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File: e780ff3e8e71494⋯.jpg (119.24 KB,933x852,311:284,1712499245821.jpg)

375dff No.388764

Frenschan: on Friday the 5th of April (2024), the Frenschan website went offline forever… Some speculate that the glownigger faggots of America was going to infiltrate the site and the heroic Frenschan mods shut the website down before the CIA terrorist subhumans could capture the site. If this was true, then the Frenschan mods are more than mere heros, they are majestic godkings of Earth.

The Frenschan mods have also kept the LIBRARY up for an unknown limited amout of time so we can download the books from the Frenschan Library before the marxist CIA Terrorist Organization takes it down eventually. Grab all the books you can from the Library before these glownigger alphabet boi faggots take down the last of the Frenschan website, and the heroic Frenschan site is lost forever in the abyss.

Frenchan Library: (as of 04.07.2024)


4chan Archives: [of Frenschan 404 RIP]

01): https://archive.ph/QuWxR

02): https://archive.ph/qoQ11

03): https://archive.ph/4WaFr

04): https://archive.ph/gVLzz

RIP Frenschan, and glory to the Frenschan Mods

Hail Hitler


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0b6901 No.388773

File: 271c7ddfde599de⋯.jpg (461.88 KB,1080x2215,216:443,1712516086624.jpg)

RIP Frenschan thread theme

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1f9cfd No.388781

File: bb8fc641172ba7e⋯.jpg (206.54 KB,1080x1472,135:184,1712581077208.jpg)

Frenschan Library Torrent = 81.74'GB

Torrent Archive:


Torrent Magnet:



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fffb31 No.388881

File: 4e31b5300c7bd98⋯.jpg (136 KB,1080x2289,360:763,1712794816423.jpg)

soyjak.party just went down today as well

are the glowniggers taking shit down one by one?

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eca718 No.389558

File: 961f46f78af1d5a⋯.jpg (37.56 KB,866x609,866:609,1713576827202132.jpg)

i miss frenschan so much

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