have been built if the slaves were retarded? what is the value of a retarded slave? Can the (((parasites))) create technology?

the truth is that only the white race improves humanity. The rest of them have had 40000 years to accomplish something, but have failed.


Now this activates the almonds. This is not only 2020, but also the year of the rat. Every 20s we have a disease outbreak, and i suspect that rat years are also plague years. Human calendars are governed by the sun, so perhaps this would have been expected back in the day.

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322a4e  No.41031


Are you sure they're still trying to destroy the West? Nobody else so willingly mixes with niggers. Nobody else so willingly exterminates its own people for the sake of jewish capital. No one else so willingly sends its neighbors children to die in service of israel. No one else so willingly accepts the total destruction of its industrial base and invasion with foreigners. Whatever destruction of the West you are perceiving has already happened – they aren't worried about you in the slightest. They don't respect your capacity for violence or vision for change. They're focused on making sure nothing disrupts the global primacy of their niggerfaggot military plantation and a very straightforward ethnic state dominating industry with a muscular state policy and subjugation of capital isn't good for business.

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e787a8  No.41032

This still doesn’t explain the virus ability to spread like wildfire. It is not just an airborne issue as we know that it is found in feces as well. This means that it has multiple avenues of infection rather than one.

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0ef11c  No.41034

File: 63af3095eecbce4⋯.jpg (21.86 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 9dc4c4b672fa4b60db5a884f6e….jpg)


>I am right you are wrong

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e787a8  No.41035


>year of rat & 20’s plague

I have heard this as well. My other question was what is the long lat of Wuhan. Planets have magnetic anomalies (see Jupiter’s red spot) which usually occur on the 33rd or sometimes other latitudes. I meant to check Wuhan’s latitudes days ago and I haven’t.

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e787a8  No.41036


Fag…look at the SO2…it is RIGHT ON TOP OF WUHAN. It is not ‘out in the countryside’ like that faggot claimed.

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f1e30f  No.41037


No it wouldn't, Chinese tourists to America only make up a relatively small percentage of their population. Their upper middle class and higher and not even all of them. You could cripple their country even if they were immune.

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0ef11c  No.41038

File: b81f3a320bdfb86⋯.jpg (7.81 KB, 255x245, 51:49, 5d3fafdc837a317d56b2496cbd….jpg)


Only SO2 im seeing is comin out of your bullshitass posts nigga

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e787a8  No.41040

IDK guys…I sometimes watch an old jew on YT and months ago he started hinting that there was a ravaging plague in china; he said that they were using the ‘bird flu’ and the ‘swine flu’ to cover up the fact that it is in everything. Food, water, animals…and the only way this could make sense is if it had spliced fungal genetics in it that allowed it to parasitically mine and travel through different species with ease. Part of the SO2 readings, and I will give those FEDFAGGOTS this…could be that they have been wholesale burning EVERYTHING that catches the flu…animals, crops, people, etc. But that would be because it is not something ‘normal’ like a cold but rather something that could pass through all life at will altering everything it came into contact for and mining it for resources (typical jew and fungal behavior).

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352521  No.41041

File: 814ae9c7128030f⋯.png (532.18 KB, 956x632, 239:158, glowing-nooses.png)


Screen caps of tweets linking to articles are NOT sources you fucking retard.

What the fuck is wrong with you dumb niggers and your low-effort cuckchan posts?

Post archive links to the articles or kill yourself faggot.

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e787a8  No.41042


You will have to actually kill me to get me to stop. I have been threatened by you guys to the point I am numb from it. KINDLY FUCK OFF.

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d01a79  No.41043

File: cb7f943b38d3ef3⋯.gif (1.07 MB, 356x321, 356:321, [autistic screeching in kl….gif)


>Wuhan Kung Flu Chop

>not the Ching Chong Achoo

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c575d6  No.41044

File: c41e87cf9e8466a⋯.png (30.13 KB, 875x253, 875:253, ClipboardImage.png)


>SO2 is fungacide goys

you are a complete fucking retard. stop posting.

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43dced  No.41045

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e787a8  No.41046




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c575d6  No.41047


The map measures SO2 for FOREST FIRES you dumb fuck. Stop posting.

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d01a79  No.41048

File: a1d88c9faf23d4a⋯.png (2.51 MB, 970x1610, 97:161, (You) made a post.png)


>chemicals only have one use

>chemicals only have one origin

I bet you'll tell me a delousing agent was used to murder millions of people in some type of world war or something.

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f1e30f  No.41049


He won't stop, his entire purpose is to poison the well.

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43dced  No.41050


Reply to me, bot. Failure to reply is confirmation that your narrative is false.

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e787a8  No.41051


There is nothing they can do, fags, it is a fungus and not a virus BEHAVIORALLY.


Forest fires in downtown Wuhan? That is original, for sure…retarded, but original.

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3aba36  No.41052


>Hey, I know we need to stick together, but let's hate on anybody born between 19xx and 19xx

>don't worry that I don't hate on kikes or (((governments)))

take your d&c crap to /crybaby/

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696b35  No.41053


>calling someone a boomer = hate

>random strawman out of nowhere

Quit with the SJW mental gymnastics, you filthy kike.

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000000  No.41054


No it's a subset of coronavirus. Look at any other type of CoV and you'll find none of this fungus business. We already have the viral genome, and there isn't fungi in it.

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c575d6  No.41055


>Gee why are all these mass incineration giving off a shit ton of SO2

you're way behind retarded shill, you might have had luck in the first couple threads with your cuckchan narrative.

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e787a8  No.41056


Truth is easy to defend; lies are easy to refute. Do your job. Defend your own ‘truth’ rather than just resorting to threats and personal attacks because someone KNOWS what is happening. You seem WEAK and WORTHLESS to everyone watching.

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352521  No.41057


>SO2 is so well know as a fungicide

>cursory search

>thousands of results

Then post a few sources to back up your claims you fucking retard.

Sources or shut the fuck up

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e787a8  No.41058


Other CoV are not biological weapons.

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43dced  No.41059


By refusing to reply, you have confirmed you are a liar and paid to post here.

>Defend your own ‘truth’

You have posted nothing to support your claims. Your 'truth' is a proven lie. You yourself have admitted this.


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dac378  No.41061

76 posts and nothing achieved, that fungus cuckchan nigger going on about solar minimums and fungus in a virus has you faggots still replying to it and it has almost half the posts in the thread.

It's already been BTFO in last bread and proven wrong by multiple anons. IGNORE IT. REPORT IT FOR SPAM. fucks sake you stupid niggers

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e787a8  No.41062


You know what the internet is OBVIOUSLY because you are on it. You have fingers OBVIOUSLY because you are wasting time trying to discourage people and control the narrative. DO YOUR OWN FUCKING RESEARCH YOU NIGGER…just like everyone reading this board should be doing.

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000000  No.41063


YOu didn't read the last part of my post. WE HAVE THE GENOME. There is evidence suggesting genetic engineering, but no matches with fungi strains or behavior.

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d01a79  No.41064

File: 2a6a9ad846963fc⋯.jpg (61.26 KB, 735x551, 735:551, 2a6a9ad846963fc86308b59299….jpg)

File: a87f882a23d7c65⋯.png (389.57 KB, 388x459, 388:459, DeliciousGrapes.png)


>still not replying to any rebukes like a good glowie

1st pic for you


He's right about the fungicide use of SO2. He's still fucking retarded, unless Wuhan decided to become the premier chinese winemaking spot overnight.



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e787a8  No.41065


Controlling the narrative. Something has you people scared as hell…bet it is the Hell that is coming for you soon.

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d01a79  No.41066




>STILL not replying to any rebukes

Time to hit dat sweet report button. Wonder if this is Teeline anon from a while back?

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e787a8  No.41067


You are assuming they are using it for wine, like that other faggot thinks that it is coming from the great Wuhan forest fires…/SArc

There are many other uses for SO2 in fungicidal applications. China is one of the worlds biggest producers of SO2.

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352521  No.41068



YOU made the fucking claim nigger YOU back it up

Why the fuck are you even here?? Just fuck off to someone's discord you faggot.

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f11d4b  No.41069


>fungus is defined by behavior

Okay, now that's just retarded.

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000000  No.41070

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e787a8  No.41071


I am here so that you can’t tell people lies rather than have them THINK FOR THEMSELVES. RESEARCH FOR THEMSELVES. That is what this place was all about before you FEDFAGGOTS took it over.

No one needs you to think FOR THEM.

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e787a8  No.41072


Thanks. Like I said you will be hearing about this later this week. You do understand what gene splicing is, right?

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000000  No.41074


If you scroll around the genome a bit, you may notice it's not very big. Fungal DNA is much more complex and takes a LOT more space. Even if you just spliced a fraction of fungal DNA it would be much bigger than this.

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43dced  No.41075


Oy vey, though, don't you know it's a fake genome, oy vey totally a fungus.txt

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ae651f  No.41076

ban everyone that talks about fungus.

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c575d6  No.41077



this dick sucking boomer spams the thread even when no ones replying to him. reminds me of the seamonkey shilling his comic.

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bac8f0  No.41078


the fungus amongus

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f1e30f  No.41079


As has been repeatedly shown he can't engage with anyone refuting him. Instead he just keeps insisting that he's right and that the flat earth tier bullshit is true, likely because he's being paid to do so. This entire thread is going to be a massive derail of arguing against this absolutely retarded bullshit at this rate.

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e787a8  No.41080


That depends on which functions you spliced and where they were located. It is a lot like the HIV insertions. They didn’t need to add HIV to all of it, just a few key places to reproduce a specific behavior, RNA contamination for life.

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43dced  No.41081


He already ruined the last thread. Mods are complicit at this point, same with all the paid shill threads they leave up everywhere else.

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e787a8  No.41082


They leave your shit up too…maybe they should ban your faggot ass and there would be fewer replies…just saying…

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000000  No.41083


Just the part of a fungus dedicated to producing spores is still going to take up orders of magnitude more space than this.

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352521  No.41085


I'm not going and wasting my time just to find out you're a lying faggot.

I'm not researching every baseless bullshit claim made on this site.

>That is what this place was all about before

newfag pretending to be an oldfag

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d01a79  No.41086

File: a3a90cf9b2b6c3e⋯.webm (3.01 MB, 800x450, 16:9, [incoherent_yelling].webm)


Then it's not a fungus is it, you fucking retard?

It would be a coronavirus with small pieces of fungal genetic information!




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3aba36  No.41087

Mathfag reporting in.

>Take tencent's number from 1-Feb: 154,000

>Then use Neil Ferguson's growth rate: doubling every 5 days. (Growth rate = 31% / day)

>Multiply out 7 days to 8-Feb [y = (1 + r)^d]

>Result is 1,500,000 confirmed infections. Just like the billionaire guy claimed.

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e787a8  No.41088


We will see papers on this by the end of this week. You will have to wait to see them for yourself.


Pathetic…really pathetic…

>muh not a place for IDEAS anons it is the kike way or the highway

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e787a8  No.41089



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e787a8  No.41091



Still think this is very low. Statistically it doesn’t make sense for it to have spread as far as it did with these low numbers.

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f11d4b  No.41092


Then it's not a fucking fungus, either.

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ad7a86  No.41093


Your numbers don't like, anon. If everyone would simply filter the Fungusfag we'd have a decent thread.

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ad7a86  No.41094

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d01a79  No.41095

File: 2a3807e812c1cc9⋯.mp4 (3.81 MB, 960x540, 16:9, coriiiiiiiiiiii - Chinese ….mp4)


>if I insert kelp genes into a cat it's not a cat


Here's the billionaire guy's numbers from Twitter, so we can get some content here, thanks mathfag >>41087

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e787a8  No.41096


They didn’t take something as large as the spore genetics to splice in. It is not spreading like a virus at all…it has to be something smaller they spliced in.

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352521  No.41097


Just report, filter and move on before we fuck this thread up more than it already is.

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e787a8  No.41098




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e787a8  No.41100


Well you are right that YOU FUCKED THIS THREAD UP…114 replies later.

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ad7a86  No.41101


Thanks mathfag.

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696b35  No.41102

File: fdea281ad928e72⋯.png (60.03 KB, 250x250, 1:1, deep_one_swaet.png)


>1.5 million

Can we break it into 5 billion by the end of February?

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e787a8  No.41103


Feb 21st was the day that it was due via infection to surpass the total global populace statistically.

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ca7e8e  No.41104

People in mother Russia say that Corona-chan looks suspiciously jew.



Title says - Coronavirus: US biological war against Russia and China

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ae651f  No.41105


don't the chinese markets open soon? that might be a bit of hype.

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43dced  No.41106



Oh look, he's screaming like a toddler now that he knows we'll never believe him.

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dac378  No.41107


Multiple stats confirm this as possible, so I think you're right on the money.

Did you do the predictions for last bread or two? They were great, put the latest ones in OP. Todays ones were correct but late due to that (((40/116))) being refuted and going DDoS route instead..

Ignore/filter, report, move on. Stop feeding that faggot

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c26e28  No.41109

File: e0d941444311af8⋯.png (62.25 KB, 1920x583, 1920:583, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e02f66980593a28⋯.png (17.8 KB, 980x192, 245:48, ClipboardImage.png)


Switching off of TOR to educate the retard more. There are 10 major sections to the viral code, and we've already ID'ed them. You can search them up yourself. The investigation into if it's a bioweapon centers on the links between these segments (if there's indication of a splice). NONE of these 10 sections are fungal. You have been BTFO.

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a4b350  No.41110


Christ, even if China can get this contained and we don't all wind up coming down with the worst cause of dry land drowning since the Spanish Flu, industry is about to get a huge fucking wakeup call on the dangers of short supply warehousing and dangling your supply chain across the Pacific into a traditional disease belt.

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d01a79  No.41111

File: 34710218d842f4f⋯.mp4 (13.66 MB, 544x960, 17:30, FriendlyTempCheck.mp4)

"We're just going to take your temperature! Stop resisting!"


Will do.

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e787a8  No.41112


I told you at the beginning that I didn’t care what you believe and I still don’t. But this is larger than your ‘personal narrative’ this covers the health and well being of humanity so I am not obligated to uphold the kike narrative that you are trying to advance at humanities peril. You want everyone to think it is a regular ‘virus’ something they can get a handle on when it is anything but that…you probably own stocks in some fucking pharma company and you are going to pimp your own ‘miracle cure’ later to bilk people out of millions.

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ca7e8e  No.41113


Hey nig, I am not the fungal bullshitter.

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e787a8  No.41115


Why would TOR make a difference in what you said? Just curios?

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85641b  No.41116


Niceu digits

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a2d709  No.41117


Even though there's a conflict of interest from the billionaire guy I trust his figures far more than the retarded numbers the CCP are recording. I'm just not too sure about how accurate his supposed sources are considering that all the officials in China seem to either be bumbling morons or also left out of the loop.

Regardless of whether or not the Coronavirus is gonna be the new Black Plague the economy of China is absolutely fucked. Take it with a grain of salt because it's info from a friend of a friend type of deal, but from what I know people are unable to work and get paid. People who travel to various regions of China for work are basically quarantined and hotels are either filled to the brim or not accepting any people due to manager or worker anxiety. Smaller regions without robot transporters either do not let people back in if they go out for food or have a strict time limit that people can go out to buy food which if exceeded will lead to them being locked out.

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bac8f0  No.41118


probably so we could post pictures

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43dced  No.41119



>100 posts later


Congratulations. You are wrong.

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e787a8  No.41120


So, suspiciously Russian Oligarch? That is interesting.

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e787a8  No.41121


Who is ‘we’?

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c26e28  No.41122



For the pictures ye.

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a4b350  No.41125


It doesn't take a genius to see what's going to happen here. But predictive modelling vs black swan events is something that computers are dogshit for. I'm hoping that there are at least a few mature adults somewhere who are working to build a platform out over the cliff before the coyote looks down.

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1cb1c8  No.41126

stop responding to the obvious shill

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e787a8  No.41127


Think about a world where due to repeat infection people are unable to work 10 months out of the year…that is going to ‘put a kink’ in things like nothing else.

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c26e28  No.41128


Fine, I'll stop replying to him.

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e787a8  No.41129


I am looking and thinking.

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e787a8  No.41130


Guess not. /pnd/ is not /pol/, that is for sure…it is a no thinking zone.

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1cb1c8  No.41131

Rip thread. Does anyone have anything to say that is related to the virus?

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e787a8  No.41133


Not you. You and your frens were too busy shilling and killing the thread.

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d01a79  No.41134

File: 761942e401ae6a3⋯.mp4 (830.39 KB, 304x640, 19:40, FriendlyCO2Poisoning.mp4)


Not much yet, just searching twitter etc for stuff, trying to ignore schizo man.

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5cad7c  No.41136

File: c128b8d6a6b7aae⋯.jpg (41.66 KB, 600x404, 150:101, rad.jpg)

>/pnd/ is finally back online

I missed you guys.

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ca7e8e  No.41137

Corona-chan is probably an act of war. I guess she was born in Leafland, supervised by the dead Plummer. She was set free in Wuhan because of the lab - very convenient place, all the /pol/fags immediately noticed the chink lab. And all the /pol/fags went like "commie fuckery". But guess what? Jews.

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d01a79  No.41138

File: cbf8f6330c89293⋯.mp4 (801.01 KB, 304x640, 19:40, KidCO2Poisoning.mp4)


Fuck, got a broken one. One more try.

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1cb1c8  No.41139

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e787a8  No.41140


They would know since there are so many of them in this thread ‘guiding’ the ideas you all are ALLOWED to have about nCoV

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d01a79  No.41142


I don't know anon, enough china death videos and it feels like you can't understimate chicom stupidity.

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0c5cf7  No.41144

File: 37d5b8ea32f77c3⋯.png (44.04 KB, 1577x537, 1577:537, infection fuckery hubei.png)



BNO 'finally' notices fuckery in numbers

>There appears to be an error in Hubei province's daily update. The number of new cases and the total do not match with yesterday's update. Unless there is a correction we are adding only 2,531 new cases to the tracker, not 2,618

Maths autist replies and BTFO them

>Is this the first time you are noticing it? This has happened all the time. I have added automatic verification, to filter all mistakes from the NHC data..😁 (Red= doesn't add up).

>The suspected cases, never add up, but that's a whole different story. Example nationwide below:

<attached table

fungalcuckchan reddit nigger still trying to join in, kek it tries so hard

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bc65c7  No.41145

File: 3797ce133c46018⋯.jpg (1.82 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, idontthinkso.jpg)


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1cb1c8  No.41146

File: 155abeaffbb4578⋯.png (190.54 KB, 1887x680, 111:40, Anon talking about corona ….png)

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696b35  No.41147



Makes sense. They're trying to make Greater Israel into the Ruling State (a state without rivals).

That means they have to destroy all rivaling superpowers (US, Russia, China) and now China is out of the picture.

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e787a8  No.41149

>>41144 (1)

Kike switches IP’s

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696b35  No.41150


I wish i could afford a hazmat suit.

I only have a respirator with p100 filters because I'm a poorfag.

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1cb1c8  No.41151

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1cb1c8  No.41153


you can buy them for around $100 on Mirasafety. Kids sizes too lol.

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5cad7c  No.41154

File: 5f2f0847e4b20ee⋯.jpg (28.76 KB, 480x365, 96:73, festivalofviolence.jpg)


Looking good.



I just saw this screencap and archived thread

a couple hours ago, this is either some bizarrely timed larp or real shit.

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d01a79  No.41155


Wonder when the first low-key stories in mainstream media will appear about the numbers.

I give it a week.


Not touching your face is almost as effective anon. Just practice common sense 'don't-fuckin-touch-me' discipline.

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bc65c7  No.41156


It's cheap disposable coveralls, got a few packs of them. Not quite a hazmat suit.

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28ef53  No.41157

File: 2f91f7f074178a0⋯.jpg (26.7 KB, 500x341, 500:341, gestation.jpg)

If the gestation period stays the same do you think north america will see more than 1000 fatalaties in two weeks or is it under control outside of China?

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1cb1c8  No.41158


Floogaloo boi

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ca7e8e  No.41159


We are just guessing, as usual. It is however an option too. We have this archive, six days old, speaking about DARPA's experiments on bat soup.


We do have our ultimate question pending as usual: who's jewing who? Shills are many in this bread, they try to guide us to commie fuckery. Nobody shills when we point our finger to CCP. OTOH when any of us speaks about jews… well, you can see what this place become.

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ae651f  No.41160


hospitals would have to become overwhelmed first, and that'll take longer in north america than it did in wuhan.

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9be295  No.41161

File: b9ec42398865105⋯.jpg (67.72 KB, 600x737, 600:737, am.jpg)

File: efe02711f612496⋯.jpg (531.69 KB, 1882x1841, 1882:1841, 1581125409329.jpg)

File: 845acccb054b35c⋯.jpg (60.58 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Plague bat.jpg)



















































"I'm Fungal Jew and I'm controlling the narrative! Do your own research, glownigger, it's fungus, I had a fever-wet dream about it."

Please infect yourself with Coronchan, then take some antifungals to prove your point. Very interested in your results. 10 shekels have been paid into your account for your thread derailing.

Mods must be asleep. BAN BAN BAN poisonous JIDF subversion agents

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a4b350  No.41162


There's still something that doesn't quite add up about the whole situation and I can't put my finger on it. The CDC had pinged that something was going down in China to the extent that they reached out to them publicly in early January, in spite of their own government hiding it from themselves. We should've been much further along than this by now unless there's another factor at work.

Of course, having the biggest ocean in the world between here and there might help SOME, but it doesn't solve the issue of air travel and the long ass incubation time.

