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211c5a No.389581

By Katharine Q. Seelye (who, btw, is officially an OBITUARY writer)

>New Hampshire, like its neighbors Vermont and Maine, is nearly all white. This has posed an array of problems for new arrivals, who often find themselves isolated and alone, without the comfort and support of a built-in community.

>The issue prompted about 100 business leaders, government officials and members of nonprofit organizations to meet Thursday to search for ways that New Hampshire — which is 94 percent white — might lure other racial and ethnic groups, as well as younger people.

>Will Arvelo, New Hampshire’s director of economic development, said the gathering appeared to be the first broad-based effort in New England, if not the country, to focus on how to diversify an entire state.

>The project grew out of informal talks over the last few years among a racially diverse coalition of people, including Mrs. Celentano, who say they want to change New Hampshire’s demographics.

>“At some point we have to pull the string and say what’s coming out of here,” Mr. Arvelo, the state director of economic development, said.



>“We truly believe that this effort will be hugely beneficial to our business operations,” said Paula Parnagian, the diversity and inclusion manager for Eversource.

>“It’s not just the social justice groups that are doing this, it’s the businesses,” she said.

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9ca834 No.389601


That's exactly why we moved to Old Hampshire

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9ca834 No.389602


I see what you did there

you added an E to 'diversity', creating a double entendre, where you suggested people were dying.

Did you actually think that was 'clever'?

it's not. not at all. in fact, it's decidedly dumb and predictable, cliche and trite, transparently corny, unequivocally uncreative.

it's stupid.

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36e21a No.389648

More proof they want us killed. Ever wonder why the government supports the illegal invasion of the US, puts poison into the vaccines, tap water and food, tries to subject this country with endless wars while pushing for civilian gun bans, subverts our educational system, censors American citizens, etc?

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1e1863 No.389678

File: 5657e63046786c9⋯.jpg (175.69 KB,1920x1080,16:9,gUPidfg_asset_mezzanine_16….jpg)

Schizophrenia is contagious

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