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File: bd00ddf06cbb295⋯.jpg (89.51 KB,608x680,76:85,436136.jpg)

ca64ff No.391263

Biden Wanders Off At G7 While Putin Names Two Conditions To End War With Ukraine

Joe Biden’s cognitive decline was on show for the entire world at the G7 summit in an Italy Thursday as he randomly wandered off from the other dignitaries during a sky diving demo.

While everyone else concentrated on the military personnel doing a live show right in front of them, Biden looked around, turned his back on it and began to wander away looking lost.

Biden’s daily meds list was leaked earlier, but judging by this he is going to need more: https://x.com/paulsperry_/status/1801293391101329913

The amount of drugs they are going to have to pump into him for the debate is unfathomable. pic.twitter.com/Fzf8Yx7nxO

— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) June 13, 2024


Meanwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin in a Friday speech addressed the West's efforts to host a major Ukraine "peace summit" in Switzerland this weekend. Though scores of world leaders will be there, Russia has not been invited, and China has snubbed the event citing that it's pointless without Moscow's representation given it is a party to one side of the war.

Russia held referendums in late September 2022 for these war-torn oblasts, and the overwhelming majority of voters were in favor of being absorbed into Russia, which Kiev and the West called a "sham" election.

Putin recently outlined his conditions for peace and stopping the conflict immediately.

#1. Ukrainian troops must be completely withdrawn from the Donetsk People's Republic, the Luhansk People's Republic, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions

#2. Ukraine must reject ambitions to join the NATO alliance.

"As soon as Kyiv says it is ready to do this and begins really withdrawing troops and officially renounces plans to join NATO, we will immediately — literally that very minute — cease-fire and begin talks," Putin said in the talk given to a gathering of diplomats.

Interestingly, Putin showed signs he could be willing to compromise when it comes to territory, which is a bit of the first and hopeful sign that he's serious about finding ways to wind down the war.

But despite what appears to be very serious possible overtures, the Zelensky government has long maintained that it will not countenance negotiations or peace settlement until there is a full withdrawal of Russian armed forces from Ukrainian territory as existed pre-February 2022.

Speaking to foreign ministry officials, the Kremlin leader said: ‘Calls to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia, which possesses the largest arsenal of nuclear weapons demonstrate the extreme recklessness of Western politicians. They either do not understand the scale of the threat they are creating – or are simply obsessed with their own sense of impunity and exceptionalism. Both can lead to tragedy.’




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04d7ae No.391275

File: 21132d54be1cef6⋯.png (814.9 KB,1078x1639,98:149,Screenshot_20240616_065156….png)


gullible idiot

stupid uneducated easily manipulated fool

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04d7ae No.391276

File: 18211f7bdbc6719⋯.png (753.16 KB,1079x2139,1079:2139,Screenshot_20240616_024011….png)


Where your STUPID gullibility began:

believing the obvious lie of 'christianity' and your imaginary 'god'

saged filtered and reported

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04d7ae No.391278



All these years, and you never got ANYTHING right!

not even once, you fucking idiot.

You're going to jail

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9f5d2e No.391281

>>391263 saged

you're so stupid, that you never even watched the video to discover what really happened

(you are stupid and uneducated)

Conservative media outlets selectively used a camera angle that left out important context to spread a claim Thursday and Friday that President Joe Biden wandered off from a meeting of world leaders, but the full video at another angle captured by 8KP News tells a different story.

Instead of wandering off, Biden was walking toward a group of parachutists who had just landed in an Italian clearing and gave them two thumbs-up.

The deceptive video began spreading online shortly after a photo opportunity at the G7 summit in Puglia, in southern Italy. Biden and other leaders from some of the world’s largest economies stood on a green lawn while people in military uniforms parachuted in carrying oversized flags of the different countries.

Several cameras, including one from 8KP News, were present to document the meeting, where Biden was expected to push for more support for Ukraine in its war against Russia.

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956c1c No.391282


No, I saw the full video on Twitter, everyone has access to it if they desire to see it, you lie.

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956c1c No.391287

File: 870226d808fe772⋯.jpg (124.78 KB,720x676,180:169,biden_dementia_his_voters_….jpg)

FULL VIDEO leaked. Here it is.



Not that I even care about this, we already knew had dementia years ago. He's just being used as a senile puppet to destroy America from within and everyone who has a functioning brain stem already knows it by now.

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956c1c No.391288


You easily fall for communist propaganda yet you do not understand America has been taken over by communists. These people hate Russia because they want the USSR back and in their pockets $$$ and that's the dirty little secret behind the neo-con and their $$$ endless wars of aggression $$$.

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343e72 No.391420

Corrupt dolts running our nations, not much we can do other than sit back and watch the shit show unfold.

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e1ee72 No.391426

What could go wrong with a "leader" who has dementia?

Had enough yet? No?

Expect the same and worse more often then. Bye bye faggots.

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e1ee72 No.391427


USSA wants their Soviet vassal state back but Putin won't allow it. That's their $ecret.

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4a1ab7 No.391675

Ukraine still has a chance to sit with the Russians and negotiate a peace agreement. It doesn't have to be "to the last Ukrainian" just because NATO & the US MIC want it that way….

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0c2bba No.391734

true news bump

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bef11d No.391745

Parkinson's disease.

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17eabb No.391751

Who voted for this senile old fuck again ohhh yeahhh niggers

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000000 No.391752

>trump shot

>no new thread

>only bot posts


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343e72 No.391770

anti-slide `08735f

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