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a2d709  No.41163


I believe that would greatly depend on the region it really breaks out in. If the people who caught it in California went and spread it to a bunch of homeless it could become that bad. Hard to really say considering the different standards of living in North America vs China.

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1cb1c8  No.41164


I hope to God it doesn't but knowing how it is spreading it probably will.

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0c5cf7  No.41165



>it's in Eastern Leafland


Newbread anon here, got new ID, fucking around with router n'shiet.should be working moar kek


>kikestream coverage of number fuckery

Already leaking thanks to that chink billionaire.

That's why they don't want the SO2 stuff getting out and send a nigger in to thread crap then DDoS when no one takes the bait.


Disposable overalls are also not a bad idea. Mostly to stop direct sweat contact if you touch someone. Otherwise should be okay if you keep your holes covered up.


>that pic


Would say USA isn't too badly positioned so far as of >>41160


Kikes were dug up in prior breads multiple times without any shilling though. I have put one of them in the OP multiple times, kek.


As per that cuckchan Level 4 cap, they likely did know about it ages before it got major..

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6c60d5  No.41166

Hey guys… Have you seen that China vid where the cops pull that young girl out of her car and kill her.

Watch the dude directly behind her in the video… he has a thin exacto blade in his hand… you can see him open it… then they all surround her and he cuts her spinal cord from behind.

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d01a79  No.41167

File: c04d8d3916732cf⋯.png (525.26 KB, 564x644, 141:161, 4b0.png)


Bioweapon fuckery is the wmd you can't talk about in polite society.

Everyone does it but no one wants to admit to it.

And just like all weapons, you gotta do it so you can try to figure out how to beat it.

If you ever ask "Why would we research <x> as a military application?" the answer is always "Because if we thought it could be done, someone's doing it" World is a shit

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557d3b  No.41168

File: 2b709357a1f1005⋯.jpeg (925.96 KB, 2048x1451, 2048:1451, AD5E87BE-45D0-45D3-B9A6-9….jpeg)


I’m thinking about putting some pre 1983 copper pennies in my pockets. According to this study copper and brass alloys are pretty effective.

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a4b350  No.41170


As awful as it sounds, that's probably a really quick way to take the fight right out of someone you have no desire to take alive with a minimum of fuss or sprayed blood. I mean. I'm not a trained killer or anything. But nobody'd be expecting it.

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d01a79  No.41171


I believe I posted the video earlier. Don't see the blade though.

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e787a8  No.41172


This doesn’t even make sense. You are still fucking HERE spewing your ‘burning bodies bullshit’ so that wasn’t much of a DDoS unless it was to STOP the fungal splicing data from getting out. Why aren’t they continuing to DDoS you now? Why did the 8 of you only gang up on me? Because you are the kike narrative and I am the real data threat. You people are fucking stupid.

It doesn’t fit the profile statistically of a virus. It doesn’t behave like a virus. You people are fucking unreal!

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1cb1c8  No.41173


That doesn't seem to be all that bad of an idea. Perhaps buildings with old copper fixtures will be safer.

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e787a8  No.41174


Against a BIOWEAPON? OMG the IQ level on /pnd/ is through the floor.

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1cb1c8  No.41175

https://twitter.com/i/status/1226708100121579520 New vid from Shanghai where they are sealing off an apartment block.

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d01a79  No.41176

File: 4eb4871b7917d8d⋯.jpg (29.48 KB, 512x512, 1:1, awareness.jpg)

Don't worry schizo anon, we are totally gangstalking you and you deserve the nobel prize, pic related.



Might be more harmful if you believe that's effective. Changing behaviour and being aware at all times would be much safer than home remedy equivalents.

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e787a8  No.41177

File: e85d8d8833286e3⋯.jpeg (355.04 KB, 2710x237, 2710:237, 5135B14E-21E0-497C-A818-E….jpeg)

From the cuckchan thread.

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1cb1c8  No.41178

File: d1ec9999c7a0949⋯.png (140.2 KB, 700x861, 100:123, diary1.png)

File: c1012990ca49206⋯.png (177.25 KB, 698x868, 349:434, diary2.png)

File: 55d7b10096bd302⋯.png (192.6 KB, 694x784, 347:392, diary3.png)

File: 5271144c8a1468a⋯.png (75.44 KB, 646x442, 19:13, diary4.png)

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5cad7c  No.41179




Holy shit I think I see it, It's something white. You can see it exactly at 0:18, pay attention to the hands of the cop that is bent over with his back to the car. She was completely neutralized.

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d01a79  No.41180

File: 556dcc68e7905d1⋯.mp4 (335.81 KB, 320x556, 80:139, Lan A Yang - Recent video.….mp4)


Ooooh, neat.

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e787a8  No.41181


I deserve a prize for not towing the line with your kike bullshit narrative. If you want to make it the Nobel prize that is fine with me

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9be295  No.41182

File: b81af251e551520⋯.jpg (102.5 KB, 600x450, 4:3, Guaze.jpg)


You can get copper gauze everywhere. Maybe an idea to line facemasks if it does work?

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5cad7c  No.41183



I din't meant to reply to that post, my bad.

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f1e30f  No.41184


>But guess what?


I'm pretty skeptical of this due to the jews having been making an obvious pivot to China. They've infiltrated their postsecondary education system already and have these chinks praising Israel/jews. They seemed intent on abandoning the US in favor of it over the coming century if the US's dominance predictably fell apart due to the diversity they inflicted. My own bet is that it was either Chinese incompetence or a faction of the CIA eliminating the option of them falling back to China to force them to continue to stick with their US host.

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f11d4b  No.41185

File: d480b91183deb6f⋯.jpg (24.95 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 18_CT_sani-bar1-750.jpg)


If you really want to get all fancy, there are pocket-sized "soap bars" and discs of copper. Though a short segment of polished copper piping would probably work just as well.

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ad7a86  No.41186



It is extremely difficult to not touch one's face. We do it dozens of times per hour. I'm trying to be conscious about this and it is a challenge.

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557d3b  No.41187


Can tell you didn’t bother to read the study. There was a time we made handrails and door knobs out of brass. Some Virus couldn’t survive on those surfaces for long. Now everything is stainless steel and they can last for 5 and up to 9 days on common surfaces. For someone in an environment that can’t wash their hands Everytime they touch a public surface, what could it hurt?

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28ef53  No.41188


could you layer copper gauze over silver gauze for extra protection or is silver effective aginst this?

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d01a79  No.41189


Not about the study anon. Copper has been known to be anti-bacterial.

But I'm on the cynicism side of life.

To me, branding copper as effective will just make stupid people stupider and unwilling to change their behaviour effectively.

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f1e30f  No.41190


>We should be further along than this by now unless there's another factor at work

Entirely possible that we are further along. Remember that they slashed tariffs on US goods last week, if it was in fact Chinese incompetence that led to them releasing this then a condition of them slashing tariffs could have been the CDC suppressing information about the virus.

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1cb1c8  No.41191

https://twitter.com/i/status/1226573156548169728 Chinese villagers fighting police over preventing letting them in to town to prevent spread

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e787a8  No.41193

File: 2c8445095021e7f⋯.jpeg (956.34 KB, 2732x921, 2732:921, C6BDD281-122C-4225-8023-3….jpeg)

More supporting evidence for the idea of chimera virus’ (or combined viral/fungal agents) combine this with the physical evidence and the footage coming out of Wuhan et al and the gas spectrographs of the region and you can come to some pretty interesting conclusions.

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9be295  No.41195


Hmm, good question, silver is expensive though. If the report on copper is effective in breaking coronaviri, that would be the one to use.

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f11d4b  No.41196



Silver requires moisture in order to be an effective antimicrobial surface, but copper works even when dry.

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a4b350  No.41197


The tariff cut seems more like an angle of them trying to make it easier for them to get materials to try fighting this.

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1cb1c8  No.41198

File: 002c51500e8fe02⋯.jpeg (136.69 KB, 694x1200, 347:600, wuhan-400.jpeg)

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1cb1c8  No.41199

>>41198 does anyone think this could be true?

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a2d709  No.41200


Well it's not like anyone has been coming back if they've been dragged off by the police during this time. If they think about it the choice between guaranteed slow death over days versus maybe dying quickly and taking someone down with you it's no contest.

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557d3b  No.41201


This is a virus not a bacteria. I would hope everyone reading this board has an iq above 70. And no one would be stupid enough to think that’s all it takes. It’s simply an extra precaution. If you’re like me my hands are in and out of my pockets all through the day. Even hand sanitizer is ineffective against this unless the alcohol content is above a certain percentage.

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1cb1c8  No.41204


You're probably right


Definitely. I keep seeing all these cops in regular uniforms, no gloves, and wearing only surgical masks grabbing and dragging infected people. They are probably next to get sick.

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d01a79  No.41206

File: 19b299a7feb2a05⋯.mp4 (6.27 MB, 368x640, 23:40, CCPPoliceDeniedEntryToVill….mp4)



Took me a sec to get it from Twitter. Dang filesystem.

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f1e30f  No.41207


While that would have been expected normally they would have and gotten some minor concessions to save face with it still overwhelmingly benefitting the US. The fact that they didn't even bother getting any concessions at all makes me bit suspicious that they got something behind closed doors and a suppression of how the virus got around initially would fit perfectly, particularly with how the CDC has advised much more caution than the WHO.

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9be295  No.41208

File: 9c26a1781b78fa0⋯.jpg (37.48 KB, 598x567, 598:567, Wr.jpg)

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5cad7c  No.41209

File: 70df554d4e4fa7a⋯.jpg (15.33 KB, 239x217, 239:217, nice nice.jpg)

File: b6588f643505064⋯.jpg (52.14 KB, 432x447, 144:149, I don't know shit.jpg)


Based, the villagers are better off preventing the entry of any and all outsiders if they haven't been infected yet.



No, but it is an incredibly spooky coincidence. The kind of coincidence that makes you wonder what the fuck is this universe anyway, is anything even real?

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d01a79  No.41210

File: 2208239f0daa355⋯.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 936.2 KB, 320x568, 40:71, NoFoodNoWaterNoUpperArmStr….mp4)

Chinese lady does a flip out of a building after a few days no food, no water.

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e787a8  No.41211

File: 5da47fb4a54f41f⋯.jpeg (407.39 KB, 2732x241, 2732:241, 71ED3A13-2C25-42D1-B75B-8….jpeg)

File: 07966ddc82c5012⋯.jpeg (739.79 KB, 2703x677, 2703:677, 0456F737-BC2D-4D5B-BC82-1….jpeg)

More commentary from cuckchan on chimera virus

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515d13  No.41212


someone needs to incorporate that thud into a coronachan song.

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ae651f  No.41215

>all these faggots trying to prevent infection

>not preparing your body for inevitable infection

not like it'll be any worse than the normal flu for non-chinamen anyway, although i get why you aboniacions might not take too much confort in a white not dying yet KEEEK

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5cad7c  No.41217

File: 0d8239db5a0715f⋯.png (196.22 KB, 580x522, 10:9, wew lad.png)


>That fucking thud

I have to say I'm kinda jelly, when this shit hits me I won't even have the privilege of having somewhere tall to jump from, I'm just gonna have to endure the symptoms until I die.

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e787a8  No.41218

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

An actual update on the nCoV situation as opposed to comics and unrelated videos taken off Twitter.

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f1e30f  No.41219


The ACE-2 thing is merely suspected currently, not confirmed.

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f11d4b  No.41220

Random thought I had.

Most buildings in China are new and built using the cheapest possible materials. That means most fixtures and pipes are made of modern stainless steel, which has no antiviral or antimicrobial properties. Whereas in the rest of the developed world, there are decades' worth of infrastructure and plumbing made of old copper and brass alloys. Is the absence of such "legacy" structures a significant contributing factor to the seemingly increased lethality of the virus within the Chinese mainland, compared to outside of China proper?

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a4b350  No.41222


Of course, with a superbug assraping their country, they may take whatever help they can get so long as they don't have to look like they're begging for it.

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e787a8  No.41223

File: 24679d5f9666a52⋯.png (10.17 KB, 409x325, 409:325, 251C8856-3427-4E5F-9C0C-9F….png)

File: 7b274085b679958⋯.jpeg (176.2 KB, 1871x1056, 1871:1056, 01D98450-3F57-4623-B7A6-4….jpeg)

Graphing curves for comparison purposes between yeast (fungus) and virus as well as nCoV. Which one looks more like the nCoV curve? Fungal infection (yeast) or the two curves from SARS and Swine flu?

The yeast curve continues exponentially until it has exhausted its food supply…in this case that would be until it has run out of human bodies to expropriate.

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f6ee43  No.41225

Does anybody have a good estimate of the economic damage china is experiencing from this? How much money exactly has this and is this going to cost china?

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ad7a86  No.41226


Double dubs say dub that thud in.

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43dced  No.41229


Given that we know for a fact it's transmitted through solids, fluids, and the air, and that it survives on surfaces for over a week, no. It's clearly a hoax.

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580162  No.41230

File: 261bf56df93c1b7⋯.png (124.74 KB, 500x577, 500:577, nani-the-fuck-31406485.png)















So this is what imageboard hell looks like...

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a4b350  No.41231


The text is literally from a Dean Koontz novel.

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f1e30f  No.41232


There were estimates ranging from it already having cost them $60 billion to $150 billion and that was over a week ago. Who knows what it could hit, all depends on how long it shuts them down.

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d01a79  No.41233

File: fb456b291bd2089⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 40.59 KB, 620x413, 620:413, fungusanon.jpg)

>Unlabeled axes prove me right

Sure thing anon. Remember: help is available.


There'll be estimates especially as we get to a full quarter dealing with this shit, but that won't come out from china.

Rather it'll be china-heavy companies in the US. They'll take a hit and investors will demand reasons.

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a4b350  No.41234


Just imagine all the contracts and so on that will have to be rexamined on an international level. We can probably guess that any Britbong deal with Hauwei for cellular equipment is in deep shit.

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43dced  No.41235


Right, this whole 'predictive memetics' bullshit is just that.

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1910a7  No.41236

File: d0ffc5ddb362c19⋯.png (319.03 KB, 1198x1028, 599:514, S3aomki[1].png)

Beijing on partial lockdown.


Google translation of the Chinese notice,


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a2d709  No.41237


I doubt there can be a good estimate of the economic impact because there's too much under-reporting and fudging of numbers. China is printing more money which is dropping the value of the yen. Various companies that depended on China for goods will be moving their factories or taking other options. There is also the fact that this broke out during China's equivalent of Christmas. Needless to say it's gonna hit them pretty hard and the aftermath will also be hideous.

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c575d6  No.41238


>Cant survive outside of a human body for more than a minute

This is retarded LARP. its already been proven to survive for a whole week.

>when the host dies the virus perishes

and im sure thats why they're cremating everyone dead right?

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d0c694  No.41240

VA sending the following email to vets.

VA, CDC closely monitoring Coronavirus outbreak

VA is working closely with The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other federal partners, monitoring an outbreak of Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV).

VA has activated its emergency management coordination cell (EMCC) and is implementing an aggressive and collaborative public health response to protect and care for Veterans.

At this time, no Veterans receiving care at VA have been diagnosed with 2019-nCoV. Currently, there is no vaccine to prevent the 2019-nCoV infection and no medication to treat it. CDC believes symptoms appear 2 to 14 days after exposure.

What to do if you have symptoms

If you have both:

Symptoms of fever, cough, and shortness of breath and

Have either recently returned from China or have direct exposure to others diagnosed with 2019-nCoV.

Call before visiting your local VA medical center to seek care. Tell them about your recent travel and your symptoms.

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62e694  No.41241

File: aceb9b84dbfca24⋯.png (47.86 KB, 162x126, 9:7, huwhite knofe.PNG)

>>41111 (Checked)


One of the chinks stabbed her. Look at the one behind her at 0:17, the cop has a white exacto knife. or maybe its a taser but people are normally able to move afterward

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d01a79  No.41242


It's from a book anon, so it's fake.

It's just to get you wondering about whether Dean Koonts does some research or if he was priming for the habbening.


Yeah I see the object, but seems too small to be a knife. And getting cut hurts, I'd expect a histerical lady to scream. Maybe quick injectable anesthesia?

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be8645  No.41243


>Maybe quick injectable anesthesia


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a4b350  No.41245


Yeah, make you feel REAL good for the rest of your life.

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d01a79  No.41246

File: 61fb4e16822e43d⋯.png (256.12 KB, 521x427, 521:427, NoTrashPickupOnQuarantine.png)

Year of the Rat looking more and more apropriate.


Fuck, shoulda bought some puts on Friday.

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62e694  No.41247

File: d63b5e83f28503d⋯.png (398.7 KB, 694x530, 347:265, ClipboardImage.png)


It could be, but I would think they would've ran out cartridges for it by now or at least hospitals would be hoarding them. Unless they're using Fentanyl like >>41242 said. Then they would have very large supply and wouldn't need to bother changing the needle out.

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be8645  No.41250


China is the #1 Fentanyl producer of the world. The have tons of the shit, and have been caught numerous times exporting enough to kill the entire US.

It works on skin contact, so you wouldn't even need a needle.

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322a4e  No.41251


Fingers crossed for green niggers getting infected.

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ab964a  No.41253


If it was a knife, there'd be blood and she wouldn't just lay there catatonic. China's supply of fentenyl is endless and it's a fast way to subdue an onery fever chink.

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43dced  No.41254




>play on words of Mao and BBQ

Hey look, exactly what's going on in most Chinese cities. How about that.

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c575d6  No.41255


>It's from a book

so predictive programming then, same thing as when they make movies about it. theres no reason to believe it was accidental at all, gate's event201 shit was already enough of a cohencidence

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f1e30f  No.41257


>Beijing partially locked down

Well anyone still trying to claim that they'd gotten it under control just got completely BTFO.

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d01a79  No.41258

File: 370ed3ab3e32db4⋯.mp4 (374.94 KB, 320x518, 160:259, CCPsaysnoscreaming.mp4)

The Party has declared that screaming out of your balconies is now illegal.


>implying the 'vitamin shots' all vets get wouldn't make them immune super carriers that doom us all

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ad7a86  No.41259


Thanks, anon.

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f1e30f  No.41260


The book was from 1981, USSR at that time was blaming China for being source of some viruses. Could easily be coincidental. Also this situation is ass backwards from what it was in the book, normally claims of predictive programming track 1:1 fairly well.

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d0c694  No.41261

File: 3498d5a38661524⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1934x934, 967:467, helptheminorities.png)


THis is true… A slide from Carona-chan but true none the less.

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62e694  No.41262

File: 407a305693ab5f6⋯.jpg (52.41 KB, 926x567, 926:567, Over here stranger.jpg)



She still had a jacket on though, they would've needed to puncture it for skin contact. A Fentanyl applicator is probably what they're using on anyone at this point. Which makes me think, if its that potent can I go to a street corner, buy a few grams and load up some water balloons for the next fag parade? Fentanyl is a large molecule I doubt it would breakdown in water

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e2bc38  No.41263

File: 0e88946e627c85d⋯.jpg (286.79 KB, 760x901, 760:901, 0e88946e627c85d66237776902….jpg)

This whole thing feels like a bad dream.

Somebody wake me up.

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e787a8  No.41265


Can you please go to another thread to discuss this? IDK start your own Fentanyl thread or something.

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be8645  No.41266

File: 665dca40dc202bc⋯.png (24.42 KB, 300x225, 4:3, ht_120309_avonex_pen_300x2….png)


It could be an auto injector.

At 18 seconds he thrusts it into her back and it looks like it slides to her shoulder blade area.

I don't think it was a neck break though. It looks exactly like some of the Fentanyl OD videos I've seen.

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d01a79  No.41267

File: 3e813c637d77360⋯.webm (1.54 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, gondola line.webm)


Keep your wits about you anon.

It's the main thing you'll need if things do get worse.

And of course, keep hope that things will improve, all our ancestors have done so and this is why you and I are here.

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e787a8  No.41268


Guess that is my answer…I will take that as a ‘no’ that you shills have finally killed this board and this thread. This has absolutely NOTHING to do with nCoV.

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9fea10  No.41269


>think for yourself

Says the guy regurgitating cuckchan posts

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62e694  No.41270

File: a630f7c0a67ccb0⋯.jpg (76.43 KB, 610x750, 61:75, 654321.jpg)



Drug trafficking (and other shit obviously) will sky rocket when law enforcement is over burdened with a panicking public. It also helps to see what tools other people are using during outbreak like this, if you were dependent on pepper spray, tasers and tear gas for non lethal you would either need factories to keep running or very large stockpiles.

Hell, China is one of the places where you wouldn't see people with weapons and yet there are villagers who look like they broke into a museum to arm themselves.


Auto injector makes sense then, otherwise he would have to wipe her face with it to take effect.

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000000  No.41271


He should be banned.

>FungusFag 59 posts out of 250

I at least filtered him. Thread just got a lot smaller.


I prefer the wuhan wheeze.

>sad can't post image from tor




They are re-opening some of the factories. In those electronics factories, workers are elbow to elbow, conorachan will wipe them all out, all it takes is one carrier. Who the hell wants a coronavirus infected iphone anyway? or an ifag in general, really


> If the people who caught it in California went and spread it to a bunch of homeless it could become that bad.

Stop, you are getting me excited.


>Drug trafficking (and other shit obviously) will sky rocket when law enforcement is over burdened with a panicking public

People can't travel. I doubt the postal service is running. Smuggling is at zero right now. And who really cares, I wouldn't grudge these people on their deathbed some fent.

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62e694  No.41272

File: 5301bd7249b535a⋯.mp4 (8.03 MB, 360x640, 9:16, wuhan traffikking.mp4)


>Smuggling is at zero right now.

Maybe not in the sense of narcotics, but more of "Hey I've got some anti-virals, give me your daughter." There would still be opportunity, especially if you can pose as government vehicles moving around.

