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File: af79ace9638b343⋯.mp4 (5.62 MB,1280x720,16:9,ajgdq34.mp4)

eb42cd No.391557

Two teenagers accidentally died doing very deadly popular internet social sites Choking Game challenge. First was from South America and the second one from France. Teenagers livestreaming doing this challenge on social sites, where they restrict blood flow to the brain by strangulation or hanging in order to get a high euphoric feeling. These two did not survive it. Passing out in the process and getting accidentally hanged to death.

First part shows body discovery of S. American teen, in the secluded part of side street, right outside of school area, from where he was livestreaming it during his school break. Second one was doing it from his room. Using some long thick rubber band, also made into a noose. It takes him some real effort, using both of his hands to stretch it down over his neck. With such strong tension no wonder he had passed out very quickly after that.

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dedcf1 No.391593


Super arousing

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b53048 No.391594



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dedcf1 No.391595


Yes. THEY are who died doing it

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