INTEL UPDATE: NATO Is Sending Troops Into War-ridden Ukraine + MY COMMENT
Reports are coming out of central Ukraine *claiming* HUGE numbers of foreign troops have been arriving in the city of Cherkassy: Poles, Germans, French.
Locals in that area of Ukraine say "They (foreign troops) are settled on the ground floors of schools and kindergartens. We would like to point out that the educational process in educational institutions continues on the second and third floors."
Parents are very worried about their children's lives, as attacks are possible even though these foreign troops are hiding behind children.
Locals also say "there is no educational process at night . . . " which is apparently when these troops go into action.
UPDATE: Ihor Taburets, head of the Cherkasy Regional Military Administration, denied as "Russian propaganda," claims that Polish, German, and French, soldiers are stationed in schools and kindergartens in Cherkasy.
It was just two to three weeks ago that French President Emmanuel Macron publicly floated the notion of France - and perhaps other nations - sending their active duty soldiers into Ukraine under "Bi-lateral Agreements" outside the scope of NATO. Macron was fiercely rebuked, but just days later, he doubled-down saying such a notion has to be "on the table."
A week or so after that, others in NATO started talking about the "possibility" of sending troops under Bi-Lateral Agreements." They too were rebuked, and now, at least publicly, Germany and Poland are saying they will not send their troops.