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d0c694  No.41273


It won't kill niggers or poos?

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d01a79  No.41275

File: 8fc1d9f0bc6be50⋯.mp4 (913.42 KB, 360x752, 45:94, FoodLinesinWuhan.mp4)

Remember all those animals getting destroyed? Communism's greatest hit is back! Bread lines!


Normal people are under quarantine.

Risk takers can smuggle for money.


I guess this is out of Wuhan? Oof.

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dc6340  No.41278

FBI is investigating more than 1,000 cases of Chinese theft of US technology (2020-02-09)


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9be295  No.41279


This proves that chinks don't require oxygen to live…….

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ad7a86  No.41283


It's a video of chinks jumping out of a truck. There is no way for me to evaluate this because I don't speak Ant.

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d01a79  No.41284

File: a4d3a500cf5c13f⋯.mp4 (7.53 MB, 320x542, 160:271, Meanwhile, in China...-122….mp4)

One of these days, someone is gonna pull out an antique bolt rifle and escalate things outta control.

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3aba36  No.41285

If you live in Texas, you might soon get Corona'd

>They're bringing in 250 possible corona cases to quarantine

>On air force base in San Antonio

>What could possibly go wrong


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62e694  No.41286


Run the audio through a machine translator, if not take up the cues that these people have suitcases and other bags with them. This video came out when Wuhan lock down was starting, that's probably a truck that pose as one of the construction vehicles for the quarantine center that was constructed.


The truck had a tarp covering the roof, its not entirely sealed.


Would be easier to bum rush them and pull off their masks while coughing in their face. Hell none of them are wearing goggles, they'll get some Corona love soon enough.

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e2bc38  No.41289


If this is a (((their))) bio weapon test run, then most likely it won't be as fatal to poos, niggers, and seaniggers.

Why? Because of their Greater Israel plan :

>want to colonize the Holy Land

>can't because sandniggers are in the way

>can't depopulate them through warfare alone because muh PR

>uses biological warfare so that they can blame the genocide on nature

>develops a superbug that can target specific ethnicity, using SARS as a base because it already killed (mostly) chinks

>execute a test run to see how the international community will respond to it

>so far so good

>now in the stages of polishing the Arabicide virus

Israel had been vivisecting Palestinians and using them as test subjects for this very reason.

If so, then the second class Sephardic and Hasidic Jews will be vulnerable as well. But they're basically goyim so who cares.

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a4b350  No.41293


>San Antonio

So, another Californian quarantine camp, eh?

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2e05ab  No.41294


fuck off back to /pol/. Absolute garbage post.

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e2bc38  No.41296



Okay, jewmer

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ad7a86  No.41299

Russian half-channer who live streamed his travel out of China is streaming live from Vladivostok trying to purchase masks. https://youtu.be/gkZuvikWOrI

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6a7092  No.41300

>official number at 40k

>rumours 2 weeks ago were 35k-90k

>chinaman on podcast with bannon saying its 1.5 million

So the only thing we do know is that China is lying about how bad it is because their country is being hollowed out.

I need to convince the wife to buy canned goods before everything ends up infected by this virus where are some seeds to start a farm this could get so much worse.

I know I shouldn't panic but every so often I look at the numbers and compare their rise to other epidemic numbers and I feel uneasy. If this virus can really last outside the human body for almost a week then it could easily be spread to hundreds of hosts who then continue to spread it without ANY detection inbetween.

Part of me thinks this was an Asian Genetic weapon that got loose and China is trying to cover it up. However there are so many lies out there already we don't know.

I wanted to plant crops last month and decided not to but goddamn I really need to start my own farm in the garden in case we're in this for the long haul.

Sorry for big post of nothing anons but I feel most of my irl friends are brushing this off because normie media tells them it's 'just like the flu'

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515d13  No.41301


they are so fucked. We haven't seen shit like this since the 30s. China is done for.

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c9c9d3  No.41302


No one under 40 hasn't heard of the game Resident Evil, boomer nigger.

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e52580  No.41305


>Normal people are under quarantine.

>Risk takers can smuggle for money.

Currently smuggling themselves out of the country if anything

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4cc89e  No.41306


Corona virus / China very important info.

How is this not among the most talked about aspects of this outbreak?

The Chinese do not wash their hands, ever!

**Not even doctors, there no hand soap even in the hospitals.

Some Chinese are for the very first time DEFIANTLY washing their hands. What the fuck!


Something to think about if you're around Chinese and their products. We're starting to buy food from them, oh that's gross.

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d01a79  No.41308


Juicy bit about the soap anon.

Wish youtube-dl could do timestamp chunks. Or maybe it does and I'm retarded.

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236ff3  No.41309


As fucked up as that was at least they're all going out as a family. There's something peaceful in the fact that their bloodline will end all at once. I'm sure their deaths were painful, but at least they won't have to suffer through the coming breakdown of Chinese society and the CCP. They won't have to see the pathetic remains of humanity the chinks have left completely fade as they turn on each other like savages for food and resources. Maybe that family was actually one of the lucky ones.

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4cc89e  No.41311


I'm not a techy, i'm a researcher.


Like how the fuck is that startling and relevant fact just a side comment buried in the video. i mean wtf.!

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0c9ec6  No.41315

File: 380b8a14a566f00⋯.jpg (327.8 KB, 1000x615, 200:123, Virus-Structures.jpg)

Explains: HIV Inserts, ACE2 Receptors, Cytokine Storms, and Bio-engineering in great detail (but it's easy to understand). Several legit scientific research papers and studied referenced. I spent 12 hours writing this script so it would be perfect. I spent 12-16 hours a day for 7 days in a row researching.

Please convince yourself that this is a happening. If this doesn't do it nothing will.

https://youtu.be/8CqAR0Kyjpc [Embed]


>Your ACE2 argument is wrong because it's based on a study with 8 people.

My ACE2 argument is based on the 1000 Genome Project (which has thousands of people) and two other studies. The PrePrint non peer reviewed single author "study" refuting the 8 person study is addressed.

>It's just a bad flu.

I have hundreds of videos compiled at this point showing the conditions inside China. You don’t quarantine 300 million people because of a bad flu. Nor do you weld people in their apartments, shut down all your factories, or kidnap screaming people off the street (while sometimes killing them in the process).

>Only 800 people have died.

As I explain in the video (with proof) the number is well over 50,000.

>There are no international cases, it's been contained to China.

Perhaps, the virus could be designed to only infect East Asians. Wouldn't you like to know about that and have it put your mind at ease?

>The death rate is only 5%.

I prove that the death rate is at least 15%. I argue that it could be as high as 30%-50% in the short term, and 100% in the long term (if it can in fact infect your T cells).

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236ff3  No.41324


Damn, was not expecting that voice. Good job femanon, sending these videos to my stubborn relatives who still think this is just a flu.

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9d5fe1  No.41326

File: 7d7f7608a1fbb13⋯.png (252.95 KB, 416x577, 416:577, 5af371506c5e1488b69c2a6a5c….png)


I've been noticing an uptick in new Chinese customers at my work.

All its gonna take is one of those ah-chu's to infect the whole shop.

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e52580  No.41329

File: 56dba6d4368ea6f⋯.png (200.23 KB, 257x538, 257:538, Untitled.png)

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ad7a86  No.41330


Same here! (WA state)

I see this and it pisses me off. At what point do I choose between my income and my life? That's what I'm pondering.

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219689  No.41331

File: 94fbc25a7bdbb48⋯.jpg (30.39 KB, 960x600, 8:5, WUHAN CONTAGION 1.2.jpg)

Wuhan Contagion 1.3 all the scenes .. Coronavirus comp


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2e05ab  No.41333



are you based pnw lads noticing more elderly mask-gooks that can barely even walk yet. Usually at grocery stores for food ofc.

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ca7e8e  No.41334

Sixty more cases on Cruise ship-chan. Total 130.

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236ff3  No.41335



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ca7e8e  No.41336

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2e05ab  No.41339

File: 88c13682b3d4461⋯.jpg (59.07 KB, 396x545, 396:545, AbsolutelyDolmio.jpg)


umm, kino alert!

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f30b29  No.41342


> Twitter Replies

> #ThoughtsAndPrayers

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c2ccd7  No.41343

On Jan 22, I flew abroad to a touristy place with lots of chinks. Starting Jan 30, I have had a constant fever (37.5c) and dry cough. Today I went to the hospital and had xray and diagnostics done. The doctor said, "you have a viral infection similar to influenza but its not influenza". Then I said, "well is it corona?". And she replied, "you havent been to wuhan, so we arent allowed to test you for that."

Then she gave me a super dose of antibiotics and said this should help prevent secondary infections for the next week and to come back if things get worse.

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515d13  No.41347


> "you havent been to wuhan, so we arent allowed to test you for that."

That cost shekels goiym! go home and drink some OJ faggot.

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2e05ab  No.41348


go on lad, name the chinky city you flew from..

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5ab8d2  No.41350

File: 415106a9e6d68e8⋯.jpg (301.48 KB, 1000x883, 1000:883, danse-macabre-by-michael-w….jpg)


>"you havent been to wuhan, so we arent allowed to test you for that."

So western governments are also manipulating infection numbers. Great. 5 Million Wuhan chinks got out before the quarantine started, and yet you can't get tested for Coronavirus because you weren't directly there?

We better learn to dance, we'll need it soon.

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e2bc38  No.41354

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I doubt just washing hands can save you, since the nips, bongs, and Singaporean chinks are infected.

But Singaporean chinks are probably as filthy as China's. Who knows. Here's more shit hygiene in China.

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5f200b  No.41355


now go to another hospital and say you were in Wuhan, get the test, see if it is positive, then prove a cover up

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c2ccd7  No.41356


>So western governments are also manipulating infection numbers

The was my takeaway too from talking with the doctor earlier. I also live in a touristy area, so a confirmed infection here would tank local industry.

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2ef29f  No.41357

Good to be home, been shit trying to use other boards. Is there a way to filter out all these stupid disclaimers?

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2ef29f  No.41358


wait I think I figured it out, nvm.

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ca7e8e  No.41360

File: 4f5c4fb0f931ac7⋯.jpg (133.06 KB, 700x517, 700:517, lager_bong.jpg)

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5f323e  No.41363


Oy, you got a loicense for that cold?

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1736bc  No.41364

File: 1bbc5b6b45a743e⋯.png (116.56 KB, 550x461, 550:461, 24days.png)

File: 2fb9380aa83ea49⋯.jpeg (52.53 KB, 407x680, 407:680, 24daysincubation.jpeg)


>Zhong Nanshan, the epidemiologist who discovered SARS in 2003, just announced that the incubation period of the nCoV2019 is up to 24 days.

This makes the 14 day quarantine used all over the world completely useless.

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ca7e8e  No.41365


Looks like they are scared, the Guardian feed reports of 4 more Bongs testing positive in Brighton. One of the four was in the Contamines Montjoie ski resort clusterfuck.

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ca7e8e  No.41366

If you were aboard the Easyjet EZS8481 from Geneva to Gatwick the 28th of january you need to see a doctor ASAP. (The guardian today is a firecracker)

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c2ccd7  No.41373

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0c5cf7  No.41374

File: 088fc6ccf68b9b4⋯.jpg (37.04 KB, 500x437, 500:437, the greatest happening of ….jpg)


>go to another hospital and say you were in Wuhan, get the test

It only works half the time..


Holy shit this is some nasty stuff…


>Contamines Montjoie

Heating up..

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2e05ab  No.41377

i actually had the "3 squeeks" dish that everyone on here has been posting about (though not as much as bat soup). the idea is that the mice are still newborn and have no hair, and you're supposed to soak them (but nt drown them) in a honey chilli sauce before chewing. Yes they squeak, but it doesn't taste that bad and it's no different from any sort of japanese sashimi which all you white people seem to rave about.

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ca7e8e  No.41379


>you white people

Are you a nig or a kike?

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73b68b  No.41380


>prepared fish is the same as live, baby mice

Well, you're fucked in the head for willfully eating that shit.

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ec99ea  No.41384

File: 0da7fa41cac7d95⋯.mp4 (3.96 MB, 640x360, 16:9, onepointtwo.mp4)


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515d13  No.41386


I'm wondering how the fuck you could've eaten that outside of China since practically everywhere won't allow you to serve live food.


>all you white people

nigga where da fuck you think you are?

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9be295  No.41390

File: 8b39f53df6f5dea⋯.jpg (48.86 KB, 615x615, 1:1, Connor.jpg)


Just so you know, there was a native British man who contracted it. He had breathing difficulty, enough to warrant him going to hospital. He did ride it out though, and recovered in full. Picture is him.


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9ac3c4  No.41391


How much do you want to bet the next big reveal will be that the virus can withstand being airborne for significantly longer than expected. Speaking of which, how long does this virus actually withstand being outside of a body, suspended in air in aerosol form?

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e2bc38  No.41392

File: 4d7b46afa999f2e⋯.gif (1.41 MB, 280x210, 4:3, 1502246025.gif)


>old news

>no links to his actual fb account

>hot toddy and whiskey can cure airborne HIV

>most likely fake news

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8af7a0  No.41393


>vid response



macro phage. very large cell. macro. not small. not micro. macrophage, very big thing that eats and collect garbage. trails immune system cascades, but has activators in innate immune system. immune system has many activators. learned humerus (B-cell, anti-microbial and anti-strange-moelcules/protiens), learned thymus (T-cell, anti-cellular, cell policing, anti-cancer, etc), as well as certain kinds of fats (like those of strep, producing acute fever from bacterial membrane breakdown, the fats of that membrane trigger innate immune response – highly conserved receptors that are no-cell-no-antibody-required triggered), etc.

>other t-cell infector viruses



>spikey spike

<yes, it is a morphology definition

S, A, M, etc. most viruses have them. it is a morphology classification. other common classifiers are the centrifuge-separated weight band, such as gp120 etc (GlycoProtein / SugarAmino / of 120 kDa in molecular weight). The 'spike' is not unique, it is a model of classification. This 2019nCoV-spike is unique, but spike by itself is not.

>bats, cronoaviruses, ACE2, bioweapon, weaponized, etc

<disregard all weapon and weaponized

the use of weapon and weaponized and bio and biowarfare are anglokike hysteria and hysteria-replay word salad. be highly suspect of this language. try not to propagate the language of kikes. separately, the likelihood of improper handling and/or convergence is much much higher than chink-big-brain-engineering-weaponize whatever. The same tools we use for viral gene vectors arose from viral research – there is no true randomness. The presence of convergent genetic/RNA mechanisms is not necessarily meaningful.

more as i watch more. otherwise, good job, giveusanotherone.webm

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b00467  No.41394

File: a010e173574c0bb⋯.jpg (139.34 KB, 700x517, 700:517, Bong quarantine.jpg)


Then archive it, retard

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d74617  No.41395

File: 94f92356cbb76e4⋯.jpg (183.46 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 1580752963623.jpg)

File: 7e5d8f8ea3c7c57⋯.jpg (68.29 KB, 680x453, 680:453, EQWZIu8WkAEKqlV.jpg)


Word is that one of the infected was going to leave quarantine, and there were no laws to stop him. So they brought in emergency legislation and declared it an imminent threat.

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f6f5a4  No.41396

There needs to be bugspray in every OP

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom

獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾

爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李

洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活

摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门



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ca7e8e  No.41397


The Graun feeds are not exactly what I'd like to leave to posterity. I don't have a loicence to archive that.


Apparently they don't have loicence to leave either.

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d74617  No.41398

File: 92d11c230e3d7f3⋯.png (894.61 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, r3t34.png)

Xi Jinping has crawled out of his hiding hole to visit some hospitals in Beijing and show the cameras he gets tested.


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8af7a0  No.41399


vid response

>airborne hiv

<funny, catchy, but incorrect

i'm tired of repeating why it isn't HIV, and why 'splicing' is not magic.


<CD4, CCR5, and CXCR4

>R "zero"


Please get this right. My ears are stabbing me when you do this. "naught" like "nautical mile". Thank you.

>2019nCoV didn't mutate… much, says chink

<yes and no

It is likely a convergent new-insertion disease. The virus is highly unstable, as far as viruses go. All +ssRNA viruses are. The variance in the diversity of new substitutions, and a new insertion of a -common- too-short-to-trivially-manipulate length, demonstrates this. You can't have it both ways; Not likely spontaneous and highly spontaneous on the scale of spontaneous things is a contradiction. The chinks, and yes they are chinks no matter whether you like the description or not, will forget this total picture. (shitskin chinese = chink != Chinese; This 'researcher' is a perpetual dependent, etc).


<maybe. MAYBE. but you need to try harder.


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b00467  No.41402

File: e042efc56655b74⋯.webm (664.07 KB, 198x360, 11:20, bugspray.webm)


>My ears are stabbing me when you do this.

R null

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ca7e8e  No.41403

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8af7a0  No.41404


vid response

>muh random

<lividly not quite

true random is deleted. it is gone, and you cannot see it, because it died. d-e-a-d. gone. random distribution my ass – the protein still must go into the membrane! How can it membrane if randomly distributed? oh wait! it can – but then it DIES. fucking chink sympathizer. Get this straight: true random gets deleted. what you see is thru perpetual rose colored glasses. or four slanty eyes, if you're chink.

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8af7a0  No.41405




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6d403d  No.41406


This just in, drinking air-freshener does not protect you against the virus.

PRC recommends sitting around shitting your self while you wait to die from the virus.

> make sure you have your little red book

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6d403d  No.41407


Yeah I will remember, I'll go to Taiwan instead.

> Taiwan when you want china, but don't want filithy commies.

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8af7a0  No.41408



<dys pnea. bad breathing.

work on that 'pn' sound. dys-pinea would be bad pinecones, or something.


<lympho penia.

there's that 'pn' vs 'pen' and 'ia' again. penia is the lack of a thing. in this case, lymph general cells, but in context, lack of t-helper cells. since were are talking about muh-HIV and CD4 T0 Helper Cells and all those cytokine things (kine, as in 'kind', it's latin, etc).

i probably shouldn't keep picking on you. i did genuinely start laughing, if you care. i had a brother pronounce toshiba as toe-shibba for a while. it is funny. carry on.

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6d403d  No.41409

The day momie let up play in plastic bags.

> I though those were unsafe and caused suffication.

< you can sufficate after bat-flu kills you.

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ca7e8e  No.41413


Sorry mate, "kine" is Greek from "kinesis" that means movement. Like "telekinesis". In Latin that is "motus".

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8af7a0  No.41415


vid response continued too long

>cytokine storms

alright, maybe i should finally orient you here. a flurry of chemical cytoplasmic (cyto) movement (kine) and activation signals does cause a mobilization. shitskins, and genetic dead ends, will have a breakdown of feedback inhibition and localization, causing a feedback loop and over-response. this stormy storm should not be confused. a lack of immune cells when you just asked for help is the opposite of what you would expect – EXCEPT when you measure cell presence at the wrong time, or when resources are used up. idiot researchers are not clinicians; they will not know that cytokine response is a 'twang' wave like plucking a string even in healthy patients (signal -> deep trough absence -> high response presence -> less trough absence -> moderate response presence -> baseline return). all bets are off on shitskin patients – shit gets weird, fast. to assert that 2019nCoV -kills- CD4 T0 cells must first be proven separately (which is doubtful; 2019nCoV lacks the proteins necessary for binding [close doesn't cut it] and fusion into CD4). regardless, cytokine storms are a bit of a fad with researchers – always discount and downregulate their hysteria and misuse of terminology until observed otherwise.

And collapsing on the street is not usually a cytokine storm per se. Though it can happen.


yes, thank you. i was trying to teach phonetics through underwater basketweaving forums, clearly a faustian enterprise.

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c2ccd7  No.41416

File: 8678160f6ff2e24⋯.jpg (147.1 KB, 876x1280, 219:320, EQWtUogXYAE8Zas.jpg)

Do we know yet if animals can catch ncov or not?

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8af7a0  No.41417


>collapsing on the street is not usually a cytokine storm per se

To be clear: a loss of homeostatic pressure, because your lungs are full of holes, because immune cellular lets-eat were activated too much, can cause collapse. I'm not discounting this, nor you. I'm trying to dissuade you from associating collapse with cytokine storm. A whole array of different outcomes come from cytokine storms, with collapse being not the most frequent, in all honesty. And collapse is not unique to cytokine storm either; For instance, collapse with histamine sensitivity can happen when bubblechildren run though clouds of hay, etc.

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c2ccd7  No.41419

File: 2d25c7a4a0a2ad6⋯.jpg (272.57 KB, 1125x1116, 125:124, EQXQFGDVAAAGDea.jpg)

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c2ccd7  No.41420

File: 6c2510f22943ad9⋯.mp4 (334.62 KB, 260x458, 130:229, Woody - @russian_market-12….mp4)

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c2ccd7  No.41421

File: c8cbe5540288df1⋯.jpg (5.98 KB, 141x164, 141:164, EQXKpADXkAEU-KV.jpg)

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b00467  No.41422

File: c7c2ebd24fde4c5⋯.mp4 (1.94 MB, 426x240, 71:40, Chink shot dead by cop.mp4)


Some are saying they can, some saying they can't. I am leaning towards can't simply because of how little there is to support the idea beyond just hearsay from chinks. By this I mean for pets, since you posted a cat.

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c2ccd7  No.41423

File: 88119ded38ddb6d⋯.jpg (33.18 KB, 618x618, 1:1, EQZZ2BNUwAEaPni.jpg)


Do dogs even get fevers?

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0c5cf7  No.41424



Yes even (((WHO))) admits it.

