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625e19 No.389823


In real life, I have never 'fit in', was never invited into any social circles, have had very few real-life friends, and lived a very isolated long existence.

that's why I've always forced my schizophrenic conspiracy theories on people.

it's awkward as fuck.

Nobody has ever asked me to tell them the latest conspiracy theory.

Nobody has ever asked me to tell them every conspiracy theory website I've visited lately.

Nobody has ever asked me to list every stupid conspiracy theory bitchute video I've watched lately.



I pretend that they care about what I care about.

By the way, I'm an embarrassing drunk. I've been a pathetic weak alcoholic my entire life. I've always been the laughing stock of the town, like Otis The Worthless Drunk Bum from The Andy Griffith Show.

I have openly admitted that I imposed on my adult daughter, forcing myself into her house, putting undue stress on her marriage, the inconvenient 75 year old Raging Alcoholic DRUG ADDICT (yes, alcohol IS a drug) HOARDER who moved into their house, cluttered it with my hoarding, disrupted their lives, and won't leave, even after my daughter banished me to the basement last year

I've also openly admitted that since I forced myself into their lives, I have had multiple incidents of falling asleep on her kitchen floor AND URINATING ON MYSELF, literally waking up in puddles of my own piss on my daughter's kitchen floor. I've also admitted getting so drunk, that I'VE PEED ON HER SOFAS (2 sofas so far) SEVERAL TIMES.

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