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File: 55a4f6b9beb2ec1⋯.jpg (526.33 KB,1079x1404,83:108,Screenshot_2024_04_15_03_4….jpg)

eadba1 No.389059

Waste of money. Even white liberal women didn't go see it.

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1f2593 No.389061

99% of all modern movies suck and are total shit.

Most the movies I still watch are from the 1950s to the 1980s eras. OK, a few from the 1990s were good too: some of them. Very few from the 2000s with rare exceptions and most of those were independent made films that focused on interesting and suspenseful story lines and overall had good actors.

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1f2593 No.389063


I'll add some of the 1930s and 1940s era movies were good too. Can't forget pictures like Casablanca, China Seas, Thieves' Highway, A Christmas Carol ('38 version), Its A Wonderful Life, The Wizard of OZ and White Heat.

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aeba28 No.389086

it doesnt even seem interesting. thats literally the most retarded movie made this year

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