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File: f4cd9e954712461⋯.webp (19.71 KB,1080x587,1080:587,alert_soldiers_in_koreas_….webp)

File: fcd8251ba55f65f⋯.webp (22.18 KB,1290x726,215:121,alert_soldiers_in_koreas_….webp)

File: 3d5cc788bfbbc5a⋯.webp (111.03 KB,1290x726,215:121,alert_soldiers_in_koreas_….webp)

8db446 No.390100

Im Korean American who served for 8 years including Korea. I speak Korean language as well so i would like to warn you guys, especially for those in Korea, about your personal/privacy information getting shared amongst local Korean women community(radical feminist’s). Radical feminists in Korea were being infamous of sharing men’s personal/privacy information within their online community, called Women’s generation(Yeo-seong-si-dae) in Daum Kakao club. However, they recently started to share foreigners information as well including military members stationed in Korea.

1st photo shows a military member’s selfie with discriminating his racial background. This post says, ‘did anyone slept with this guy? he is in Camp Humphreys and told to be in Air force. But can Alah people be in the military? How do i confirm if he is muslim or not?’ Also, the comments are sharing his privacy information including the body odor smells, size of his winnie, and etc.

2nd photo shows a pilot who is stationed in Seongnam(K9). The post says, ‘he is a pilot stationed in Seongnam. Does anyone know him?’ And the comment says, ‘he looks delicious’.

3rd photo is their own databook solely about military memebers stationing in Korea. It was told to have total 3 pages of personal information with individuals’ name, duty station, sexual orientation, personality, sexual preferences, penis’s size, and personal behaviors and patterns.

I am not sure if MI is tracking about this info, but you guys should be cautious of getting your information shared that can possibly use for spear phishing or even worse.

link: https://www.reddit.com/r/army/comments/1cqk7hk/alert_soldiers_in_koreas_personalprivacy/

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e5f42f No.390102


you're the loneliest man on earth

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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