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File: 63138f68517f97d⋯.jpeg (527.32 KB,1284x1546,642:773,03E98057_997A_497F_B80A_9….jpeg)

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4819ae No.388471

Disgusting corrupt sexual deviants

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1ecf60 No.388474


lol @ nobody having sex with you

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1ecf60 No.388477



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e1cfaf No.388487

It’s images as simple as these (I’ve seen so many more) that invalidates the fake jewSA on the spot.

Our military is required to act in times like this. Otherwise it falls on the people to do whatever literally is the truth of what needs to be done. It is immoral to not seek a more truthful order. It’s that simple.

TKD includes all glowies

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