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f3cfed No.389387

MY COMMENT: CERN is now summoning DEMONIC ENTITIES!!!! No one knows what will happen but be prepared for anything and hunker down NOW. Alternative dimensions have been opened!!! This is clearly a Satanic government we have and they are working with the Fallen Angels to enslave and plunder humanity as we know it, the last time something like this happened God destroyed the world with the historic Great Flood!!!!

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28b573 No.389412



you trapped your mentally ill wife 8nto a loveless marriage, chained her down with unwanted children, and systematically abused her with cold indifference and neglect, all while you abused alcohol and went off into psychotic dissociated paranoid episodes of hearing 'demonic voices whispering in your head'.

you ARE the demon

you sat on your ass watching your unhappy wife give up her will to live, and you allowed her to slowly kill herself with anorexia.

when your wife died, you didn't show any compassion, and you began molesting your daughter.

Now you are in your mid 70s, broke and destitute, unmedicated, uneducated, unstable, a raging alcoholic who can't even afford his own vodka anymore, so you moved into your daughters house and began systematically destroying her marriage.



you're not a man at all

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f3cfed No.389428

File: f2c625c788027e8⋯.jpg (15.64 KB,240x240,1:1,00000000.jpg)

!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.

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