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6b6edf No.390625

If I could choose which species would be purged from the face of the earth, it would definitely be the gays, those sons of bitches with those disgustingly effeminate faces and those fucking colorful clothes that are capable of giving you an epileptic seizure, argh, I just can't do it admit that these freaks live with superior heterosexuals, I hate them all and I want them all to be burned to death in a pit of fire while an succubus rapes them

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490ddd No.390632

My choice would be anyone who still believes Keynesian economics and government control over the economy, actually works.

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22da90 No.390634

The gay, really? When niggerd, jews, indians, and commie faggots still walk free and breath our air? You have much bigger enemies, and eliminating some of those would take out gays aa a byproduct

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1ebe32 No.390637

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If you got rid of Keynesian economists, there would be no central banking, and if there were no central banking system there would be no communist big government, and if there was no communist big government then there is no Marxism or subversive ideology being imposed or enforced against societal norms, and the whole fag issue becomes illegitimate, fags would run back into their closets instead of whoring themselves out in public trying to fuck your kids under the protection of a communist big government and a communist public school system. Niggers would not be able to live off endless welfare either. No central banking system equals no kike control. It is the abuse of our fiat money supply by Keynesian economists/central bankers that caused all of this shit you see today.

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