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File: f1c70e2f13668a4⋯.jpg (693.23 KB,1080x1853,1080:1853,8kun_Prepper_4.jpg)

d019f4 No.390882


the US labor market been appallingly weak, with most of the jobs "gained" in 2023 and meant to signal how strong the Biden "recovery" has been, about to be revised away (as first the Philly Fed and now Bloomberg both admit), but more shockingly, all the job growth in the past few years has gone to illegal aliens.

We first pointed this out more than a year ago, and since then we have routinely repeated - again, again, and again - yet even though we made it abundantly clear what was happening…



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b5d5f6 No.390883

Now know why there are no Americans any more. great job covering this breaking news!

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090c6c No.390884


you have researched this story with the same passion and dedication that you always demonstrate.

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edc570 No.390885


but that's not true. Unemployment is at an all time low, and very few of these jobs have gone to illegal immigrants. the only 'jobs' offered to illegal immigrants are picking fruits and vegetables, or cleaning slaughterhouse equipment

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9ed9ea No.390886

you are the only reason I come to 8kun. I love reading your articles!

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4f7e3a No.390887


you might be America's Favorite Prepper but this article is fake news.

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a81df8 No.390888


Now I know why it's impossible to find any American employees anywhere in America. Home Depot employees are all illegal immigrants. Not a single white person works in America now.

Walmart in Target and Old Navy and every goddamn company in America has fired all of their American employees and replaced them with illegal immigrants!!!

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41b4d4 No.390889


you are definitely the best Prepper I've ever seen! I love reading your breaking news articles

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41b4d4 No.390890

I love your slogan REAL NEWS RIGHT NOW it perfectly describes what you do.

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d019f4 No.390909

This is the best thread I've ever seen in 8chan before.

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