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File: d6509c8fcb89ae7⋯.jpg (55.51 KB,754x551,26:19,34416.jpg)

364699 No.388111

Good! War Criminal Neo-con Victoria Nuland Resigns

America is now a slightly safer country now that the war mongering bitch, Victoria Nuland, will leave her post this month, the State Department said Tuesday.

Nuland, a career neo-con who served as Assistant Secretary of State for Europe during the Obama regime to overthrow legit governments around the world and start wars, but retired after Donald Trump was elected president, returned to government under Secretary of State for Political Affairs in the Biden regime to continue her wickedness.

Nuland had served at the US embassy in Moscow in the tumultuous 1990s and was in the city during the attempted coup against former Russian President Boris Yeltsin.

She then became US ambassador to NATO before being tapped to serve as the State Department spokeswoman under former Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton during President Barack Obama’s first term.

Current Secretary of State Antony Blinken praised Nuland for her three and a half decades of destruction, nd thanked her for her role in making America hated and despised around the globe.

Her efforts led to Putin’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, marshaling a Western coalition to ensure his strategic win over Ukraine and the destruction of the European economy.

Nuland will be replaced temporarily as under secretary by another career diplomat, John Bass, a former ambassador to Afghanistan who oversaw the failed war over there.


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a63f03 No.388112


I told you my son is now a multi-millionaire, right?

Less than 2 months after his birthday last year, he had already become a millionaire!!

He made $1.2 million in only 45 days back in 2023

Then they did the second season of his show, and he's well over $2 million now

The preparations and planning of season 3 are already underway, and it's safe to say he's set for the rest of his life.

And he's still only 25

Isn't that amazing?

How old are you?

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a63f03 No.388113

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


How old are you?

You're 75 now…

If my son is only 25, and he has almost $3 million so far, YOU SHOULD HAVE $9 MILLION RIGHT NOW!!

25 x 3 = 75

$3 mil x 3 = $9 mil

Why don't you have $9 million?

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a63f03 No.388114


You still live in the exact same place, in the path of totality for the upcoming eclipse

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364699 No.388116

File: 57b3ea9f85af4a6⋯.jpg (694.22 KB,1950x1950,1:1,45254.jpg)


I'm more or less near the middle of Missouri so it will still miss me, but I don't see what the issue is anyway, it won't impact the weather much, unless the government decides to HAARP us to death.

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77f291 No.388117

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Check out how much fun my son is having!!

He's literally having the time of his life!! (And he's got girls throwing themselves at him now, of course)

I wish I was 25 again

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77f291 No.388118

File: adc80bd147f30e9⋯.png (712.59 KB,1098x1080,61:60,Picsart_24_03_05_12_08_28_….png)


I've known you lived right around here for a couple years now. But I thought the path of totality was more through the middle of Missouri, I didn't realize it was just the lower Southeast section.

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