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File: 28cfc2c4862d2d5⋯.jpg (1.47 MB,2000x1649,2000:1649,113.jpg)

43956b No.388318

Anglo Caucasoid nordic baltic germanic people's unite!

Listen and learn well from your ancestors. The threat from the east and beyond is not a thing of the past!

The hordes from the east are still looking to sack and pillage your race and women and culture thousands of years later!

Your race is being genocided in the name of noble causes such as:

'diversity' and 'acceptance'





These immigrants wish to subvert your culture and replace your gene pool!

God save the white race! Beware the semetic menace who wishes the stir animosity between the races!

The enemy is at the gates of the west!

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43956b No.388319

File: 529eca45590fda9⋯.jpg (256.09 KB,1024x1115,1024:1115,650.jpg)

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43956b No.388320

File: ebf6ca6bdd8ff04⋯.jpg (185.61 KB,1200x842,600:421,318.jpg)

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43956b No.388321

File: ced26f0bc0ec2f1⋯.jpg (122.3 KB,905x620,181:124,32.jpg)

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43956b No.388322

File: a970b16254a5262⋯.jpg (64.17 KB,768x512,3:2,wertgtdfgs.jpg)

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43956b No.388323

File: b637c8afe2fd515⋯.png (301.92 KB,554x546,277:273,37_21.png)

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43956b No.388324

File: b521aefecd21470⋯.jpg (215.29 KB,899x1080,899:1080,_.jpg)

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0cc091 No.388325

File: 1ca069e153a6510⋯.png (1.18 MB,1130x761,1130:761,60.png)

redpill thread

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530903 No.388326

File: cf2cf11d3e0ec3f⋯.pdf (9.55 MB,1517_Martin_Luther_and_the….pdf)

have mercy on us dear god

god save the west

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c28329 No.388346

File: 1d92e6c910f4027⋯.mp4 (4.54 MB,428x240,107:60,Meet_Karl_Purple_.mp4)

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c28329 No.388347


>Thinks there's actually such a thing as the 'white race'

you uneducated lonely little life failure

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867752 No.388350

File: da65937391bc3c4⋯.png (2.4 MB,2000x2000,1:1,22585.png)


>white race

These people of semetic origin seem to think there absolutely is such a thing as the white race

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