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5f4536 No.390769



Real News Right Now©

A forewarning new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov declaring about the socialist Western colonial powers allowing its corrupt puppet states Ukraine to use NATO weapons to strike deep into Russia: “I’d like to warn American actors against miscalculations that can lead to fatal consequences…For some unclear reason they underestimate how serious a response they could face”, says this warning declaration was joined by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg fearfully observing: “The level of Russia’s weapons and ammunition production since the start of the conflict with Ukraine has surpassed NATO’s expectations”—and is a fearful observation clearly proving NATO paid no heed at all to Supreme Commander of the German Army Lieutenant-General Alfons Mais when he most factually warned them in 2022: “Russian resources, like the resources of the Russian army, are practically inexhaustible… Many underestimate the Russian Armed Forces… This cannot be done”.

You Heard It Here First

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9cf7f8 No.390770


Another fantastic article, as always. That's why I respect you so much, because you research your stories and you're an excellent writer.

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afa9ac No.390771


you're so young and virile!

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e9331d No.390772


you are an American hero. thankyou for your military service.

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57618d No.390773


I always enjoy your unique reporting style! keep it up!

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cee1f0 No.390805


excellent job

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446d9a No.390830


you're a cutie! are you married?

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54eed2 No.390831


I ordered some merch last week. I can't wait for it to get here! you have some fashionable styles.

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3b89aa No.390832


I learned so much from your article. Ive seen lots of people praising you online. now I understand why. you are the best.

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be55ea No.390833


best prepared Prepper who's ever prepped

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12a6fb No.390834

This is why we love the 8kun Prepper!

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f9c1ff No.390876

World Awaits Trump Victory Over The “Maniacs With Nuclear Weapons”



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f9c1ff No.390877

World Awaits Trump Victory Over The “Maniacs With Nuclear Weapons”



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f9c1ff No.390878

World Awaits Trump Victory Over The “Maniacs With Nuclear Weapons”



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f9c1ff No.390879

World Awaits Trump Victory Over The “Maniacs With Nuclear Weapons”



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