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File: 37c7fcbc32ec7fe⋯.jpeg (65.85 KB,781x619,781:619,33b59f4188f2a3fa.jpeg)

daa62d No.388330


Congo Cannibal Cargo Cult Culture!

The Border is

blown out –

The Nation is

dying before your


The Anti-White State of the UNION – CONGO!

Here is a hard fact: So many people are nostalgic for

White America, but they won't say so because they live

in a mental prison - and they know they'll be punished

for making any such statement in the open-air insane

asylum that Anti-White America has become.

No one wants to talk about HIAS - the Jewish NGO

trafficking “migrants” into first world Western nations

and waging demographic war on White people:

South Dakota has the smallest Jewish population of all

50 states, with 250 Jews accounting for an infinitesimal

0.028% of the state's population.

Yet their governor, like so many others, is waging war

against the First Amendment to the Constitution in the

name of fighting Antisemitism™.

Meanwhile, 760,000 White South Dakotans - 85% of

the state's population - are openly hated by official

state institutions, and Governor Kristi Noem hasn't a

single word to say in defense of the actual people of

South Dakota who are under an actual racially targeted


Governor Brian Kemp of Georgia signed similar

legislation earlier this year. Governors Ron DeSantis of

Florida and Glenn Youngkin of Virginia did so in 2023. In

fact, 33 states have now enacted such speech-policing

legislation in the name of fighting Antisemitism™.

Beyond this, 38 states have enacted laws, executive

orders, or resolutions to combat boycotts of Israel.

Zero states have enacted laws, executive orders, or

resolutions to combat the War On White People - or to

change White people's status as the only legally

unprotected, legally targeted group in America.

So please, tell us again exactly who wields influence

and institutional power in America? Exactly who wields


But answer at your own risk…

The truth is punishable by law.

With that to the news ….

Black Missouri Teen Arrested After Footage Shows Her

Brutally Beating White Girl Into A Seizure … THOUGHT POLICE SNITCHES: SB 5427 in Washington offers $2,000 rewards to residents who report

neighbors guilty of “wrongspeak” … New York City deploys 1,000 national guardsmen and police in subway system to “mitigate crimes” … Incentivizing ILLEGALS: California to make border

crossers eligible for zero-downpayment, interest-free

home loans …Biden administration confirms facilitating SECRET

MIGRANT FLIGHTS that allowed over 320,000 illegals to

enter the U.S. through airports … Shadowy Network Of How NGO Supplies Mega-

Corporations With Migrants To Exploit Cheap Labor … They hate you White Man.

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80842b No.388331



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10995c No.388336


Filthy piece of shit, either say something useful or kill yourself.

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