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File: 8ac432685f048d8⋯.jpg (79.74 KB,1536x657,512:219,o_RONALD_BROWN_facebook_23….jpg)

e12820 No.388024

Most people consider Pizzagate a modern phenomenon; specifically, "pizza" as a code word for CP is new. Well, it's not.

This post is about the Florida-based ventriloquist and puppeteer Ronald named William Brown. He was well-known in the 90s for his role as a puppeteer/ventriloquist in the Christian show "Joy Junction".

In 2013, he was convicted of CP and was sentenced to 20 years. Three counts of possessing CP and five counts of receiving it. Two sentences of 10 years each, serving consecutively.

One curious fact stands out from his trial records. It seems that he lived in Whispering Pines mobile home park, Largo, Fla., a neighbourhood surrounded by playgrounds; and that he routinely invited neighbourhood children to his residence; that on Wednesdays, Brown used to have children over to his trailer home.

When inquired about the suspicious attendance, you know what he told the authorities?

He said that "the kids were in for a pizza party".



1. https://slate.com/technology/2013/08/ronald-brown-child-pornography-case-judge-adds-to-sentence-for-cannibalism-chats.html

2. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/30/ronald-brown-child-porn_n_3676727.html

3. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2381043/Pedophile-puppeteer-sentenced-20-years-prison-planning-torture-rape-murder-eat-toddlers.html

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22355b No.388028


You people are fucking retarded.

Do us a favor and livestream yourself burning down pizza places, murdering pizza delivery drivers, smashing up frozen pizza sections at grocery stores …

At least be fucking entertaining. You're god damn boring as fuck with this.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3b0367 No.388033


>Do us a favor and livestream

No thanks CIA clown, never.

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