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c2ccd7  No.41425

File: c7deeb9ad21744c⋯.jpg (24.84 KB, 600x314, 300:157, EQaAwE1VUAE_JVk.jpg)

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d5188a  No.41428


Is this the Chinese version of a shitpost?

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e787a8  No.41431


The people ‘controlling this board’ right now are not White or European. They do not give one FLYING FUCK what happens to you or your people. They want you to stop investigating anything about this virus EXCEPT for the narrative that they ‘propose’ but none of them are virologists, none of them are biochemists…they are just FUCKING KIKE FAGGOTS. They don’t want you to think about WHAT HAPPENS AFTERWARDS or anything other than what they feed you on this board. This is, if possible, more controlled than cuckchan becasue there are kikes at the helm driving the entire narrative as well as ‘what you are ALLOWED’ to think. This doesn’t strike you as DETRIMENTAL TO YOUR OWN INTERESTS? It strikes me as extremely detrimental to European interests. You want to know how you know they are all kikes working from the same script? Because they do not want people to think about anything but their MIND CONTROL. You are all buying into it like there is nothing important left to BE KNOWN about this situation other than WHAT THEY OR MSM TELL YOU…please go fuck yourself or whatever you do in your time off from shilling on this board. Yes, cuckchan started me thinking, but that was only the BEGINNING…I knew something was wrong with the fucking disgusting BUG/KIKE NARRATIVE from the beginning.

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e787a8  No.41432


>he should be banned

>muh need to control the information.


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9be295  No.41435

File: 221ea92d5826e36⋯.jpg (105.58 KB, 400x552, 50:69, Bane Cat.jpg)



"It would be extremely painful."


"For you."

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e2bc38  No.41436

So, how does this virus infect a human cell?

Does it use the same mechanism as HIV or SARS?

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e787a8  No.41439


It uses the mechanism of a corona virus gaining entry (this is what we know thus far) through the lysosomes. But once it gains entry it mingles or overthrows your RNA and replaces it with its own due to the HIV coding. Now your body works for it and will never ‘work for you’ exclusively again because your RNA is commingled. This is why it is important to understand the virus and not ‘cut off thought and understanding at this point’. More than likely this is an ELE…which the kikes who are on this board are too stupid to understand or are immune to so they do not care if you fucking understand enough to save yourself or your loved ones.

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63a22f  No.41440

Is there a Chance Corona Turns into Ebola soon and turns our organs to water?

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e787a8  No.41441


This is yet another indication that it might be a fungus which would have universal opportunistic infection ability rather than being limited to one carrier. When a virus is acclimated to one specific life form like corona virus in dogs (parvovirus) it is not ‘that easy’ for it to jump to another life form. However, we have gotten plenty of reports out of China that THEY BELIEVE (or have been told) their pets can carry the bioengineered virus as well as humans…and feces…and water…it is concerning because cross species opportunistic contamination is rare, not common.

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8af7a0  No.41443


>how do gems fuse?

CoV fuse by Spike (S) onto single receptor (multiple specific to each virus).

2019nCoV fuses by Spike (S) onto single receptor (ACE2 speculative).

HIV fuses by Spike (gp120) onto receptor (CD4) and then co-receptor (CCR5 or CXCR4). The exact fusion step also includes gp41, but is actually unknown after 4 decades of research.

In all cases here, the spike proteins themselves form trimers, which twist and hairpin the membranes of each cell soap bubble together. It may be tempting to say that they are thus similar, but this is not the case. Each protein is highly specific. If 2019nCoV-Spike is shown to first bind to CD4, then half-activate/twist/whatever, and then bind to CCR5/CXCD4, and then finally complete it's activation to promote successful cell fusion between 2019nCoV and a CD4-T-Helper-Cell, then and only then can it be said that 2019nCoV is the Air-AIDS.

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e787a8  No.41444


There is a chance that this is an ELE. People are only thinking of ‘muh virus contagious’ rather than thinking of the long term effects for humanity. Most of the virus that we have encountered before CONFERRED IMMUNITY. This doesn’t confer immunity so as the virus peaks you will keep getting sick continuously over and over. And it is really totally unknown what will happen to humanity when their RNA is overthrown. Will you be fertile, functional, will other opportunistic virus, fungi and bacteria wear you down over time? How would civilization continue to function if you and everyone you knew were sick for 10 months out of the year? How would food production continue? Can people who have it have children? Or are they sterile due to a lack of physical resources/compromised RNA…there are THOUSANDS of questions that should be being asked, rather than just the WROTE COMMENTARY OF THE KIKES WHO ARE RUNNING THIS BOARD INTO THE GROUND INTENTIONALLY.

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515d13  No.41445




gotta take your lunch out for a ride before you eat it anon.

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616795  No.41452



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28ef53  No.41455


thank you!

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2cdd4c  No.41459


I don't think it's vitamin shots, but fit lifestyle and constant hydration. In the era of the mobos, being fit to slightly chubby will give you an advantage over the rest of the population.

Ever seen a fat doctor? pretty rare. anyone that wants to give themselves an advantage better start drinking until their piss is clear.

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2cdd4c  No.41461


Will drug trafficking increase? Those black market supply chains will probably move on to other, more profitable goods: like food, medicine, guns, ammo, and other things.

they will probably barter, and as a result of the bartering, move goods from point a to point b, saving lives and breaking dependence of (((fiat currency))).

This scares the kikes, hence why they would go so far as to militarize the distribution of money in a disaster.


I hope i did not cause the glow niggers to ddos this place again…..

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e787a8  No.41463


No, it is well known at this point that people have neurological symptoms. Again, we don’t know enough about the neuro symptoms to know who or how they manifest. We have seen instances where people beat themselves (their head) against the ground in sort of an epileptic fit. Is that first infection? Second infection? A side effect of having the virus? Something that happens after the virus subsides? Something that happens due to chemical insufficiency due to compromised RNA…we don’t know. But it is not ‘shitposting’…think of the Pentagons ‘Fun Vax’ that altered the prefrontal cortex so that people could no longer feel reverence to God…while this may be different in terms of its presentation it may have similar results due to deficiencies of serotonin or other hormones.

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28ef53  No.41464

File: 1fc2a16d5a36546⋯.jpg (164.62 KB, 736x725, 736:725, corona makes ghosts.jpg)

How about all those ghosts? Many spirits linger the creamatoriums, angry!

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f6f5a4  No.41465


Can you stop spewing your schizophrenic text diarrhea on this board for five minutes? Holy fucking shit.

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32963c  No.41466

File: 472eeccf0ad83ee⋯.jpg (128.32 KB, 500x373, 500:373, 472eeccf0ad83eecc78691c80a….jpg)

It's already over.

The UK followed The WHO's advise now they are fucked.

>GP practice in Brighton closes after staff member tests positive for coronavirus


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fb173e  No.41467

Haven't been on this board for a couple days but I'm back with a few updates (I should have collected sources but regretfully did not). So far this virus has at least 17% kill rate, Chinese government now admits 15% but they have been caught lying over and over again. Can't trust governments or media for real numbers. Crematoriums in China are seeing dozens of bodies burned daily. This does not match official death numbers, again governments are lying. WHO is finally being forced to admit there is a threat of global pandemic. The virus is more contagious than we ever expected, that might have something to do with it being bio-engineered with an HIV-like delivery system embedded into the gene codes.

Right now I'm in America and I've been barricading up and my guns already loaded. I'm going to be bugging-in within the next week or two, having everything I need to survive this for about 2.5 years without relying on the capitalist system (shopping). As soon as I get the word this is rapidly spreading in US cities I'll become a hermit for 2.5 years. Get your preps ready everyone, it's going down soon. Depopulation agenda in full swing.

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d5188a  No.41468


Please don't give the fung faggot any attention, remember that sometimes KeK wants to laugh on out expense as well.

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e787a8  No.41469


Do not ‘convince’ her of anything anon. Do what you need to do to save your family with or without her permission. You are the man, lead the household. This is your responsibility alone despite the modern refrain of equality, you need to make the life and death decisions for your family because (generally) women are better at details and not as good at long range planning. If you wait too long there won’t be food or goods left.


You know that you are simply twisting my words. Filtered for being a kike. You haven’t said anything worthwhile anyway.

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e787a8  No.41470


K I am going to watch your video. What do you think about the anomaly in the rate of spread. There is something extremely vital that they are not telling us about the rate of spread and its infectious ability. It is simply spreading too fast to be a normal virus. I theorized for a while that they were spraying people down with it in china using chem trails…or that it was in the water supply through (recycled grey water/fecal contamination). IDK, but something is seriously wrong with the rate of spread as well as its transmissibility (rumor) to many different life forms.

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e787a8  No.41471


Filtered because you are a kike and not interested at all in the information.

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e787a8  No.41472

>>41468 (2)

IP hopping kike. Filtered as well.

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e787a8  No.41473


This is to be expected when foreigners who do not have your interest in mind at all rule over you or when you listen to their mind control attempts (like the ones on this board seeking to shut down discourse) rather than thinking for yourself or your people.

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e787a8  No.41474


Anon, wasn’t Brighton where they housed the first nCoV patient they brought in a few weeks ago?

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3872d6  No.41475


You'll want to boost your immune system, keep very hydrated and have a whole lot of fever reducers and curcumin before this spreads everywhere. I drove to COSTCO the other day and bought a whole box full of acetaminophen bottles (fever reducer). You'll need this stuff if you catch this virus because so far we know the main causes of death are all caused from extremely high fever. Keep the fevers down and you stand a chance to survive. I figure with my recent stock up I'll have enough fever reducer to start bartering with neighbors when SHTF. Curcumin and high quality vitamins also boost your immune system so you should be stock up on all that too if you can afford to.

Another tip: make sure you have plenty of hand sanitizer available. Proper sanitation is key. Masks are important to have but you have to properly remove them after use if you were near a contaminated area and sterilize them or else you become just as vulnerable of catching the virus. Hazmat suits and alike, the same goes.

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e2bc38  No.41476

I'm leaning towards nCoV-2019 being created in a lab by them in order to create a virus that targets specific groups of people.

They plan to depopulate the Middle East for Greater Israel, and they needed something to wipe out the Arabs while leaving their kind unharmed.

NCov-2019 is most likely a test run, to see how would the international community would respond to such an outbreak. SARS and MERS were possibly (less contagious) test runs too.


>we still don't know how nCoV-2019 works



>bypass fiat currency

I suppose that's another one of the very few positive things we can get out of this shitstorm.


>bunker down for 2.5 years

I wish I could, but I'm a poorfag living with my family and studying at a local college while doing part-time jobs.

My family members are potential vectors for this disease, and if one of them gets infected than the whole family is fucked.

In times like these I wish I was an orphan/foundling, because then I would have no attachments and can bunker down easily.

I used my savings to buy a firearm and 4 weeks worth of supplies. I'm probably going to die at the end of this.

Sucks, but there's nothing I can do about it but pray.

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f6f5a4  No.41477


You're the one spreading speculation, guesses, and flat out lies. Looks like the only kike here is you.

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3c07f1  No.41478


At least get a whole lot of fever reducers, if you catch this virus you can survive it but you must keep your fevers around or below 105. Most deaths from this corona virus are actually caused by extremely high fever. Get a few bottles worth of acetaminophen and/or ibuprofen and stay hydrated (do stock up on bottled water) and you should be fine.

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616795  No.41482

File: 878ebc9d9917928⋯.jpeg (125.25 KB, 835x678, 835:678, clownworld.jpeg)


>Chinese National Health Commission has changed their definition of Wuhan Coronavirus "confirmed case" in their latest guidelines dated 7/2. Patients tested positive for the virus but have no symptoms will no longer be regarded as confirmed. This inevitably will lower the numbers.


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e787a8  No.41483


This is the exact opposite of what I would do. The only way to denature the glycoproteins is heat or alkaline environment. I have absolutely forbidden anyone in my family (who I can) and highly recommended to everyone that I can’t control that they never ever take fever reducers. The physical structure of the virus (the glycoprotein crown) make it vulnerable to temperature. I would never in a million years take a fever reducer as you are ensuring your own demise by providing a good and stable environment for the nCoV.

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f6f5a4  No.41484


You fucking retard. He's saying to keep your fever low enough that it won't kill you too. a Fever of 108F or higher is fatal. He says to keep it around 104, which is still a very high fever! You are a fucking idiot.

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e787a8  No.41486


Hand sanitizer are shown to increase vulnerability to the virus by drying out the skin and causing micro-cracking in the dermis. A mild hand soap is much better because it is a high pH 10 and it doesn’t provide an avenue for infection via the dermis or dermal abrasions. This is another product I have forbidden in our house. We use what a surgeon would use, mild soap and thorough washing of any skin surface that was exposed to air when we re-enter the house. Also, take your shoes off outside and do not wear them inside at all. I also take off all my clothes and put them directly into the washer with Borax as well as taking a full shower each time I return home.

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4e7db8  No.41487

File: b03dea9cbb710cc⋯.webm (2.9 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, 543bgnj5.webm)

This vid was posted on twitter from the UK. He then deleted it in a panic for fear of legal issues. Stating it might be nothing to do with the virus.

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2cdd4c  No.41489


If this only targets AEC2 enzymes, then this won't be the kebab remover that we want. according to genetic data, the kebabs have the least amount of that enzyme out of all of this.

So all those weeaboos with nip waifu dreams, those dreams are now crushed.

To be frank, i doubt the kikes are creative enough to make such a bioweapon. They appear to be smart because kike teachers rig the tests in their favors. In the wild they never create anything, they only steal from other groups, or ruin something they get put in charge of. Ever see a kike run company be successful honestly? They can't do it.

No, any happening that occurs is something that they fear, hence why everyone is rooting for the virus.

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000000  No.41491


>raw fish filet is the same as a whole living mammal including all internal organs and bones

>you white people

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33ac0a  No.41492


>So all those weeaboos with nip waifu dreams, those dreams are now crushed.

Women also have considerably lower ACE2 counts, even the chink ones. So it'd actually just leave a fucking ocean of nip pussy begging for cock, in that scenario.

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e787a8  No.41493


Non-European race traitor.

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580162  No.41494

Is the spambot trying to explain how to stick fungi sequences in a virus' genome by cramming 75 shitposts in a 750 posts thread?

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28e419  No.41495

File: f50909105204f65⋯.jpg (25.53 KB, 783x282, 261:94, IMG_20200210_164635.jpg)


Those are raincoats, nothing to see here, move along citizen

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80122a  No.41496


I'm not saying this is true at all (it's worthy of some independent research) but AJ is claiming colloidal silver can help defend your immune system from the virus. But he is selling this stuff so…….

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bac8f0  No.41497


Clearly he didn't have a loicense for that voirus

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28e419  No.41498


>Ever see a kike run company be successful honestly? They can't do it.

google is doing pretty good at brainwashing and shekeling

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e787a8  No.41499


Why don’t you try to contribute, rather than just criticize? Oh that’s right, because you have nothing to say at all, other than trying desperately to control the narrative.


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905be6  No.41500

File: 6c48db295620f7f⋯.png (743.68 KB, 1483x1500, 1483:1500, sexy virus.png)

File: ec957580f978110⋯.webm (4.45 MB, 254x254, 1:1, GENOCIDE_AND_GENOCIDE.webm)


Hail the angel of death!

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c84021  No.41501


All those big tech firms are heavily subsidized thanks to government intervention in the markets.

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e2bc38  No.41502


>Get a few bottles worth of acetaminophen and/or ibuprofen

>Stock up on bottled water

Roger. Also gonna stock up on some honey-based cough syrups.


>If this only targets AEC2 enzymes, then this won't be the kebab remover that we want

I know. I posited that this is a test run in order for them to observe how the world respond to it.

It's likely they already have a much more sophisticated Arab-specific MERS ready for deployment.

>To be frank, i doubt the kikes are creative enough to make such a bioweapon

>In the wild they never create anything, they only steal from other groups

They could always get their American slaves to do that for them, like they always do.

>No, any happening that occurs is something that they fear, hence why everyone is rooting for the virus.

I disagree, mainly due to my perspective on their Greater Israel plan. They want a state without rivals, like Solomon's and David's were.

To do so they have to get rid of the current superpowers (US, China, Russia). Their plan for US and Russia is most likely thermonuclear war.

As for China, perhaps China had already outlived its usefulness. They've gotten everything they need and they decided its time to pull the trigger.

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33ac0a  No.41503


I merely state a fact, you retarded sperg. I do not condone miscegenation. But there would be a ton of women asking for it, since the majority of their own race would be a bit too preoccupied with being dead to breed them.


He makes a tad too much sense for a bot, pretty sure he's just got some mental deficiency.

Should post a response to another anon teling him how reality works that I tried to post last thread, but it was over the 751 limit:


I mean, it sort of could. Virii contain DNA or RNA, which you could technically put parts of fungus cells DNA or RNA into. It wouldn't make the virus act like a mushroom though, at best it'd CISPR people to have partial mushroom genes. And not even those people would then actually function as mushrooms. Humans share similar DNA with bananas, yet we don't contain delicious yellow fruit if you peel off our outer layer.

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e787a8  No.41504

File: a07bc6fe30b2493⋯.jpeg (996.47 KB, 1800x1200, 3:2, 4B6FC147-0B75-47D2-ADA9-F….jpeg)


Colloidal silver will be just as effective as copper. Don’t you think the fags would have purchased the worlds silver if it had any effect. Also, remember the biohazard suits, pressurized from the inside? If AJ’s colloidal silver was all you needed it would be a lot cheaper and better for biolabs to just dose the researchers with that rather than take the extensive precautions that are necessary when dealing with a bioweapon. Why do all of this (photo) when you could just hit up AJ for some colloidal silver?

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000000  No.41505


yes, a dogs normal temp is around 37-38c but anything higher and your pet is sick

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e787a8  No.41506


IDK I am seeing you pushing infected bug pussy (remember the pussy is a mucus membrane as well) on anons. But I guess any ‘takers’ deserve to die for ‘muh dicking’ anyway so nothing of value will be lost.

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f6f5a4  No.41507


It wouldn't "CRISPR" people. It's not a retrovirus. While the poos did see that it had some short HIV like segments, it did not cope for reverse transcriptase.

This is all my fault really. I accidentally started the airborne HIV meme when I first asked if it was a retrovirus. Luckily it is not a retrovirus, and does not code for reverse transcripase.

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e787a8  No.41509




Violently Opposed

Accepted as self evident

Now what you and everyone else should be asking is why are the kikes so VIOLENTLY OPPOSED to the truth…this should be self evident as well at this point.

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000000  No.41510

Geralt of rivia will save us all

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fc1f54  No.41513


So what kind of soap do you recommend having a good supply of?

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580162  No.41514

File: ee493b48eacd8c0⋯.jpg (99.23 KB, 500x488, 125:122, fungus better than jesus.jpg)


>why don't you try to explain how the world is round

Nigger, you do not even try to claim that the virus have a couple of peptid-transcribing sequences from a fungus, that would still double or triple its DNA's length, you are saying that a fucking viral genome results into derived eukaryote cells, that's akin to abiogenesis but stupider since though abiogeneis is statistically next to impossible to happen it still is not based on 2+3 =6000000 (comparative genome lengths) logic.

Your Fungus-Jesus theory is far more plausible (unless if you are a monophysite) since animals (including Homo sapiens) and fungi are at least closely related in the eukaryote family tree.

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33ac0a  No.41515


I wasn't suggesting it would CISPR, just stating that if it were a retrovirus and it for some reason had shroom RNA spliced into it, even then it wouldn't actually cause any mushroom behavior.

Basically, my point was that even if they spliced something like fungus into a virus, it wouldn't make the virus act as a fungus. Virii have an inherently different makeup from fungii, and no amount of splicing parts into them will change that. In fact, if that weren't true CISPR wouldn't be possible, because for instance cancer-curing CISPR virii would just be healthy human cells and not virii.

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c26e28  No.41516

File: 3d907fa4b9857f4⋯.png (362.93 KB, 631x702, 631:702, ClipboardImage.png)


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e787a8  No.41518


Ordinary mild hand soap that won’t dry out your skin too much after repeated washing. This is particularly important if you have to set up a quarantine room in your own home (plastic, duct tape, positive pressure to the outside of the home/apt). Again, soap is pH 10 which is why it has always been so effective against all bacteria and virus, there is nothing ‘magical’ about hand soap other than the pH which makes it inhospitable to virus/bacteria. This falls into the whole principle of the tested malaria control drugs that made the lysosomes to high in pH for either nCoV or malaria to attach as a key. There are many different ways to denature a protein, remember the corona virus has glycoprotein KEYS (the ‘crown’) that allow it access to your body. You want to inhibit these keys by changing the electro positive charges that allow them to fit into the receptors of the vulnerable cells.

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c26e28  No.41519

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11282c  No.41520


I agree fever reducers are not great for you, may not be necessary in most cases but when you start getting extremely high fevers you can actually die from that shit. Its supposed to be for emergencies like if you were to catch corona. If you have a 110 fever it can cause all kinds of problems like internal bleeding, grand mal seizures and strokes.

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e787a8  No.41521

Some of you remember your chemistry classes, right? You must remember how positive charges either allow or inhibit molecular bonding, right?

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580162  No.41522


> and does not code for reverse transcriptase


>This group consists of viruses which have positive-sense, single-stranded RNA genomes.

They are RNA viruses. If they don't code for reverse transcriptase then how do they express their genes and why is HIV treatment effective?

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905be6  No.41523


I wouldn't be surprised if the entire ship is actually infected.

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e787a8  No.41524


I would try for physical/environmental controls at that point. Cold baths, ice baths, etc. rather than compromising the immune system for 8 to 24 hours.

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e787a8  No.41526


>The whole ship is infected

I agree. It is a literal plague ship just Ike the ones (((they))) brought to Europe from Africa stuffed with unknown diseases.

