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File: 6359c609caa19b7⋯.png (508.31 KB,1006x1065,1006:1065,325255.png)

f76f4c No.390638

US Federal Government Now Trying To SHUT DOWN and SEIZE News Organizations

The absolute despotism and tyranny of the US federal government is growing by the hour. One day after political prisoner Donald Trump was convicted of 34 "felonies" in a bullshit rigged Soviet Show Trail, a court-appointed officer overseeing the Infowars bankruptcy apparently went rogue on Friday and tried to seize and shut down Alex Jones' studio without a court order, despite having a reported "path with the [bankruptcy] judge to continue on for years."

On Saturday, Jones held a four hour X space, in which supporters including Gen. Mike Flynn, Steve Bannon and Roger Stone commented on the situation. All three suggested that Jones stand his ground and peacefully resist.

According to commentator and attorney, 'Viva Frei' (David Freiheit), the court-appointed Chief Restructuring Officer (CRO) in the Infowars bankruptcy, Patrick Magill, "showed up to lock the place down," adding "and apparently in the absence of a court order."

"This is going to be Infowars' last show, because I learned yesterday that they were going to padlock the door and kick us out last night," Jones said during the Saturday space.

Breaking: Feds Attempting To Shut Down Infowars Tonight!

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) June 1, 2024


"They are trying to shut us down," Jones told us when reached for comment.

A CRO is typically appointed during times of significant financial stress, and is tasked with overseeing the restructuring companies in bankruptcy. On Saturday, Jones suggested that his legal team had come to terms with the judge in the bankruptcy proceedings regarding a long-term timeline for transition, and was instead surprised with an ambush by Magill to seize his studio.

DEVELOPING: @RealAlexJones GOES OFF on Biden's feds who he says are in the process of shutting down InfoWars and seizing his studio.

"You will at the end of the day know that Alex Jones, the American patriot, defeated your evil ass!" https://twitter.com/TPostMillennial/status/1797003016668840027

Jones says Magill is trying to "obviously and maliciously" entrap him, per Frei, in order to "facilitate the shutting down of Infowars."

It is getting very clear and very ugly. The Biden regime HATES Americans. They HATE our free speech. They HATE the US Constitution and rule of law. They want Americans silenced and to be stripped of any representation, even the right to freedom of the press. This government regime is disgustingly Anti-American.


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199b79 No.390648

File: 9f0607a3c1fbba3⋯.jpg (395.31 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Facial_Recognition.jpg)


and obviously(You)are trying to SHUT DOWN your daughter's marriage.

apparently, you're jealous another man has sex with her

(She's not 8 years old anymore)

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199b79 No.390650

File: a831525ec3b21e7⋯.jpg (400.65 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Picsart_24_05_31_06_35_39_….jpg)


'''It is getting very clear and very ugly. The one-man Killcen regime HATES other men having sex with his daughter. He HATES that his son in law can still get an erection, but

he can't. '''

Now we know why he's destroying his daughter's marriage.

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f09084 No.390850


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