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File: 1e3998ad22b5ae4⋯.jpg (36.11 KB,349x314,349:314,71Kd2Ee4x8L_AC_SX425_.jpg)

ee047c No.388249

You idiots cried so much about secret cabals, you became one yourselves.


You're too stupid to win this. It doesn't matter how many guns you have, you will be wiped from the human record. White people can't even secret society right. It's supposed to be SECRET, you know. Morons. Because of this, though, we are ramping up white replacement. Watch for us in the next few weeks. It is time.

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0c851c No.388263

File: 1ec4b4b1c328abd⋯.png (231.74 KB,997x1706,997:1706,00000.png)


My God, you are stupid.

Good luck trying to stop balkanization of the USSA.

Good luck trying to convince citizens to give up our guns (we won't!)

Good luck trying to fight Russia and China with your "woke" Army.

All you idiots are good for is destroying your own cities.

Smart people move away and move on.

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baed49 No.388268

also, TKD!

Your facial features and behavioral mannerisms have you earned you a KOS distinction. When the scales tip you will need to be paying SOMEONE to defend you more than you currently do, while people move away from your kiked systems altogether.

The chinaman himself will eventually turn on you, you’re just too wicked and evil. The world is waking up, jew

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a15e76 No.388270



you're incapable of survival without your daughter's money

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a15e76 No.388271




it's just you and alcoholic 75 year old nutcase Killcen


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