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File: 5b2a779db9e4dd1⋯.jpg (633.47 KB,1080x1429,1080:1429,A_Message_From_8KP_.jpg)

d1318a No.391132


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55781c No.391133


are you talking about that old man? eeewwww

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a6c00c No.391134


you must be talking about that old drunk lunatic. (I heard he's peed on his sister's sofa several times)

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321cac No.391136


Good advice but don't worry, we all filter block and report him for spam every time. But since it's so important to you, we will report him more than once whenever we see his threads.

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5ced32 No.391139


everybody here hates that crazy old drunk idiot. none of us ever read his stupid threads

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1d51c1 No.391140


I fucking hate that guy. He killed his wife, molested his daughter, drank all of his money away, and now he posts CP threads. Everybody hates him. He's an idiot. He can't even spell.

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bd7f09 No.391141


Are you kidding me? Are you telling me Killcen is the pervert who posts the cp shit in here? yes! report him every time!

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027153 No.391143


You're talking about the guy who calls himself Killcen. He's been here for years, and nobody ever reads his threads or clicks on any of his links.

Are you telling me you have reason to believe He's the one posting all the CP garbage in here?

Honestly, I've noticed that every time somebody posts CP, you can always find Killcen suspiciously present.

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1f370b No.391144

>80 year old alcoholic schizo


checks out

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