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File: 91efbbd3c702b22⋯.jpg (9.13 KB,300x168,25:14,ferrari.jpg)

7ef1dc No.388309

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bb0b7d No.388310

File: 8be77c994d04916⋯.png (2.17 MB,1078x1452,49:66,Screenshot_20240316_194610….png)


LOL !!…. this happened about one block away from The Grandview Highrise where I used to live.

I had a luxury Apartment on the 27th floor of The Grandview, which is on Lakeview Drive. I lived in Buckhead for decades until we moved to California last year…

The best view of Atlanta you could ever imagine.

(Buckhead is THE nicest place in the entire United States)

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bb0b7d No.388311


Yeah, a measley $100k ain't shit in Buckhead, dude.

That's the most desired, most expensive real estate in Georgia

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bb0b7d No.388312


When I lived at The Grandview, I met a neighbor who lived on the floor above me, and it turns out that Brian was a HUUUGE DRUG DEALER…

and I'm talking about HUGE…

fortunately for me, he gave me shitloads of the best fucking drugs for free. His girlfriend and my girlfriend became friends. Brian was a millionaire. He had his own successful company, but he also ran a massive drug operation.

It's common in Buckhead.

You might be surprised at how common it is to see the world's most expensive cars and homes in Buckhead

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bb0b7d No.388313


Only $100k, huh ?


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bb0b7d No.388314


I could have literally thrown a paper airplane off my balcony from The Grandview, and it would land on the place these dope dealers lived.

It's right next door.

And oops I accidentally typed Lakeview Drive, but that was a brainfart

It was LAKESIDE drive … my bad

It's been 25 years

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bb0b7d No.388315

File: 42e9b84d0332967⋯.png (510.58 KB,2400x1080,20:9,Screenshot_20240316_201502….png)

File: 6e6c6b45a5980eb⋯.png (2.88 MB,1080x2400,9:20,Screenshot_20240316_201814….png)

Here's a cool as fuck photo taken from The Grandview

Dude it was SO FUCKING NICE!!!

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7ef1dc No.388316

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7ef1dc No.388327

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56b913 No.388328


Exactly how long are you going to settle for being a broke bum?

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56b913 No.388329


Last year, less than 2 months after his 25th birthday, my son had officially become a millionaire.

In early February of this year, he officially became a MULTImillionaire.

by simply following his dreams

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7ef1dc No.388345

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