Do you think that seems like a normal spread for a ‘virus’ or does it seem abnormal to you? I mean, even with something being engineered, this seems abnormal, right?

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5ab8d2  No.41528


It's fairly safe to assume that everyone on the plague ship is infected, if they weren't to begin with.

Everyone gets to use the deck for exercise every two days, and we know that corona-chan can linger on surfaces for days and for a couple hours in the air. And that's not even counting the potential for infections coming from the air-circulation within the cabins, or food prep. One infection in the staff that prepares food or brings food to cabins and everyone's infected.

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5f323e  No.41529


Did you know that, to produce proteins, your cells have to first transcribe DNA into RNA, which then associates with ribosomes, directing the production of proteins?

So, an RNA virus enters the cell and its RNA latches onto the ribosomes, which starts production of new copies of the virus. An RNA Virus thus does not require reverse transcriptase.

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000000  No.41530


don't do ice baths when you sick, it could cause your immune system to increase body temperature you should make the bath cooler than room temperature .

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580162  No.41532


> for a ‘virus’

>faggot still going on with his fungal tantruum

Nigger, do you have a single instance of fungi spreading at a higher rate that infectious viruses, even more so coronaviruses that are comparable to influenza and rhinoviruses as common cold agents? The closest thing we have to a fungal "pandemic" is drug-resistant strains of Candida and that's solely because it pre-existed everywhere around the world long before we came around.

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580162  No.41533


You're right, I should had my coffee before posting.

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e787a8  No.41534


It depends on how high the fever is but no, I wouldn’t just plunge someone into an ice bath…anything that helps to mitigate the fever when it gets (from anons example to 110) is going to be helpful. Again, most of the time these are fever spikes, not continuous presentations of fever. The environmental controls are emergency procedures for instances when you must control the fever due to febrile seizures etc.

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000000  No.41535



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580162  No.41536



>Did you know that, to produce proteins, your cells have to first transcribe DNA into RNA, which then associates with ribosomes, directing the production of proteins?

>So, an RNA virus enters the cell and its RNA latches onto the ribosomes, which starts production of new copies of the virus

I'm extra stupid for not remembering that RETROviruses took their name from the extra step of transcribing their RNA to DNA first doing the reverse of what normal cellular DNA does.

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d3e761  No.41537


Just sink it already, along with everyone onboard. They're almost all just Chinks anyway.

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905be6  No.41538

File: 57075b9426ba524⋯.gif (2 MB, 200x200, 1:1, oi_wtf_m8.gif)


Wtf I'm pretty sure I had replied to >>41516.

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e787a8  No.41540


These proteins are essential for your own body to function…anything that sidelines your body and cells own protein (enzyme and hormone production) is going to be increasingly detrimental to you and will favor the parasitic invader.

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e787a8  No.41541


I am interested in this topic. Fuck off kike.

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3876ed  No.41543


You can literally just get some feeder mice and eat them, just saying.

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580162  No.41544


Nobody is stopping you from making your own thread instead of spamming the main thread with your disinfo.

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000000  No.41545


Your not trying control the outside temperature but the internal when the outside temperature dips too low your internal temperature increases.

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e787a8  No.41546


The amount of money that would be required to decontaminate the ship would be too costly to even contemplate. Far more expensive than just building another ship. And peoples confidence in any decontamination measures would never be fully restored.

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580162  No.41547

File: fa610f61ca3ab02⋯.jpg (136.06 KB, 680x1473, 680:1473, IMG_3454.JPG)


Infection is just a social construct, anon.

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580162  No.41548

File: 4f662374c89f608⋯.png (50.42 KB, 237x248, 237:248, IMG_3036.PNG)


>eating mammals raw and living

That's the spirit, anon! Spread the Love!

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e787a8  No.41549


To a point. This all goes out the window at specific temperatures, the kind that would produce things like febral seizures. The proper procedures for exterior (rather than chemical suppressors) temp control are all easily verified online at this point since it is so well established.

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000000  No.41550


>This all goes out the window at specific temperatures, the kind that would produce things like febral seizures.


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a4b350  No.41553

File: 9f7b246dd67ce59⋯.jpg (184.54 KB, 2370x1666, 1185:833, donblast.jpg)


That is fucking disgusting.

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e787a8  No.41554


God anon. You guys need to learn to verify EVERYTHING that is said on /pnd/ for yourselves…no wonder the kikes run game day and night on this board and can easily control everyone here through their constant lies and slander. Even a two second verification of something like ‘where is the SO2’ fungicide being sprayed in China over a forest or over Wuhan would have let you see how totally DESPERATE they are to control this narrative and keep you from the truth about what they have done.

This is geared towards children but it works the same in adults:


In an emergency situation where you are trying to control a febrile seizure, you need to focus on environmental controls, like cold baths or lowering the body temperature by bleeding off the fever. If you want to know more you should invest in a emergency medicine book for the home or (even better) for sailors since they are on their own without any help at all (this is better since more than likely it will be YOUR situation soon).

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d3e761  No.41555

>tards still replying to fungusbrain

This is a genuine example of a time to filter by ID.

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e787a8  No.41556


Also, it is within the name of the nCoV (NOVEL) that means that this is novel to your body and that your body has never experienced it before…thus temperature is your bodies only defensive weapon in terms of fighting infection. You have no White Blood Cell history that can be relied on to help your body fight off the invader. Even if you did, once that RNA is mingled with your own RNA the only thing your body could ‘fight’ would be your own body and RNA. That is going to be counter productive.

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e787a8  No.41558


At least you kikes make it easy to filter your new ID’s. It is amazing to me that you feel absolutely no shame at all in helping people to do the wrong thing in order to ensure that they get infected and die from this…

It is a real ‘thing to observe’ you all in action…we all know what evil really looks like now…it looks like your posts.

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e52b24  No.41559




I've been eating pretty healthy, avoid junk food and mass processed foods. I eat certified-organic as much as possible, take curcumin and high quality multi-vitamins every day (not the cheap junk brands sold at Walmart). If I catch this corona I'm sure my immune system can fight it off pretty well. However, if I get a temp that reaches 105 or greater I will take a fever reducer because extremely high fevers can do extreme damage to your body (even kill you) despite how good your immune system may be. I get the fact they are not good for normal use but in such extreme measures they could save a life.

I think taking a luke warm or luke cold bath is a pretty good idea, if it happens to lower a really high fever. However if the fever continues because of the virus, the alternative might be more extreme and call for some kind of chemical suppressor like acetaminophen.

What we all need to do is report what is going on, and if some of us happen to catch it, we can report how we are controlling it. We could soon learn in the future from the survivors the best ways to handle this virus. Be on the lookouts for obvious fakes though and be critical of all info you get, do what makes sense to you is the best tip I can give for now.

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580162  No.41560

File: 33a5bcfca4d60e3⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 245x245, 1:1, pop corn.gif)



>don't take your antipyretics just inhale anti-fungal talk powder instead

Please contract Corona and record yourself following the treatments you suggest.

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580162  No.41561

File: 81a45783424d2a4⋯.jpg (8.23 KB, 241x209, 241:209, grimface.jpg)


I would tell you to "take your meds" but you'd probably just ingest miconazole.

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e787a8  No.41562


I agree. Your body will want to survive and strive to survive. It is the ultimate arbiter of your survival…it is ‘good’ to listen to others but too much listening to others might be detrimental to your own health and well being. At the end of the day you are the one who is the best judge of your own symptoms and what is working for you the same way you are best in charge of your own diet or own likes and dislikes…the kikes would like to even be in charge of breeding you to a nigger and making you think that what is inferior is superior but at the end of the day it should be you who decides what is best for your body. Advice will only take you so far…we are not disgusting bug communists or parasitic kikes that we need someone to hold our hands every minute of the day.

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88ef7b  No.41563


When I had the flu last month, I had episodes of high fever and cold flashes, at times followed by extreme sweating. I would take warm showers after getting the cold flashes and sweating, and it did seem to help. Although at one point my fever was over 105 so I did take a fever reducer at that point. However the showers did seem to help and felt very good, would you recommend warm showers if you have a very high fever?

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b17c41  No.41564


Very high quality vid… Thankyou

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580162  No.41565

File: 733b5bd1908618b⋯.jpg (153.75 KB, 800x533, 800:533, CDC.jpg)

Can some vol please move the mushroom autist's posts to a thread of their own instead of shitting up the general?

We are trying to have a discussion about the VIRUS here, if you want to tinfoil over fungi messiahs and witch doctor antifungal treatments you have enough autism for a thread full of (You)s.

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36a6b7  No.41566

UPDATE: China’s mega-city of Shanghai is now under lockdown!


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31a7e0  No.41568


Are any Chinese port cities open now at this point?

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0c5cf7  No.41569


I believe they call it takeaway?

>it's still responding to posts and writing long walls of schizo text with zero actual information, while calling everyone kikes to try bait responses

>being this desperate


Keep reporting it for derail/Spam/etc

Those tripleniggers seems to be ignoring it. They type like cuckchan who got lost along the way at q-fag containment board and they like alex jewski. Enough said.

100% total boomer fagget


I think all the major port facilities/distirbution facilities are closed. Which will stop the bugs buying up masks and shit.

heard today that even our airforce and most companies can't buy masks now

>anon got respirators, filters n'shiet a few weeks ago

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580162  No.41570

File: cc1488fedd166fd⋯.png (362.56 KB, 635x720, 127:144, 1411194287223.png)



>ima grill teehee :3

Fucking cocktease!

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b17c41  No.41571

File: f945f6a96d35a77⋯.jpg (1.94 MB, 3464x3464, 1:1, gp1dt8.jpg)

File: 2e9740b4b258d0d⋯.jpg (1.63 MB, 3464x3464, 1:1, 9xtlk2.jpg)

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e787a8  No.41572


Warm is very arbitrary…we can’t even agree on what constitutes ‘warm’ in my own house. First off, I think water itself has some healing properties that are underrated and not talked about at all. I can remember this one story from childhood about a horse that was deathly ill in the middle of spring. It was clearly dying and it went to a stream and laid down in the middle of it. The owner was angry because now he was going to have to go get this dead horse out of the middle of the stream. He went home angry to contemplate what to do…the horse laid their all night in the middle of the stream but in the next morning it got up, walked off and didn’t die at all…the action of the cool water had reduced the fever enough that the horse was able to survive. So you yourself come from a lineage of billions of survivors, billions of times your ancestors ‘made the right decisions’ for themselves without anyone’s help. Billions of times the deck was arranged in your favor and has resulted in your LIFE and your being here against all the mathematical and statistical odds. If this would have just happened 100,000 times that would have been classed as a miracle. But it happened billions of times…it is almost incomprehensible in terms of the likelihood of your survival. You are here becasue you were meant to be here. But yes, LSS I always feel better when taking a warm shower when I am ill or when I have heat exhaustion from the days activities. I work outside in the summer, so cold showers (or warm depending on your perspective) are essential to reducing my own body temp.

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580162  No.41574


>Keep reporting it for derail/Spam/etc

>Those tripleniggers seems to be ignoring it.

I feel stupid for even suggesting that chodemonkey's horde of trannies' would try to improve a thread. Do we have any clue where the BO is or has he gone officially AWOL?

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33ac0a  No.41575


Anon, that was a cuckchan repost. Hence the [Embed] after the jewtube link.

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e787a8  No.41576


Maybe they don’t take you kikes reports seriously because this is supposed to be a free speech board NOT KIKEFEST and you, yourselves are not contributing any ACTUAL INFORMATION, but rather simply making commentary on people that you don’t like so that you can control information rather than contribute….just a thought. At least you are all easy to filter since you don’t have anything to say anyway. It does make the thread shorter to filter you and your inane commentary.

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19188c  No.41578


“ I disagree, mainly due to my perspective on their Greater Israel plan. They want a state without rivals, like Solomon's and David's were.

To do so they have to get rid of the current superpowers (US, China, Russia). Their plan for US and Russia is most likely thermonuclear war.”

Wtf?? Please expand.

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e787a8  No.41579


Thanks anon. I am not a frequenter of cuckchan so thanks for this and the links. I am very interested in this topic since it seems like the only thing worth considering at this point in terms of the longevity, longer term survivability (something the kikes don’t want you to think about AT ALL) and spread of the nCoV, since it seems to display non-viral patterns of spread.

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580162  No.41580

File: 1588114fb07ce98⋯.png (11.3 KB, 447x378, 149:126, 158 (1).png)


Guess explains the blatant Tcucker shillery of the channel.

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580162  No.41582

File: afd30f7fcca396e⋯.png (178.29 KB, 330x319, 30:29, golface award.png)


>Maybe they don’t take you kikes reports seriously because this is supposed to be a free speech board NOT KIKEFEST

This is your most hilariously absurd claim this far.

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0c5cf7  No.41586

File: fde30e70314f509⋯.png (282.39 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, wojackhazmat.png)


>TFW when they told newbread anon for last 4+ breads that they don't contribute to the board

Would be hilarious if I didn't have to make a new bread so fast because of this mentally challenged retard spamming 20% of all replies in this thread while niggermods do nothing.


Ain't seen BO on here for a month or more now (TBH I can't even remember who it is ATM), chodemonkey was in some of the breads though definitely when shit was going up/down.

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616795  No.41588

File: 3543075a9ea1f8f⋯.png (15.22 KB, 700x631, 700:631, cookednums.png)

Quadratic model R2=1

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e787a8  No.41589


Cuckanon states:

The only nations with the capacity for something this refined are (((Russia))), (((USA))) and (((Israel)))….gee guys, wonder who is trying to control the narrative here and whose best interest it is that you don’t know anything about the virus…hmmmm

Nothing new under the sun. It is ALWAYS the same perps throughout history. ALWAYS the same troublemakers, tortures and murderers….

ALWAYS the same incompetent malignant retards…never any different. Well, at least you all got to witness them firsthand here on /pnd/.

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990891  No.41591


I'm just watching this video now and it looks like there WILL be major supply chain disruptions at some point: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ryw8afHlc6Q/

If you don't have what you need to survive when a crisis hits, you best get the basic essentials ASAP while you still can.

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f6f5a4  No.41592


HIV treatments target more than just reverse transcriptase. Many "HIV drugs" are used on other viruses. Corona-chan is just the latest example.

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580162  No.41593

File: 49f2a78fa0b2db8⋯.jpg (34.5 KB, 413x395, 413:395, drink.jpg)


> 20% of all replies in this thread

>only 20%

By CCP stats maybe.

Gonna stop replying to the spaz regardless of the comedic value of playing the straight man to his tantrums, one quarter of the thread already is anons calling out on his retard cousin of kojima plots.

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580162  No.41597


Yeah, my bad. It became apparent to me the moment this >>41529 anon reminded me of high school biology. Sorry for drowsy 2-digits-IQ posting.

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015297  No.41598

File: 7ef65d81a29e7e0⋯.png (298.25 KB, 665x993, 665:993, der6gh.png)

Reports starting to come out that Fang Bin may have gone missing after calling for an uprising after his friend Chen Qiushi vanished. Several people have tried to contact him but all failed.

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a4b350  No.41599


Interesting. Worrying. Explains a couple of things. If the Chinese stole something they didn't fully understand and couldn't properly contain, then it got loose, it explains a ton of shit.

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e8e13d  No.41600


Probiotics also act as anti-bacterial (More good bacteria = less bad) boosts immune system

usually sour in taste and promote appetite and digestion when sick

>sour milk, kim chi, sauerkraut, vinegar with scoby, yoghurt, fermenting foods

Sulfur foods generally yellow in color or something of pungent strong odor generally are good anti-viral, some are also anti-bacterial

>onion (including red variety), garlic, ginger, durian (eat b vitamins to avoid oxidative species)

Anti-oxidants for general longevity

>black coffee, tea

Holy grail

>raw real honey (one tablespoon = from itchy to smooth throat)

Last but not least

>things that are edible leaf, smell strong or minty like pepper, basil, oregano

Note: (virus =/= bacteria =/= venom =/= toxin =/= parasite)

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28e419  No.41601


Or chinese bought a corona-chan from isreal, but it came with unexpected quirks

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015297  No.41603

File: efdf35841aa6039⋯.png (418.3 KB, 912x1257, 304:419, 4fgff44.png)

Fangbin got dragged away by armed police. Tried to get away or kill himself depending on how high the window was.

>His door was forcefully broken by firefighters, and taken away by police. He attempted to jump out of the building to escape and failed.

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e787a8  No.41604


>mfw ‘Not the jews’ (aka Russia, USA, Israel kike governments)

This is so TOTALLY unexpected for the blame shifting narrative that we always hear. /sarc

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857a23  No.41606



Post links to your sources. Screenshots alone aren't worth shit.

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a4b350  No.41607


It's like the monkey's paw that is trying to buy something from the Chinese. Pay pennies, get bricks made of styrafoam and compressed paper covered in Spackle.

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e8e13d  No.41608


Why didn't the guy not tape record it discreetly? Don't china have electronics in the cheap considering he got in the hospital could've just recorded with a tiny dashcam or those piracy/peeping shades (not sure, was it him or another?) Though what gave it away is all that talking (no voice changer bruh? its 2020) and CCP backdoored phone or internet. Poor opsec, generally Ishygddt.

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f1e30f  No.41609


He's clearly wrong about the fungus bullshit but I think he could be right about the neurological part. Alternative is that the fear of what their government is doing to them and pain from the virus is driving them crazy which is also a good possibility.

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e8e13d  No.41610


Also, why has no one even posted a drone shot of the city? It's a lot safer to do than bringing your backdoorphone and posting in wechat. Sucks to be chink.

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3656f6  No.41611




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c0ae8e  No.41612

Today we're going to hit 1,000 deaths!

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e787a8  No.41613


We hit 1,000 deaths almost a month ago anon. Do you really think they would close down all their ports and quarantine almost 400 million people if they hadn’t hit 1000 deaths months ago? What do you think the real monetary value of a bug life is anyway? Is 1,000 dead bugs worth their entire economy? COME ON, people, pull your shit together…

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3656f6  No.41614


Word on chinktwitter is that the government cut all internet in his area before moving in.

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d3e761  No.41615


We hit that a long time ago.

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e8e13d  No.41617


>posting in 4chan which uses the same vpn/proxy blocking the great firewall uses

>imagine having to captcha

>imagine the opsec

>the phone with that 'patriotism' app more like spyware and the guy is jailed for 'fake news' in under 18 hours

wait until the internet shat itself.


Candida chan?

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eef47d  No.41618


Singapore is pretty clean. The cops will beat you with a stick if you spit on the ground. Taiwan is extremely clean as well. The people there are borderline germaphobes.

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50eef2  No.41619


I'm glad I eat a lot of garlic and onions with many of my meals. And I do love black coffee and tea. Thanks for the info anon.

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e8e13d  No.41620


If there weren't mountains, they could hijack internet from south korea or even neighboring cities with increased tx power. Other means could be modem with amplifier to again hijack the neighboring countries' ISP but the SIM must be obtained first.

There's many ways to combat a internet blackout,

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f6f5a4  No.41621


There's always packet radio

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eef47d  No.41622


It's a cruise ship. If you've ever been on one you'd know it's mostly fat white boomers.

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cf56b5  No.41623


That is the number #1 indication for preppers in the US currently. We know to bunker down and be on high alert (ready for SHTF) whenever the internet or power grid goes down for some time.

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eef47d  No.41624


True but no one except extreme autismos have the equipment and knowledge to utilize packet radio.

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e787a8  No.41626


You know, this video deals with something people are refusing to discuss on this board right now which is the long term implications for survivability. What are the long term implications and ways that anons can survive in a totally changed (perceptibly overnight) world? What types of adaptations to your current model of agriculture and manufacturing are necessary to continue to survive and thrive as Europeans in the future. We need to start long range planning of methods of survival (not just ‘muh bug out’) but education, crop growing, livestock, manufacturing, chemistry and medicine…what are the day to day procedures that will ensure health and welfare in a world that is radically altered both technologically and culturally by nCoV? I wish you all would start really thinking about this in more depth.

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f6f5a4  No.41627

File: 6361434c4345b1b⋯.webm (14.78 MB, 640x480, 4:3, ナイト・オブ・クリンゴン_(Night_Of_Kl….webm)


>extreme autismos

where do you think you are right now?

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e787a8  No.41631


I still think it is a spliced fungus but I would back a bacterial phage as well. I KNOW it is not a ‘virus’ like the flu…that is for fucking sure. It doesn’t act like one, it doesn’t spread like one and it doesn’t kill like one…not on ly that but governments do not respond to it like it was a ‘virus’. So, I would say that I am backing Chimera Chan rather than anything else. I know it IS NOT whatever they are saying it is…they did this EXACT same thing with the Spanish flu…”don’t worry, it is just the flu…etc” but that turned out to be total lies all of it published by the jew news. ALL LIES.

“If you don’t read the newspaper you are ‘uniformed’ and if you do read it you are ‘misinformed’.” - Denzel Washington.

Our own government wouldn’t tell us the truth to save our lives…partially because they are not OUR PEOPLE but are foreigners in our nations and have no interest in our genetic survival but rather their interest is in the survival OF THEIR OWN PEOPLE, not Europeans.

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580162  No.41632


> but I think he could be right about the neurological part

What indications do we have towards that scenario? The only previously known "neurological" symptoms of Coronaviruses was only fever delirium.

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e8e13d  No.41633

It's only a matter of time until this virus gets in hands of few and edited to target certain race/countries/continents which all nations would probably do.

Humanity, it was fun while it lasted.

Tell God to fix this bug.

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f6f5a4  No.41634


All I'm aware of is the head bashing.

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000000  No.41635

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f1e30f  No.41637



Numerous head bashing and that guy screaming about how he was feeling like how he needs to kill people. There's clearly people going insane, thing is that it could just be the conditions doing it.

