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File: 4ce74f50f5f0fb9⋯.jpg (53.3 KB,501x423,167:141,runandhide2.jpg)

File: 49f0ae31b5bc15a⋯.jpg (47.87 KB,250x456,125:228,chat3.jpg)

File: e21ffbfcd15a2af⋯.jpg (38.17 KB,250x449,250:449,chat2.jpg)

File: d0d6f38dc9823bc⋯.jpg (24.46 KB,305x250,61:50,chat1.jpg)

File: 11e25ded46d389f⋯.png (205.13 KB,589x708,589:708,runandhide.png)

3ec407 No.391738

Right after the founder personally called them out for being degenerate freaks and threatened to come after them for the multiple felonies committed.

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394e1c No.391749

"run and hid"

That's improper grammar

You obviously didn't graduate high school

And apparently, never even went to elementary school

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000000 No.391750


Didn't they only prove that project 2025 is a chinese psyop?

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5d1cbf No.391840

File: 403a84989787b4d⋯.jpg (1.02 MB,1000x3450,20:69,games2.jpg)

cyber warfare

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5d1cbf No.391841

File: 6ee2abfb3016ac1⋯.jpg (1.03 MB,1000x4850,20:97,cyber1.jpg)


wrong image kek

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