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79d16f No.388115

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21001f No.388122


Your entire life is a neurotic loop, a hamster wheel of frantically and feverishly reading garbage news from the same handful of fake news websites.

Then you copy and paste their boring articles without even verifying them

We get the same stupid websites copied and pasted every single day


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21001f No.388123


I'm the only person who ever reads any of your threads

And I don't actually read them

I just glance at the first sentence

I'm never going to click on one of your links. Never. Not in a million years

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21001f No.388124

I'm not sure if the police already came and arrested Ashley Schneider and her mother's basement yet. She failed to appear on February 22nd, so I'd imagine they already came and got her.

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79d16f No.388129


Doesn't matter, I post my news on THREE different sites and sometimes that news will make mentions on 4cuckistan or eventually be the subject of talk elsewhere like Gab or Twitter. It has a domino effect, whether or not you personally enjoy it. Half the subjects I cover people end up talking about, same is true with me and my family, we all know the truth!

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