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df807c No.391271

Gain of Function

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df807c No.391272

It's pieces of shit like Killcen who are responsible for the bird flu.

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465436 No.391273


Absolutely! It's uneducated backwoods redneck dumbass hillbillies who don't understand fourth grade level science… But they pretend to be virologists online.

(Killcen is literally one of the least educated people I've ever seen)

And when the bird flu became an issue last year, he BELLIGERENTLY refused to follow scientific protocol.

It's uneducated white trash morons like him who are responsible for the zoonotic transference from birds to mammals.

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cd43de No.391284



You fucking lying con-artist communist bastards just want to destroy America's food supply chain and starve people. Covid was a hoax just like your FAKE "bird flu" scare. FAKE FAKE FAKE, you lying glow in the dark bastard fraudsters. Fuck you, me and my family will continue stocking up on meat in our deep freezers!! Lying communist fascist brown shirt scumbags.

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