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f6f5a4  No.41639


Or general delerium from the fever cooking their brains. At 108F the proteins in your body start breaking down and you will probably die from it.

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a4b350  No.41640


The prevailing notion is that the CCP keeps people busy to keep them from contemplating how terrible their lives are. Now imagine that the CCP has locked you in hour house with nothing to do, nobody to talk to, and everyone is starting to die. (Or at least, you're SURE everyone is starting to die.) You're used to being around other people all the time. You're used to being a part of a larger whole. A cog in the machine.

And now you suspect that machine has decided that you are worth discarding if it means saving others.

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000000  No.41642

Can someone tell me again why it affects chinks more than whites? I had an argument with my amerimutt friend over this and he kept pulling out statistics about 0.03% difference between races and I couldn't remember the exact reason why coronachan doesn't spread much around whites.

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a4b350  No.41644


He's not going to listen.

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1d2b84  No.41646


I would imagine governments have underground bases that they would use to repopulate. I'd also imagine some doomsday preppers have thought about this in advance too. Not to say we should not be thinking about all this as well, we should be. Currently I have a TON of pdf files stored on backups that deal with topics like off-grid survival, farming/gardening, raising livestock, hunting and trapping, gunsmithing, construction, preparing basic foods / cookbooks, etc. I'm sharing a lot of them on p2p networks currently and have been getting downloads once in a while. The more of us that have this info the better. I might consider uploading all these DIY guides to Archive.org sometime and post the link here when I do.

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e8e13d  No.41647


Google ACE2 Wuhan nCoV

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f1e30f  No.41650


Again, its only suspected that it doesn't. We really do not have a large enough sample size in a western country yet to know this for sure. UK might be the place to put this to the test as its definitely growing there. I'm wary of the ACE-2/chinese susceptability narrative because if everyone embraces it and its wrong a lot of white people could end up seriously hospitalized or dead from not practicing proper precautions.

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0c5cf7  No.41651

File: 6bf9e05daeb061d⋯.png (83.97 KB, 2040x229, 2040:229, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ecffc0676c5efe3⋯.png (172.55 KB, 474x266, 237:133, ClipboardImage.png)


>over 1000

Officially anyway. Witness my OP and the excellence of the mathsfags here.


ACE-2 receptors. If this post is still alive it has info on it >>37805

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28e419  No.41652


>pdf files

Print them. Or do you have electricity generator? When power goes off your pdfs will be worthless.

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0c5cf7  No.41655

File: 56931c005c2b4f8⋯.mp4 (6.58 MB, 480x320, 3:2, memri i shall liberate you….mp4)


I'm not relying on ACE-2 to help us waitu-piggus at all, especially with such mutation characteristics already present (halfcuck WHO/CDC anon and other evidence).

But if it does help the Aryans survive I'll be glad.


got a magnet?

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e787a8  No.41657


I have printed copies of all of that as well.


This is a very good start. I know that preppers will have thought about many things already but I am hoping that people will think critically and make addendum to their survival plans based on new information (as we get it) about the virus. I believe that one of the major differences between a preppers ideas and our own reality is the idea of conferred immunity. Even the underground bases will not really be of use in a situation without conferred immunity (unless they want to live under there forever). Besides, IF I am right, the whole structure of the biology is going to shift to something unrecognizable. They will emerge into a hostile alien landscape where they are prey to fungus and ‘edible’ moveable feast rather than some idyllic setting where they are masters of the landscape and the planet. This is part of the true lack of long term thinking before this was set loose in the world. Sure, it ‘disposes’ of your enemy, but it also disposes of all other life as well and substitutes its own in the place of the old world order.

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dfe2a2  No.41662

File: a22ff8fdfdc276d⋯.jpg (6.12 KB, 212x200, 53:50, images.jpg)

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0880d6  No.41668

File: 3741839dc888de3⋯.png (77.8 KB, 485x713, 485:713, Coronavirus_populations_at….png)

File: d21dc052f59a180⋯.pdf (2.27 MB, Journal of Virology-2008-R….pdf)

File: c8df6bd1411fb6d⋯.jpg (82.03 KB, 720x700, 36:35, Coronavirus_Bullshit_Advic….jpg)

File: 55b5562e715e71e⋯.png (256.31 KB, 904x672, 113:84, Difference in Receptor Usa….PNG)


> Anon references post from DumbAnon (me)

< Augmenting and re-posting for this bread, lest it be lost

< We still don't have any good data on its infectiousness or deadliness among non-Asian populations, but that's going to change in the coming week.

< The (((Western Media))) is bending over backwards to convince their goyim slaves that everything is fine, this is just like the regular flu, and there's no need to stop producing shekels.

> Difference in Receptor Usage between Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus and SARS-Like Coronavirus of Bat Origin

> Something to do with lungs

If I'm reading correctly, the weapon required the presence of a specific enzyme, ACE2, which is more common in East Asians. Read the attached doc for a description of what they intended to manufacture. Attached pic should give you an idea of the populations who are primarily at risk.

< [The SARS-like Coronavirus] uses angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) as its receptor for cell entry.

This document is proof that (((somebody))) intended to manufacture a weapon, by splicing genetic material from HIV into a SARS-Like Coronavirus. Fucking proof, from a 2008 Journal of Virology article - they're not even hiding it. The only missing link is (((where))) the CCP received the technical (((assistance))) to manufacture the weapon.

I have a suspicion that (((Dr. Frank Plummer))) is tied-up in this.

> Did China Steal Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponize It?


> Frank Plummer, former head of the National Microbiology Lab, dead at 67


> Israeli, Canadian disease experts develop partnership


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7617e5  No.41670

File: 52c7f701b92f744⋯.png (14.28 KB, 596x191, 596:191, 1581357788232.png)

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0cf8b0  No.41671

File: 988f875e2095b5e⋯.mp4 (2.45 MB, 368x640, 23:40, 543564hbf4.mp4)

The CCP demands you now dance.

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580162  No.41672



Missed those. Can you sauce me up?

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dfe2a2  No.41680

File: e03cb8a38c920f0⋯.png (182.93 KB, 359x281, 359:281, fuck this I am getting dru….png)


>Dance Flu-fags Dance!

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5ab8d2  No.41684


<See how our deathcamps are fun? Everyone is having fun there. Fun is, in fact, mandatory.

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0cf8b0  No.41686

File: 52b98db1b273030⋯.png (518.13 KB, 661x801, 661:801, 345rgf.png)

A second UK GP surgery is closed due to the virus. This is not the same one that was closed this morning. This is a second one in Northamptonshire.


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dfe2a2  No.41689

File: 2d1fa545590024d⋯.jpg (57.87 KB, 680x537, 680:537, LR-lRVkAJNKK0Nsp2WtPffEEAG….jpg)


Might be a good thing. Native Celtic* Britbongs have a 40% resistance to the Wu-Flu and seem to be able to shake it off. All the non natives are fucked right up the ass. China just solved the UK's immigration problem and all it took was bat-soup with side of T-Virus.

*The English ones think they are Germanic but they aint, they the same as the drunks up north but taller.

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0cf8b0  No.41692

File: 7293a5d31acae89⋯.mp4 (2.2 MB, 480x852, 40:71, 342grfeewdq.mp4)

>Reported as a women in Wuhan trying to get out of her quarantine.

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857a23  No.41693


You don't have to greentext the link just post the full URL and it will auto convert to hypertext.

Also archive the articles too in case it gets memoryhole'd.


Already been posted >>41210

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dfe2a2  No.41694


>Poor woman scared out of her mind falls to her death.

>W.H.O and China its just the flu bros.

Fuck W.H.O and fuck The CPC.

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430abf  No.41695


>We really do not have a large enough sample size in a western country

No, CDC, WHO, and the US State Department aren't releasing the races of people with American citizenship in Wuhan and their infection status.

There's enough expats in China to know exactly what's going on right now.

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bfaf68  No.41697

File: 9660c4ae3277bd4⋯.jpg (443.96 KB, 957x1118, 957:1118, 9660c4ae3277bd40b1a7a5a80a….jpg)

HIV II: Wanton Flu


Jackie & Charlie Chan

Coming to a cinema near you!

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8e9686  No.41699

SHTF Prepping Archives

Free Homesteading And Survival Manuals

Just got done uploading these files for anons.


SHTF Prepping Survival Video Tutorials

An older but classic archive of Youtube prepping tutorials gathered from dozens of channels before the great info purge began.



I have a few other archives like these but the other archives are FREAKING HUGE (over 10GB worth) so for now this will have to do. The others I will consider uploading when I have more time to spare.



Yes I have some printed out already, not all of them though. If the grid goes down I have a couple 12V solar chargers and spare 12V batteries that hook up to power inverters (500 watt and 2,500 watt inverters) that I could power my laptop on or other appliances with.

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ce4fa8  No.41703


Noticing a lot more Chinese nationals in central Texas. Especially at night here, which would be around daytime for them. They also have that weird fucking duck walk with their feet pointed in opposite directions.

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fd6d5c  No.41704


>got a magnet?

A torrent file is provided within one archive I just uploaded:


I would love to upload the rest of my archives but that would take too long, for now this should do as there is plenty of info provided.

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6158f8  No.41706



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d5188a  No.41707


>Texas Anon notices mainland bugmen that have escaped to Texas.

>Not realizing that they are there to spread the joy and wonders of Corona-Chan

Here is hope that they will infect the mexicans first or at the very least the Californian transplants.

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31a7e0  No.41709


I do wonder how susceptible Amerindians are to Corona, considering their Asian origin.

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fcb15e  No.41710

File: d04d01b37c71c29⋯.png (81.6 KB, 800x2016, 25:63, chinaculling.png)

Is this analysis of Chinese internet activity just a load of bullshit, or is there something to it?

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f1e30f  No.41713


What is the source of the internet data? What does it look like during normal times? Could it not be due to sleep schedule's being completely thrown off from such a stressful situation? My initial inclination is that this is bullshit, why would the Chinese be putting videos out of people killing themselves, the Chinese government murdering people in streets?

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a3cb1b  No.41715


jesus christ, did they shut off all the utilities and leave them locked up? godbless communism. china numba wan alright.

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dfe2a2  No.41716


>Culling dissidents

Have you not seen the death cube? They are just culling random folks for sneezing.

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31a7e0  No.41717


If there are a fuckload of people holed up and not going to work/school/etc, then why would they keep a normal sleep schedule?

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d3e761  No.41718


Like >>41713 said politically it doesn't make much sense. Also it's China we're talking about, if they really had done this then you'd know about it because everything getting out would party propaganda showing everything is fine, they don't do subtlety.

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712f05  No.41719


>why would the Chinese be putting videos out of people killing themselves, the Chinese government murdering people in streets?

hypothetically to draw out and provoke dissidents, to make them easier to identify and detain perhaps?

still seems like a very dumdum and unlikely ploy. though perhaps thats exactly what a bugman would choose to do? they are nothing if not myopic.

I still highly doubt the leak videos are from CCP, though.

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5ab8d2  No.41720


It's (probably) bullshit.

a) It's measuring internet activity by DNS query rate. Chinese people aren't going to be using Chinese DNS or the state 100% knows every move. If they're posting to western social media, they're going to use a proxy, which usually doesn't use DNS to connect to, so it's not counted.

b) It'd be blindingly obvious if they cut all of china's internet from the outside. Chinese gamers would vanish for once. What about Chinese with friends in the west that text with each other? 5000 elite shitposting agents can't imitate the manner of speaking of millions of people.

c)It claims internet usage is continuous, which it's plainly not. It's got ups and downs, just like America's, except the downs are shallower, which makes sense if you consider that they have more people and more 24/7 factories since they don't give a shit.

Also, the scale on the y axis is missing and you can fake any data if you hide the scales.

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fcb15e  No.41723


>What is the source of the internet data?

It looks like it's taken from some Oracle web tool, but I'm not much of a networking guy, so I don't know how to perform such a an analysis myself and see if the data was bullshit. Was wondering if anyone else knew how to do it.

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0cf8b0  No.41724

File: c1c4e0d6f395fa0⋯.mp4 (1.41 MB, 480x848, 30:53, 4ff3y4yj.mp4)

Anyone have further info on what's going on in Singapore. I'm reading of panic buying and empty shelves.

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857a23  No.41726


>Is this bullshit?

Well why don't you post a link to the source data and maybe we can help you verify it?

You didn't even mention where this data came from or where you found it..

For fucks sake anon put some effort in.

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e787a8  No.41727



We will never know. He dead. Cohencidence? At the same time he was visiting Africa a mysterious plague breaks out there as well…I can’t find his schedule so at this point it is totally cohencidence.

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eef47d  No.41729


I'm sure we can figure it out, but the average chinese peasant or western normie when cut off from internet will be screwed.

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e787a8  No.41731


Culling dissidents OR none of these videos are real.

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f1e30f  No.41732

File: ec0d309990a9aa3⋯.png (50.35 KB, 807x203, 807:203, singaporecoronavirus.png)



>Singapore’s coronavirus outbreak has spread to its financial center, with some staff at major companies being told to work from home for at least the next few days and temperature screening checkpoints set up at the front doors of several towers.

>There are 45 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Singapore – the largest number of infections outside China, excluding a quarantined cruise ship in Japan. Of the total, 23 cases are locally transmitted infections, according to the city-state’s health ministry. Seven people have fully recovered from the infection and been discharged from hospital, while seven are in critical condition.

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04daeb  No.41733


It came from Jim Stone I'm guessing. He likes to critically observe events and happenings around the world and often RANTS LIKE THIS!

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ce4fa8  No.41735


I definitely realized that they were walking plagues, and treated them accordingly.

Here's a list of where I've seen them so other anons can cross reference or some shit.

Home depot, Lowes, Target, HEB, Walmart, CVS.

They're buying masks, pills, and food/water.

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a4b350  No.41736


>masks, pills, food/water

Of course they are.

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e787a8  No.41738


I like Jim Stone. At first I disagreed with him on the possibility that the bug people didn’t set this loose partially because I am used to them screwing the pooch with everything they touch…I didn’t think it was some ‘Grand Masterplan’ but rather one of their typical incompetent fuck ups, just like all their other incompetent fuck ups. Now I am not so sure. Starting what they perceive to be the NWO (which isn’t going to happen now) they would have aggregated their strength into one united government…IDK maybe china was too stupid and greedy. Either way, none of this is going to work out like they thought.

I am relieved to be free of the kikes finally.

I am relieved that the planet is going to be free of kikes as well.

>trust the plan (when the only ‘plan’ for the last 3,000 years has been your ‘genocide’), right fags? /sarc

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000000  No.41739


the virus does survive outside the body thanks to a protein envelope it takes when budding out of the cells in the respiratory tract.

On a stainless steel surface at 4 degrees C it can stay transmissible for up to 28 days.

>source Dr John Campbells vids


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f5f4c1  No.41740


I'm not saying he's a kook or is wrong about everything, I do agree with a lot of what he has to say, but he isn't always correct about everything. He likes to critically think which is a good thing. Sometimes its good to get his perspective on topics. I don't like China has fully cut off the internet though, I'm pretty sure the world would know so if they did.

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d7a6db  No.41742

File: b58d92272a7273d⋯.webm (4.72 MB, 1440x1080, 4:3, the ballad of goldberg.webm)

>>41671 >>41684

>dance goyim

>inside a quarantine building


Don't encourage fungusfag, they are 1/5th of the entire fucking thread alone because they are greedy fucking kikes.

Bet China isn't cut off. I'll hit up my contacts there later when they are awake and ask them shit that can't be botted..

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000000  No.41744


chinks could also be using VPNs to post, which makes it look like they're from a different country

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475f07  No.41749

where do you find all those vids? they are sick!

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857a23  No.41750


Stop replying to the schizo fungusfaggot

He's only here to waste your time and slide the thread.

Just report, filter and move on.

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27fbbe  No.41752



That's Oracle Internet Intelligence Map https://map.internetintel.oracle.com/?root=national&country=CN

Comparing China's DNS data to other countries' data is worthless like what >>41720 said. You need to compare current Chinese data to older Chinese data before the coronavirus became big news. The Oracle map data is worthless because it only covers one week.

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78c7d4  No.41754


Nice summary from Molyneux

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2906ba  No.41761

>>41600 If you can get Manuka Honey, do so. It has antiviral properties as well as other proven benefits.

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857a23  No.41763

File: 63d991546d31843⋯.png (17.92 KB, 300x346, 150:173, embed.png)


The embed function is there for a reason, use it.

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78c7d4  No.41767


Apologies. I’m a noob.

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5807d0  No.41768

File: 9be5c16b7de0254⋯.png (363.28 KB, 512x940, 128:235, 79df174c3e9984ddc6d6f1c913….png)


lmao thanks for posting

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a0624e  No.41771

File: a0a1fc87f288b69⋯.mp4 (6.01 MB, 600x338, 300:169, autism.mp4)


>Puts children in plastic bags.

>Everyone laughs.

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f1e30f  No.41772

Welcome to leftist California grappling with how to do a quarantine while still holding to their retarded values.


>County officials are planning to declare a local health emergency in Santa Clara County Monday due to the coronavirus outbreak.

>This does not mean there is an increased risk to the public.

>The two cases are not related and the county says there is no evidence that there is a person to person spread of the new virus in the county.

>Both patients, a man and a woman, recently traveled to Wuhan, China and have stayed home since returning to the U.S. except to seek medical attention.

No spread, everything's fine, don't worry about the Chinese, but we need an emergency declaration.

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25bc4c  No.41773

File: ba10fad717ad7d4⋯.jpg (80.15 KB, 581x486, 581:486, www.jpg)

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d7a6db  No.41774


mathsfags (immortalised in OP) predicted


official just jumped to


Starting to ramp outside of Hubei now.. shit is going to get really interesting.


Thanks for the update/augumentation of that delicious ACE-2 pasta, anon

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2f99a2  No.41777

File: 531728260e0f7c7⋯.png (209.9 KB, 664x509, 664:509, Yaravirus Brasiliensis has….png)


Doesn't say if there's anyone infected with it, apparently it's just chilling out in the lake. So now we have Corona-chan, that mysterious Nigerian virus and Yaravirus-chan.

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f1e30f  No.41778

I really expected a bit more of a reaction to my last post, you guys don't think a county in California declaring a health emergency over coronavirus is noteworthy?

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a4b350  No.41779



I mean, it's certainly noteworthy. That Cali has cases is fairly obvious. But man, if it gets rampant Cali's gonna be in for a really bad time.

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2f99a2  No.41780

File: 83b065f169e4b64⋯.gif (300.57 KB, 360x270, 4:3, hazmat Ron.gif)


What else can I say other than ==ABSOLUTELY HAPPENING==

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a0624e  No.41781

File: 8314f70ad60fca3⋯.jpg (29.98 KB, 500x309, 500:309, no idea.jpg)


Nope. California and everyone in it can get fucked.

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b00467  No.41782


Newfags should be lurking

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a4b350  No.41784


I'm really hoping that the weird shit popping up is just folks looking for weird shit and discovering it where it's been overlooked before. I mean. How often does somebody check to see if an amoeba has a cold?

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7047da  No.41785


I don't think most of us consider California part of America and see most of the people who live there as enemies.

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7cfb53  No.41786

File: 7dfeb0160893960⋯.gif (946.81 KB, 500x390, 50:39, 7dfeb0160893960a09f2b338ba….gif)


>13,968 is how many bodies would have to be cremated […]

>2 months in

Rookie numbers

>Does Wuhan even have the capacity to cremate this many bodies?

If only the Nazis were still around to show them how it's done, huh guys.

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f1e30f  No.41787



Californians don't stay in California so this mindset is a bit dumb when it comes to an outbreak. If any state gets it in significant numbers every state will.

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d7a6db  No.41788



Good point anon. If they are reporting with only two cases, I'd say they are worried that they have spread it to many people and not just 'stayed at home'.. why else the panic?

But fuck commiefornia anyway, kek hope all the city faggots there get poz. The rural folks there hate it more than /pol/ does.


Myself and every othe ranon in this thread knows the numbers are low balled by order of magnitude or more. Just you can't prove it beyond SO2 and personal accounts/hearsay and some videos.

kek though, holohoax BTFO by chinkroaches.

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7cfb53  No.41789

File: ac6647d95153445⋯.jpg (2.51 MB, 3696x2645, 3696:2645, Checkum.jpg)

>>41788 (Heil'd)

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a0624e  No.41790

File: 2af13a851fe634f⋯.png (384.36 KB, 703x625, 703:625, holy fuck.png)


Thats why everyone except Califags need to be armed

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000000  No.41791


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0a7289  No.41792

File: 62005f90e0e6771⋯.png (229.09 KB, 714x867, 14:17, ClipboardImage.png)


Thats taking "dance until you die" a bit too seriously.


Man im slowly starting to feel nervous about all of this shit.

What is even going on anymore ?


Well its just two cases allegedly so thats not too bad for now.

The virus could not have picked a better place than Cali-"poop on the street"-fornia though, that state seems to have 3rd world tier hygiene standards and a huge homeless population.

Also, the whole "no evidence that there is a person to person spread of the new virus" is pretty rich considering they have no way of actually knowing that.

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df57f7  No.41793


To be honest, the number of deaths does not matter as China's population is too big anyway. The bigger problem is what kind of ramifications this event will have on future political events, especially the (((financial system))).

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857a23  No.41794


>I really expected a bit more of a reaction to my last post

What are you farming reddit gold here? kek

Your post >>41772 is high quality and great appreciated, this thread needs more like it. I've been living in /cvg/ on multiple boards for the last 3 weeks, I've already embraced the happening so I'm numb to all this.

