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File: 918c3d118a10917⋯.png (251.42 KB,640x629,640:629,stolen.png)

c11e5c No.388537

I predict there will be an economic collapse following mass debt insolvency and governmental/political instability. I do not see America being able to sustain Trillions of dollars in additional debt every other month. Simply unsustainable and no amount of increased taxation and austerity measures would balance that kind of insolvent budget. Even if tried, the public backlash would cause a lot of anger, resentment and upheaval (much more than we see today).

I see America becoming very balkanized. I predict America will largely become a nation of hoods and abandoned ghost towns. I predict most areas will become third world with rampant squatters, marauders, drifters, hobos and militants struggling to survive. Whether you live in a major city or small town, the consequences of this collapse will spread everywhere, making every city and town look vastly blight and desolate. People will still be around but not the kinds of people we see today. Streets with consumers and shopping centers will be a thing of the past. You won't be able to tell much difference between a small town or a big city at that point. Suicide and homicide rates have already killed off a large amount of population. At some point, maybe by 2050, foreign countries like China will become interested in the colonization for former-US resources.

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ea4d54 No.388538



you're the least talented 'psychic' I've ever seen, Nostradumbass.

The entire "economic collapse following mass debt insolvency and governmental/political instability" prediction thing is THE MOST OVERUSED 'PREDICTION' OF ALL TIME.

This 'prediction' became a PARODY decades ago.

These days, any 5 year old child can easily ridicule conspiracy theorist faggots by pretending they've suddenly 'predicted economic collapse following mass debt insolvency and governmental/political instability'…


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ea4d54 No.388539

File: 1b2ef93aad680f4⋯.png (967.08 KB,1080x1228,270:307,Screenshot_20240327_072538….png)

LOL @ "I predict there will be an economic collapse following mass debt insolvency and governmental/political instability"

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89b34e No.388560

anti-slide 439:902

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