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File: 209f8ced93e2e60⋯.jpg (92.86 KB,1280x720,16:9,Insider_Exposes_April_8th_….jpg)

d92eae No.388540

WARNING- April 8th Solar Eclipse Biological Attack. Uncle Intel. Do Not Go Outside That Day!

Uncle Intel: They are planning a biological attack on April 8th, just before the totality of the eclipse. This is how it’s going to go down. Planes will be delivering their payload at three intervals. First will be 2 hours before totality, 1 hour before totality and final one 30 mins before totality. The planes will be deploying a dry powder (bacterial bioweapon). It will not be visible. You won’t see it from the planes or the sky. It’s meant to infect through aerosol delivery. The first two planes will be at standard altitude, the final plane will be at approximately 10,000 - 15,000 feet. The path of flight will begin from the northeast, and they will travel down the central path of totality heading west-south-west, keeping in pace with the totality of the eclipse.

They are doing this to take advantage of the event because they know there will be guaranteed targets that will be infected, and thus be the vectors to spread the contagion. Symptoms will begin appearing 7 - 10 days after infection. 30 days after infection the media will notice. 60 days after infection the panic will at all-time highs. 90 days after infection the newly agreed upon UN/WHO pandemic powers will be enacted. And you know what will happen next.

People in the path of totality should not go outside. Bacterial payload will lose effectiveness within 6 hours post deployment. Half-life of powder with vary on humidity and temperature. The staring point is in Canada, the end point is in Mexico. Winds are the unpredictable factor, as is rain. Both of which will negatively impact the operation.



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89e929 No.388545


Jesus Christ, you're SO stupid and psychotic.

How's life going in that basement?

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600ba5 No.388546


You're going to look so fucking stupid on Monday, April 8th.

But you won't have the balls to admit you were wrong. You'll just pretend like you never created this thread.

You are going to look STUPID AS SHIT on Monday, April 8th

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600ba5 No.388547


…but then again, You already look stupid as fuck.

Because this isn't the first erroneous paranoid delusional prediction you've made.

This isn't the first time you've made a fool out of yourself…

And it sure as fuck isn't the first time you've refused to admit when you were wrong.

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600ba5 No.388548


(bacterial bioweapon). It will not be visible. You won’t see it from the planes or the sky. It’s meant to infect through aerosol delivery.



When you tried sounding technical, you ended up sounding like a little child.


Maybe you should have completed high school?

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600ba5 No.388550


The closest you got to sounding accurate was memorizing the idiotic term "bacterial bioweapon", Even though that's not what the military would call it at all…

That's just more of your uneducated trailer park lingo, trying to sound intelligent, thinking any words with more than two syllables are 'sophisticated' and 'aristocratic'.

And you somehow managed to memorize the word 'aerosolized'…

But any 6-year-old kid knows the word aerosolized…

Every time you type something, your lack of knowledge becomes even more clear…

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600ba5 No.388551

LOL @ "bacterial bioweapon"


Where did you learn that stupid term?





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ddc179 No.388617

He says it’ll take 7-10 days for signs to appear.

You say he’s gonna look stupid April 8th.

Do you lack reading comprehension? He would look stupid on April 15th at the earliest.

You’re a deranged retard

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e1f876 No.388620

$35 Trillion in governmental debt just to turn the country into a complete bankrupted shithole.

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