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8a1b95  No.41796



i searched information about this and it can't infect people it just new and never seen

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f1e30f  No.41797


>two cases allegedly

Reminder that this has a long incubation period and its contagious even before you're displaying symptoms. If it wasn't a big deal they wouldn't be declaring an emergency, really unlikely that there's just two infected, they must believe there's more.

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551d29  No.41798

File: 63ca44f6e5a6bf4⋯.jpg (69.82 KB, 690x393, 230:131, Ebola Begets Corona.jpg)

Ebola-Chan begets Corona-Chan.

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857a23  No.41800

File: 67c9803bd841c7c⋯.mp4 (4.66 MB, 320x556, 80:139, 1226787615971725315.mp4)

>Guangdong Zhanjiang police open fire on unarmed people and shouting at their colleagues.

Society is starting to collapse, chaos is spreading.

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515d13  No.41802


was it really necessary to make that chart brown.

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a4b350  No.41803


Search your heart for the answer.

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857a23  No.41804


That's the color of the streets in San Francisco, seems appropriate.

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857a23  No.41806

File: b9df07069290075⋯.mp4 (603.87 KB, 368x640, 23:40, 1226931972192206849.mp4)

Remember: the police are your friends

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33ac0a  No.41808


Am I blind? I saw no shots fired in that video?

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2cdd4c  No.41810


I guess when shtf we will have a legitimate excuse to shoot anyone in a car with a cali plate.

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f1e30f  No.41811


Shot happens off camera and you just hear it from what I can tell. When camera angle goes back noone appears shot. Accidental discharge? Either way with police arguing with one another and getting in each other's way in public things definitely seem to be getting more chaotic.

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0a7289  No.41812



I think the cop who got the mask ripped off fired a warning shot. There was a different recording of that situation posted earlier but i cant find it anymore.

Cant really blame him since getting that close to most cops will result in warning shots fired.

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f1e30f  No.41814


drunk thot patrolled, not seeing the issue

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0a7289  No.41815


Found the earlier post.


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857a23  No.41816


You can hear it @1:02


>noone appears shot

I didn't say anyone got shot.

>Accidental discharge

Probably. The cop pulled his gun out to intimidate, but why was the safety off if he wasn't planning to shoot?

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5f323e  No.41817


In third world shitholes cops fire warning shots into the air.

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2f99a2  No.41818


Live in third world shithole, can confirm. It's been a while since I saw a cop doing this in my country though.

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f1e30f  No.41819



Yeah, definitely a warning shot. Given that people were putting hands on him I don't even blame him, wish we had subtitles to know exactly what's going on though.

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c3e250  No.41820

a chinese girl likes me. wat do?

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712f05  No.41821

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

molymeme seems to be going all in on nCoV as a bioweapon. its getting closer to mainstream acceptance.

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d7a6db  No.41822


They also do it in first world countries.

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bac8f0  No.41823


Run away as fast as possible

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515d13  No.41825


If you are white don't

If you aren't white then fuck her and get the fuck off our board nigger

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c3e250  No.41826


I touched her nipples already. am I infected?

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857a23  No.41827

File: 371b3880d193fd2⋯.mp4 (719.55 KB, 206x360, 103:180, 1226733658637246465.mp4)


This guy was just drunk too

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712f05  No.41828



careful, many insects are known to kill and eat the male after mating.

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33ac0a  No.41829


>I didn't say anyone got shot.

You said they opened fire on people. That explicitly means firing in their direction. You got my hopes up for basically nothing.

>but why was the safety off if he wasn't planning to shoot?

What makes you think chink engineering would have a properly functioning safety?


If you're a chink, and she's a family oriented non-slut, you wife her.

If any of those aren't true, you tell her to fuck off.

This isn't hard, anon. Why do you even have to ask?

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2f99a2  No.41830

File: 87220e6ccc6ed14⋯.jpg (178.19 KB, 760x663, 760:663, RIP Pepe.jpg)

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000000  No.41834


well do u wanna die a virgin

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caa879  No.41838

File: f31f1cd82af0b4c⋯.jpg (320.81 KB, 713x1267, 713:1267, 1581204860134.jpg)


How many level 4 labs are there in the world? What are the odds these retards are going to doom us all by sending it to a lab that ill prepared for this virus?


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857a23  No.41839

File: c03bff41a795f7d⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 2.79 MB, 853x480, 853:480, 78180bd6438783394b37f8adb….webm)


>I touched her nipples already. am I infected?

Depends on what you mean by 'touched'

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2f99a2  No.41841


I don't think they're sending the virus itself to these countries, just testing kits to diagnose people with suspicious symptoms. Unless the kits include an active sample of the virus, if that's the case then please forgive my ignorance

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4246d5  No.41843



>Depends on what you mean by 'touched'

Sauteed them with some favaa beans and a nice chianti

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236ff3  No.41844


Yeah you're 100% dieded m8. Maybe someone will come to your funeral.

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2f99a2  No.41845


Okay what the fuck, it happened again, I clearly remember clicking >>41838 yet the reply went to the previously replied post instead. Either my browser brave is fucking up or the site is.

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515d13  No.41853


wait I thought that was just an anime thing what the fuck.

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f1e30f  No.41854


Probably some weird cosmetic surgery.

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06951d  No.41855


Trump finally made good on one of his campaign promises.


I feel like a great many retards are dooming us with their worse-than-useless quarantine protocols. Like we're being ruled over by an army of homer simpsons.

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caa879  No.41867

File: fd95d07b5d179e5⋯.png (233.61 KB, 500x375, 4:3, Hazmat -11.png)

File: fc6e6575d8cb842⋯.jpg (196.01 KB, 805x833, 115:119, nCoV pics-25.jpg)

File: c7184ebec7de0a3⋯.jpg (1.64 MB, 1800x3000, 3:5, coronachan.jpg)


>Like we're being ruled over by an army of homer simpsons.

That or they are taking this opportunity to improve their chances for a successful depopulation attempt. There is no way that these lying motherfuckers are that fucking stupid.

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91ed39  No.41868


Why the fuck couldn't they just quarantine them in China?

I fucking hate the governments of our world. Fuck, China actually is more strict about who can leave China, then Canada and other nations are about taking them in. Chinese to Canada are like "no way fags, you're not infecting yourselves with corona chan".

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9be295  No.41870

File: 6e6e62e0d3912fe⋯.jpg (96.85 KB, 617x665, 617:665, CChanB.jpg)

File: d4e2f0820a0ec44⋯.jpg (134.87 KB, 1358x1347, 1358:1347, yih18350esf41.jpg)

C-C-P-Corona Chan!

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91ed39  No.41871


You're unreasonably mad at that poster. Makes me think I should pay more attention to what he's saying.

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91ed39  No.41873


I already got my propagation trays with about 400 plants being started. It's a little bit early and I probably should wait until March but every season I do some experiments and I can just discard the seedlings and start again in March if I feel like it or I can slow down the growth of the seedling intentionally stunting them temporarily until they are ready to go outside.

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91ed39  No.41874

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Night Club - Scary World


Theme song for this thread.

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91ed39  No.41875


It could be they just carry it on their fur but don't get infected by it.

My god are we fucked if the beef gets infected with this stuff. I can't live in a world without beef.

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91ed39  No.41877


The girl is so cute! May her sons kill many jews!

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000000  No.41878



look at him

look at him and laugh

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2f99a2  No.41882

File: d249f26747f9b2a⋯.gif (182.58 KB, 1090x1035, 218:207, cutest shrug.gif)


Well what can I say? I'm open to recommendations. I double checked to see if I'm replying to >>41878, if this reply goes to another post, shit's fucked up

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d7a6db  No.41884


Thanks so much anon. In return; SHTF guide which I think was one you mentioned.. either way here is le magnet.


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539625  No.41885

File: ca7dd7df43e9569⋯.mp4 (2.94 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Indian students evacuated ….mp4)


When the Chinaman dances in quarantine, it's sad and depressing.

When the pajeet dances in quarantine, it's fun and uplifting.

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2f99a2  No.41886

File: 03960e31c91dbcb⋯.gif (593.7 KB, 200x200, 1:1, goku_laugh.gif)

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e787a8  No.41887


>team israeli, fuck yeah…right, there are ‘rules’ that need to be followed when you are on a fucking imageboard in the middle of a pandemic.

You fucking kikes are WORTHLESS slags.

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539625  No.41889

File: ced729e54507395⋯.jpg (19.88 KB, 480x360, 4:3, look.jpg)





>using protocols that they block or manage 100% as a basis for any kind of measurement

Pic very much related.

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0a7289  No.41890


Didnt you just reply to their "cheese laden roast beef kike whore part nigger ass" ?

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2cdd4c  No.41891


are they still dancing?

The are shilling halfchan extra hard with the burger spam. I am not sure how to analyze that, my best guess is that they assume that this will die down, but what happens in a few weeks if it does not?

As it stands, the longer this goes on, the more time there is to prep. Though i suspect that the panic will begin when the garbage disappears off of the shelves in the retail stores.

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ad7a86  No.41892


Filter, anon. Filter.

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d3e761  No.41893


You're infected with miscegenation and other kike mind viruses. It's terminal anon.c

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539625  No.41894


Why not? Good chance at getting away from Corona chan.

The worry is not in the mortality rate of the virus itself, which seems low-ish.

But rather the percentage with complications that will require medical care. Takes time and money to fix pneumonia, health resources will get overtaxed if enough people get complications.

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d7a6db  No.41895


Check out Vivaldi, Opera isn't too bad either.

Firefox still has best video ripping addons though :/

P.s. fungus sperg will probably hit bump limit talking/botting/pasta'ing to themselves. So someone else will have to make the bread if I'm AFK (likely at this rate as they have returned from lunch break/shilling elsewhere).


Pastebin of /cvg/10 template.

Thanks in advance to whoever does it if needed. Cheers

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e787a8  No.41897


I was going to wait a few weeks to start my seedlings. I have tons of fruit and berry bushes going in though. You need things that are not totally dependent on you for care just in case you spend the majority of the year sick. Actually you need to shift your lifestyle so that you can harvest enough food without it being dependent on you. For all you know, you will be sick for the rest of your life.

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2f99a2  No.41898


Thank's for the recommendations, I have already tried Opera and enjoyed it, gonna check out Vivaldi when I find some time.

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e787a8  No.41899


That doesn’t explain why they are burning all those animals. I KNOW WHAT THEY SAY, ‘muh swine flue, muh bird flu’, but what if it wasn’t that at all? What if it is corona Chan all the way?

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539625  No.41900




Waterfox is a good alternative as well.

It's Firefox but as ultimate Vanilla: no pocket, no random popups, no telemetry, no pre-pinned sites, etc.

It does have Bing as a default so the guy makes money, but easy enough to delete that.

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d7a6db  No.41901



Visual representations of the tabs is actually worth the larger tab bar if you are like me with 6 gorillion tabs open. You drag it down to enlarge it. Enjoy!

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e787a8  No.41903


Further reply anon…like I said, someone will reply to them using the words SKANK KIKE when they finally get back off browsing twitter like the double nigger cunts they are…

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ad7a86  No.41904

File: 636aed9464d2e68⋯.jpg (1.6 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Red Death.jpg)

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28dcc8  No.41905


>yfw the fungusperg creates the newbread with fungal OP.

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e787a8  No.41908


I love that you make it this easy to filter your kike nigger slag ass.

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e38880  No.41909

The Jews were unable to let loose the bio-weapon using terrorist proxy agents like a Uyghurs branch of al-Qaeda. The reason why the Chinese are genociding the Uyghurs in the first place was because Israel and Saudi Arabia were using AlQaeda agents and drug money to create a Uyghurs version of ISIS in Mainland China to destabilize that region. The plan failed miserably so they had to go back to the drawing board.Their next moves were the Hong Kong CIA protests and this Virus.

It would be obvious to everyone that Israel and Israels colony the USA were behind it and China and a bunch of other countries would retaliate.

Before they can unleash a bio-plague to genocide their racial enemy/competitor the Chinese and tear their country apart with a pandemic. First the Jews needed a plausible narrative that the CCP did this to itself by accident. So you make a Canadian lab easy to steal from for Chinese spies. You have a Harvard Jew professor take Chinese bribes overseeing the operation (Isaeli agent ordered by mossad to help the Chinese steal the virus) Then they track the virus to a lab in Wuhan. Once they know the viruses location they send a jewish agent to infect the local meat market with their cultivated virus they smuggled in through CCP customs (would not be the least bit surprised if the virus container was smuggled through an Israeli diplomatic pouch)

Targeting the market less than 10km from the lab,creating narrative to hide their hand in the attack. Blaming it on a local selling infected lab animals there.

China and Israel are not fully aligned and do not see eye to eye in their future visions of the world.

It’s about power and control. Israel doesn’t enough over China and need more so they can roll out their vision of a one world government, currency, religion seated and controlled in Israel. Also China holds a vast amount of precious metals that they want/need going forward with their new monetary enslavement scheme.

copied this from half chan makes sort of sense

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e38880  No.41910


Idk fam I think its more plausible they're just excuses to engineer famine and have them die quicker/en masse etc

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28dcc8  No.41911


Sick my duck!

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f1e30f  No.41912


>Muh based China

>Chinks not in bed with jews already

Its another episode of cuckchan retardation.

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2f99a2  No.41915


>No telemetry

That sounds very nice. Will definitely check it out.


My machine spergs out if I have more than 3 tabs open along with my reaction images folder so I don't think that will be a problem.

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e38880  No.41916


jews def had a hand in creating the communist party and modern china but dont forget chinks are basically walmart kikes and its not entirely impossible that they managed to outkike the kieks at some point on this one

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4e55fb  No.41918


Maybe the kikes are angry that China is using their strategy to manipulate the West into doing their bidding.

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e8e13d  No.41919


Vivaldi is shit too.

Just use Firefox with Librefox user.js/html

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539625  No.41920


Bookmarking that for future research, looks pretty neat.

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f1e30f  No.41921

File: 12e3f9d9a774dd1⋯.png (324.53 KB, 875x644, 125:92, china jewish studies ran b….png)


>Its not entirely impossible that they managed to outkike the kikes at some point

They didn't people are just ignorant of how much jews control China as well. Pic related is far from the only one. There's chinese that consider jews the superior people as well: https://youtu.be/JOxgXB6AsVY

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000000  No.41922


I hope your duck feels better :(

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eef47d  No.41924


White girls have a high rate of STDs so you need to decide. Do you want your penis to melt off or do you want your lungs to spew blood?

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2f99a2  No.41925

File: f80ad74d0621dbd⋯.png (149.32 KB, 514x522, 257:261, Corona-chan arrives at san….png)

File: 77bedeb9f6d4b1a⋯.jpg (388.94 KB, 826x890, 413:445, Corona-Chan gets her passp….jpg)

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000000  No.41927

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0a7289  No.41928

File: 987a09d05d0c0f0⋯.jpg (35.58 KB, 375x523, 375:523, bait.jpg)


As if fungifag wasnt enough, here is the next attempt to derail, now by a butthurt hapas.

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1910a7  No.41929

File: f5ea704c7e8bdf1⋯.png (25.94 KB, 595x212, 595:212, HFzSZDo[1].png)

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b5cce1  No.41931



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337736  No.41932

File: e944653fd4284e9⋯.jpg (90.14 KB, 875x356, 875:356, 1581384392662.jpg)

File: 04dbb364cdb1dc7⋯.png (38.56 KB, 631x441, 631:441, 1581385764233.png)

File: 97bb73a996e95ea⋯.png (27.18 KB, 590x161, 590:161, 1581386781497.png)

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2f99a2  No.41933

File: 1ea417c37fbd54b⋯.jpg (54.04 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Corona-Chan does an oopsie.jpg)

File: 23a9fb7e3aa2362⋯.jpg (122.51 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Corona Chan singing Bodies….jpg)



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ec569a  No.41934


Palemoon and Epic Privacy browser are good alternatives too, no ad or third party tracking. If you use Firefox might as well use Tor and disable all the bullshit with about:config

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2f99a2  No.41937


I have used Palemoon in the past for quite some time, forgot why I stopped using it though.

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2f99a2  No.41944



See? It happened again. I'm 100% sure I clicked your post and your post only, it doesn't seem to happen constantly, only occasionally. It also seems it happens only here on 8kun, this hasn't been happening with other imageboards. Maybe it's some strange incompatibility between the linux version of Brave and this site's code. I think I'm just gonna lurk until I find time to install another browser.

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95013c  No.41946


i would have thought this a better theme song:


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2cf366  No.41947


I've tested a whole lot of browsers before. Brave was one I also had a problem with whenever I wanted to enable the onion routing option. Not sure if the newest version has the same problem, it might. I also noticed that Brave created a whole lot more sqlite (and other cache) browser data than average browsers which looked rather suspicious to me.

Tor with a few about:config tweaks to disable webGL, webRTC and telemetry is good option. I also removed all the third party URLs (including mozilla.org/mozilla.net links) in about:config so they can't collect data on my browser.


Palemoon is a good alternative, it has a lot of junk disabled/removed by default.


Epic Privacy Browser seems to work well, and does block ads by default, I get very little popups using it. Comes with a built-in VPN too.


Dissenter is unique, blocks some ads by default. Main purpose is to provide users with alternative solutions to web censorship by providing a default add-on that users of the browser can use to chat with one another inside individual URLs. The add-on cannot be moderated so there is no censorship in the decentralized chat.


Ungoogled Chromium is a fork of Google Chrome that has all of Google's spyware removed by default. It works like Google Chrome but without third parties services built-in so you don't have to worry about the browser data connecting to unwanted data-collection networks.


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eed992  No.41949


Entire country bullied out of their rights by one ornery chinese man with this one weird trick.

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4e55fb  No.41950

Biology question :

Since there are a few people who had recovered from the virus, doesn't that mean a vaccine is possible?

I know nothing of biology, especially regarding microbial infections and the immune system.

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000000  No.41951

can anyone give me a number of how many australians are infected? we dont really get told shit here, we lost our right to know the truth a long time ago. same time as we lost our rights to protect ourselves, free speech and general quality of life…actually fuck it, dont give me the numbers, hope this cunt of a place crumbles. you deserve every bit of this australia.

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a4b350  No.41952


A vaccine for one may not work for after mutation happens. And thus far this virus seems to REALLY like to mutate.

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b988b8  No.41953

Question on the economic front: Did these damn chinamen actually get back to work today? Did the majority of the chinese, especially in these lockdown cities, actually go out to work their shitty factory jobs? Did we get any confirmation on that or what? IIRC they were supposed to go back out like good little termites today despite the risk. I honestly don't know if this thing will get big outside of China, but the economic element is what's going to get really rough if they don't get their shit together soon. Is the Chinese workforce actually re-activated and productive again?

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44031d  No.41955



Even with a vaccine, can we even trust our governments anymore? It looks more like the CDC and WHO are trying to cover all this up and are promoting the spread of this virus if anything (example would be the WHO telling us we shouldn't ban travel to/from China after the outbreak). I really don't trust these people anymore.

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337736  No.41957


>Did the majority of the chinese, especially in these lockdown cities, actually go out to work their shitty factory jobs?


>iPhone maker Foxconn reopened its Zhengzhou plant in recent days. However, only 10 percent of the workforce returned.



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b1daf0  No.41958

This pretty much confirms were fighting a family of corona-chans.


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8281d1  No.41959


I don't think so. I've seen plenty of footage where the Chinese government is doing the exact OPPOSITE. They're barricading the entries to apartment buildings so no one can escape and get out alive. They're setting up massive checkpoints and blockades all over the place. They're ripping people out of their homes by force off to quarantine gulags. They're disposing of hundreds of unverified bodies per day in crematoriums (that recently leaked out too). UPS in America just announced today they are delaying the transfer of goods from China. I don't think we will see industry come back for a long, long while.

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f1e30f  No.41962

File: f2b464f83f16482⋯.png (313.4 KB, 606x538, 303:269, back to work day.png)


Business Insider

>Even with most provinces officially back to work Monday, it didn't seem like many people were working in the country's biggest cities, social media photos showed.

>On what Rabinovitch says would have usually been "packed" subway during his morning commute there appears to be only five people in the carriage and plenty of empty seats.

>Chinese tech companies such as Tencent Holdings, ByteDance, and Alibaba asked their employees to continue working from home until 21 February, according to Reuters and The Financial Times.


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a4b350  No.41964


The WHO is in China's pocket and comedically so. The CDC appears to be still trying to get a grip on what exactly is going down because China still refuses to cooperate with them. And the CDC also doesn't want to set off a panic, because everyone is EXPECTING them to announce 'We're fucked.'

Let's pretend for a moment that the CDC is not an arm of some kind of conspiracy and is, in fact, trying very hard to contain a possible bioterror accident that is leaking out of China into the US, without being able to actually get proper information from China on what's happening. They're having to learn all they can about the bug and what it does on the fly, assuming that anything China DOES give them is bullshit.

And they know as well as we do that if they make a misstep, there will be a boogaloo to end all boogaloos.

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06e8f2  No.41967




Unfortunately the case is among those quarantined from a evacuation flight from china last week, so they had no chance to spread it, except among those quarantined.

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06e8f2  No.41968




Fortunately/unfortunately the case is someone among the quarantine of an evacuation flight from china that flew in last week, so they had little chance to spread it outside of the quarantine.

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36ac7d  No.41972

File: ccc82a8105e4518⋯.jpg (756.78 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1411391800975.jpg)

File: 15bdd0b177fe677⋯.jpg (531.41 KB, 1920x1946, 960:973, 1418949559326.jpg)

File: 149278aba3c396c⋯.jpg (343.22 KB, 877x533, 877:533, 1411384583140.jpg)

File: 03f0d38aa239983⋯.jpg (100.07 KB, 680x793, 680:793, 1411384942832.jpg)

You know what's the most disturbing part of all this?

