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ff7ee5 No.390384

[South Korea] Death of a new recruit, 1.5-kilometer 'In Full Gear' running, and push-ups… against regulations


According to the KBS report, the deceased recruit walked two laps of the barracks in full military gear, and then collapsed while running in full military gear as commanded. The combined distance of walking and running is estimated to be about 1.5 kilometers.

“It is reported that he even did push-ups while in full gear, which weighs more than 20 kilograms,” a military official said.

From the current information we have, the cause of the recruit's death is believed to be heat stroke, and it was a female company commander who pushed the recruit to his death.

South Korea is currently facing a manpower shortage, with more than 95 percent of young men are forced to conscripted into the military service, and even men with disabilities or very weak bodies being forced into the army. Now, the country is preparing to send orphans into the army.

South Korean internet public opinion says, “Female officers are trained less than soldiers, and they are usually on desk jobs, so they see male soldiers as objects to take out their anger on,” “After all, he died because he was a man,” and “They don't know how hard it is to train because they don't train like male soldiers.”

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7a93b8 No.390385

File: e1b184c3c17ede6⋯.png (5.92 KB,255x255,1:1,1624e3716e0f0b93cf40bbb3ea….png)


Hi I'm Lonely Horny Ashley Nichole Schneider, and you turn me on!!

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ff7ee5 No.390388

File: dbf8fde9b2e0e06⋯.jpg (86.07 KB,800x800,1:1,0005.jpg)

The atmosphere in Korea has become very bad.

A man-hating site with about 850,000 members, mostly unmarried 30-something hags, was caught trying to bury sex crimes against Korean men, children, and the U.S. Forces Korea by bringing up other cases where men were the perpetrators years ago.

Statistics show that more than 90 percent of Korean journalists are unmarried women in their 30s, raising suspicions that there are ties between politics, media, and women's civil society organizations.

Growing hostility among men toward the Ministry of National Defense for attempting to cover up two recent military deaths. In the first case, a grenade explosion killed a soldier, and in the second, a female company commander killed a trainee who had only just joined the training center for talking at night, forcing him to train in full military gear in the sweltering heat.

In Korean internet communities, men are increasingly disgusted with their country, saying that "the country itself is a giant K-women," and are increasingly seeking to disassociate themselves from Korea by working abroad.

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