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File: bb83893f8840007⋯.png (405.6 KB,768x670,384:335,142111.png)

c5d4d7 No.388857

SORRY! Your Cities Are Collapsing So Your Home Insurance Has Been Canceled!

California's biggest home insurance provider, State Farm, has announced that it will be discontinuing coverage for tens of thousands of policies in the state this summer in a move that many are interpreting as a strong sign that the insurance industry suspects something big is about to go down there.

On March 20, State Farm announced that 72,000 home and apartment policies in California will be cut, citing issues such as the increasing risk of catastrophes, regulatory costs and ongoing inflation. The move is a major blow to California homeowners, who are already grappling with insufficient policy coverage and high insurance rates.

In their announcement, the company said that the homeowners insurance policies for 30,000 customers, including condominium owners, will not be renewed. They also will be putting an end to offering commercial apartment policies and will not renew the 42,000 that they currently have in place. The cancellations will begin this summer, with homeowners insurance cancellations starting on July 3, followed by commercial property policy cancellations on August 20.

In a statement, State Farm said that they did not make the decision lightly. They added that they take “seriously our responsibility to maintain adequate claims-paying capacity for our customers and to comply with applicable financial solvency laws. It is necessary to take these actions now.”

Last year, State Farm announced that it would not be accepting any new home insurance applications in the state because of “historic” rises in inflation and construction costs. This was followed by a rate hike for 20 percent of its existing customers. Seven of California's 12 biggest insurance groups have been either restricting or pausing new homeowners insurance policies during the last year.

Although the increasing prevalence of arson is undoubtedly a factor in California's insurance problem, other crime is also a growing issue, especially in liberal-run cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles. Many analysts believe that home break-ins are also playing a role in State Farm's decision.

Consumer Watchdog Executive Director Carmen Balber said: “It's an outrage that State Farm is dumping so many customers that have paid their premiums diligently for decades with the expectation that their home insurance will be there when they need it."


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a125df No.388862


If you're a landlord reading this, file a lawsuit claiming the cancellation is based on racial statistics in the area, you will likely be successful, do not inform leftwing landlords in your area of this defense, but do tell them that these cancellations do not appear to be affecting jewish landowner conglomerates like blackrock

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3ea81c No.388872

anti-slide %0984:JE TR823 -w90

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dfc298 No.389048

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075179 No.389091

anti-slide RR%T671.09900000013:333333333333XLKTTR49

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3ea81c No.389211

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c5d4d7 No.389334

anti-slide co45 op29:ls 0`930 .0219340. `0`

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000000 No.391493


That's funny

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3ea81c No.391495


Not to the poor people who have to live and get by in those cities. Everyone else who has money simply flees along with a lot of the business sector. Democrats do sure love their third world ghettos though.

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4038c1 No.391500

File: 3bc9cbeb37b21e6⋯.jpg (919.11 KB,800x6750,16:135,collapse1.jpg)



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4e3424 No.391660


I warned people to flee those shitholes and get prepared for well over 15 years now. Only 2% were gifted with enough brain to listen and do so.

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4e3424 No.391665

File: e7e1cffaf1cbc5d⋯.png (38.1 KB,583x796,583:796,sounds_very_familiar.png)


The main reason the US will collapse is due to corrupt incompetent leadership and national debt insolvency. This would not have to happen if the insolvent bloated US government allowed domestic resources to be used in full potential to grow our own local economies as well for trade, but they are too busy shutting down our power plants, forcing farmers to kill their crops and livestock, starting more wars, censoring citizens and bullying consumers by banning products to be able to make ANY positive difference in our lives or our country. So fuck them, this will absolutely lead to a collapse and, eventually and justly so, the end of their communistic/fascistic rule. In the end hard assets win and debt loses. It's always the end result, it always will be.

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3ea81c No.392983


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b9da9c No.393001


based commiefornia raising the the taxes to 99.99 :D

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3ea81c No.393008


And only illegals are moving into Commiefornia these days, they are actually losing America's middle class population from people moving out. It will be a failed State in no time.

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