There is not a single unified depiction of Corona-chan. We're 10 threads deep and i keep seeing different ones, and only a few of them are cute. What the fuck is wrong with you faggots? ==THIS ISNT A GAME==


how do you expect to cheer this on and give it your energy if there isnt even a single mascot?




the one that looks like a paper doll in the OP is unacceptable. stop shilling it. i dont care how easy it is to animate in videos

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06e8f2  No.41974



fucking shit didn't post, I should've known better than trying again

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0d3b54  No.41976

File: ee6cc5bbe2cadd0⋯.png (271.88 KB, 416x717, 416:717, Screenshot at 2020-02-10 2….png)


The best…

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ad7a86  No.41982

This thread is the gayest fungus thread in the history of faggotry.

Having said that, for anyone poasting about potential vaccines: there is not, nor can there ever be, a vaccine against 2019-nCoV because Corona Chan is a retrovirus.

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0d3b54  No.41984

File: 8b80c4ae44feb60⋯.jpg (37.86 KB, 600x620, 30:31, 2aa3c78752e6838d4f8f476584….jpg)


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a4b350  No.41985



And where did you pull this out of? Your ass?

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36ac7d  No.41987


>the one that looks like shadman drafted it is the best.


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e8e13d  No.41988

>>41955 The fact is they really do. Supply chain for surgical masks or anything masks in general are GONE in Asia. I've been in South East and I couldn't find any mask anywhere, it's probably the fact that companies are hoarding until the demand strikes where they could resell at skyrocketing prices or just use it all to themselves. My theory is that the local freemasons have disrupted the supply chain of masks, and that these very same people were 'promised salvation' by their overlords in exchange of promoting agenda21. It's only a year apart, I guess they're trying to wipe out the 7.3 Billion population by 2021 considering we are at MMXX or 2020 where freemasons et. al. have planned a lot of cryptic shits for us this year.

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d3e761  No.41989


Good summary. Shit we already knew days ago, but good to have it all in one place.

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0d3b54  No.41990

File: 7ea8b7e9a711021⋯.png (475.83 KB, 1055x592, 1055:592, Screenshot at 2020-02-10 2….png)

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0d3b54  No.41991


Post it…

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e8e13d  No.41992

>>41988 This includes the third world war blueprint from Albert Pike mason.

It all makes sense to me now how Soleimani was part if this, Isisrael and the Iranians are at conflict which is neither the fault of each nations but the swamp running (or should I say ruining) it from within, like how those Iranian officials have Masonic ties. It all makes sense, the WW3 was meant to instigate a cockfight between the previous religions, Judaism, Christian, Muslim destroying each others (EU, Arabia) they can then reinstate the World Order and along it the New Religion of Anti-Christ.

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70a4f1  No.42001

File: 2914833277c2ff6⋯.png (445.59 KB, 601x310, 601:310, wuhantravel.png)


>Incubation period of nCoV may be longer than expected. A woman in North China's Shanxi Province was diagnosed with nCoV 42 days after returning from Wuhan.





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49d287  No.42002

File: bfac26474327ef2⋯.jpg (75.56 KB, 1024x747, 1024:747, 1581273676440.jpg)


What's the name of that bug folk tune he starts playing? I've heard it before. Not going to lie, it's kinda catchy.

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49d287  No.42004


What's the name of that bug folk song he starts playing 20 seconds in? I've heard it before. Not going to lie, it's kindsa catchy.

Let me post you double nigger

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28e419  No.42006



Rabinovich (also spelled Rabinovitch ) (Рабинович, רבינוביץ), is a Russian Ashkenazi Jewish surname, Slavic for "son of the rabbi". The Polish/Lithuanian equivalents are Rabinowitz or Rabinowicz.

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28e419  No.42007


Rabinovich (also spelled Rabinovitch ) (Рабинович, רבינוביץ), is a Russian Ashkenazi Jewish surname, Slavic for "son of the rabbi". The Polish/Lithuanian equivalents are Rabinowitz or Rabinowicz.

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28e419  No.42008


8kunt is broken again

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f6f5a4  No.42010



It's makeup you fucking tards

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eef47d  No.42011


Not a hapa. Just making a joke, but really if you look at statistics in the USA. Whites have higher rates of STDs than asians. Still far lower than niggers and spics though. But sure… everyone is a kike shill posting bait.

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c2ccd7  No.42013


>Whites have higher rates of STDs than asians

because asian men cant get pussy

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18d511  No.42014

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I've heard a very plausible story from a Chinese friend. Apparently the plague originated not from the P4 biolab but a different P3 biolab in Wuhan. It seems there was a breach there and a woman working in the lab breathed in viruses through a de-pressurized hazmat suit. She died the day after, and they thought that was it, but the workers at the crematorium she was sent to got infected. Apparently this happened last summer already and this is why it is so widely spread in China, they've been covering it up for a long time.

I'm paraphrasing a bit here but this information was from a Chinese video released two hours ago that has not been translated yet. If anyone here knows Chinese and could translate it to verify the information that would be great, otherwise I'm sure someone will translate it soon anyways.

The guy who posted this video has been active on twitter regarding this too, I think some of his posts were in one of these threads as well: https://twitter.com/stone62855987

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eef47d  No.42015


They are the worst. I can't help but laugh when I see them attempt to flex masculinity.

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9f8226  No.42020


> Le ministère russe des Affaires étrangère a annoncé le 11 février devant la presse qu’il y avait bien des cas de coronavirus sur le continent africain.

>L'épidémie de pneumonie virale s’est propagée jusqu’à l’Afrique où des cas ont été détectés, a annoncé mardi 11 février lors d’une conférence de presse Oleg Ozerov, directeur adjoint du département d’Afrique du ministère russe des Affaires étrangère.

>«Il y en a», a notamment dit M.Ozerov au sujet de l’information selon laquelle aucun cas confirmé de coronavirus sur le continent africain n’avait été repéré.

The Russian Foreign Ministry announced on February 11 to the press that there were many cases of coronavirus on the African continent.

The epidemic of viral pneumonia has spread to Africa where cases have been detected, announced Tuesday, February 11 at a press conference Oleg Ozerov, deputy director of the Africa department of the Russian Ministry of Affairs foreign.

"There are," said Ozerov, in particular, of reports that no confirmed cases of coronavirus on the African continent have been identified.

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c22df5  No.42021

File: 89d9e6bd5cde3e0⋯.png (242.8 KB, 660x349, 660:349, turdworldcountry.png)


Pic related



Shame on you. The response should have been Shit yeah.

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a0bf25  No.42022

File: d43fb6ad56b3fee⋯.jpg (543.02 KB, 1205x800, 241:160, cn6d85870883afd8f8888ae88e….jpg)

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981415  No.42025

File: 6b3fa73d832f98b⋯.gif (201.4 KB, 660x780, 11:13, kek wills it.gif)

File: 86696b420826b52⋯.png (475.32 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1488.png)




Anon, the reason there is no unified corona-chan is because she truly is of Chaos. There are so many mutations, that she can't have a single mascot. There is a nice cuddly one with pneumonia, the kill you ded one, the 24 day incubation one, etc etc

>If Kek was a virus, it would be this.


This is also my favorite for memetic purposes as it's clearly obvious who she is and it's clean. But other ones can also be just as useful. Depends on the target.

As other anons asked I'd still love to see that one standing on a pile of dead bodies.

Also an idea anons, I and other anons have had to do this before;

If niggermods won't do their work to prevent bread spam (fungusfag and co), I or someone else can make a separate board.


>L'épidémie de pneumonie virale s’est propagée jusqu’à l’Afrique où des cas ont été détectés

This is about one of the best sentences I've ever read in frog.

Wew lads


As myself and other anons predicted, she won't be detected properly for quite some time.

If they know she's there then she's been there for weeks.

Comfy Virus Gang /cvg/



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ae1096  No.42028

File: a0ce03b7902d622⋯.mp4 (494.81 KB, 480x848, 30:53, FG342.mp4)

People trying to get past the southern road block. Many made it out.

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a0bf25  No.42029

File: d711d731dac73c8⋯.jpg (541.57 KB, 1205x800, 241:160, cn6d85870883afd8f8888ae88e….jpg)


danke mein Freund,

sorry forgot to erase some stuff. I present a new version

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71e9fd  No.42032

dumb fucks

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e38880  No.42035

are you guys stocking up on guava or are you guys not wanting to make it?

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33ac0a  No.42040


I doubt I'll get it, doubt I'd die if I did, and frankly don't care if I die anyway.

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28e419  No.42041


Think about you're waifu…

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e787a8  No.42042


It is starting to look more and more like /pnd/ is a bunch of high school kike cunts with nothing to say at all except what they find ‘browsing’ twitter and that halfchan maybe a much more interesting place at this point. These stupid kike slags don’t contribute anything of value to the situation and they are so proud censorship’ like all kikes because they are insecure about the fact that they are too stupid to offer up anything meaningful in terms of the discussion other than OTHER PEOPLES NUMBERS or stupid and possibly totally unrelated videos from China that they ripped off the web.

Look at their absolutely ASININE response to you. It makes sense that it would be kike high school roast beef part niggers when you think about it because the fags around here would relate and remember and ‘wanna be in the in crowd’ more than they would care about DYING due to lack of information.

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e787a8  No.42045

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This does explain the huge culling as well…lets say that it was a bacteriophage like the cuckanon said (since there appears to actually be USEFUL information on cuckchan as opposed to this kike PROCENSORSHIP BULLSHIT that has taken over THIS BOARD that the mods do nothing about) that this is a bacteriophage that only attacks lysosomes…well almost all life has lysosomes, so all living things are 100 percent vulnerable to the bacteriophage. This could explain the mass culling and lying about the ‘swine flu’ etc. This still doesn’t explain the spread…which is much more fungal than viral or bacteriophage attributes. Look at this video of them spraying SO2 (skip to the middle; I got this idea to look this up from those fucking retarded roast beef pro censorship cunts)

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e787a8  No.42046

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Now look at this one: See anything that looks similar?

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ba30a1  No.42048


I'm stocking on virophage samples. Planning to inject them in me once the symptoms show up.

One of these fuckers might eat the goddamn coronavirus. Or kill me. Whichever comes first.

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72ea10  No.42050


Fucking glowniggers that posts twitter shit.

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e38880  No.42052


So what do you think they are spreading?

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33ac0a  No.42054


I'm too autistic to find a decent 3DPD, and somehow manage to be too autistic to get into actual 2D waifuism.

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e787a8  No.42056


SO2 cocktail. China is a huge producer of SO2.

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a4cd06  No.42058



1) is always wearing a red cheongsam, sometimes with a different pattern.

2) has bat wings (she is airborne, and should have wings)

3) should usually be holding a corona beer

4) should have twin buns, which have a coronavirus hair decoration on them

It's not "unified," but the above are the common traits of corona-chan.

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e38880  No.42059


for what? is that the fungi theory? Thought so2 was fungicide i might be wrong tho

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e787a8  No.42061


They are telling you (probably) that it is most likely an ELE that is here to stay. Like I said before, lets say it is not a fungus (yeast, candida, etc etc which is the most likely at this point) and it is a bacteriophage that attacks the lysosomes…what are you going to do? Find a physical substitute for lysosomes? LMAO…? No, you are not.


Yes, the fungus theory…remember that fungus are not ‘mushrooms’ alone, they are a huge class of different organisms that perform different functions. Let’s say, for shits and giggles, that it is a ‘yeast’…well the only thing that really stops yeasts is a lack of food (almost 8 billion people on the planet +animals; so not stopping anytime soon) or alcohol (it suffocates the yeast because alcohol is yeast shit)…so SO2 or some cocktail of it would also be a fungicide…but lets say that they doused all of Wuhan in SO2 they will never get it all and will also breed superyeasts that are immune to SO2. So CHINA IS FUCKING UP THE PROGRAM AGAIN.

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ba30a1  No.42062


She should also be bat-shit insane, because bats and her random mutations.

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28e419  No.42064


>Injections of sulfur dioxide in the stratosphere has been proposed in climate engineering. The cooling effect would be similar to what has been observed after the large explosive 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo.


It is too hot on China, nothing to worry about.

>The paper presents results of experiments with fumigation of different concentrations of SO2 on Flamulina velutipes, Nematoloma fasciculare, and Pleurotus ostreatus. All the three concentrations of SO2, 84, 168, and 1.680 microgram/m3, had inhibitory effect on the growth of the fungi species. The inhibitory effect on the growth of the fungi species. The inhibitory effect increased with increasing SO2 concentration. All the three fungial species were prevented from growing by the concentration of 1.680 microgram/m3 SO2. Any changes in morphological structure of hyphae, were not observed.


I still don't believe Corona-chan is a fungus, but hey, one must never trust neither communist "facts" or kike Rabinowitcz "theories"

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e38880  No.42066


Idk what to think at this point anything we're seeing c ould very well be placed there on purpose (a lot of times its the police/officials themselves filming it seems) so who the fk knows

stock on food stock commodities stock supplies and Godspeed anons

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981415  No.42069


>falling for cuckchan fungus D&C

>don't calculate bodies burnt from SO2, goyim

>it's just fungicide because viruses are now fungus, goyim

>fungicide sprayed in a rural location where everyone is

Did you read the thread? Or the last one?

It's not a fungus, this has been BTFO time immemorial and fuck head fungus fag spammed the thread (120 posts for one ignorant FUCK, imagine if all anons spammed it that much) so hard to derail and discredit the work of the other anons.

The only slightly relevant part to this is that it could (unsubstantiated but theorised) act as a bacteriophage. E.g. attack bacteria to deliver the virus.

The faggot here saying 'its got fungus spliced in' is a fucking retard, because fungus is like hundreds of times the size of a virus. It's like a whale fucking a chihuahua, not happening.

They have been proven wrong multiple times then resorted to thread shitting (120 posts) to disrupt it because nigger mods here don't consider it spamming for some reason when you rant autistically to yourself 120x after being ignored by the rest of the thread.

Stop replying to it. Read the fucking thread (and end of last thread) where this was discussed ad-nauseum.

The only thing SO2 is doing in REMOTE AREA OUTSIDE OF WUHAN CITY is as a byproduct of huge amounts of burning bodies. It's the only direct/hard evidence that the death toll is orders of magnitude higher as each burn off is in the 10k bodies range.

This is what fungus fag wants to cover up, low rent CCP nigger shilling.

Understand now?


Fungus is hundreds of times the size of the virus. The virus DNA sequence is well known. We know everything that's inside it (including a few tiny parts of HIV spliced in = genetically engineered) it's public record. There is nothing to do with fungus.

Stop derailing the thread with this disproven shit and stop feeding (((120))) spammer than niggermods won't do shit with.

If need be I'll just make a new board for real discussion with actual moderation of shit that is utterly disproven, BTFO and then spammed 120x after before it gets to 120x.

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e787a8  No.42070


‘white’ includes half of fucking mexico according to the US government. If you looked exclusively at Europeans you would find a reverse of that trend and that bug people had much higher STD’s than actual White/Europeans since they have no concept or reason to value morality culturally. Cheating or extramarital sex is par for the course for all of them because their culture doesn’t tell them it is wrong and when you are dealing with bugs they all look alike anyone, no one would know if the bug female cheated.

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e38880  No.42072


Ok but help me understand what they are spraying. Im not pushing the fungi theory im trying to understand wtf they are vapin around

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11f7a2  No.42073


Watch out for FUD spread by governments / disinfo ops deliberately trying to discredit every legit concern. This happens ALL THE TIME on image boards and other internet forums. Classic distraction tactics. Best way to deal with them is to have your say, expose their BS and move on completely ignoring them and not giving them any attention.

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e787a8  No.42074

It hasn’t been challenged at all anons. The kikes want you to be to intimidated by their bullying to look at the possibility. You can tell A KIKE because they believe in censorship just like all the subhuman trash that is destroying this planet. Can you all SEE the desperation in its posts?

Test their information. It is all lies. Look at their information on SO2 being outside Wuhan…go look it up, it is in the heart of Wuhan, not out in a forest. These FAGGOTS are relying on you not doing the legwork yourselves. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.

A lot of MONEY is at stake if it is a fungus FUCKING NO ONE is going to want to take ANY PRODUCTS from china since a fungus can live indefinitely (as the testing on the virus matches a fungus more and more) the kikes and bugs are getting fucking DESPERATE to ‘muh sell you something’…they don’t give a FUCK IF YOU DIE.

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e787a8  No.42075


That person only wants to sell you ‘muh chinese goods’ anon. They don’t give a shit if it kills you to buy them.

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e787a8  No.42076


Muh censorship is the best way to deal with the truth anons.


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e5d67d  No.42078


FUD (Fucked Up Disinformation) is often planted by disinfo operatives working for agencies or corporations trying to cover-up real legit concerns about corruption, criminal negligence, utter incompetence and other public scandals. When there are people who want cover-ups there will be operatives hired to try to spread FUD to discredit logical and legit exposure of their crimes.

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219689  No.42079

File: 73ff43847f1994b⋯.jpg (30.36 KB, 960x600, 8:5, WUHAN CONTAGION 1POINT3.jpg)

Wuhan Contagion 1.3 - 1 minute more of latest Coronavirus scenes


I'm sorry, I couldn't cut much out from v1.2 because it felt wrong to remove parts, so it's longer now by about a minute, but for the better I think. At least we have a historical record in a few minutes.

Bat soup. Leave it in or out? Some say bat soup, some say engineered virus. I don't know, so bat soup has to stay unless someone has a better visual to convey the start of the contagion.

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5f8e74  No.42080


I never said censor them, I said expose the FUD they are spreading and don't keep feeding them. They'll go away when they know they can't control the narrative anymore.

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e787a8  No.42081




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f6f5a4  No.42084


>Some say bat soup, some say engineered virus

Those are not mutually exclusive.

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18d511  No.42086


If mods here are going to keep sleeping I think you should go ahead and create a new board to discuss corono, maybe call it /cvg/ if that's free? The fungus FUDnigger is derailing too hard and the thread is already slow as is so every second post is this shill.

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e787a8  No.42087


Fine…but the fungal theory is looking more and more likely as we compile data…look at the fucking cruise ship…that thing is never going to sail again. It is totally contaminated. This is one of the things I agreed with most about the cuckchan Virologist anon who thought it was a bacteriophage. Pic.


If it was something like candida (a FUCKING FUNGUS) it would not only be behaviorally like HIV (which it is) but it is an airborne FUNGAL STD…just becasue it isn’t a fucking MUSHROOM doesn’t mean it isn’t a fucking fungus.

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16a6a4  No.42089


I just don't see how a fungus can spread like a virus and rapidly contaminate everyone else who is in contact with another infected person like viruses generally do. Fungi effects people who come into contact with it directly. You can't catch fungi from other people the way you catch viruses from others.

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e787a8  No.42090


Muh censorship will fix this outbreak. You know NOTHING but I WISH that you would fuck off…we are trying for DISCOVERY here, this is not your personal fucking board. Please do fuck off you censoring POS.

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e787a8  No.42092


What makes you think it spreads like a virus? Other than you have been told it spreads like a virus? This seems pretty atypical for a virus to be honest.

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c3de63  No.42093


If it doesn't spread like a virus, it is likely fungi, but note that this corona is rapidly spreading and contaminating where ever there are people round. Whole cities are not covered with fungi, their metro transportation is not covered in fungi, their shops are not covered in fungi…. the only logical way this could spread so fast and rapidly is by viral contamination.

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981415  No.42094


Read this. >>41010

>Propylene Glycol

It's basically smoke fluid/vape fluid without the shit in it. It was listen as an air sanitiser in hospitals until 2014 or so. It can be used on fungus but not just that. Which is where autistic kike went off the rails on that stupid theory.

Easily they can add other things to it as long as they can handle the vaporization temp (~200 degrees IIRC). I have 8L of the real high grade shit laying around from another life. It's safe.

This is what fungus fag thinks Wuhan is. They post no evidence, just spam walls of text.

They have been BTFO multiple times in this thread alone (and last) and ignore it, claiming no evidence. This is how jews 'argue'. Hitler himself said so very clearly and explained this.

Won't let me post images but will when it works again.








AND in last bread;

>>40829 >>40830 >>40836 >>40848 >>40706 >>40925 >>40921 >>40838


>but there's no evidence proving me wrong, goyim

fucking kike.


They already were BTFO multiple times in this thread (and more so in the last) and kept spammign the same shit and talking to themselves. Stop talking to them, stop wasting posts on their stupid shit it's disproven beyond any doubt.


Am going to do if the server stops shitting out.

>when mods suck so much dick they can't moderate spammers


>muh circular arguments

>muh strawmans

newbread incoming

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040022  No.42095

Need new bread, I cannot bake

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e787a8  No.42096

Honestly, it doesn’t fit the typical contagion spread for a bacteriophage either as those are rather elusive. It does, however fit the spread profile for a fungus, along with all the SO2 spraying you can all pretty much assume it is a fungus. The US Gov is not going to ‘tell you this’ because they are hoping to use it to facilitate a gun grab along with martial law and again, like the kikes and bugs, they don’t give a fuck if you die.

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1cafc1  No.42097

File: c5a5c48e780f37e⋯.jpg (182.25 KB, 1045x1200, 209:240, cure.jpg)


>can only consoom!

>need lolis to coom!

Collecting data and information is more important than fulfilling your degenerate masturbation fantasies. Learn to draw one yourself instead of complaining.

And most importantly: Go be a pedo somewhere else.

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e787a8  No.42098


No one has BTFO of ANYTHING you kike faggot. It persists because we are STILL IN DISCOVERY.





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000000  No.42099


fuucking end yourself pedo

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