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File: a3004613c6a0f6d⋯.jpg (153.7 KB,1530x1200,51:40,Sumy_Kharkiv_oblasts.jpg)

c58080 No.389502

After More US Aid To Ukraine, Russia Will Take Sumy and Kharkiv Oblasts

As a direct result of the United States approving $61 Billion in new military aid to Ukraine, Russia has announced they are now required to take two additional states of Ukraine - Sumy and Kharkiv – to assure Russian national security.

The aid package from the United States includes long-range ATACMS missiles, which can be used to strike targets inside traditional Russia, so Russia needs a safety zone to protect itself from such launches.

In response to the new Aid sent to Ukraine and the attacks by mercenaries on Belgorod, the Russian Army will now expand the objectives of the Special Military Operation (SMO).

This conflict is escalating. US meddling, and the massive amount of new US financial aid for military gear, is causing it to get worse.

Zelensky could have at least bargained to cede the Donbass for Ukraine's neutrality but I guess more regions will now be incorporated into the Russian Federation.


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6efd7c No.389503

I suppose that all of that aid will help decrease the strength of America's defense. There will be a large portion of it that will make its way back to the pockets of lawmakers who passed it.

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c58080 No.389505


The MIC are the winners, the crooked politicians will make some money from the lobbyists too for sure. The losers are American taxpayers, Ukrainians and Russians who will continue to die in an expanding war and absolutely the US Army (because less and less Americans are willing to join these senseless endless wars for profit).

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24d86e No.389593

The losers are jews, everyone is waking up to what is going on

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a2b633 No.389604


No, the losers are the white Ukrainians and Russians dying and the US taxpayers paying for more whites to die.

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