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19b746 No.388051

Russia Debutes & Tests New Advanced GPS Satellite Jamming Methods + MY COMMENT

Is Russia bluffing? GPS is now JAMMED from Kaliningrad, Russia to about Copenhagen, Denmark, down to Warsaw, Poland, all the way to Berlin, Germany. NATO's "Steadfast Defender" Exercise is literally crippled as it's high-tech, GPS-guided weaponry, can't work!

NATO's "Steadfast Defender" exercise is the biggest for very many years; it is very much perceived in Russia as a serious threat.

The questions being asked now are, is this a test? Is Russia bluffing? Or is Russia going to attack, given the covertly intercepted conversation by German military bigshots about attacking the Crimea Bridge but hiding Germany's planning and participation in that?

The questions take on a far more serious overtone with today's earlier "incursion" by two NATO F-16's and one NATO F-35 all from Romania, having entered Ukraine air space for 32 Minutes around 2:00 AM Eastern US time today (Sunday, 03 March 2024).

Those aircraft did not attack anything, but the F-35 was clearly seeking and locating Russian radar in and around Crimea.

MY COMMENT: Preppers who are smart have an Atlas and Topographic map of their State they live in (and each State they routinely visit) in every vehicle they own. NEVER RELY ON GPS!!! GPS will go down when SHTF!


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1831b5 No.388072

confirmed news anti-slide 33MLZ565

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1831b5 No.388079

The Russians are clearly sending a message to the Western world.

"We don't want a fight, but we are seriously ready to take you all on if you choose to wage war against us."

It would be in the best interest for everyone to calm down at this point. The West does not have the public support to wage a massive global war campaign (we already have recruitment crisis and citizens willing to dodge any draft), and Russia cannot afford to fight such a war in a moral or fair way either if they wanted to survive as a nation (which would escalate total casualties enormously, possibly through the eventual use of nuclear EMP or biological weapons). No one would "win" another global war due to the kinds of doomsday weaponry that exists today. The human race would be thrown back into the stone age. Most who were used to living a modern life would likely die and many the survivors would end up killing themselves because they lost everything.

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1831b5 No.388096

thank you for the real news

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