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43ef0e No.391611

I'm your average melon eating, chicken bone sucking Nigger American. Besides my physical features, why do you hate me?

Say something nice or you're racist.

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e72ac2 No.391612

It's amazing that this was the best you could come up with.

It shows a decided lack of creativity or inspiration, nothing even vaguely articulate, let alone any semblance of a collegiate syntaxual core.

yep, with this thread, you've managed to attain the ubiquitous 'slow learner's level, the 4th grader who is 3 years older than the other 4th graders.

your vocabulary clearly demonstrates your lack of education

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e72ac2 No.391613

Nothing more than a primal substandard uneducated vocabulary

It's not that I disagree with you


You make white people look bad

You make it seem like we're all uneducated lowest common denominator trailer park white trash, just likeyou

You make us look like all white people have a low IQ

You're not doing us any favors

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e72ac2 No.391614

To say your thread is boring would be an understatement of epic proportion

Boring and written on the level of a brain injured third grader

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4dd2ff No.391615

I can't understand your big words. I'm actually a nigger. Why do you hate me though?

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