. https://www.bitchute.com/video/dXFHuSxgicDB/
We are here today to talk about the Western World's
status. Not the one we are suppose to believe. Not the
false hope that a media magnet become demigod is
coming to save us. We strive to be not overly gloomy or
overly cheery … but we seek to lay bare the reality of
TODAY, nay the verity of every day's status that folks
are intended to live under. We intend to cut through the
word magic and call it like it is today! The Truth has
the value of at least not being burdensome upon your
mind – we must at least take comfort in that.
In the quest to find some meaningful 'truth' here on this
Earth, we must first acknowledge that our people have
toppled off a cliff into an abyss were we pretend that
CHILDREN are sex objects that need 'transformed', that
men can become women, that women are leaders, that
gender is a choice and race is 'constructed' by social
norms. None of this is true. Jesus weeps every day!
Oh My Folk how far we have fallen? How far have we
really toppled as a people as a whole – Honestly? –
What was once the Christian World is become a swine
herd for lesser men. We roll in the reek of equality like
dogs pretending that one human race is reality, that folks
are born queer, and that 24 genders are some empirical
reality. We accept the Sodomite cult in our SCHOOLS
with nary a whimper. We allow these people to talk bad
about us and MOST OF US – more 51% of all living
Whites will makes excuses like WELL not all the Anti-
Whites hate you, some refuse to accept you even exist
to hate! Pathetic! This folks have been mentally
defanged by false logic, by Naxalt – ONE instance of a
thing – ONE good shark is enough to swim with ALL
Sharks! Pure Madness! This is not logic! It is not
sciences! It is not reason! It is baby minded little person
Actually honestly. Time to clutch the pearls – It is slave
mentality! Or What the Communists called False
Consciousness! Prisoner mentality! Winston Smith …
We are Living Air Stripe One Winston!