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e4d454 No.388700

CDC Finally Releases Hidden Trove Of Covid Clot Shot Injury Reports And It's Anything BUT Safe

The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has released previously hidden reports of facial paralysis and other adverse events following deadly COVID-19 fake-vaccination clot shot.

The 780,000 reports were received shortly after the COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out, and show people experienced a wide range of post-vaccination problems, including heart inflammation, miscarriages, and seizures.

“Loss of consciousness and seizure immediately following injection. Went to ER by ambulance,” one person reported.

“Diagnosed with Bells Palsy today due to left-sided facial numbness and paralysis,” another said.

People lodged the reports with V-safe, a text-message system created by the CDC to monitor for possible side effects of COVID-19 death jabs.

The first two tranches, comprising 780,000 reports from some 523,000 people, include dozens of reports of heart inflammation, hundreds of reports of facial paralysis, and thousands of reports of tinnitus.

“For 24 hrs after [the] shot I was so fatigued I could not stay awake. I also have some very strong suicidal thoughts. Zero appetite,” one individual wrote.

Another person said they experienced symptoms of an allergic reaction. “I read where [sic] this vaccine should not be administered to anyone allergic to PEG and I am allergic to PEG. It would be incredibly reassuring if someone would call me as all I run into is dead ends,” the individual said.

“ICAN had to sue the Centers for Disease Control in order to gain access to the COVID-19 shot V-safe adverse event data, which is yet another shameful chapter in the decades-long history of federal health officials trying to cover up vaccine risks by ignoring patterns of vaccine reaction symptoms in reports made to the government,” Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center, told The Epoch Times after reviewing the new data.

“When people report the same symptoms over and over again after getting a biological product—in this case ’shortness of breath‘ and ’heart palpitations,' which are both symptoms of myocarditis that has been causally linked to mRNA COVID shots—the public should be warned, not kept in the dark. It raises questions about what else government health officials are hiding,” she added.

The free-text entries are not dated. Elizabeth Brehm, an attorney representing ICAN, said the group is seeking the dates of the reports from the CDC. The group does know that the entries are the earliest ones received by the CDC. V-safe was launched as the vaccines were rolled out in late 2020. The rest of the entries are expected to be produced on a rolling basis.

A CDC spokesperson declined to answer many questions, including those related to the dates of entries.


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04d393 No.388714

I personally set up a bot on VAERS and V-safe that sent random reports about vaccine side effects ranging everywhere from leaky anus to homicidal thoughts.

I can't believe y'all fell for it.

Then again, y'all also fell for a senile pig farmer and his hapa son pretending to be Q.

Y'all just dumb.

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740c8f No.388715


Bullshit. Glad I never listened to you fucking government propagandist liars.

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7b3573 No.388810

anti-slide 2301.999888888888mnb -29

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95b386 No.388865


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9411bb No.389185

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