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File: 38f547ee51068d9⋯.png (133.55 KB,832x639,832:639,1707936990751179.png)

345410 No.390159

How did America become such an insane authoritarian shithole? So we put someone in prison for 60 FUCKING YEARS because he placed a camera in a bathroom? WTF? And yes he is a nigger, I DON'T CARE, this is disgusting and fuck you if you support it

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94fbdc No.390163


Wow, a nigger getting punished…

Was this a jewish school or something? What's the story here?

Don't worry, anon, he'll still get released early. He can rape some little girls for you, you sick freak.

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c68330 No.390164


We need to be more careful of how we speak.

When you say something like that, think of it as you literally allowing it to occur.

If you really hate those concepts, don’t speak that way.

Say something else like


that way you’re not performing black magic by mistake or something. Just be honest and clear, constantly


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f8f829 No.390168


reported your thread to federal law enforcement

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75132b No.390398


Amerikwa is a man hating roastocracy

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