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File: 5dcd10d26e96998⋯.png (339.87 KB,915x1091,915:1091,300666.png)

9b08b8 No.390055

US Joint Chief of Staff Mark Milley: Palestinian Civilians? Kill 'Em ALL, FAST.

Former US Joint Chief of Staff Mark Milley explained that the Israelis' mistake is that they are killing civilians too slowly:

“I feel terribly sorry for the innocent people in Gaza who are dying. But we must not forget that we, the United States, have killed many innocent people in Mosul in Iraq, and that we, the United States, killed 12 thousand innocent French civilians. We destroyed 69 Japanese cities, not including Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

We killed people in huge numbers, innocent people who had nothing to do with the government. Men, women and children.

War is a terrible thing, but if it has any meaning, if it has any sense of morality, it must have a political purpose, and it must be achieved quickly and at the least cost. And you must do it quickly.

Wow. This psycho just said he agrees past war crimes are "a terrible thing", and he feels "terribly sorry" all while justifying genocide and war crimes against the innocent. This is flat out hypocrisy and at a psychotic level. Imagine the horror if other superpowers thought it would one day be "a terrible thing" but A OK to kill American citizens the same way. This is the kind of sinister evil the Zionist neo-cons are trying to deliver to the world.


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5c30f0 No.390056

you're not smart

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5c30f0 No.390057

I'm not being mean.

I'm not saying anything you don't already know

You're well aware that you're not smart

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5c30f0 No.390058


You knew you weren't intelligent back in the first grade when you couldn't learn to spell one syllable words like the other students

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5c30f0 No.390059



Anybody who struggles with one syllable words IS STUPID

So you've known you were stupid since the first grade

And all the other students knew you were stupid

And all of your teachers knew you were stupid


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5c30f0 No.390060

File: 5572cac7f7ce00a⋯.jpg (403.63 KB,1080x1527,360:509,Picsart_23_01_29_15_49_11_….jpg)


Q: How Long Do You Plan On Being Stupid?

It's been 75 years…

Are you ever going to be smart?

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2d1212 No.390065

very intellectual report

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993a96 No.390066


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851c71 No.390121

anti-slide 0`-1-83018

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daeb5f No.390180

anti-slide `900`19'' ;' "{DES)

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